void CuDnnRNNExecutor<ElemType>::ForwardCore(
    const GPUMatrix<ElemType>& weightsW,
    const GPUMatrix<ElemType>& inputX, GPUMatrix<ElemType>& outputY,
    const vector<size_t>& numSequencesForFrame,
    const RnnAttributes& rnnAttributes,
    GPUMatrix<ElemType>& reserve, GPUMatrix<ElemType>& workspace
    // test that the RNN shape is correct
    if (!m_rnnT->IsCompatible(rnnAttributes))
        LogicError("RNN Layout has changed during processing");

    if (m_yDim != (m_rnnT->isBidirectional() ? 2 : 1) * m_rnnT->GetNumHidden())
        InvalidArgument("CuDnn ForwardCore: Output leading dimension must be twice hidden size for bidirectional networks");

    // set up the input and output descriptors
    SetDescriptors(m_xDim, numSequencesForFrame, xDesc);
    SetDescriptors(m_yDim, numSequencesForFrame, yDesc);

    // ensure workspace and reserve are large enough
    m_seqLength = numSequencesForFrame.size();
    size_t workSize;
    size_t reserveSize;

    // Need for every pass
    CUDNN_CALL(cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize(*m_cudnn, *m_rnnT, (int)m_seqLength, xDesc.data(), &workSize));
    // Only needed in training, can't be touched between passes.
    CUDNN_CALL(cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize(*m_cudnn, *m_rnnT, (int)m_seqLength, xDesc.data(), &reserveSize));

    // convert from bytes to ElemType
    workSize = (workSize + sizeof(ElemType) - 1) / (sizeof(ElemType));
    reserveSize = (reserveSize + sizeof(ElemType) - 1) / sizeof(ElemType);

    reserve.Resize(reserveSize, 1);
    workspace.Resize(workSize, 1);

    wDesc = make_unique<CuDnnFilter<ElemType>>(*m_rnnT, xDesc[0]);
    if (wDesc->GetSize() != weightsW.GetNumElements())
        InvalidArgument("RNN needs %ld parameters, but %ld were allocated", wDesc->GetSize(), weightsW.GetNumElements());

        *m_cudnn, *m_rnnT,
        xDesc.data(), inputX.Data(),
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        *wDesc, weightsW.Data(),
        yDesc.data(), outputY.Data(),
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        workspace.Data(), workspace.GetNumElements()*sizeof(ElemType),
        reserve.Data(), reserve.GetNumElements()*sizeof(ElemType)));
    m_BackwardDataCalledYet = false;
    void Query::load(int version, const char* agentType, const properties_t& properties)
        super::load(version, agentType, properties);

        if (properties.size() > 0)
            for (propertie_const_iterator_t it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it)
                const property_t& p = (*it);

                if (strcmp(p.name, "Domain") == 0)
                    m_domain = p.value;
                else if (strcmp(p.name, "Descriptors") == 0)
                    //BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0, "unrecognised property %s", p.name);