AudacityProject *CreateNewAudacityProject(wxWindow * parentWindow) { wxPoint where; where.x = 10; where.y = 10; int width = 600; int height = 400; if (gWindowedPalette) { where.y += 75; height -= 75; } #ifdef __WXMAC__ where.y += 50; #endif #ifdef __WXGTK__ height += 20; #endif where.x += gAudacityDocNum * 25; where.y += gAudacityDocNum * 25; AudacityProject *p = new AudacityProject(parentWindow, -1, where, wxSize(width, height)); p->Show(true); gAudacityDocNum = (gAudacityDocNum + 1) % 10; SetActiveProject(p); return p; }
void AudacityProject::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent & event) { int hlast = mViewInfo.sbarH; int vlast = mViewInfo.vpos; int hoffset = 0; int voffset = 0; mViewInfo.sbarH = mHsbar->GetThumbPosition(); if (mViewInfo.sbarH != hlast) { mViewInfo.h = (mViewInfo.sbarH * mViewInfo.scrollStep) / mViewInfo.zoom; if (mViewInfo.h > - mViewInfo.screen) mViewInfo.h = - mViewInfo.screen; if (mViewInfo.h < 0.0) mViewInfo.h = 0.0; hoffset = (mViewInfo.sbarH - hlast) * mViewInfo.scrollStep; } mViewInfo.vpos = mVsbar->GetThumbPosition() * mViewInfo.scrollStep; voffset = mViewInfo.vpos - vlast; /* TODO: add back fast scrolling code // Track panel is updated either way, but it is smart and only redraws // what is needed trackPanel->FastScroll(-hoffset, -voffset); // Ruler panel updated if we scroll horizontally if (hoffset) { REDRAW(rulerPanel); } */ SetActiveProject(this); if (!mAutoScrolling) { mTrackPanel->Refresh(false); #ifdef __WXMAC__ mTrackPanel->MacUpdateImmediately(); #endif } }
bool clCxxWorkspace::CreateProject(const wxString& name, const wxString& path, const wxString& type, bool addToBuildMatrix, wxString& errMsg) { if(!m_doc.IsOk()) { errMsg = wxT("No workspace open"); return false; } ProjectPtr proj(new Project()); proj->Create(name, wxEmptyString, path, type); proj->AssociateToWorkspace(this); m_projects[name] = proj; // make the project path to be relative to the workspace, if it's sensible to do so wxFileName tmp(path + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + name + wxT(".project")); tmp.MakeRelativeTo(m_fileName.GetPath()); // Add an entry to the workspace file wxXmlNode* node = new wxXmlNode(NULL, wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, wxT("Project")); node->AddProperty(wxT("Name"), name); node->AddProperty(wxT("Path"), tmp.GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX)); m_doc.GetRoot()->AddChild(node); if(m_projects.size() == 1) { SetActiveProject(name, true); } SaveXmlFile(); if(addToBuildMatrix) { AddProjectToBuildMatrix(proj); } return true; }
void AudacityProject::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event) { if(event.ButtonDown()) SetActiveProject(this); wxPoint hotspot; hotspot.x = event.m_x; hotspot.y = event.m_y; wxPoint mouse = ClientToScreen(hotspot); if (event.ButtonDown() && !mDrag && !gWindowedPalette && event.m_x < 10 && event.m_y < GetAPaletteHeight()) { int width, height; mAPalette->GetSize(&width, &height); #ifdef __WXMAC__ /* Point startPt; startPt.h = hotspot.x; startPt.v = hotspot.y; Rect limitRect, slopRect, r; SetRect(&limitRect, -32767,-32767,32767,32767); SetRect(&slopRect, -32767,-32767,32767,32767); SetRect(&r, 10, 0, 10+width, height); int axis = noConstraint; RgnHandle theRgn = NewRgn(); RectRgn(theRgn, &r); int result = DragGrayRgn(theRgn, startPt, &limitRect, &slopRect, axis, NULL); if (result == 0x80008000) return; mouse -= hotspot; mouse.x += (short)(result & 0xFFFF); mouse.y += (short)((result & 0xFFFF0000)>>16); ShowWindowedPalette(&mouse); */ #else wxClientDC dc(this); wxBitmap *bitmap = new wxBitmap(width, height); wxMemoryDC *memDC = new wxMemoryDC(); memDC->SelectObject(*bitmap); memDC->Blit(0, 0, width, height, &dc, 10, 0); delete memDC; mDrag = new wxDragImage(*bitmap); delete bitmap; mDrag->BeginDrag(hotspot, this, true); mDrag->Move(mouse); mDrag->Show(); mPaletteHotspot = hotspot; #endif } #ifndef __WXMAC__ if (event.Dragging() && mDrag) { mDrag->Move(mouse); } if (event.ButtonUp() && mDrag) { mDrag->Hide(); mDrag->EndDrag(); delete mDrag; mDrag = NULL; mouse -= mPaletteHotspot; ShowWindowedPalette(&mouse); } #endif }
void AudacityProject::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent & event) { SetActiveProject(this); event.Skip(); }
void AudacityProject::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event) { if (event.ButtonDown()) SetActiveProject(this); wxPoint hotspot; hotspot.x = event.m_x; hotspot.y = event.m_y; wxPoint mouse = ClientToScreen(hotspot); //See if we need to drag a toolbar off the window if (event.ButtonDown() && !mDrag && event.m_x < 10 && event.m_y < mTotalToolBarHeight) { //Now, see which toolbar we need to drag int h = 0; int i = 0; while (i < mToolBarArray.GetCount()) { h += mToolBarArray[i]->GetHeight() + 1; if (event.m_y < h) break; i++; } hotspot.y -= h - mToolBarArray[i]->GetHeight(); if (i >= mToolBarArray.GetCount()) { //This shouldn't really happen, except if the click is on //the border--which might occur for some platform-specific formatting } else { int width, height; wxSize s = mToolBarArray[i]->GetIdealSize(); mToolBarArray[i]->GetSize(&width, &height); //To enhance performance, these toolbar bitmaps could be pre-loaded //Right now, they are not. //Only get as much of the toolbar image as the ideal size is width = (width > s.x) ? s.x : width; wxClientDC dc(this); //Make the new bitmap a bit bigger wxBitmap *bitmap = new wxBitmap((width+2),(height+2)); wxMemoryDC *memDC = new wxMemoryDC(); memDC->SelectObject(*bitmap); //Draw a black box on perimeter memDC->SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); memDC->DrawRectangle(0,0,width+2, height+2); //copy an image of the toolbar into the box memDC->Blit(1, 1, width, height, &dc, 0, h - height-1); delete memDC; mDrag = new wxDragImage(*bitmap); delete bitmap; mDrag->BeginDrag(hotspot, this, true); mDrag->Move(mouse - wxPoint(1,2)); //Adjust a little because the bitmap is bigger than the toolbar mDrag->Show(); mToolBarHotspot = hotspot; mDraggingToolBar = mToolBarArray[i]->GetType(); } } else if (event.Dragging() && mDrag) { mDrag->Move(mouse); } else if (event.ButtonUp() && mDrag) { mDrag->Hide(); mDrag->EndDrag(); delete mDrag; mDrag = NULL; mouse -= mToolBarHotspot; switch (mDraggingToolBar) { case ControlToolBarID: gControlToolBarStub->ShowWindowedToolBar(&mouse); gControlToolBarStub->UnloadAll(); break; case EditToolBarID: gEditToolBarStub->ShowWindowedToolBar(&mouse); gEditToolBarStub->UnloadAll(); break; case NoneID: default: break; } mDraggingToolBar = NoneID; HandleResize(); } }
bool clCxxWorkspace::RemoveProject(const wxString& name, wxString& errMsg) { ProjectPtr proj = FindProjectByName(name, errMsg); if(!proj) { return false; } // remove the associated build configuration with this // project RemoveProjectFromBuildMatrix(proj); // remove the project from the internal map std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.find(proj->GetName()); if(iter != m_projects.end()) { m_projects.erase(iter); } // update the xml file wxXmlNode* root = m_doc.GetRoot(); wxXmlNode* child = root->GetChildren(); while(child) { if(child->GetName() == wxT("Project") && child->GetPropVal(wxT("Name"), wxEmptyString) == name) { if(child->GetPropVal(wxT("Active"), wxEmptyString).CmpNoCase(wxT("Yes")) == 0) { // the removed project was active, // select new project to be active if(!m_projects.empty()) { std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.begin(); SetActiveProject(iter->first, true); } } root->RemoveChild(child); delete child; break; } child = child->GetNext(); } // go over the dependencies list of each project and remove the project iter = m_projects.begin(); for(; iter != m_projects.end(); iter++) { ProjectPtr p = iter->second; if(p) { wxArrayString configs; // populate the choice control with the list of available configurations for this project ProjectSettingsPtr settings = p->GetSettings(); if(settings) { ProjectSettingsCookie cookie; BuildConfigPtr bldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie); while(bldConf) { configs.Add(bldConf->GetName()); bldConf = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie); } } // update each configuration of this project for(size_t i = 0; i < configs.GetCount(); i++) { wxArrayString deps = p->GetDependencies(configs.Item(i)); int where = deps.Index(name); if(where != wxNOT_FOUND) { deps.RemoveAt((size_t)where); } // update the configuration p->SetDependencies(deps, configs.Item(i)); } } } return SaveXmlFile(); }