void CMiscPrefPage::HandleOK()
	HWND hActiveWnd;
	LPIMAGE lpImage = NULL;
	if (hActiveWnd = GetActiveDoc())
		lpImage = GetImagePtr(hActiveWnd);
	if (lpImage && m_MaskTint != Control.MaskTint &&
		ImgGetViewMode(lpImage) == VM_SLIME)
		RECT rRect;

		rRect = GetDisplayPtr(hActiveWnd)->DispRect;
		::InvalidateRect( hActiveWnd, &rRect, FALSE );
	if (!Control.IndependentSettings &&
		Control.IndependentSettings != m_IndependentSettings)
	if (Control.UseTablet)
		Control.UseTablet = TabletStart();
        if (!Control.UseTablet)
            LPSTR    lp;

            AstralStr(IDS_NOTABLET, &lp);
            ::MessageBox(PictPubApp.Get_hWndAstral(), lp, szAppName, 
               MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL);
void LoadAllPreferences(BOOL fMemOnly)
int i, English, Didot;

if (fMemOnly) // memory related info only
	// Memory Group Preferences
	GetDefStr( Control.RamDisk, Control.ProgHome );
	FixPath( Lowercase( Control.RamDisk ) );
	GetDefInt( Control.MainMemMin, 1024 );
	GetDefInt( Control.MainMemFactor, 100 );
	if (  Control.MainMemFactor < 10 )
		Control.MainMemFactor = 10;
	if (  Control.MainMemFactor > 100 )
		Control.MainMemFactor = 100;
	GetDefInt( Control.LineArtAsGray, NO );
	FrameSettings( Control.RamDisk, Control.MainMemMin, Control.MainMemFactor);

	// Get Gamma settings
	GetDefFix( BltSettings.RGamma, 1 );
	GetDefFix( BltSettings.GGamma, 1 );
	GetDefFix( BltSettings.BGamma, 1 );

AstralCursor( IDC_WAIT );
if ( !szPreferenceFile[0] )
	if ( !AstralStr( IDS_INIFILE, &lp ) ) lp = PRIVATE_INI;
	lstrcpy( szPreferenceFile, lp );
	GetIniPath( szPreferenceFile );

// Recall List
Control.RecallCount = 0;
for ( i=0; i<MAX_RECALL; i++ )
	GetDefaultString( itoa(i,tmp,10), "",
		Control.RecallImage[i], sizeof(Control.RecallImage[i]) );
	if ( *Control.RecallImage[i] )

// Undo Group Preferences
GetDefInt( Control.NoUndo, FALSE );
GetDefInt( Control.UseApply, NO );
GetDefInt( Control.UndoObjects, NO );
GetDefInt( Control.UndoMasks, NO );

// Miscellaneous Group Preferences
#ifdef _MAC
lstrcpy(Control.PouchPath, ":files:");
GetDefStr( Control.PouchPath, Control.ProgHome );
if ( Control.PouchPath[1] != ':' )
	lstrcpy( tmp, Control.ProgHome );
	lstrcat( tmp, Control.PouchPath );
	lstrcpy( Control.PouchPath, tmp );
FixPath( Lowercase( Control.PouchPath ) );
#endif // _MAC	
GetDefInt( Control.UseWacom, 0 );
GetDefInt( Control.MaskTint, 0 ); // Red
GetDefInt( Control.IndependentSettings, YES );
GetDefInt( Control.bNoTheme, NO );

GetDefInt( Control.bUseWaveMix, YES );
#endif // USEWAVEMIX

GetPrivateProfileString( "Drivers", "Wave", "none", tmp, sizeof(STRING),

// if they have no wave driver or the speaker.drv installed, disable
// using the wavemix.dll
if ( (! lstrcmpi( tmp, "none")) || (! lstrcmpi( tmp, "Speaker.drv")) ||
  (! lstrcmpi( tmp, "")) )
	Control.bUseWaveMix = NO;
#endif // USEWAVEMIX

GetDefInt( Control.iAdventBrush, BRUSH_SIZE_MEDIUM );
GetDefInt( Control.iMaxAnimations, 10 );
GetDefInt( Control.iScrnSaverTime, 2 );
IntermissionSetTimeout ((DWORD)Control.iScrnSaverTime * 60000);

// Units Group Preferences
English = GetProfileInt( "intl", "iMeasure", 1 ); // 1 = English
if ( GetDefInt( Didot, -1 ) >= 0 ) // If Didot is overridden...
	Control.Points = ( !Didot ? 723 : 676 );
else	Control.Points = ( English ? 723 : 676 );
GetDefInt( Control.Units, !English ); Control.Units += IDC_PREF_UNITINCHES;
GetDefFix( Control.ScreenWidth, 9 );
GetDefInt( View.UseRulers, NO );
GetDefInt( Control.DisplayPixelValue, NO );

// Object Group Preferences
GetDefInt( Control.MultipleObjects, YES );
GetDefInt( Control.UseMaskAndObjects, YES );

// New Dialog
GetDefInt( Control.NewDepth, 3 );
GetDefInt( Control.NewWidth, 480 );
GetDefInt( Control.NewHeight, 360 );
GetDefInt( Control.NewResolution, 50 );

// Monitor Gamma Dialog
GetDefInt( Control.GammaLock, NO );

// Save file options
GetDefInt( Save.bSaveMask, NO );
GetDefInt( Save.OKtoSavePath, NO );
GetDefInt( Save.Compressed, YES );

// Clipboard settings
GetDefInt( Control.DoPicture, NO );
GetDefInt( Control.DoBitmap, YES );

// Miscellaneous
GetDefInt( Control.ScreenColor, NO );
GetDefRGB( Control.rgbBackground, "0,0,0" );
GetDefInt( Control.xImage, 4 );
GetDefInt( Control.yImage, 4 );
GetDefInt( Control.Hints, YES );
GetDefInt( Control.Save24BitWallpaper, FALSE);
GetDefInt( Control.UseObjectMarquee, NO );

// Extended Names
GetDefStr( Names.ColorMap, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.Special, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.Mask, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.Printer, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.PrintStyle, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.Clipboard, "" );
GetDefStr( Names.CustomBrush, "" );

// Print Style
LoadPrintStyle( Names.PrintStyle );

// Print Dialog
GetDefInt( Page.Type, 1 ); Page.Type += IDC_PRINTER_IS_MONO;
GetDefInt( Page.PrintNumeric, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.OutputType, 0 ); Page.OutputType += IDC_PRINT_GRAY;
GetDefInt( Page.ScatterPrint, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.Centered, YES );
GetDefFix( Page.OffsetX, 0 );
GetDefFix( Page.OffsetY, 0 );
GetDefInt( Page.SepFlags, 0 );
GetDefInt( Page.TrimMarks, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.RegMarks, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.Labels, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.StepScale, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.Negative, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.EmulsionDown, NO );
GetDefInt( Page.BinaryPS, NO ); // Binary Postscript
GetDefInt( Page.BinaryEPS, NO ); // Binary Encapsulated Postscript
GetDefInt( Page.UsePrinterScreening, YES );

// Size Dialog
GetDefInt( Edit.SmartSize, NO );

// Convert settings
GetDefInt( Convert.MiniType, 0); Convert.MiniType += IDC_MINI256;
GetDefInt( Convert.fOptimize, YES );
GetDefInt( Convert.fScatter, NO );
GetDefInt( Convert.fDither, NO );

// Selector Tool

// Mask Transformer Tool
GetDefInt( Mask.TransformImage, 1 );
Mask.TransformImage = Mask.TransformImage + IDC_COPYIMAGE;

// Object Transformer Tool
GetDefInt( Mask.iTransformModes, SHAPE_DEFAULT );
GetDefInt( Mask.PasteQuality, NO );
GetDefInt( Mask.TransMode, 0 ); Mask.TransMode += IDC_TRANSMODEFIRST;
GetDefInt( Mask.TransformOpacity, 255 );
Mask.TransformOpacity = bound( Mask.TransformOpacity, 0, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Mask.TransformMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );

// Paint Tools
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_PAINT, NO );
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_CRAYON, NO );
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_MARKER, NO );
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_LINES, NO );
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_SHAPES, NO );
HandleBrushSettings( IDC_ERASER, NO );

// Gradient Tool
GetDefInt( Vignette.Gradient, 0 ); Vignette.Gradient += IDC_VIGLINEAR;
GetDefInt( Vignette.RepeatCount, 1 );
GetDefInt( Vignette.SoftTransition, YES );
GetDefInt( Vignette.VigColorModel, 0);
GetDefInt( Vignette.VigOpacity, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Vignette.VigMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );
GetDefInt( Vignette.Midpoint, 128 );

// Texture Fill Tool
GetDefStr( Texture.TextureName, "" );
GetDefInt( Texture.fHorzFlip, NO );
GetDefInt( Texture.fVertFlip, NO );
GetDefInt( Texture.TextureOpacity, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Texture.TextureMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );

// Tint Fill Tool
GetDefInt( Fill.FillOpacity, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Fill.FillMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );

// Magic Fill Tool
GetDefInt( Fill.FloodRange, 2 );
GetDefInt( Fill.idFillColorModel, 0);
GetDefInt( Fill.FloodOpacity, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Fill.FloodMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );

// Custom View Tool
GetDefInt( View.ZoomOut, NO );
GetDefInt( View.ZoomWindow, NO );
GetDefInt( View.ZoomDefaultSize, 0x6000);
GetDefInt( View.FullScreen, NO );

// Text Tool
GetDefInt( Text.nFont, 0 );
GetDefInt( Text.Size, 48 );
GetDefInt( Text.Italic, NO );
GetDefInt( Text.Underline, NO );
GetDefInt( Text.Strikeout, NO );
GetDefInt( Text.Weight, NO );
GetDefInt( Text.AntiAlias, NO );
GetDefInt( Text.AutoFill, YES );
GetDefMergeMode( Text.TextMergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );
GetDefInt( Text.TextOpacity, 255 );

// Load Common Tool Settings
GetDefInt( Common.Opacity, 255 );
GetDefMergeMode( Common.MergeMode, (int)MM_NORMAL );
GetDefInt( Common.BrushSize, 15 );

Shields( ON );

AstralCursor( NULL );