/* static */
HBITMAP wxDIB::ConvertToBitmap(const BITMAPINFO *pbmi, HDC hdc, void *bits)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pbmi, 0, wxT("invalid DIB in ConvertToBitmap") );

    // here we get BITMAPINFO struct followed by the actual bitmap bits and
    // BITMAPINFO starts with BITMAPINFOHEADER followed by colour info
    const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmih = &pbmi->bmiHeader;

    // get the pointer to the start of the real image data if we have a plain
    // DIB and not a DIB section (in the latter case the pointer must be passed
    // to us by the caller)
    if ( !bits )
        // we must skip over the colour table to get to the image data
        // colour table either has the real colour data in which case its
        // number of entries is given by biClrUsed or is used for masks to be
        // used for extracting colour information from true colour bitmaps in
        // which case it always have exactly 3 DWORDs
        int numColors;
        switch ( pbmih->biCompression )
            case BI_BITFIELDS:
                numColors = 3;

            case BI_RGB:
                // biClrUsed has the number of colors but it may be not initialized at
                // all
                numColors = pbmih->biClrUsed;
                if ( !numColors )
                    numColors = GetNumberOfColours(pbmih->biBitCount);

                // no idea how it should be calculated for the other cases
                numColors = 0;

        bits = (char *)pbmih + sizeof(*pbmih) + numColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD);

    HBITMAP hbmp = ::CreateDIBitmap
                        hdc ? hdc           // create bitmap compatible
                            : (HDC) ScreenHDC(),  //  with this DC
                        pbmih,              // used to get size &c
                        CBM_INIT,           // initialize bitmap bits too
                        bits,               // ... using this data
                        pbmi,               // this is used for palette only
                        DIB_RGB_COLORS      // direct or indexed palette?

    if ( !hbmp )

    return hbmp;
/* static */
bool wxGLCanvasBase::IsDisplaySupported(const int *attribList)
    // We need a device context to test the pixel format, so get one
    // for the root window.
    return wxGLCanvas::ChooseMatchingPixelFormat(ScreenHDC(), attribList) > 0;