void CCoordinateLineDisplay::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   TValueParts parts;
   SetCoordinate(iVal, parts);
   const TInt numLetters = sizeof("E 179+59+59+99+") - 1;
   const TInt pixelwidth = Rect().Width() - 16;
   const TInt step = pixelwidth / numLetters;

   CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   //gc.Clear(Rect()); //paint background color.

#if defined NAV2_CLIENT_SERIES80 || defined NAV2_CLIENT_SERIES90_V1
   TCknLogicalFont logicalfont(TCknLogicalFont::EViewLevel2ZoomDefaultFont);
   const class CFont* font = iEikonEnv->Font(logicalfont);
   const class CFont* font = CCoeEnv::Static()->NormalFont();
   TPoint offset(Rect().iTl.iX + (step/2), Rect().iTl.iY + 2);
   TInt baseline = font->AscentInPixels();

   TRect paintRect(offset, TSize(step, Rect().Height() - 4));
   baseline = baseline + ((paintRect.Height() - baseline)/2) - 1;
   for(TInt pos = 0; pos < iNewString.Length(); ++pos){
      gc.DrawText(iNewString.Mid(pos,1), paintRect, baseline, CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
      paintRect.Move(step, 0);
   * This method is used to determine the x/y range which completely covers the
   * area of interest specified by the lat/lon range. The latitude/longitude
   * range may be obtained from the labels. The purpose of this method is to
   * return the x/y range so it can be used to compute how large a map may need
   * to be. For example, how big a piece of paper is needed or how large of an
   * image needs to be created. The method may fail as indicated by its return
   * value.
   * @param minX Minimum x projection coordinate which covers the latitude
   *             longitude range specified in the labels.
   * @param maxX Maximum x projection coordinate which covers the latitude
   *             longitude range specified in the labels.
   * @param minY Minimum y projection coordinate which covers the latitude
   *             longitude range specified in the labels.
   * @param maxY Maximum y projection coordinate which covers the latitude
   *             longitude range specified in the labels.
   * @return bool
  bool PointPerspective::XYRange(double &minX, double &maxX, double &minY, double &maxY) {
    double lat, lon;

    // Check the corners of the lat/lon range
    XYRangeCheck(m_minimumLatitude, m_minimumLongitude);
    XYRangeCheck(m_maximumLatitude, m_minimumLongitude);
    XYRangeCheck(m_minimumLatitude, m_maximumLongitude);
    XYRangeCheck(m_maximumLatitude, m_maximumLongitude);

    // Walk top and bottom edges
    for (lat = m_minimumLatitude; lat <= m_maximumLatitude; lat += 0.01) {
      lat = lat;
      lon = m_minimumLongitude;
      XYRangeCheck(lat, lon);

      lat = lat;
      lon = m_maximumLongitude;
      XYRangeCheck(lat, lon);

    // Walk left and right edges
    for (lon = m_minimumLongitude; lon <= m_maximumLongitude; lon += 0.01) {
      lat = m_minimumLatitude;
      lon = lon;
      XYRangeCheck(lat, lon);

      lat = m_maximumLatitude;
      lon = lon;
      XYRangeCheck(lat, lon);

    // Walk the limb
    for (double angle = 0.0; angle <= 360.0; angle += 0.01) {
      double x = m_equatorialRadius * cos(angle * PI / 180.0);
      double y = m_equatorialRadius * sin(angle * PI / 180.0);
      if (SetCoordinate(x, y) == 0) {
        if (m_latitude > m_maximumLatitude) continue;
        if (m_longitude > m_maximumLongitude) continue;
        if (m_latitude < m_minimumLatitude) continue;
        if (m_longitude < m_minimumLongitude) continue;
        XYRangeCheck(m_latitude, m_longitude);

    // Make sure everything is ordered
    if (m_minimumX >= m_maximumX) return false;
    if (m_minimumY >= m_maximumY) return false;

    // Return X/Y min/maxs
    minX = m_minimumX;
    maxX = m_maximumX;
    minY = m_minimumY;
    maxY = m_maximumY;
    return true;
void CCoordinateLineDisplay::Format(TInt aVal) 
   class TValueParts parts;
   SetCoordinate(aVal, parts);
   HBufC* format = WFTextUtil::AllocLC(TOTAL_STRING);

   iNewString.Format(*format, iDirections[parts.iSign + 1], parts.iDeg, 
                     parts.iMin, parts.iSec, parts.iParts);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmNearestCriteria::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmNearestCriteria::ConstructL(
    const TCoordinate& aCoordinate)
void CMTDHistory::Load(FILE* fin)
    if( fin == NULL ) {
        INVALID_ARGUMENT("stream is not open");

// read MTD accumulator header ------------------
    char mtd_id[4];
    char ver_id[3];
    int  numofcoords = 0;
    int  nr;

// first line can contain either two or four records for version 0
    char buffer[80];
    if( fgets(buffer,80,fin) == NULL ) {
        RUNTIME_ERROR("unable to read the first line");

    nr = sscanf(buffer,"%3s %2s %d",mtd_id,ver_id,&numofcoords);
    if( nr != 3 ){
        RUNTIME_ERROR("wrong header");


// check ID string
    if(strcmp(mtd_id,"MTD") != 0) {
        CSmallString error;
        error << "'MTD' magic word was not found in the first line (line: " << buffer << ")";
    if(strcmp(ver_id,"V3") != 0) {
        CSmallString error;
        error << "'illegal MTD history version (V3 expected) (line: " << buffer << ")";

    if(numofcoords <= 0) {
        CSmallString error;
        error << "number of coordinates has to be greater than zero, but " << numofcoords << " was found";


   if( fin == NULL ) {
        INVALID_ARGUMENT("stream is not open");

// read coordinate specification ----------------
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < NCoords; i++) {
        unsigned int    id = 0;
        char            type[11];
        char            name[51];
        double          min_value = 0.0;
        double          max_value = 0.0;
        int             nbins = 0;
        int             tr = 0;


        // read item
        tr = fscanf(fin,"%u %10s %lf %lf %d",&id,type,&min_value,&max_value,&nbins);
        if( tr != 5 ) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "unable to read coordinate definition, id: " << i+1 << " (number of collums read: " << tr << ")";

        // some tests
        if(id != i+1) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "coordinate id does not match, read: " << id << ", expected: " << i+1;
        if(max_value <= min_value) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "min value is not smaller than max value, id: " << id;
        if(nbins <= 0) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "number of bins has to be grater than zero, id: " << id;

        tr = fscanf(fin,"%u %55s",&id,name);
        if( tr != 2 ) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "unable to read coordinate definition, id: " << i+1 << " (number of collums read: " << tr << ")";

        // some tests
        if(id != i+1) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "coordinate id does not match, read: " << id << ", expected: " << i+1;
        // init coordinate

// now read records -----------------------------

    unsigned int   curr_position = 0;
    unsigned int   position = 1;
    CMTDBuffer*    p_buff = NULL;

    while(feof(fin) == 0) {
        int nr,level,time;

        if((p_buff == NULL) || (curr_position >= MaxBufferSize)) {
            // allocate new buffer
            p_buff = GetNewBuffer(MaxBufferSize);
            if(p_buff == NULL) {
                CSmallString error;
                error << "unable to allocate new buffer (pos: " << position << ")";
            curr_position = 0;

        // read level and time
        nr = fscanf(fin,"%d %d",&level,&time);
        if(nr <= 0) break;      // end of file
        if(nr != 2) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "level and time were not successfully read (pos: " << position << ")";

        // now read height
        double height;
        nr = fscanf(fin,"%lf",&height);
        if(nr != 1) {
            CSmallString error;
            error << "unable to read height (pos: " << position << ")";


        for(unsigned int i=0; i < GetNumberOfCoords(); i++) {
            double value,width;
            nr = fscanf(fin,"%lf %lf",&value,&width);
            if(nr != 2) {
                CSmallString error;
                error << "unable to read value and width (pos: " << position << ")";
            // register value and width