// Applies the three laws to the flock of boids
void Boid::flock(vector<Boid> v)
	Pvector sep = Separation(v);
	Pvector ali = Alignment(v);
	Pvector coh = Cohesion(v);
	// Arbitrarily weight these forces
	ali.mulScalar(AliW); // Might need to alter weights for different characteristics
	// Add the force vectors to acceleration
void Small::Update(int mousex, int mousey)
	//XMVECTOR playerlocation = {playerx, playery, 0, 0};

	//float displacement = XMVectorGetX(XMVector2Length(playerlocation - Location));

	//if (displacement <= 130.0f)
	if (Flocking)

	if (Chasing)


	if (Chasing)
		Location += (Direction * 3.3f);

	PointingTwoLocation = Location + (Direction * 10.0f);
		Vector2 TikiSteering::CalculatePrioritized()
			Vector2 force = Vector2::Zero;

 			if (On(separation))
 				force = Separation() * weightSeparation;
 				if (!AccumulateForce(steeringForce, force))
 					return steeringForce;

				force = Seek(target) * weightSeek;

				if (!AccumulateForce(steeringForce, force)) 
					return steeringForce;

			if (On(arrive))
				force = Arrive(target, deceleration) * weightArrive;

				if (!AccumulateForce(steeringForce, force)) 
					return steeringForce;

			if (On(wander))
				force = Wander() * weightWander;

				if (!AccumulateForce(steeringForce, force)) 
					return steeringForce;

			return steeringForce;
 * hex: 48 20 16 01 05 00 00 00 07 08 34 56 67 78 21 48 20 16 01 05 00 00 00 00 07 08 34 56 67 78 21 98
int deviceHeartPacket(char *packet, int length, char* info) {
	char u8DeviceId[LEN_DEVICE_ID*2+1] = {0};
	char u8RelationShipDevice[LEN_DEVICE_ID*2+6] = {0};
	char u8RedisUserValue[REDIS_COMMAND_LENGTH] = {0};
	char u8RedisDeviceInfo[REDIS_COMMAND_LENGTH] = {0};
	char u8DeviceInfo[REDIS_COMMAND_LENGTH] = {0};

	if(length != LEN_HEART_PACKET_DEVICE) {
		return -3;
	//device id hex to string				
	hextostring(u8DeviceId ,packet+IDX_DEVICE_ID, LEN_DEVICE_ID);
	//get phoneid by device id	
	sprintf(u8RelationShipDevice, "R_%s", u8DeviceId);
	apollo_printf(" u8RelationShipDevice:%s\n", u8RelationShipDevice);
	if (-1 == get_value_fromredis(u8RelationShipDevice, u8RedisUserValue)) { // device id don't bind
		return -1;
	apollo_printf(" timeDiff: %d\n", *(int*)(packet+24));
	if((*(packet+10) & 0x0F)) {
		extern void *http_device_falldown(void *data);
		pthread_t tid = -1;
		int err = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, http_device_falldown, (void *)packet);
		if(0 != err)
			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run thread numbe, errno %d\n", err);
			fprintf(stderr, "Thread\n");
	//set device info {device->User: 1->1}
	hextostring(u8DeviceInfo, packet+IDX_DEVICE_POWER, LEN_DEVICE_INFO);
	sprintf(u8RedisDeviceInfo, "I_%s_%d", u8DeviceInfo, *((int*)(packet+IDX_DEVICE_HEARTPACKET_TIMESTAMP)));
	apollo_printf(" u8RedisDeviceInfo:%s, u8RedisUserValue:%s\n", u8RedisDeviceInfo, u8RedisUserValue);
	if (-1 == set_key_toredis(u8RedisUserValue, u8RedisDeviceInfo)) {
		return -2;

	//get User Cmd info
	memset(u8RedisDeviceInfo, 0, REDIS_COMMAND_LENGTH);
	if (-1 == get_value_fromredis(u8DeviceId, u8RedisDeviceInfo)) {
		return 0; //No Cmd 
	} else {
		int len = strlen(u8RedisDeviceInfo);
		if (strlen(u8RedisDeviceInfo) < 4) {
			int cmd = atoi(u8RedisDeviceInfo);
			apollo_printf("cmd:%s\n", u8RedisDeviceInfo);
			return (cmd < 0 || cmd > 254) ? -4 : cmd;
		} else {
			int Count = 0, i;
			int cmd = 0;
			int index = 0;
			char u8PhoneNumber[LEN_PHONE_NUMBER+1];
			char **Param = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char**));
			Separation('_', u8RedisDeviceInfo, &Param, &Count);
			//printf(" Count:%d\n", Count);
			cmd = atoi(Param[0]); //cmd
			apollo_printf(" int cmd:%d", cmd);
			info[IDX_DEVICE_RETURN_COMMAND] = (char)cmd;
			if ((info[IDX_DEVICE_RETURN_COMMAND] & 0xF0) == 0x40) {
				index = atoi(Param[1]);
				info[IDX_DEVICE_RETURN_INDEX] = (char)index;
				if (Count == 3){ //phone number
					//int phoneLen = strlen(Param[2]);
					int i = 0;
					for (i = 0;i < LEN_PHONE_NUMBER;i ++) {
						u8PhoneNumber[i] = STRINGTOHEX(Param[2][2*i], Param[2][2*i+1]);
						//printf("%c%c %x \n",Param[2][2*i], Param[2][2*i+1], u8PhoneNumber[i]);
					memcpy(info+IDX_DEVICE_RETURN_PHNUM, u8PhoneNumber, LEN_PHONE_NUMBER);

			for (i = 0;i < Count;i ++) {

			apollo_printf(" aaaaa ");
			return cmd & 0xF0;
	return 0;
Separation( const Horizontal & hor0, const Horizontal & hor1 )
    return Separation( hor0.m_spherical, hor1.m_spherical );
//---------------------- CalculateWeightedSum ----------------------------
//  this simply sums up all the active behaviors X their weights and 
//  truncates the result to the max available steering force before 
//  returning
ofVec3f SteeringBehaviors::CalculateWeightedSum()

	if (On(wall_avoidance))
		m_SteeringForce += WallAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getWalls()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;

	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		m_SteeringForce += ObstacleAvoidance( m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getObstacles() ) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;

	if (On(seek))
			m_SteeringForce += Seek(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightSeek;

	if (On(flee))
			m_SteeringForce += Flee(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightFlee;

	if (On(arrive))
		m_SteeringForce += Arrive(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos(), normal) * m_WeightArrive;

	if (!isSpacePartioningOn())
		if (On(separation))
			m_SteeringForce += Separation(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;

		if (On(alignment))
			m_SteeringForce += Alignment(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;

		if (On(cohesion))
			m_SteeringForce += Cohesion(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
		if (On(separation))
			m_SteeringForce += SeparationPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;

		if (On(alignment))
			m_SteeringForce += AlignmentPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;

		if (On(cohesion))
			m_SteeringForce += CohesionPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;

	if (On(repulsion))
		//need to retag the guys!
		m_SteeringForce += Repulsion(m_Vehicle->oGroup()) * m_WeightRepulsion;

	if (On(wander))
		m_SteeringForce += Wander() * m_WeightWander;

	if (On(follow_path))
		m_SteeringForce += FollowPath() * m_WeightFollowPath;


	return m_SteeringForce;
//---------------------- CalculatePrioritized ----------------------------
//  this method calls each active steering behavior in order of priority
//  and acumulates their forces until the max steering force magnitude
//  is reached, at which time the function returns the steering force 
//  accumulated to that  point
ofVec3f SteeringBehaviors::CalculatePrioritized() {
	ofVec3f force;
	if (On(wall_avoidance))
		force = WallAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getWalls()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;
	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		force = ObstacleAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getObstacles()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(flee))
		force = Flee(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightFlee;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(repulsion))
		//need to retage the guys!
		force = Repulsion(m_Vehicle->oGroup()) * m_WeightRepulsion;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (!isSpacePartioningOn())
		if (On(separation))
			force = Separation(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(alignment))
			force = Alignment(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(cohesion))
			force = Cohesion(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;
		if (On(separation))
			force = SeparationPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(alignment))
			force = AlignmentPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(cohesion))
			force = CohesionPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(seek))
		force = Seek(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightSeek;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;


	if (On(arrive))
		force = Arrive(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos(), normal) * m_WeightArrive;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(wander))
		force = Wander() * m_WeightWander;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(follow_path))
		force = FollowPath() * m_WeightFollowPath;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	return m_SteeringForce;

Vector2D SteeringBehavior::CalculatePrioritized() {
  Vector2D force;

  //if (On(wall_avoidance))
  //  force = WallAvoidance(m_pVehicle->World()->Walls()) *
  //    m_dWeightWallAvoidance;

  //  if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  //if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
  //  force = ObstacleAvoidance(m_pVehicle->World()->Obstacles()) *
  //    m_dWeightObstacleAvoidance;

  //  if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  //if (On(evade))
  //  assert(m_pTargetAgent1 && "Evade target not assigned");

  //  force = Evade(m_pTargetAgent1) * m_dWeightEvade;

  //  if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  if (On(flee))
    force = Flee(vehicle_->GetGameWorld()->Agents()) * m_dWeightFlee;

    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  // The next three can be combined for flocking behavior (wander is
  // Also a good behavior to add into this mix)
  if (On(separation)) {
    force = Separation(vehicle_->GetGameWorld()->Agents()) * m_dWeightSeparation;
    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  if (On(alignment)) {
    force = Alignment(vehicle_->GetGameWorld()->Agents()) * m_dWeightAlignment;
    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  if (On(cohesion)) {
    force = Cohesion(vehicle_->GetGameWorld()->Agents()) * m_dWeightCohesion;
    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  //if (On(seek))
  //  force = Seek(m_pVehicle->World()->Crosshair()) * m_dWeightSeek;

  //  if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  //if (On(arrive))
  //  force = Arrive(m_pVehicle->World()->Crosshair(), m_Deceleration) * m_dWeightArrive;

  //  if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  if (On(wander)) {
    force = Wander() * weight_wander_;
    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  if (On(pursuit))
    //assert(target_agent_ && "pursuit target not assigned");

    force = Pursuit(target_agent_) * m_dWeightPursuit;

    if (!AccumulateForce(steering_force_, force)) return steering_force_;

  if (On(offset_pursuit))
    assert(m_pTargetAgent1 && "pursuit target not assigned");
    assert(!m_vOffset.isZero() && "No offset assigned");

    force = OffsetPursuit(m_pTargetAgent1, m_vOffset);

    if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  if (On(interpose))
    assert(m_pTargetAgent1 && m_pTargetAgent2 && "Interpose agents not assigned");

    force = Interpose(m_pTargetAgent1, m_pTargetAgent2) * m_dWeightInterpose;

    if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  if (On(hide))
    assert(m_pTargetAgent1 && "Hide target not assigned");

    force = Hide(m_pTargetAgent1, m_pVehicle->World()->Obstacles()) * m_dWeightHide;

    if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  if (On(follow_path))
    force = FollowPath() * m_dWeightFollowPath;

    if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

  return steering_force_;
Vec2 SteeringForce::Calculate()
    m_vSteeringForce  = Vec2::ZERO;
    Vec2 force;
    std::vector<Vehicle*> neighbors;
    if (On(allignment)||On(separation)||On(cohesion)) {
        if (m_pVehicle->isCellSpaceOn()) {
            CellSpacePartition<Vehicle*>* cellSpace = GameData::Instance()->getCellSpace();
            neighbors = cellSpace->getNeighbors();
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getEntityVector();
        neighbors = tagNeighbors(m_pVehicle,data,SearchRad);
    if (On(wall_avoidance)) {
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getWallls();
        force = WallAvoidance(data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(obstacle_avoidance)) {
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getObstacle();
        force = ObstacleAvoidance(data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(separation)) {
        force = Separation(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(cohesion)) {
        force = Cohesion(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(allignment)) {
        force = Alignment(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(hide)) {
        CCASSERT(m_pVehicle->getHideTarget()!=nullptr, "不存在躲避目标");
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getEntityVector();
        force = Hide(m_pVehicle->getHideTarget(),data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(follow_path)) {
        force = PathFollow();
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(seek)) {
        force = Seek(m_pVehicle->getTarget());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(flee)) {
        force = Flee(m_pVehicle->getTarget());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(arrive)) {
        force = Arrive(m_pVehicle->getTarget(), fast);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(offset_pursuit)) {
        force = OffsetPursuit(m_pVehicle->getLeader(), m_pVehicle->getOffsetToLeader());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(pursuit)) {
        force = Pursuit(m_pVehicle->getEvaderv());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(evade)) {
        force = Evade(m_pVehicle->getPursuer());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(wander)) {
        force = Wander();
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(interpose)) {
        force = Interpose(m_pVehicle->getInterposeA(), m_pVehicle->getInterposeB());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    return m_vSteeringForce;
Spherical::Test( )
    bool ok = true;
    cout << "Testing Spherical" << endl;

    cout << "Spherical( ) [default constructor]" << endl;
    Spherical spherical0;
    cout << "Set( )" << endl;
    spherical0.Set( );
    TESTCHECK( spherical0.Longitude().Radians(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical0.Latitude().Radians(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical0.Distance(), 0., &ok );
    Point3D rect0 = spherical0.Rectangular();
    TESTCHECK( rect0.X(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECK( rect0.Y(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECK( rect0.Z(), 0., &ok );
    double lng = - M_PI / 2;
    Angle longitude( lng );
    double lat = M_PI / 4;
    Angle latitude( lat );
    double dist = sqrt( 2. );
    cout << "Spherical( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lng << "), " << dist << " ) [longitude, latitude, distance constructor]" << endl;
    Spherical spherical1( longitude, latitude, dist );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Distance(), dist, &ok );
    Point3D rect = spherical1.Rectangular();
    TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), -1., &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), 1., &ok );
    lng = 3 * M_PI / 4;
    lat = 0.;
    dist = 4.;
    longitude.Set( lng );
    latitude.Set( lat );
    cout << "Set( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lng << "),  " << dist << " )" << endl;
    spherical1.Set( longitude, latitude, dist );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical1.Distance(), dist, &ok );
    rect = spherical1.Rectangular();
    TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), - sqrt( 8. ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), sqrt( 8. ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), 0., &ok );
    ostringstream ost;
    cout << "operator<<" << endl;
    ost << spherical1;
    TESTCHECK( ost.str(), string( "( 135°, 0°, 4 )" ), &ok );
    double x = 3.;
    double y = 4.;
    double z = 0.;
    rect.Set( x, y, z );
    cout << "Spherical( Point3D(" << x << ", " << y <<  ", " << z << ") ) [rectangular constructor]" << endl;
    Spherical spherical2( rect );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), 0.927295218, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Distance(), 5., &ok );
    rect = spherical2.Rectangular();
    TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), z, &ok );
    x = 12.;
    y = 0.;
    z = -5.;
    rect.Set( x, y, z );
    cout << "Set( Point3D(" << x << ", " << y <<  ", " << z << ") )" << endl;
    spherical2.Set( rect );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), 0., &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), -0.39479112, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( spherical2.Distance(), 13., &ok );
    rect = spherical2.Rectangular();
    TESTCHECKF( rect.X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( rect.Z(), z, &ok );
    int h = 14;
    int m = 15;
    double s = 39.7;
    cout << "ra = AngleHMS( " << h << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl;
    const Angle raArcturus( AngleHMS( h, m, s ) );
    int d = 19;
    m = 10;
    s = 57.;
    cout << "dec = AngleDMS( " << d << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl;
    const Angle decArcturus( AngleDMS( d, m, s ) );
    cout << "Arcturus: ( ra, dec, 1. )" << endl;
    const Spherical Arcturus( raArcturus, decArcturus );
    h = 13;
    m = 25;
    s = 11.6;
    cout << "ra = AngleHMS( " << h << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl;
    const Angle raSpica( AngleHMS( h, m, s ) );
    d = -11;
    m = 9;
    s = 41.;
    cout << "dec = AngleDMS( " << d << ", " << m << ", " << s << " )" << endl;
    const Angle decSpica( AngleDMS( d, m, s ) );
    cout << "Spica: ( ra, dec, 1. )" << endl;
    const Spherical Spica( raSpica, decSpica );
    cout << "Separation( Arcturus, Spica )" << endl;
    Angle sep = Separation( Arcturus, Spica );
    TESTCHECKF( sep.Degrees(), 32.7930103, &ok );
    lng = -1.5;
    lat = 0.75;
    dist = 40.;
    longitude.Set( lng );
    latitude.Set( lat );
    cout << "Set( Angle(" << lng << "), Angle(" << lat << "), "
         << dist << " )" << endl;
    spherical1.Set( longitude, latitude, dist );
    TESTCHECK( ToJSON( spherical1 ),
               string( "{\n"
                       "\"distance\": +4.00000000000000e+001,\n"
                       "\"latitude\": +7.50000000000000e-001,\n"
                       "\"longitude\": -1.50000000000000e+000\n"
               &ok );
    cout << "FromJSON( ToJSON( spherical1 ), &spherical2 )" << endl;
    FromJSON(  ToJSON( spherical1 ), &spherical2 );
    TESTCHECK( spherical2.Longitude().Radians(), lng, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical2.Latitude().Radians(), lat, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( spherical2.Distance(), dist, &ok );

    if ( ok )
        cout << "Spherical PASSED." << endl << endl;
        cout << "Spherical FAILED." << endl << endl;
    return ok;