bool RoboCat::MoveToLocation( float inDeltaTime, const Vector3& inLocation ) { bool finishedMove = false; Vector3 toMoveVec = inLocation - GetLocation(); float distToTarget = toMoveVec.Length(); toMoveVec.Normalize2D(); if( distToTarget > 0.1f ) { if ( distToTarget > ( kMoveSpeed * inDeltaTime ) ) { SetLocation( GetLocation() + toMoveVec * inDeltaTime * kMoveSpeed ); } else { //we're basically almost there, so set it to move location SetLocation( inLocation ); finishedMove = true; } } else { //since we're close, stop moving towards the target finishedMove = true; } return finishedMove; }
extern void DFObjFiniDbgInfo( offset codesize ) { /******************************/ segment_id old; offset here; back_handle bck; if( _IsModel( DBG_LOCALS | DBG_TYPES ) ) { bck = Comp_High; if( bck != NULL ){ old = SetOP( AskCodeSeg() ); OutLabel( bck->lbl ); SetOP( old ); BEFreeBack( bck ); Comp_High = NULL; } DWEndCompileUnit( Client ); DWFini( Client ); old = SetOP( UnitSize->segment ); here = AskLocation(); SetLocation( UnitSize->offset ); DataLong( codesize ); SetLocation( here ); SetOP( old ); FiniSegBck(); } }
void GlueMapWindow::SetLocationLazy(const GeoPoint location) { if (!visible_projection.IsValid()) { SetLocation(location); return; } const fixed distance_meters = visible_projection.GetGeoLocation().Distance(location); const fixed distance_pixels = visible_projection.DistanceMetersToPixels(distance_meters); if (distance_pixels > fixed(0.5)) SetLocation(location); }
Object::Object() { vertexBuffer = NULL; indexBuffer = NULL; vertexBufferTangent = NULL; //vertexShader = NULL; //pixelShader = NULL; vertex = NULL; face = NULL; tangent = NULL; isCreated = false; isFinished = false; SetEnvmapEnable(false); SetCullMode(CULL_CW); SetTexture(NULL); SetLightmap(NULL); SetFlipNormals(false); SetCalculateNormals(true); SetEnabled(true); SetTransparency(BLEND_NONE); SetWriteZBuffer(true); //SetPerPixelLighting(false); SetScale(1, 1, 1); SetLocation(0, 0, 0); SetRotation(0, 0, 0); }
Light::Light() { /* setType(D3DLIGHT_POINT); setDiffuse(r, g, b, a); setAmbient(0, 0, 0, 0); setRange((float)sqrt(FLT_MAX)); setSpecular(r, g, b, a); setAttenuation(1, 0, 0); */ SetType(LIGHT_POINT); SetDiffuse(1, 1, 1, 1); SetSpecular(1, 1, 1, 1); SetAmbient(0, 0, 0, 0); SetRange((float)sqrt(FLT_MAX)); SetAttenuation(1, 0, 0); SetThetaPhi(1.f, 2.f); SetFalloff(1.f); SetLocation(0, 0, 0); SetDirection(0, 1, 0); }
void Player::HyperSpaceButtonPressed(void) { if (m_Active && !m_Hit) { SetLocation(RandomLocation()); } }
void TommyCoin::Read( IncomingPacketBuffer& inPacket ) { bool poseDirty; bool colorDirty; inPacket.Read(poseDirty); if (poseDirty) { XMVECTORF32 location = { 0 }; inPacket.Read(location.f[0]); inPacket.Read(location.f[1]); SetLocation(location); float rotation; inPacket.Read(rotation); SetRotation(rotation); } inPacket.Read(colorDirty); if (colorDirty) { XMVECTOR color; inPacket.Read(color); SetColor(color); } }
void GUIWindow::SetMinimized(bool minimized) { m_bMinimized = minimized; if(m_bMinimized) { // Hide all our children components when we are minimized ComponentList::const_iterator iterator; for(iterator = m_vpComponentList.begin(); iterator != m_vpComponentList.end(); ++iterator) { (*iterator)->SetVisible(false); (*iterator)->SetEnabled(false); } } else { // Else show all our children components ComponentList::const_iterator iterator; for(iterator = m_vpComponentList.begin(); iterator != m_vpComponentList.end(); ++iterator) { (*iterator)->SetVisible(true); (*iterator)->SetEnabled(true); } } m_titleBar->SetVisible(true); m_titleBar->SetEnabled(true); SetLocation(GetLocation().m_x, GetLocation().m_y); }
void GUIWindow::SetLocation(const Point& p) { int x = p.m_x; int y = p.m_x; SetLocation(x, y); }
/** \brief Handle updates in time of our fish * * This is called before we draw and allows us to * move our fish. We add our speed times the amount * of time that has elapsed. * \param elapsed Time elapsed since the class call */ void CFish::Update(double elapsed) { SetLocation(GetX() + mSpeedX * elapsed, GetY() + mSpeedY * elapsed); // X movement if (mSpeedX > 0 && GetX() + GetWidth()/2 + flipOffset >= GetAquarium()->GetWidth()) { mSpeedX = -mSpeedX; SetMirror(mSpeedX < 0); } else if (mSpeedX < 0 && GetX() - GetWidth()/2 - flipOffset <= 0){ mSpeedX = -mSpeedX; SetMirror(mSpeedX < 0); } // Y movement if (mSpeedY > 0 && GetY() + GetHeight() / 2 + heightOffset >= GetAquarium()->GetHeight()) { mSpeedY = -mSpeedY; } else if (mSpeedY < 0 && GetY() - GetHeight() / 2 - heightOffset <= 0){ mSpeedY = -mSpeedY; } }
void CDayPlanSlider::OnMouseMove(LPARAM lParam) { POINT p = { static_cast<short>(LOWORD(lParam)), static_cast<short>(HIWORD(lParam)) }; // MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, m_parent, &p, 1); RECT rp; GetClientRect(m_parentHwnd, &rp); int x = p.x; int offset = quickTabWidth + 2; if(x - offset > 70 && x + offset < rp.right) { RECT r = { left, top, right, bottom }; SetLocation(x - offset, 0); RECT rr = { m_pLeft->left, m_pLeft->top, m_pLeft->right, m_pLeft->bottom }; r = rr; r.right = x - 3; rp.left += 70; m_pLeft->SetBounds(rp.left, 0, r.right - r.left, r.bottom); r.left = x + 3; m_pRight->SetBounds(r.left, 0, rp.right - r.left, r.bottom); CalcPosition(); InvalidateRect(m_parentHwnd, NULL, FALSE); // UpdateWindow(m_parent); } }
Node::Node(const string& name, const Point_3& loc, double r, double s) : Name(name), Properties(0), Neighbors() { SetLocation(loc); SetSquaredRange(r); SetSpeed(s); }
void GlueMapWindow::PanTo(const GeoPoint &location) { follow_mode = FOLLOW_PAN; SetLocation(location); FullRedraw(); }
void AZanshinAIController::FindNextPathNode() { PathIndex++; if (!LocationsToWalk.IsValidIndex(PathIndex)) { PathIndex = 0; } SetLocation(); }
// Configuration methods void CClickWindowController::InitDefaults() { SetFastMode (false); SetDesign (CClickWindowController::NORMAL); //SetDockingMode(CClickWindowController::TOP_DOCKING); SetLocation (CClickWindowController::TOP_DOCKED); SetAutohide(false); //m_status= CClickWindowController::HIDDEN; }
/** * Handles the creation of world objects (town signs, wells, etc). * * Called whenever a world object should be initialized. */ cWorldObject::cWorldObject(WORD type, DWORD dwGUID, cLocation *pcLoc, char *szName, char *szDesc) { SetLocation(pcLoc); m_dwGUID = dwGUID; m_strName.assign( szName ); m_strDescription.assign( szDesc ); m_dwModel = type; m_fStatic = TRUE; }
void TBarWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kFindButton: { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); tracker.SendMessage(message); break; } case 'gloc': GetLocation(message); break; case 'sloc': SetLocation(message); break; case 'gexp': IsExpanded(message); break; case 'sexp': Expand(message); break; case 'info': ItemInfo(message); break; case 'exst': ItemExists(message); break; case 'cwnt': CountItems(message); break; case 'adon': case 'icon': AddItem(message); break; case 'remv': RemoveItem(message); break; case 'iloc': GetIconFrame(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
TextBox::TextBox(std::string text, SDL_Rect location, Renderer *renderer) { SetLocation(location); SDL_Color color = { 160, 160, 160, 255}; SetTexture(TextureFactory::CreateWindowTexture(location.w, location.h, color, renderer)); std::unique_ptr<TextField> element(new TextField(text, 13, location, renderer)); AddWindow(std::move(element)); }
/** \brief Handle updates in time of our fish * * This is called before we draw and allows us to * move our fish. We add our speed times the amount * of time that has elapsed. * \param elapsed Time elapsed since the class call */ void CFish::Update(double elapsed) { SetLocation(GetX() + mSpeedX * elapsed, GetY() + mSpeedY * elapsed); int reverseAtXLocation = BackgroundWidth - EdgeTolerance - (GetImageWidth() / 2); int reverseAtStart = BackgroundWidth - reverseAtXLocation; int HitTopYLocation = BackgroundHeight - 2 * EdgeTolerance - (GetImageHeight() / 2); int HitBottomYLocation = BackgroundHeight - EdgeTolerance - HitTopYLocation; //Fish logic to stay inbounds if (mSpeedX > 0 && GetX() >= reverseAtXLocation) { mSpeedX = -mSpeedX; SetMirror(mSpeedX < 0); } else if (mSpeedX < 0 && GetX() <= reverseAtStart) { mSpeedX = abs(mSpeedX); SetMirror(false); } else if (mSpeedY > 0 && GetY() >= HitTopYLocation) { mSpeedY = -mSpeedY; } else if (mSpeedY < 0 && GetY() <= HitBottomYLocation) { mSpeedY = -mSpeedY; } BreedingUpdate(elapsed); AgeUpdate(elapsed); //increases the time used to track feeding for fish mTimeFeeding++; //adjusts the fishes condtion based on the time since they were fed if (mTimeFeeding < TimeTillHungry) { mIsHungry = false; mIsDead = false; this->SetNotHungryImage(); } else if (mTimeFeeding >= TimeTillHungry && mTimeFeeding < (TimeTillDead)) { mIsHungry = true; this->SetHungryImage(); } else if (mTimeFeeding >= TimeTillDead) { mIsDead = true; } }
/** * Handles the creation of housing hooks. * * Called whenever a housing hook object should be initialized. */ cHooks::cHooks( WORD type, DWORD dwGUID, DWORD dwHouseID, char *szName, char *szDescription, cLocation *pcLoc ) { SetLocation( pcLoc ); m_dwGUID = dwGUID; m_strName.assign( szName ); m_strDescription.assign( szDescription ); m_dwModel = type; m_fStatic = TRUE; m_dwHouseID = dwHouseID; }
void Yarn::Update() { float deltaTime = Timing::sInstance.GetDeltaTime(); SetLocation( GetLocation() + mVelocity * deltaTime ); //we'll let the cats handle the collisions }
void GlueMapWindow::SetLocationLazy(const GeoPoint location) { const fixed distance_meters = visible_projection.GetGeoLocation().Distance(location); const fixed distance_pixels = visible_projection.DistanceMetersToPixels(distance_meters); if (distance_pixels > fixed_half) SetLocation(location); }
GPortRef & GPortRef::Assign(const GPortRef & src) { SetPortType(src.GetPortType()); SetLocation(src.GetLocation()); SetDisplayName(src.GetDisplayName()); SetUSBVendorID(src.GetUSBVendorID()); SetUSBProductID(src.GetUSBProductID()); return (*this); }
/** * brief Load the attributes for an Fish node. * * \param node The Xml node we are loading the item from */ void CFish::XmlLoad(const std::shared_ptr<xmlnode::CXmlNode> &node) { SetLocation(node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"x", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"y", 0)); SetSpeed(node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"speedx", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"speedy", 0)); SetBreed(node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"gestatingTime", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"interestTime", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"isInterested", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"isGestating", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"canBreed", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"isMale", 0)); SetFeeding(node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"feedingTime", 0), node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"isHungry", 0)); SetAge(node->GetAttributeDoubleValue(L"age", 0)); }
extern void DFSegRange( void ) { /****************************/ /* do arange for the current segment */ back_handle bck; offset off; offset size; if( !_IsModel( DBG_LOCALS | DBG_TYPES ) )return; size = AskMaxSize(); if( size > 0 ) { bck = MakeLabel(); off = AskLocation(); SetLocation( 0 ); DataLabel( bck->lbl ); SetLocation( off ); ARange = bck; DWAddress( Client, size ); BEFreeBack( bck ); } }
void Yarn::InitFromShooter( GameObjectPtr inShooter, GameObjectPtr inTarget ) { SetPlayerId( inShooter->GetPlayerId() ); Vector3 forward = inTarget->GetLocation() - inShooter->GetLocation(); SetVelocity( forward * kMuzzleSpeed ); SetLocation( inShooter->GetLocation() ); mShooterCat = inShooter; mTargetCat = inTarget; }
void CGUIMoverControl::Move(int iX, int iY) { int iLocX = m_iLocationX + iX; int iLocY = m_iLocationY + iY; // check if we are within the bounds if (iLocX < m_iX1) iLocX = m_iX1; if (iLocY < m_iY1) iLocY = m_iY1; if (iLocX > m_iX2) iLocX = m_iX2; if (iLocY > m_iY2) iLocY = m_iY2; // ok, now set the location of the mover SetLocation(iLocX, iLocY); }
bool RTFparfmt::ApplyStyle(const RTFparfmt* pStyleDef, int iStyle) { m_iStyle = iStyle; GetFileContext()->sm_iPersistStyleIntoTextboxAsWordFailsToDoSo = m_iStyle; SetLocation(pStyleDef->m_fLocation); // Complains that we haven't already set it // were initially all tested to be >= 0 but now are applied all the time m_iLevel = pStyleDef->m_iLevel; m_iOutlineLevel = pStyleDef->m_iOutlineLevel; m_iAutoHyphenate = pStyleDef->m_iAutoHyphenate; m_Alignment = pStyleDef->m_Alignment; m_iIndentFirst = pStyleDef->m_iIndentFirst; m_iIndentLeft = pStyleDef->m_iIndentLeft; m_iIndentRight = pStyleDef->m_iIndentRight; m_iSpaceBefore = pStyleDef->m_iSpaceBefore; m_iSpaceAfter = pStyleDef->m_iSpaceAfter; m_iLineSpacing = pStyleDef->m_iLineSpacing; m_ls = pStyleDef->m_ls; m_ilvl = pStyleDef->m_ilvl; m_iPard = pStyleDef->m_iPard; m_iSpacing = pStyleDef->m_iSpacing; m_iRowHeight = pStyleDef->m_iRowHeight; m_iLeftpos = pStyleDef->m_iLeftpos; m_iTableIndent = pStyleDef->m_iTableIndent; m_iTableIndentType = pStyleDef->m_iTableIndentType; m_CellTextDirection = pStyleDef->m_CellTextDirection; m_CellTextVerAlignment = pStyleDef->m_CellTextVerAlignment; Flags.byBits.m_bBreakBeforePara = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bBreakBeforePara; Flags.byBits.m_bHMergeFirst = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bHMergeFirst; Flags.byBits.m_bHMergeLast = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bHMergeLast; Flags.byBits.m_bVMergeFirst = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bVMergeFirst; Flags.byBits.m_bVMergeLast = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bVMergeLast; Flags.byBits.m_bSideBySide = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bSideBySide; Flags.byBits.m_bHeader = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bHeader; Flags.byBits.m_bKeepTogether = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bKeepTogether; Flags.byBits.m_bInTable = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bInTable; Flags.byBits.m_bKeepIntact = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bKeepIntact; Flags.byBits.m_bNoWidowOrOrphanControl = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bNoWidowOrOrphanControl; Flags.byBits.m_bWidowOrOrphanControl = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bWidowOrOrphanControl; Flags.byBits.m_bKeepWithNext = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bKeepWithNext; Flags.byBits.m_bNoLineNumbering = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bNoLineNumbering; Flags.byBits.m_bSpacingIsMultiple = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bSpacingIsMultiple; Flags.byBits.m_bReadsLeftToRight = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bReadsLeftToRight; Flags.byBits.m_bSbAuto = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bSbAuto; Flags.byBits.m_bSaAuto = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bSaAuto; Flags.byBits.m_bContextualSpace = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bContextualSpace; //Flags.byBits.m_bTrAutofit = pStyleDef->Flags.byBits.m_bTrAutofit; return false; }
RTFparfmt& RTFparfmt::operator=(const RTFparfmt& rhs) { SetLocation(rhs.m_fLocation); // Complains if we have already set it m_iLevel = rhs.m_iLevel ; m_iStyle = rhs.m_iStyle ; m_iOutlineLevel = rhs.m_iOutlineLevel ; m_iAutoHyphenate = rhs.m_iAutoHyphenate ; m_Alignment = rhs.m_Alignment ; m_iIndentFirst = rhs.m_iIndentFirst ; m_iIndentLeft = rhs.m_iIndentLeft ; m_iIndentRight = rhs.m_iIndentRight ; m_iSpaceBefore = rhs.m_iSpaceBefore ; m_iSpaceAfter = rhs.m_iSpaceAfter ; m_iLineSpacing = rhs.m_iLineSpacing ; m_LineSpacingRule = rhs.m_LineSpacingRule ; m_ls = rhs.m_ls ; m_ilvl = rhs.m_ilvl ; m_iPard = rhs.m_iPard ; m_iSpacing = rhs.m_iSpacing ; m_iRowHeight = rhs.m_iRowHeight ; m_iLeftpos = rhs.m_iLeftpos ; m_iTableIndent = rhs.m_iTableIndent ; m_iTableIndentType = rhs.m_iTableIndentType ; m_iTableftsWidth = rhs.m_iTableftsWidth ; m_iTablewWidth = rhs.m_iTablewWidth ; m_CellTextDirection = rhs.m_CellTextDirection ; m_CellTextVerAlignment = rhs.m_CellTextVerAlignment ; Flags.byDWORD = rhs.Flags.byDWORD ; m_iItap = rhs.m_iItap ; m_iPaddLeft = rhs.m_iPaddLeft ; m_iPaddRight = rhs.m_iPaddRight ; m_iPaddTop = rhs.m_iPaddTop ; m_iPaddBottom = rhs.m_iPaddBottom ; m_iPaddFLeft = rhs.m_iPaddFLeft ; m_iPaddFRight = rhs.m_iPaddFRight ; m_iPaddFTop = rhs.m_iPaddFTop ; m_iPaddFBottom = rhs.m_iPaddFBottom ; m_iCellPaddLeft = rhs.m_iCellPaddLeft ; m_iCellPaddRight = rhs.m_iCellPaddRight ; m_iCellPaddTop = rhs.m_iCellPaddTop ; m_iCellPaddBottom = rhs.m_iCellPaddBottom ; m_iCellPaddFLeft = rhs.m_iCellPaddFLeft ; m_iCellPaddFRight = rhs.m_iCellPaddFRight ; m_iCellPaddFTop = rhs.m_iCellPaddFTop ; m_iCellPaddFBottom = rhs.m_iCellPaddFBottom ; m_iCellftsWidth = rhs.m_iCellftsWidth ; m_iCellwWidth = rhs.m_iCellwWidth ; return *this; }
LightningManager::LightningManager(void):LightPool(13) { SetLocation(ELightLocation::OpenAir); //load the color tables FastStream Fst; if (!Fst.LoadFromFile(L".//gamefiles//lightloc_openair.dat")) { LOG("LightningManager : Unable to Load lightloc_openair.dat, Cannot continue\r\n"); MessageBoxA(0,"Cannot open lightloc_openair.dat","fatal error",MB_OK); }; Fst.Read(LightTables[ELightLocation::OpenAir],1440*sizeof(unsigned long)); };