void CIcqProto::handleLoginReply(BYTE *buf, WORD datalen, serverthread_info *info) { oscar_tlv_chain *chain = NULL; icq_sendCloseConnection(); // imitate icq5 behaviour if (!(chain = readIntoTLVChain(&buf, datalen, 0))) { NetLog_Server("Error: Missing chain on close channel"); NetLib_CloseConnection(&hServerConn, TRUE); return; // Invalid data } // TLV 8 errors (signon errors?) WORD wError = chain->getWord(0x08, 1); if (wError) { handleSignonError(wError); // we return only if the server did not gave us cookie (possible to connect with soft error) if (!chain->getLength(0x06, 1)) { disposeChain(&chain); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); icq_serverDisconnect(FALSE); return; // Failure } } // We are in the login phase and no errors were reported. // Extract communication server info. info->newServer = chain->getString(0x05, 1); info->newServerSSL = chain->getNumber(0x8E, 1); info->cookieData = (BYTE*)chain->getString(0x06, 1); info->cookieDataLen = chain->getLength(0x06, 1); // We dont need this anymore disposeChain(&chain); if (!info->newServer || !info->cookieData) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("You could not sign on because the server returned invalid data. Try again.")); SAFE_FREE(&info->newServer); SAFE_FREE((void**)&info->cookieData); info->cookieDataLen = 0; SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); NetLib_CloseConnection(&hServerConn, TRUE); return; // Failure } NetLog_Server("Authenticated."); info->newServerReady = 1; return; }
void CIcqProto::handleCloseChannel(BYTE *buf, WORD datalen, serverthread_info *info) { oscar_tlv_chain *chain = NULL; // Parse server reply, prepare reconnection if (!info->bLoggedIn && datalen && !info->newServerReady) handleLoginReply(buf, datalen, info); if (info->isMigrating) handleMigration(info); if ((!info->bLoggedIn || info->isMigrating) && info->newServerReady) { if (!connectNewServer(info)) { // Connecting failed if (info->isMigrating) icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), LPGEN("Unable to connect to migrated ICQ communication server")); else icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), LPGEN("Unable to connect to ICQ communication server")); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); info->isMigrating = 0; } info->newServerReady = 0; return; } if (chain = readIntoTLVChain(&buf, datalen, 0)) { // TLV 9 errors (runtime errors?) WORD wError = chain->getWord(0x09, 1); if (wError) { SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); handleRuntimeError(wError); } disposeChain(&chain); } // Server closed connection on error, or sign off NetLib_CloseConnection(&hServerConn, TRUE); }
void CIcqProto::handleAuthKeyResponse(BYTE *buf, size_t wPacketLen, serverthread_info *info) { char szKey[64] = {0}; mir_md5_state_t state; BYTE digest[16]; debugLogA("Received %s", "ICQ_SIGNON_AUTH_KEY"); if (wPacketLen < 2) { debugLogA("Malformed %s", "ICQ_SIGNON_AUTH_KEY"); icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("Secure login failed.\nInvalid server response.")); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return; } size_t wKeyLen; unpackWord(&buf, &wKeyLen); wPacketLen -= 2; if (!wKeyLen || wKeyLen > wPacketLen || wKeyLen > sizeof(szKey)) { debugLogA("Invalid length in %s: %u", "ICQ_SIGNON_AUTH_KEY", wKeyLen); icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("Secure login failed.\nInvalid key length.")); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return; } unpackString(&buf, szKey, wKeyLen); mir_md5_init(&state); mir_md5_append(&state, info->szAuthKey, (int)info->wAuthKeyLen); mir_md5_finish(&state, digest); mir_md5_init(&state); mir_md5_append(&state, (LPBYTE)szKey, (int)wKeyLen); mir_md5_append(&state, digest, 16); mir_md5_append(&state, (LPBYTE)CLIENT_MD5_STRING, sizeof(CLIENT_MD5_STRING)-1); mir_md5_finish(&state, digest); debugLogA("Sending ICQ_SIGNON_LOGIN_REQUEST to login server"); sendClientAuth((char*)digest, 0x10, TRUE); }
void CSListView::OnSelchangeWorktab(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { int nCur = m_wndWorkTab.GetCurtab(); CRect rect = m_wndWorkTab.GetTabRect( nCur ); CMenu menu; switch( nCur ) { case SL_WORKTAB_CLASS: /* if( menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MENU_SLISTBARCLASS ) ) { CMenu* pPopupMenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0); if( pPopupMenu ) pPopupMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_BOTTOMALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON , rect.left+3, rect.top+6, AfxGetMainFrame() ); }*/ break; case SL_WORKTAB_A: SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeA, NULL, -1 ); break; case SL_WORKTAB_SZNB: SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeClassSznb, NULL, -1 ); break; case SL_WORKTAB_SHB: SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeClassShab, NULL, -1 ); break; case SL_WORKTAB_BOND: SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeBond, NULL, -1 ); break; case SL_WORKTAB_FUND: SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeFund, NULL, -1 ); break; case SL_WORKTAB_SELF: { CString strSelf; strSelf.LoadString( IDS_DOMAIN_SELF ); SetCurrentStatus( CStockContainer::typeGroup, strSelf, -1 ); } break; case SL_WORKTAB_GROUP: if( menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MENU_SLISTBARGROUP ) ) { CMenu* pPopupMenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0); if( pPopupMenu ) pPopupMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_BOTTOMALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON , rect.left+3, rect.top+6, AfxGetMainFrame() ); } break; case SL_WORKTAB_DOMAIN: if( menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MENU_SLISTBARDOMAIN ) ) { CMenu* pPopupMenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0); if( pPopupMenu ) pPopupMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_BOTTOMALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON , rect.left+3, rect.top+6, AfxGetMainFrame() ); } break; default:; } *pResult = 0; }
void CIcqProto::sendServPacket(icq_packet *pPacket) { // make sure to have the connection handle connectionHandleMutex->Enter(); if (hServerConn) { int nSendResult; // This critsec makes sure that the sequence order doesn't get screwed up localSeqMutex->Enter(); // :IMPORTANT: // The FLAP sequence must be a WORD. When it reaches 0xFFFF it should wrap to // 0x0000, otherwise we'll get kicked by server. wLocalSequence++; // Pack sequence number pPacket->pData[2] = ((wLocalSequence & 0xff00) >> 8); pPacket->pData[3] = (wLocalSequence & 0x00ff); nSendResult = Netlib_Send(hServerConn, (const char *)pPacket->pData, pPacket->wLen, 0); localSeqMutex->Leave(); connectionHandleMutex->Leave(); // Send error if (nSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), LPGEN("Your connection with the ICQ server was abortively closed")); icq_serverDisconnect(FALSE); if (m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } else { // Rates management icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); m_rates->packetSent(pPacket); } } else {
void CIcqProto::handleServUINSettings(int nPort, serverthread_info *info) { setUserInfo(); /* SNAC 3,4: Tell server who's on our list (deprecated) */ /* SNAC 3,15: Try to add unauthorised contacts to temporary list */ sendEntireListServ(ICQ_BUDDY_FAMILY, ICQ_USER_ADDTOTEMPLIST, BUL_ALLCONTACTS); if (m_iDesiredStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) { /* Tell server who's on our visible list (deprecated) */ if (!m_bSsiEnabled) sendEntireListServ(ICQ_BOS_FAMILY, ICQ_CLI_ADDVISIBLE, BUL_VISIBLE); else updateServVisibilityCode(3); } if (m_iDesiredStatus != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) { /* Tell server who's on our invisible list (deprecated) */ if (!m_bSsiEnabled) sendEntireListServ(ICQ_BOS_FAMILY, ICQ_CLI_ADDINVISIBLE, BUL_INVISIBLE); else updateServVisibilityCode(4); } // SNAC 1,1E: Set status icq_packet packet; { DWORD dwDirectCookie = rand() ^ (rand() << 16); // Get status WORD wStatus = MirandaStatusToIcq(m_iDesiredStatus); // Get status note & mood char *szStatusNote = PrepareStatusNote(m_iDesiredStatus); BYTE bXStatus = getContactXStatus(NULL); char szMoodData[32]; // prepare mood id if (m_bMoodsEnabled && bXStatus && moodXStatus[bXStatus - 1] != -1) mir_snprintf(szMoodData, "icqmood%d", moodXStatus[bXStatus - 1]); else szMoodData[0] = '\0'; //! Tricky code, this ensures that the status note will be saved to the directory SetStatusNote(szStatusNote, m_bGatewayMode ? 5000 : 2500, TRUE); size_t wStatusNoteLen = mir_strlen(szStatusNote); size_t wStatusMoodLen = mir_strlen(szMoodData); size_t wSessionDataLen = (wStatusNoteLen ? wStatusNoteLen + 4 : 0) + 4 + wStatusMoodLen + 4; serverPacketInit(&packet, 71 + (wSessionDataLen ? wSessionDataLen + 4 : 0)); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_SET_STATUS); packDWord(&packet, 0x00060004); // TLV 6: Status mode and security flags packWord(&packet, GetMyStatusFlags()); // Status flags packWord(&packet, wStatus); // Status packTLVWord(&packet, 0x0008, 0x0A06); // TLV 8: Independent Status Messages packDWord(&packet, 0x000c0025); // TLV C: Direct connection info packDWord(&packet, getDword("RealIP", 0)); packDWord(&packet, nPort); packByte(&packet, DC_TYPE); // TCP/FLAG firewall settings packWord(&packet, ICQ_VERSION); packDWord(&packet, dwDirectCookie); // DC Cookie packDWord(&packet, WEBFRONTPORT); // Web front port packDWord(&packet, CLIENTFEATURES); // Client features packDWord(&packet, 0x7fffffff); // Abused timestamp packDWord(&packet, ICQ_PLUG_VERSION); // Abused timestamp if (ServiceExists("SecureIM/IsContactSecured")) packDWord(&packet, 0x5AFEC0DE); // SecureIM Abuse else packDWord(&packet, 0x00000000); // Timestamp packWord(&packet, 0x0000); // Unknown packTLVWord(&packet, 0x001F, 0x0000); if (wSessionDataLen) { // Pack session data packWord(&packet, 0x1D); // TLV 1D packWord(&packet, WORD(wSessionDataLen)); // TLV length packWord(&packet, 0x02); // Item Type if (wStatusNoteLen) { packWord(&packet, 0x400 | WORD(wStatusNoteLen + 4)); // Flags + Item Length packWord(&packet, WORD(wStatusNoteLen)); // Text Length packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szStatusNote, wStatusNoteLen); packWord(&packet, 0); // Encoding not specified (utf-8 is default) } else packWord(&packet, 0); // Flags + Item Length packWord(&packet, 0x0E); // Item Type packWord(&packet, WORD(wStatusMoodLen)); // Flags + Item Length if (wStatusMoodLen) packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szMoodData, wStatusMoodLen); // Mood // Save current status note & mood db_set_utf(NULL, m_szModuleName, DBSETTING_STATUS_NOTE, szStatusNote); setString(DBSETTING_STATUS_MOOD, szMoodData); } // Release memory SAFE_FREE(&szStatusNote); sendServPacket(&packet); } /* SNAC 1,11 */ serverPacketInit(&packet, 14); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_SET_IDLE); packDWord(&packet, 0x00000000); sendServPacket(&packet); m_bIdleAllow = 0; // Change status SetCurrentStatus(m_iDesiredStatus); // Finish Login sequence serverPacketInit(&packet, 98); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_READY); packDWord(&packet, 0x00220001); // imitate ICQ 6 behaviour packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010004); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00130004); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00020001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00030001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00150001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00040001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00060001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00090001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x000A0001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x000B0001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0110164f); sendServPacket(&packet); debugLogA(" *** Yeehah, login sequence complete"); // login sequence is complete enter logged-in mode info->bLoggedIn = true; m_bConnectionLost = false; // enable auto info-update routine icq_EnableUserLookup(true); if (!info->isMigrating) { // Get Offline Messages Reqeust cookie_offline_messages *ack = (cookie_offline_messages*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_offline_messages)); if (ack) { DWORD dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_OFFLINEMESSAGE, ICQ_MSG_CLI_REQ_OFFLINE, 0, ack); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_MSG_FAMILY, ICQ_MSG_CLI_REQ_OFFLINE, 0, dwCookie); sendServPacket(&packet); } else icq_LogMessage(LOG_WARNING, LPGEN("Failed to request offline messages. They may be received next time you log in.")); // Update our information from the server sendOwnerInfoRequest(); // Request info updates on all contacts icq_RescanInfoUpdate(); // Start sending Keep-Alive packets StartKeepAlive(info); if (m_bAvatarsEnabled) { // Send SNAC 1,4 - request avatar family 0x10 connection icq_requestnewfamily(ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, &CIcqProto::StartAvatarThread); m_avatarsConnectionPending = TRUE; debugLogA("Requesting Avatar family entry point."); } // Set last xstatus updateServerCustomStatus(TRUE); } info->isMigrating = false; if (m_bAimEnabled) { char **szAwayMsg = NULL; mir_cslock l(m_modeMsgsMutex); szAwayMsg = MirandaStatusToAwayMsg(m_iStatus); if (szAwayMsg) icq_sendSetAimAwayMsgServ(*szAwayMsg); } }
void CIcqProto::handleServiceFam(BYTE *pBuffer, size_t wBufferLength, snac_header *pSnacHeader, serverthread_info *info) { icq_packet packet; switch (pSnacHeader->wSubtype) { case ICQ_SERVER_READY: debugLogA("Server is ready and is requesting my Family versions"); debugLogA("Sending my Families"); // This packet is a response to SRV_FAMILIES SNAC(1,3). // This tells the server which SNAC families and their corresponding // versions which the client understands. This also seems to identify // the client as an ICQ vice AIM client to the server. // Miranda mimics the behaviour of ICQ 6 serverPacketInit(&packet, 54); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_FAMILIES); packDWord(&packet, 0x00220001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010004); packDWord(&packet, 0x00130004); packDWord(&packet, 0x00020001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00030001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00150001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00040001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00060001); packDWord(&packet, 0x00090001); packDWord(&packet, 0x000a0001); packDWord(&packet, 0x000b0001); sendServPacket(&packet); break; case ICQ_SERVER_FAMILIES2: /* This is a reply to CLI_FAMILIES and it tells the client which families and their versions that this server understands. * We send a rate request packet */ debugLogA("Server told me his Family versions"); debugLogA("Requesting Rate Information"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_REQ_RATE_INFO); sendServPacket(&packet); break; case ICQ_SERVER_RATE_INFO: debugLogA("Server sent Rate Info"); /* init rates management */ m_rates = new rates(this, pBuffer, wBufferLength); /* ack rate levels */ debugLogA("Sending Rate Info Ack"); m_rates->initAckPacket(&packet); sendServPacket(&packet); /* CLI_REQINFO - This command requests from the server certain information about the client that is stored on the server. */ debugLogA("Sending CLI_REQINFO"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_REQINFO); sendServPacket(&packet); if (m_bSsiEnabled) { cookie_servlist_action* ack; DWORD dwCookie; DWORD dwLastUpdate = getDword("SrvLastUpdate", 0); WORD wRecordCount = getWord("SrvRecordCount", 0); // CLI_REQLISTS - we want to use SSI debugLogA("Requesting roster rights"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 16); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_LISTS_FAMILY, ICQ_LISTS_CLI_REQLISTS); packTLVWord(&packet, 0x0B, 0x000F); // mimic ICQ 6 sendServPacket(&packet); if (!wRecordCount) { // CLI_REQROSTER // we do not have any data - request full list debugLogA("Requesting full roster"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); ack = (cookie_servlist_action*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_servlist_action)); if (ack) { // we try to use standalone cookie if available ack->dwAction = SSA_CHECK_ROSTER; // loading list dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_SERVERLIST, ICQ_LISTS_CLI_REQUEST, 0, ack); } else // if not use that old fake dwCookie = ICQ_LISTS_CLI_REQUEST << 0x10; packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_LISTS_FAMILY, ICQ_LISTS_CLI_REQUEST, 0, dwCookie); sendServPacket(&packet); } else { // CLI_CHECKROSTER debugLogA("Requesting roster check"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 16); ack = (cookie_servlist_action*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_servlist_action)); if (ack) { // TODO: rewrite - use get list service for empty list // we try to use standalone cookie if available ack->dwAction = SSA_CHECK_ROSTER; // loading list dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_SERVERLIST, ICQ_LISTS_CLI_CHECK, 0, ack); } else // if not use that old fake dwCookie = ICQ_LISTS_CLI_CHECK << 0x10; packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_LISTS_FAMILY, ICQ_LISTS_CLI_CHECK, 0, dwCookie); // check if it was not changed elsewhere (force reload, set that setting to zero) if (IsServerGroupsDefined()) { packDWord(&packet, dwLastUpdate); // last saved time packWord(&packet, wRecordCount); // number of records saved } else { // we need to get groups info into DB, force receive list packDWord(&packet, 0); // last saved time packWord(&packet, 0); // number of records saved } sendServPacket(&packet); } } // CLI_REQLOCATION debugLogA("Requesting Location rights"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_LOCATION_FAMILY, ICQ_LOCATION_CLI_REQ_RIGHTS); sendServPacket(&packet); // CLI_REQBUDDY debugLogA("Requesting Client-side contactlist rights"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 16); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_BUDDY_FAMILY, ICQ_USER_CLI_REQBUDDY); // Query flags: 1 = Enable Avatars // 2 = Enable offline status message notification // 4 = Enable Avatars for offline contacts // 8 = Use reject for not authorized contacts packTLVWord(&packet, 0x05, 0x0007); sendServPacket(&packet); // CLI_REQICBM debugLogA("Sending CLI_REQICBM"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_MSG_FAMILY, ICQ_MSG_CLI_REQICBM); sendServPacket(&packet); // CLI_REQBOS debugLogA("Sending CLI_REQBOS"); serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_BOS_FAMILY, ICQ_PRIVACY_REQ_RIGHTS); sendServPacket(&packet); break; case ICQ_SERVER_PAUSE: debugLogA("Server is going down in a few seconds... (Flags: %u)", pSnacHeader->wFlags); // This is the list of groups that we want to have on the next server serverPacketInit(&packet, 30); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_PAUSE_ACK); packWord(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_LISTS_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_LOCATION_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_BUDDY_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_EXTENSIONS_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_MSG_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, 0x06); packWord(&packet, ICQ_BOS_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_LOOKUP_FAMILY); packWord(&packet, ICQ_STATS_FAMILY); sendServPacket(&packet); debugLogA("Sent server pause ack"); break; case ICQ_SERVER_MIGRATIONREQ: debugLogA("Server migration requested (Flags: %u)", pSnacHeader->wFlags); pBuffer += 2; // Unknown, seen: 0 wBufferLength -= 2; { oscar_tlv_chain *chain = readIntoTLVChain(&pBuffer, wBufferLength, 0); if (info->cookieDataLen > 0) SAFE_FREE((void**)&info->cookieData); info->newServer = chain->getString(0x05, 1); info->newServerSSL = chain->getNumber(0x8E, 1); info->cookieData = (BYTE*)chain->getString(0x06, 1); info->cookieDataLen = chain->getLength(0x06, 1); disposeChain(&chain); if (!info->newServer || !info->cookieData) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("A server migration has failed because the server returned invalid data. You must reconnect manually.")); SAFE_FREE(&info->newServer); SAFE_FREE((void**)&info->cookieData); info->cookieDataLen = 0; info->isNewServerReady = false; return; } debugLogA("Migration has started. New server will be %s", info->newServer); m_iDesiredStatus = m_iStatus; SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_CONNECTING); // revert to connecting state info->isNewServerReady = info->isMigrating = true; } break; case ICQ_SERVER_NAME_INFO: // This is the reply to CLI_REQINFO debugLogA("Received self info"); { BYTE bUinLen; unpackByte(&pBuffer, &bUinLen); pBuffer += bUinLen; pBuffer += 4; /* warning level & user class */ wBufferLength -= 5 + bUinLen; // This is during the login sequence if (pSnacHeader->dwRef == ICQ_CLIENT_REQINFO << 0x10) { // TLV(x01) User type? // TLV(x0C) Empty CLI2CLI Direct connection info // TLV(x0A) External IP // TLV(x0F) Number of seconds that user has been online // TLV(x03) The online since time. // TLV(x0A) External IP again // TLV(x22) Unknown // TLV(x1E) Unknown: empty. // TLV(x05) Member of ICQ since. // TLV(x14) Unknown oscar_tlv_chain *chain = readIntoTLVChain(&pBuffer, wBufferLength, 0); // Save external IP DWORD dwValue = chain->getDWord(0x0A, 1); setDword("IP", dwValue); // Save member since timestamp dwValue = chain->getDWord(0x05, 1); if (dwValue) setDword("MemberTS", dwValue); dwValue = chain->getDWord(0x03, 1); setDword("LogonTS", dwValue ? dwValue : time(NULL)); disposeChain(&chain); // If we are in SSI mode, this is sent after the list is acked instead // to make sure that we don't set status before seing the visibility code if (!m_bSsiEnabled || info->isMigrating) handleServUINSettings(wListenPort, info); } } break; case ICQ_SERVER_RATE_CHANGE: if (wBufferLength >= 2) { WORD wStatus, wClass; DWORD dwLevel; // We now have global rate management, although controlled are only some // areas. This should not arrive in most cases. If it does, update our // local rate levels & issue broadcast. unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wStatus); unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wClass); pBuffer += 20; unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwLevel); { mir_cslock l(m_ratesMutex); m_rates->updateLevel(wClass, dwLevel); } if (wStatus == 2 || wStatus == 3) { // this is only the simplest solution, needs rate management to every section ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ICQACKTYPE_RATEWARNING, ACKRESULT_STATUS, (HANDLE)wClass, wStatus); if (wStatus == 2) debugLogA("Rates #%u: Alert", wClass); else debugLogA("Rates #%u: Limit", wClass); } else if (wStatus == 4) { ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ICQACKTYPE_RATEWARNING, ACKRESULT_STATUS, (HANDLE)wClass, wStatus); debugLogA("Rates #%u: Clear", wClass); } } break; case ICQ_SERVER_REDIRECT_SERVICE: // reply to family request, got new connection point { oscar_tlv_chain *pChain = NULL; cookie_family_request *pCookieData; if (!(pChain = readIntoTLVChain(&pBuffer, wBufferLength, 0))) { debugLogA("Received Broken Redirect Service SNAC(1,5)."); break; } // pick request data WORD wFamily = pChain->getWord(0x0D, 1); if ((!FindCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef, NULL, (void**)&pCookieData)) || (pCookieData->wFamily != wFamily)) { disposeChain(&pChain); debugLogA("Received unexpected SNAC(1,5), skipping."); break; } FreeCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef); // new family entry point received char *pServer = pChain->getString(0x05, 1); BYTE bServerSSL = pChain->getNumber(0x8E, 1); char *pCookie = pChain->getString(0x06, 1); WORD wCookieLen = pChain->getLength(0x06, 1); if (!pServer || !pCookie) { debugLogA("Server returned invalid data, family unavailable."); SAFE_FREE(&pServer); SAFE_FREE(&pCookie); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData); disposeChain(&pChain); break; } // Get new family server ip and port WORD wPort = info->wServerPort; // get default port parseServerAddress(pServer, &wPort); // establish connection NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = { 0 }; if (m_bGatewayMode) nloc.flags |= NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY; nloc.szHost = pServer; nloc.wPort = wPort; HANDLE hConnection = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hNetlibUser, wFamily == ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY ? "Avatar " : NULL, &nloc); if (hConnection == NULL) debugLogA("Unable to connect to ICQ new family server."); // we want the handler to be called even if the connecting failed else if (bServerSSL) { /* Start SSL session if requested */ debugLogA("(%p) Starting SSL negotiation", CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETSOCKET, (WPARAM)hConnection, 0)); if (!CallService(MS_NETLIB_STARTSSL, (WPARAM)hConnection, 0)) { debugLogA("Unable to connect to ICQ new family server, SSL could not be negotiated"); NetLib_CloseConnection(&hConnection, FALSE); } } (this->*pCookieData->familyHandler)(hConnection, pCookie, wCookieLen); // Free allocated memory // NOTE: "cookie" will get freed when we have connected to the avatar server. disposeChain(&pChain); SAFE_FREE(&pServer); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData); break; } case ICQ_SERVER_EXTSTATUS: // our session data debugLogA("Received owner session data."); while (wBufferLength > 4) { // loop thru all items WORD itemType = pBuffer[0] * 0x10 | pBuffer[1]; BYTE itemFlags = pBuffer[2]; size_t itemLen = pBuffer[3]; if (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_PHOTO) { /// TODO: handle photo item // skip photo item debugLogA("Photo item recognized"); } else if ((itemType == AVATAR_HASH_STATIC || itemType == AVATAR_HASH_FLASH) && (itemLen >= 0x10)) { debugLogA("Avatar item recognized"); if (m_bAvatarsEnabled && !info->bMyAvatarInited) { // signal the server after login // this refreshes avatar state - it used to work automatically, but now it does not if (getByte("ForceOurAvatar", 0)) { // keep our avatar TCHAR *file = GetOwnAvatarFileName(); SetMyAvatar(0, (LPARAM)file); SAFE_FREE(&file); } else { // only change avatar hash to the same one BYTE hash[0x14]; memcpy(hash, pBuffer, 0x14); hash[2] = 1; // update image status updateServAvatarHash(hash, 0x14); } info->bMyAvatarInited = true; break; } // process owner avatar hash changed notification handleAvatarOwnerHash(itemFlags, pBuffer, itemLen + 4); } else if (itemType == 0x02) { debugLogA("Status message item recognized"); } else if (itemType == 0x0E) { debugLogA("Status mood item recognized"); } // move to next item if (wBufferLength >= itemLen + 4) { wBufferLength -= itemLen + 4; pBuffer += itemLen + 4; } else { pBuffer += wBufferLength; wBufferLength = 0; } } break; case ICQ_ERROR: // Something went wrong, probably the request for avatar family failed { WORD wError; if (wBufferLength >= 2) unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wError); else wError = 0; LogFamilyError(ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, wError); } break; // Stuff we don't care about case ICQ_SERVER_MOTD: debugLogA("Server message of the day"); break; default: debugLogA("Warning: Ignoring SNAC(x%02x,x%02x) - Unknown SNAC (Flags: %u, Ref: %u)", ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, pSnacHeader->wSubtype, pSnacHeader->wFlags, pSnacHeader->dwRef); break; } }
void __cdecl CIcqProto::ServerThread(serverthread_start_info *infoParam) { serverthread_info info = {0}; info.isLoginServer = 1; info.wAuthKeyLen = infoParam->wPassLen; null_strcpy((char*)info.szAuthKey, infoParam->szPass, info.wAuthKeyLen); // store server port info.wServerPort = infoParam->nloc.wPort; srand(time(NULL)); ResetSettingsOnConnect(); // Connect to the login server NetLog_Server("Authenticating to server"); { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = infoParam->nloc; nloc.timeout = 6; if (m_bGatewayMode) nloc.flags |= NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY; hServerConn = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hServerNetlibUser, NULL, &nloc); SAFE_FREE((void**)&nloc.szHost); SAFE_FREE((void**)&infoParam); if (hServerConn && m_bSecureConnection) { if (!CallService(MS_NETLIB_STARTSSL, (WPARAM)hServerConn, 0)) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Unable to connect to ICQ login server, SSL could not be negotiated")); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); NetLib_CloseConnection(&hServerConn, TRUE); return; } } } // Login error if (hServerConn == NULL) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_ERROR, dwError, LPGEN("Unable to connect to ICQ login server")); return; } // Initialize direct connection ports { DWORD dwInternalIP; BYTE bConstInternalIP = getSettingByte(NULL, "ConstRealIP", 0); info.hDirectBoundPort = NetLib_BindPort(icq_newConnectionReceived, this, &wListenPort, &dwInternalIP); if (!info.hDirectBoundPort) { icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_WARNING, GetLastError(), LPGEN("Miranda was unable to allocate a port to listen for direct peer-to-peer connections between clients. You will be able to use most of the ICQ network without problems but you may be unable to send or receive files.\n\nIf you have a firewall this may be blocking Miranda, in which case you should configure your firewall to leave some ports open and tell Miranda which ports to use in M->Options->ICQ->Network.")); wListenPort = 0; if (!bConstInternalIP) deleteSetting(NULL, "RealIP"); } else if (!bConstInternalIP) setSettingDword(NULL, "RealIP", dwInternalIP); } // Initialize rate limiting queues { icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); m_ratesQueue_Request = new rates_queue(this, "request", RML_IDLE_30, RML_IDLE_50, 1); m_ratesQueue_Response = new rates_queue(this, "response", RML_IDLE_10, RML_IDLE_30, -1); } // This is the "infinite" loop that receives the packets from the ICQ server { int recvResult; NETLIBPACKETRECVER packetRecv = {0}; info.hPacketRecver = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER, (WPARAM)hServerConn, 0x2400); packetRecv.cbSize = sizeof(packetRecv); packetRecv.dwTimeout = INFINITE; while (serverThreadHandle) { if (info.bReinitRecver) { // we reconnected, reinit struct info.bReinitRecver = 0; ZeroMemory(&packetRecv, sizeof(packetRecv)); packetRecv.cbSize = sizeof(packetRecv); packetRecv.dwTimeout = INFINITE; } recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS, (WPARAM)info.hPacketRecver, (LPARAM)&packetRecv); if (recvResult == 0) { NetLog_Server("Clean closure of server socket"); break; } if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetLog_Server("Abortive closure of server socket, error: %d", GetLastError()); break; } if (m_iDesiredStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Disconnect requested, send disconnect packet icq_sendCloseConnection(); // disconnected upon request m_bConnectionLost = FALSE; SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); NetLog_Server("Logged off."); break; } // Deal with the packet packetRecv.bytesUsed = handleServerPackets(packetRecv.buffer, packetRecv.bytesAvailable, &info); } serverThreadHandle = NULL; // Time to shutdown NetLib_CloseConnection(&hServerConn, TRUE); // Close the packet receiver (connection may still be open) NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&info.hPacketRecver); // Close DC port NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&info.hDirectBoundPort); } // disable auto info-update thread icq_EnableUserLookup(FALSE); if (m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && m_iDesiredStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { if (!info.bLoggedIn) icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("Connection failed.\nLogin sequence failed for unknown reason.\nTry again later.")); // set flag indicating we were kicked out m_bConnectionLost = TRUE; SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } // signal keep-alive thread to stop StopKeepAlive(&info); // Close all open DC connections CloseContactDirectConns(NULL); // Close avatar connection if any StopAvatarThread(); // Offline all contacts HANDLE hContact = FindFirstContact(); while (hContact) { DWORD dwUIN; uid_str szUID; if (!getContactUid(hContact, &dwUIN, &szUID)) { if (getContactStatus(hContact) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { char tmp = 0; setSettingWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); handleXStatusCaps(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, (BYTE*)&tmp, 0, &tmp, 0); } } hContact = FindNextContact(hContact); } setSettingDword(NULL, "LogonTS", 0); // clear logon time servlistPendingFlushOperations(); // clear pending operations list { // release rates queues icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); SAFE_DELETE((void_struct**)&m_ratesQueue_Request); SAFE_DELETE((void_struct**)&m_ratesQueue_Response); SAFE_DELETE((void_struct**)&m_rates); } FlushServerIDs(); // clear server IDs list NetLog_Server("%s thread ended.", "Server"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name: OnPlay() // Desc: Take actions when the Play button is clicked. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL OnPlay() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( NULL == g_pAudioplay ) { return( E_UNEXPECTED ); } // // Check previous status of the player // switch( g_Status ) { case PAUSE: // // Player was PAUSEed, now resume it // hr = g_pAudioplay->Resume(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TCHAR tszErrMesg[ 128 ]; (void)StringCchPrintf( tszErrMesg, ARRAYSIZE(tszErrMesg), _T( "Unable to resume (hr=%#X)" ), hr ); MessageBox( g_hwndDialog, tszErrMesg, ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE, MB_OK ); } else { SetCurrentStatus( PLAY ); } break; case STOP: // // Player was STOPped, now start it // hr = g_pAudioplay->Start(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TCHAR tszErrMesg[ 128 ]; (void)StringCchPrintf( tszErrMesg, ARRAYSIZE(tszErrMesg), _T("Unable to start (hr=%#X)"), hr ); MessageBox( g_hwndDialog, tszErrMesg, ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE, MB_OK ); } else { SetCurrentStatus( OPENING ); } break; case CLOSED: // // The play is being called for the current file for the first time. // Start playing the file // SetCurrentStatus( OPENING ); // // Get the file name // GetDlgItemText( g_hwndDialog, IDC_FILENAME, g_ptszFileName, MAX_PATH ); // // Remove leading spaces from the file name // TCHAR *ptszTemp = g_ptszFileName; while( *ptszTemp == _T(' ') ) { ptszTemp++; } if( g_ptszFileName != ptszTemp ) { memmove( g_ptszFileName, ptszTemp, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( _tcslen( ptszTemp ) + 1 ) ); SendDlgItemMessage( g_hwndDialog, IDC_FILENAME, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( WPARAM )g_ptszFileName ); } // // Open the file. We may need to convert the filename string from multibytes to wide characters // #ifndef UNICODE { WCHAR pwszFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; if( 0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, g_ptszFileName, -1, pwszFileName, MAX_PATH ) ) { // // Convertion failed // SetCurrentStatus( CLOSED ); SetCurrentStatus( READY ); break; } hr = g_pAudioplay->Open( pwszFileName ); } #else hr = g_pAudioplay->Open( g_ptszFileName ); #endif // UNICODE if( FAILED( hr ) ) { SetCurrentStatus( CLOSED ); SetCurrentStatus( READY ); } else { // // Start to play from the beginning // hr = g_pAudioplay->Start(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TCHAR tszErrMesg[ 128 ]; (void)StringCchPrintf( tszErrMesg, ARRAYSIZE(tszErrMesg), _T("Unable to start (hr=%#X)"), hr ); MessageBox( g_hwndDialog, tszErrMesg, ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE, MB_OK ); } else { // // Set the max range of the slider to be the value of the file's duration in milliseconds // SendDlgItemMessage( g_hwndDialog, IDC_SLIDER, TBM_SETRANGEMAX, TRUE, ( DWORD )( g_pAudioplay->GetFileDuration() / 10000 ) ); // // Update the window title with the file's name // LPTSTR ptszFile = _tcsrchr( g_ptszFileName, _T( '\\' ) ); if( NULL != ptszFile ) { SetWindowText( g_hwndDialog, ptszFile + 1 ); } else { SetWindowText( g_hwndDialog, g_ptszFileName ); } } } break; } return TRUE; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name: DlgProc() // Desc: Dialog box procedure. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HICON hIcon = NULL; RECT rect; switch( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: g_hwndDialog = hwndDlg; // // Load the application icon // hIcon = LoadIcon( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_WMAICON ) ); if( hIcon ) { SendMessage( hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM )hIcon ); SendMessage( hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ( LPARAM )hIcon ); } GetWindowRect( hwndDlg, &rect ); // // Store the Window height in a global variable for future reference // g_iDlgHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top; // // Ready to open and play a file // SetCurrentStatus( READY ); // // Create and initialize the audio player // g_pAudioplay = new CAudioPlay; if( NULL == g_pAudioplay ) { // // Creation has failed. Close the application. // SendMessage( hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0,0 ); return TRUE; } hr = g_pAudioplay->Init(); if( FAILED(hr) ) { // // Init has failed. Close the application. // SendMessage( hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0,0 ); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDC_FILENAME: if( EN_CHANGE == HIWORD( wParam ) ) { // // Filename has been changed // Use this notification for enabling or disabling the Play button // TCHAR tszFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; GetDlgItemText( hwndDlg, IDC_FILENAME, tszFileName, MAX_PATH ); // // If filename is not empty, enable the Play button // if( _tcslen( tszFileName) > 0 ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY ), TRUE ); SetCurrentStatus( CLOSED ); } else { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY ), FALSE ); } SetCurrentStatus( READY ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; case IDC_OPEN: // // Show the OpenFile dialog // if( ShowOpenFileDialog() ) { // // Display the file name // SetDlgItemText( hwndDlg, IDC_FILENAME, g_ptszFileName ); SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_PLAY ) ); } return TRUE; case IDC_STOP: SetCurrentStatus( STOPPING ); // // Stop the audio player // if( NULL != g_pAudioplay ) { hr = g_pAudioplay->Stop(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { SetCurrentStatus( g_Status ); TCHAR tszErrMesg[128]; (void)StringCchPrintf( tszErrMesg, ARRAYSIZE(tszErrMesg), _T( "Unable to Stop (hr=%#X)" ), hr ); MessageBox( hwndDlg, tszErrMesg, ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE, MB_OK ); } } return TRUE; case IDC_PAUSE: // // Pause the audio player // if( NULL != g_pAudioplay ) { hr = g_pAudioplay->Pause(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TCHAR tszErrMesg[128]; (void)StringCchPrintf( tszErrMesg, ARRAYSIZE(tszErrMesg), _T("Unable to Pause (hr=%#X)"), hr ); MessageBox( hwndDlg, tszErrMesg, ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE, MB_OK ); } else { SetCurrentStatus( PAUSE ); } } break; case IDC_PLAY: return( OnPlay() ); case IDCANCEL: // // Close the player before exiting application // if( NULL != g_pAudioplay ) { g_pAudioplay->Exit(); g_pAudioplay->Release(); } EndDialog( hwndDlg, wParam ); return TRUE; } break; case WM_HSCROLL: if( NULL == g_pAudioplay ) { break; } // // Seek only when the file is seekable // if( ( LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_THUMBTRACK || LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_BOTTOM || LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_PAGEDOWN || LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_PAGEUP || LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_TOP ) && g_pAudioplay->IsSeekable() ) { // // Set g_IsSeeking, to be referenced when thumb tracking is over // g_IsSeeking = TRUE; } else if( LOWORD( wParam ) == TB_ENDTRACK && g_pAudioplay->IsSeekable() && g_IsSeeking ) { DWORD_PTR dwPos = SendDlgItemMessage( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER, TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0 ); // // Start the file from the new position // hr = g_pAudioplay->Start( ( QWORD )dwPos * 10000 ); if( FAILED ( hr ) ) { g_IsSeeking = FALSE; } } break; } return FALSE; }