void GUIOPTION::SetValues(const std::string & curvalue, const LIST & newvalues) { m_values = newvalues; std::stringstream s; s << m_values.size(); signal_update(s.str()); SetCurrentValue(curvalue); }
void GuiOption::SetValues(const std::string & curvalue, const List & newvalues) { m_values = newvalues; std::ostringstream s; s << m_values.size(); signal_update(s.str()); SetCurrentValue(curvalue); }
void CUITrackBar::Undo() { if(m_b_is_float) m_f_val = m_f_back_up; else m_i_val = m_i_back_up; SaveValue (); SetCurrentValue (); }
short int ParameterUpdater::MCMC_Step(curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars, int iteration_id, int print_step ) { double mcmc_ratio; double logalpha; is_accepted = 0; int i; PRINT_MCMC_STEP=print_step; if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { if(iteration_id >= 0) cout << iteration_id << " "; cout << par_name; } SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); Propose(current_values, data, global_pars); if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << ": current = " << current_value[0] << ", proposed = " << proposal_value[0] << " "; } if(proposal_value[0] != current_value[0]) { mcmc_ratio = Logposterior(proposal_value[0], current_values, data, global_pars) - Logposterior(current_value[0], current_values, data, global_pars) + Logjump(current_value[0], proposal_value[0], current_values, data, global_pars) - Logjump(proposal_value[0], current_value[0], current_values, data, global_pars); distributions->Simulate(3, 1, &logalpha, 0.0, 1.0); if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << " ratio = " << mcmc_ratio << ", logalpha = " << log(logalpha); } if(log(logalpha) < mcmc_ratio) { is_accepted += 1; SetCurrentProposed(current_values, global_pars); if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) cout << " accepted " << endl; } else { if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) cout << " rejected " << endl; } } else { if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << " no move " << endl; } } return(is_accepted); }
void ScrollBar::HandleMouseMovement(Sint32 x, Sint32 y, bool insideOverlay) { Arrow1.HandleMouseMovement(x,y,insideOverlay); Arrow2.HandleMouseMovement(x,y - GetSize().y + Arrow2.GetSize().y,insideOverlay); if(bDragSlider) { int SliderAreaHeight = GetSize().y - Arrow1.GetSize().y - Arrow2.GetSize().y; int Range = (MaxValue - MinValue + 1); double OneTickHeight = ((double)(SliderAreaHeight - SliderButton.GetSize().y)) / ((double) (Range-1)); SetCurrentValue((int) ((y - dragPositionFromSliderTop - Arrow1.GetSize().y) / OneTickHeight)); } }
void RhoUpdater::Propose(curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars) { if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << "_" << data->uid; } SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); proposal_value[0] = trunc_norm_proposal(current_value[0], proposal_sd, BETA_MIN, BETA_MAX, distributions); }
void OffLambdaUpdater::Propose(curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars) { double kappa, theta; kappa = hyperpar[0]; theta = hyperpar[1]; if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << "_" << data->uid; } SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); distributions->Simulate(4,1,proposal_value,(double)(current_values->NumOffOffTrans())+kappa,(double)1.0/(((double)(current_values->NumOffSeq()))+ (1.0/theta) )); // if( (proposal_value[0] < hyperpar[0]) || (proposal_value[0] > hyperpar[1])) //proposal_value[0] = current_value[0]; }
void NuUpdater::Propose(curr_par_obj* current_values, mach_dat_obj* data, global_par_obj* global_pars) { double l, u; l = hyperpar[0]; u = hyperpar[1]; if(PRINT_MCMC_STEP) { cout << "_" << data->uid; } SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); proposal_value[0] = trunc_norm_proposal(current_value[0], proposal_sd, l, u, distributions); }
void ParameterUpdater::SetValidStartValue(curr_par_obj* current_values, global_par_obj* global_pars) { int i; if(!(l_is_inf && u_is_inf)) { SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); for(i = 0; i < dim; i++) { proposal_value[i] = current_value[i]; if(!(l_is_inf)) { if(current_value[i] < lb) proposal_value[i] = lb + BETA_MIN; } if(!(u_is_inf)) { if(current_value[i] > ub) proposal_value[i] = ub - BETA_MIN; } } SetCurrentProposed(current_values, global_pars); } }
void CPlayerApplicationSettings::ConstructL(TUint aAttributeID, TDesC8& aAttributeText, const RArray<TUint>& aValues, RArray<TPtrC8>& aValueText, TUint aInitialValue ) { iAttributeID = aAttributeID; // copy the attribute description iAttributeText = aAttributeText.AllocL(); // copy the allowed values for (TInt i=0; i < aValues.Count(); i++ ) { // avoid duplicated defined values if (iValues.Find(aValues[i]) != KErrNotFound) { User::Leave(KErrArgument); } iValues.AppendL( aValues[i] ); // copy the value description into a HBuf and add pointer to iValueTexts HBufC8 * valueText = aValueText[i].AllocL(); CleanupStack::PushL(valueText); iValueText.AppendL(valueText); CleanupStack::Pop(valueText); } TInt error = SetCurrentValue( aInitialValue ); if ( error != KErrNone ) { User::Leave( error ); } }
void ScrollBar::SetNumRows ( int newValue ) { m_numRows = newValue; SetCurrentValue( m_currentValue ); EclDirtyWindow( m_parentWindow ); }
void ScrollBar::ChangeCurrentValue( int newValue ) { SetCurrentValue( m_currentValue + newValue ); }
void ScrollBar::SetWinSize ( int newValue ) { m_winSize = newValue; SetCurrentValue( m_currentValue ); EclDirtyWindow( m_parentWindow ); }
double NuUpdater::GraphLogLikelihood(curr_par_obj* current_values, global_par_obj* global_pars) { SetCurrentValue(current_values, global_pars); return(Logprior(current_value[0])); }
void pawsProgressBar::OnUpdateData(const char* /*dataname*/, PAWSData &value) { SetCurrentValue(value.GetFloat()); }
void pawsScrollBar::OnUpdateData(const char* /*dataname*/, PAWSData &value) { SetCurrentValue(value.GetFloat(), true, false); }
void clGUISlider::Event_Timer( iGUIResponder* Source, float DeltaTime ) { if ( GetConsoleVariable() ) { SetCurrentValue( GetConsoleVariable()->GetFloat() ); } clGUIPanel::Event_Timer( Source, DeltaTime ); }
void clGUIGauge::Increment( int Delta ) { SetCurrentValue( GetCurrentValue() + Delta ); }