// FUNCTION: HandleCommand()
// PURPOSE: Take action in response to user action at the dialog box's controls.
void HandleCommand(_In_ HWND hwndDlg, _In_ WORD wCtrlId)
    switch (wCtrlId)
    case IDC_CLOSE:

        // Close the sample dialog box.
        EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);


    case IDC_RADIO_100:
    case IDC_RADIO_200:
    case IDC_RADIO_300:
    case IDC_RADIO_400:

        // The user clicked one of the radio button to apply some fullscreen magnification. (We know the control ids are sequential here.)
        SetZoom(hwndDlg, (float)(wCtrlId - IDC_RADIO_100 + 1));


        // The user clicked the checkbox to apply grayscale to the colors on the screen.
        bool fGrayscaleOn = (BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CHECK_SETGRAYSCALE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0));


        // The user clicked the checkbox to apply an input transform for touch and pen input.
        bool fInputTransformOn = (BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CHECK_SETINPUTTRANSFORM, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0));

        SetInputTransform(hwndDlg, fInputTransformOn);


        // The user wants to retrieve the current magnification settings.

// FUNCTION: SetZoom()
// PURPOSE: Apply fullscreen magnification.
void SetZoom(_In_ HWND hwndDlg, _In_ float magnificationFactor)
    // Attempts to apply a magnification of less than 100% will fail.
    if (magnificationFactor >= 1.0)
        // The offsets supplied to MagSetFullscreenTransform() are relative to the top left corner
        // of the primary monitor, in unmagnified coordinates. To position the top left corner of
        // some window of interest at the top left corner of the magnified view, call GetWindowRect()
        // to get the window rectangle, and pass the rectangle's left and top values as the offsets
        // supplied to MagSetFullscreenTransform().

        // If the top left corner of the window of interest is to be positioned at the top left
        // corner of the monitor furthest to the left of the primary monitor, then the top left
        // corner of the virtual desktop would be adjusted by the current magnification, as follows:
        //   int xOffset = rcTargetWindow.left - (int)(rcVirtualDesktop.left / magnificationFactor);
        //   int yOffset = rcTargetWindow.top  - (int)(rcVirtualDesktop.top  / magnificationFactor);

        // For this sample, keep the sample's UI at the center of the magnified view on the primary monitor.
        // In order to do this, it is nececessary to adjust the offsets supplied to MagSetFullscreenTransform()
        // based on the magnification being applied.

        // Note that the calculations in this file which use GetSystemMetrics(SM_C*SCREEN) assume
        // that the values returned from that function are unaffected by the current DPI setting.
        // In order to ensure this, the manifest for this app declares the app to be DPI aware.

        int xDlg = (int)((float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) * (1.0 - (1.0 / magnificationFactor)) / 2.0);
        int yDlg = (int)((float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) * (1.0 - (1.0 / magnificationFactor)) / 2.0);

        BOOL fSuccess = MagSetFullscreenTransform(magnificationFactor, xDlg, yDlg);
        if (fSuccess)
            // If an input transform for pen and touch is currently applied, update the transform
            // to account for the new magnification.
            BOOL fInputTransformEnabled;
            RECT rcInputTransformSource;
            RECT rcInputTransformDest;

            if (MagGetInputTransform(&fInputTransformEnabled, &rcInputTransformSource, &rcInputTransformDest))
                if (fInputTransformEnabled)
                    SetInputTransform(hwndDlg, fInputTransformEnabled);
    m_videoBuffer = new TrackedVideoBuffer( DefaultImageSize[0], DefaultImageSize[1] );
    SetInputTransform( m_videoBuffer->GetOutputTransform() );

    m_videoInputSwitch = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPassThrough>::New();
    m_videoInputSwitch->SetInputConnection( m_videoBuffer->GetVideoOutputPort() ); // by default, get input from internal buffer

    m_lensDisplacementTransform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
    m_opticalCenterTransform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
    m_opticalCenterTransform->Concatenate( this->GetWorldTransform() );
    m_opticalCenterTransform->Concatenate( m_lensDisplacementTransform );
    m_imageTransform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
    m_imageTransform->SetInput( m_opticalCenterTransform );

    m_trackingCamera = false;
    m_intrinsicEditable = false;
    m_extrinsicEditable = false;
    m_camera = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>::New();
    m_imageDistance = 100.0;
    m_globalOpacity = 0.7;
    m_saturation = 1.0;
    m_brightness = 1.0;
    m_useTransparency = false;
    m_useGradient = true;
    m_showMask = false;
    m_trackedTransparencyCenter = false;
    m_transparencyCenter[0] = 0.5;
    m_transparencyCenter[1] = 0.5;
    m_transparencyRadius[0] = 0.03;
    m_transparencyRadius[1] = 0.3;
    m_mouseMovingTransparency = false;

    m_cachedImageSize[ 0 ] = DefaultImageSize[0];
    m_cachedImageSize[ 1 ] = DefaultImageSize[1];

    // make sure every ParamModified signal also generates a Modified signal
    connect( this, SIGNAL(ParamsModified()), this, SLOT(ParamsModifiedSlot()) );