TEST_F(APZCTreeManagerTester, Bug1194876) {
  ScopedLayerTreeRegistration registration(manager, 0, root, mcc);
  manager->UpdateHitTestingTree(nullptr, root, false, 0, 0);

  uint64_t blockId;
  nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid> targets;

  // First touch goes down, APZCTM will hit layers[1] because it is on top of
  // layers[0], but we tell it the real target APZC is layers[0].
  MultiTouchInput mti;
  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(0, ParentLayerPoint(25, 50), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, &blockId);
  manager->ContentReceivedInputBlock(blockId, false);
  manager->SetTargetAPZC(blockId, targets);

  // Around here, the above touch will get processed by ApzcOf(layers[0])

  // Second touch goes down (first touch remains down), APZCTM will again hit
  // layers[1]. Again we tell it both touches landed on layers[0], but because
  // layers[1] is the RCD layer, it will end up being the multitouch target.
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(1, ParentLayerPoint(75, 50), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, &blockId);
  manager->ContentReceivedInputBlock(blockId, false);
  manager->SetTargetAPZC(blockId, targets);

  // Around here, the above multi-touch will get processed by ApzcOf(layers[1]).
  // We want to ensure that ApzcOf(layers[0]) has had its state cleared, because
  // otherwise it will do things like dispatch spurious long-tap events.

  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleLongTap(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
TEST_F(APZCGestureDetectorTester, TapFollowedByMultipleTouches) {

  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(CSSPoint(10, 10), 0, apzc->GetGuid())).Times(1);

  Tap(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(10, 10), TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100));

  int inputId = 0;
  MultiTouchInput mti;
  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId + 1, ParentLayerPoint(10, 10), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_END, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId + 1, ParentLayerPoint(10, 10), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

void setup_screen ()
	 * get screen size from termcap entry & setup sizes
	ScreenSize (&LINES, &COLS);
	cmd_line = FALSE;
	Raw (TRUE);
	set_win_size (&LINES, &COLS);
 * get screen size from termcap entry & setup sizes
	_line = 1;
	ScreenSize(&cLINES, &cCOLS);
	cmd_line = FALSE;
	set_win_size(&cLINES, &cCOLS);
static void RenderParticle(void)
	LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = GutGetGraphicsDeviceDX9();
	int w, h; GutGetWindowSize(w, h);

	Matrix4x4 wvp_matrix = g_Control.GetObjectMatrix() * g_Control.GetViewMatrix() * g_proj_matrix;
	Vector4 ScreenSize( (float)w, (float)h, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	float fTanW = FastMath::Tan( FastMath::DegToRad(g_fFOV) );

	device->SetRenderTarget(0, g_pMainFramebuffer);

	D3DXHANDLE shader = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetTechniqueByName("RenderParticle");
	D3DXHANDLE positiontex_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "PositionTex");
	D3DXHANDLE velocitytex_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "VelocityTex");
	D3DXHANDLE wvp_matrix_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "wvp_matrix");
	D3DXHANDLE tan_fov_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "fTanW");
	D3DXHANDLE screensize_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "ScreenSize");
	D3DXHANDLE diffusetex_var = g_pParticleRenderFX->GetParameterByName(NULL, "DiffuseTex");

	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetTexture(positiontex_var, g_pTextures[TEX_POSITION1]);
	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetTexture(velocitytex_var, g_pTextures[TEX_VELOCITY1]);
	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetMatrix(wvp_matrix_var, (D3DXMATRIX*)&wvp_matrix);
	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetVector(screensize_var, (D3DXVECTOR4*)&ScreenSize);
	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetFloat(tan_fov_var, fTanW);
	g_pParticleRenderFX->SetTexture(diffusetex_var, g_pParticleTexture);
	int num_processed_particles = (g_num_particles / g_texture_width) * g_texture_width;

	if ( num_processed_particles )

			//device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE, TRUE);
			device->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_POINTLIST, num_processed_particles, g_pParticleArray, sizeof(sParticle));
			//device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE, FALSE);
// Works out an appropriate size and position of this window
void CColourPopup::SetWindowSize()
    CSize TextSize;

    // If we are showing a custom or default text area, get the font and text size.
    if (m_strCustomText.GetLength() || m_strDefaultText.GetLength())
        CClientDC dc(this);
        CFont* pOldFont = (CFont*) dc.SelectObject(&m_Font);

        // Get the size of the custom text (if there IS custom text)
        TextSize = CSize(0,0);
        if (m_strCustomText.GetLength())
            TextSize = dc.GetTextExtent(m_strCustomText);

        // Get the size of the default text (if there IS default text)
        if (m_strDefaultText.GetLength())
            CSize DefaultSize = dc.GetTextExtent(m_strDefaultText);
            if (DefaultSize.cx > TextSize.cx) TextSize.cx = DefaultSize.cx;
            if (DefaultSize.cy > TextSize.cy) TextSize.cy = DefaultSize.cy;

        TextSize += CSize(2*m_nMargin,2*m_nMargin);

        // Add even more space to draw the horizontal line
        TextSize.cy += 2*m_nMargin + 2;

    // Get the number of columns and rows
    //m_nNumColumns = (int) sqrt((double)m_nNumColours);    // for a square window (yuk)
    m_nNumColumns = 8;
    m_nNumRows = m_nNumColours / m_nNumColumns;
    if (m_nNumColours % m_nNumColumns) m_nNumRows++;

    // Get the current window position, and set the new size
    CRect rect;

    m_WindowRect.SetRect(rect.left, rect.top, 
                         rect.left + m_nNumColumns*m_nBoxSize + 2*m_nMargin,
                         rect.top  + m_nNumRows*m_nBoxSize + 2*m_nMargin);

    // if custom text, then expand window if necessary, and set text width as
    // window width
    if (m_strDefaultText.GetLength()) 
        if (TextSize.cx > m_WindowRect.Width())
            m_WindowRect.right = m_WindowRect.left + TextSize.cx;
        TextSize.cx = m_WindowRect.Width()-2*m_nMargin;

        // Work out the text area
        m_DefaultTextRect.SetRect(m_nMargin, m_nMargin, 
                                  m_nMargin+TextSize.cx, 2*m_nMargin+TextSize.cy);
        m_WindowRect.bottom += m_DefaultTextRect.Height() + 2*m_nMargin;

    // if custom text, then expand window if necessary, and set text width as
    // window width
    if (m_strCustomText.GetLength()) 
        if (TextSize.cx > m_WindowRect.Width())
            m_WindowRect.right = m_WindowRect.left + TextSize.cx;
        TextSize.cx = m_WindowRect.Width()-2*m_nMargin;

        // Work out the text area
        m_CustomTextRect.SetRect(m_nMargin, m_WindowRect.Height(), 
        m_WindowRect.bottom += m_CustomTextRect.Height() + 2*m_nMargin;

    // Need to check it'll fit on screen: Too far right?
    CSize ScreenSize(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
    if (m_WindowRect.right > ScreenSize.cx)
        m_WindowRect.OffsetRect(-(m_WindowRect.right - ScreenSize.cx), 0);

    // Too far left?
    if (m_WindowRect.left < 0)
        m_WindowRect.OffsetRect( -m_WindowRect.left, 0);

    // Bottom falling out of screen?
    if (m_WindowRect.bottom > ScreenSize.cy)
        CRect ParentRect;
        m_WindowRect.OffsetRect(0, -(ParentRect.Height() + m_WindowRect.Height()));

    // Set the window size and position
    MoveWindow(m_WindowRect, TRUE);
/** Activates XMLterm and instantiates LineTerm;
 * called at the the end of Init page loading.
NS_IMETHODIMP mozXMLTerminal::Activate(void)
  nsresult result = NS_OK;

#if 0
  // TEMPORARY: Testing mozIXMLTermStream
  nsAutoString streamData(  "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Stream Title</TITLE>"
                            "<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>"
                            "function clik(){ dump('click\\n');return(false);}"
                            "<BODY><B>Stream Body "
                            "<SPAN STYLE='color: blue' onClick='return clik();'>Clik</SPAN></B><BR>"
"<TABLE WIDTH=720><TR><TD WIDTH=700 BGCOLOR=maroon>&nbsp;</TABLE>"
                            "</BODY></HTML>" );

  nsCOMPtr<mozIXMLTermStream> stream;
  result = NS_NewXMLTermStream(getter_AddRefs(stream));
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_ERROR("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Failed to create stream\n");
    return result;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryReferent(mDocShell);
  if (!docShell)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> outerDOMWindow;
  result = mozXMLTermUtils::ConvertDocShellToDOMWindow(docShell,

  if (NS_FAILED(result) || !outerDOMWindow) {
    XMLT_ERROR("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Failed to convert docshell\n");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  result = stream->Open(outerDOMWindow, "iframet", "chrome://dummy",
                        "text/html", 800);
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_ERROR("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Failed to open stream\n");
    return result;

  result = stream->Write(streamData.get());
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_ERROR("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Failed to write to stream\n");
    return result;

  result = stream->Close();
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_ERROR("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Failed to close stream\n");
    return result;



  if (!mInitialized)

  PR_ASSERT(mDocShell != nsnull);

  if ((mDOMDocument != nsnull) || (mPresShell != nsnull))
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryReferent(mDocShell);
  if (!docShell)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // Get reference to presentation shell
  nsCOMPtr<nsPresContext> presContext;
  result = docShell->GetPresContext(getter_AddRefs(presContext));
  if (NS_FAILED(result) || !presContext)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
  result = docShell->GetPresShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell));
  if (NS_FAILED(result) || !presShell)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // Get reference to DOMDocument
  nsIDocument *document = presShell->GetDocument();
  if (!document)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc = do_QueryInterface(document);
  if (!domDoc)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // Save weak references to presentation shell and DOMDocument
  mPresShell   = do_GetWeakReference(presShell); // weak ref
  mDOMDocument = do_GetWeakReference(domDoc);    // weak ref

  // Show caret

  // Determine current screen dimensions
  PRInt32 nRows, nCols, xPixels, yPixels;
  result = ScreenSize(&nRows, &nCols, &xPixels, &yPixels);
  if (NS_FAILED(result))
    return result;

  // The above call does not return the correct screen dimensions.
  // (because rendering is still in progress?)
  // As a workaround, explicitly set screen dimensions
  nRows = 24;
  nCols = 80;
  xPixels = 0;
  yPixels = 0;

  // Instantiate and initialize XMLTermSession object
  mXMLTermSession = new mozXMLTermSession();

  if (!mXMLTermSession) {

  result = mXMLTermSession->Init(this, presShell, domDoc, nRows, nCols);
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to initialize XMLTermSession\n");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // Instantiate LineTerm  
           ("instantiating lineterm, nRows=%d, nCols=%d\n", nRows, nCols));
  mLineTermAux = do_CreateInstance(MOZLINETERM_CONTRACTID, &result);
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to instantiate LineTermAux\n");
    return result;

  // Open LineTerm to execute command
  // Non-owning reference to this; delete LineTerm before deleting self
  PRInt32 options = 0;

  XMLT_LOG(mozXMLTerminal::Activate,22,("Opening LineTerm\n"));
  nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver> anObserver = this;
  anObserver = nsnull;
  nsAutoString cookie;
  result = mLineTermAux->OpenAux(mCommand.get(),
                                 options, LTERM_DETERMINE_PROCESS,
                                 nRows, nCols, xPixels, yPixels,
                                 domDoc, anObserver, cookie);

  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to open LineTermAux\n");
    return result;
  XMLT_LOG(mozXMLTerminal::Activate,22,("Opened LineTerm\n"));

  // Save cookie
  mCookie = cookie;

  // Get the DOM event receiver for document
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventReceiver> eventReceiver;
  result = domDoc->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMEventReceiver),
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to get DOM receiver\n");
    return result;

  // Create a key listener
  result = NS_NewXMLTermKeyListener(getter_AddRefs(mKeyListener), this);
  if (NS_OK != result) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to get key listener\n");
    return result;

  // Register the key listener with the DOM event receiver
  result = eventReceiver->AddEventListenerByIID(mKeyListener,

  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to register key listener\n");
    return result;

  // Create a text listener
  result = NS_NewXMLTermTextListener(getter_AddRefs(mTextListener), this);
  if (NS_OK != result) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to get text listener\n");
    return result;

  // Register the text listener with the DOM event receiver
  result = eventReceiver->AddEventListenerByIID(mTextListener,
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to register text listener\n");
    return result;

  // Create a mouse listener
  result = NS_NewXMLTermMouseListener(getter_AddRefs(mMouseListener), this);
  if (NS_OK != result) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to get mouse listener\n");
    return result;

  // Register the mouse listener with the DOM event receiver
  result = eventReceiver->AddEventListenerByIID(mMouseListener,
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to register mouse listener\n");
    return result;

  // Create a drag listener
  result = NS_NewXMLTermDragListener(getter_AddRefs(mDragListener), this);
  if (NS_OK != result) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to get drag listener\n");
    return result;

  // Register the drag listener with the DOM event receiver
  result = eventReceiver->AddEventListenerByIID(mDragListener,
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    XMLT_WARNING("mozXMLTerminal::Activate: Warning - Failed to register drag listener\n");
    return result;

  return NS_OK;
TEST_F(APZHitTestingTester, TestRepaintFlushOnNewInputBlock) {
  SCOPED_GFX_PREF(TouchActionEnabled, bool, false);

  // The main purpose of this test is to verify that touch-start events (or anything
  // that starts a new input block) don't ever get untransformed. This should always
  // hold because the APZ code should flush repaints when we start a new input block
  // and the transform to gecko space should be empty.

  ScopedLayerTreeRegistration registration(manager, 0, root, mcc);
  manager->UpdateHitTestingTree(nullptr, root, false, 0, 0);
  TestAsyncPanZoomController* apzcroot = ApzcOf(root);

  // At this point, the following holds (all coordinates in screen pixels):
  // layers[0] has content from (0,0)-(500,500), clipped by composition bounds (0,0)-(200,200)

  MockFunction<void(std::string checkPointName)> check;

    InSequence s;

    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, RequestContentRepaint(_)).Times(AtLeast(1));
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("post-first-touch-start"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, RequestContentRepaint(_)).Times(AtLeast(1));
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("post-second-fling"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, RequestContentRepaint(_)).Times(AtLeast(1));
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("post-second-touch-start"));

  // This first pan will move the APZC by 50 pixels, and dispatch a paint request.
  ApzcPanNoFling(apzcroot, 100, 50);

  // Verify that a touch start doesn't get untransformed
  ScreenIntPoint touchPoint(50, 50);
  MultiTouchInput mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(0, touchPoint, ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));

  EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, nullptr));
  EXPECT_EQ(touchPoint, mti.mTouches[0].mScreenPoint);

  // Send a touchend to clear state
  mti.mType = MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_END;
  manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, nullptr);


  // Now do two pans. The first of these will dispatch a repaint request, as above.
  // The second will get stuck in the paint throttler because the first one doesn't
  // get marked as "completed", so this will result in a non-empty LD transform.
  // (Note that any outstanding repaint requests from the first half of this test
  // don't impact this half because we advance the time by 1 second, which will trigger
  // the max-wait-exceeded codepath in the paint throttler).
  ApzcPanNoFling(apzcroot, 100, 50);
  ApzcPanNoFling(apzcroot, 100, 50);

  // Ensure that a touch start again doesn't get untransformed by flushing
  // a repaint
  mti.mType = MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START;
  EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, nullptr));
  EXPECT_EQ(touchPoint, mti.mTouches[0].mScreenPoint);

  mti.mType = MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_END;
  EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, manager->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr, nullptr));
  EXPECT_EQ(touchPoint, mti.mTouches[0].mScreenPoint);
GfxFeatureMapRequestPacket::getScreenSize() const {
   ScreenSize::ValueType x, y;
   getScreenSize( x, y );
   return ScreenSize( x, y );
  void DoLongPressPreventDefaultTest(uint32_t aBehavior) {

    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, RequestContentRepaint(_)).Times(0);

    int touchX = 10,
        touchStartY = 10,
        touchEndY = 50;

    uint64_t blockId = 0;
    nsEventStatus status = TouchDown(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(touchX, touchStartY), mcc->Time(), &blockId);
    EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, status);

    if (gfxPrefs::TouchActionEnabled() && status != nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault) {
      // SetAllowedTouchBehavior() must be called after sending touch-start.
      nsTArray<uint32_t> allowedTouchBehaviors;
      apzc->SetAllowedTouchBehavior(blockId, allowedTouchBehaviors);
    // Have content "respond" to the touchstart
    apzc->ContentReceivedInputBlock(blockId, false);

    MockFunction<void(std::string checkPointName)> check;

      InSequence s;

      EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("preHandleLongTap"));
      EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleLongTap(CSSPoint(touchX, touchStartY), 0, apzc->GetGuid(), blockId)).Times(1);
      EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("postHandleLongTap"));

    // Manually invoke the longpress while the touch is currently down.

    // There should be a TimeoutContentResponse task in the queue still,
    // waiting for the response from the longtap event dispatched above.
    // Send the signal that content has handled the long-tap, and then run
    // the timeout task (it will be a no-op because the content "wins" the
    // race. This takes the place of the "contextmenu" event.
    apzc->ContentReceivedInputBlock(blockId, true);

    MultiTouchInput mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_MOVE, mcc->Time());
    mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(0, ParentLayerPoint(touchX, touchEndY), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
    status = apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);
    EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, status);

    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(CSSPoint(touchX, touchEndY), 0, apzc->GetGuid())).Times(0);
    status = TouchUp(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(touchX, touchEndY), mcc->Time());
    EXPECT_EQ(nsEventStatus_eConsumeDoDefault, status);

    ParentLayerPoint pointOut;
    AsyncTransform viewTransformOut;
    apzc->SampleContentTransformForFrame(&viewTransformOut, pointOut);

    EXPECT_EQ(ParentLayerPoint(), pointOut);
    EXPECT_EQ(AsyncTransform(), viewTransformOut);

	void Application::InitWindow() {
		glutInitWindowPosition(ScreenSize().x / 2 - screen.Width() / 2, ScreenSize().y / 2 - screen.Height() / 2);
		glutInitWindowSize(screen.Width(), screen.Height());
	void Application::SwitchFullScreen() {
		OnResize(ScreenSize().x, ScreenSize().y);