void TBValue::SetFromStringAuto(const char *str, SET set) { if (!str) SetNull(); else if (is_number_only(str)) { if (is_number_float(str)) SetFloat((float)atof(str)); else SetInt(atoi(str)); } else if (is_start_of_number(str) && contains_non_trailing_space(str)) { // If the number has nontrailing space, we'll assume a list of numbers (example: "10 -4 3.5") SetNull(); if (TBValueArray *arr = new TBValueArray) { TBStr tmpstr; char *s3; if (tmpstr.Set(str)) { char * pch = strtok_r(tmpstr, ", ", &s3); while (pch) { if (TBValue *new_val = arr->AddValue()) new_val->SetFromStringAuto(pch, SET_NEW_COPY); pch = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &s3); } } SetArray(arr, SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); } } else if (*str == '[') { SetNull(); if (TBValueArray *arr = new TBValueArray) { assert(!"not implemented! Split out the tokenizer code above!"); SetArray(arr, SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); } } else { SetString(str, set); return; } // We didn't set as string, so we might need to deal with the passed in string data. if (set == SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP) { // Delete the passed in data TBValue tmp; tmp.SetString(str, SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); } }
TBValue::TBValue(TYPE type) : m_packed_init(0) { switch (type) { case TYPE_NULL: SetNull(); break; case TYPE_STRING: SetString("", SET_AS_STATIC); break; case TYPE_FLOAT: SetFloat(0); break; case TYPE_INT: SetInt(0); break; case TYPE_OBJECT: SetObject(nullptr); break; case TYPE_ARRAY: if (TBValueArray *arr = new TBValueArray()) SetArray(arr, SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); break; default: assert(!"Not implemented!"); }; }
void CHRBLK::SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n) { char *p = Chrp + n * Long; #if defined(_DEBUG) if (Check && (signed)len > Long) { PGLOBAL& g = Global; strcpy(g->Message, MSG(SET_STR_TRUNC)); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], Type); } // endif Check #endif // _DEBUG if (sp) memcpy(p, sp, min((unsigned)Long, len)); if (Blanks) { // Suppress eventual ending zero and right fill with blanks for (register int i = len; i < Long; i++) p[i] = ' '; } else if ((signed)len < Long) p[len] = 0; SetNull(n, false); } // end of SetValue
// ctor wxMysqlPreparedStatementParameter::wxMysqlPreparedStatementParameter(MYSQL_BIND* pBind) : wxDatabaseErrorReporter() { m_pBind = pBind; // Default to NULL SetNull(); }
dng_tone_curve::dng_tone_curve () : fCoord () { SetNull (); }
/* Restrict the match lengths so that they don't reach beyond index */ void RMF_bitpackLimitLengths(FL2_matchTable* const tbl, size_t const index) { DEBUGLOG(5, "RMF_limitLengths : end %u, max length %u", (U32)index, RADIX_MAX_LENGTH); SetNull(index - 1); for (U32 length = 2; length < RADIX_MAX_LENGTH && length <= index; ++length) { U32 const link = tbl->table[index - length]; if (link != RADIX_NULL_LINK) tbl->table[index - length] = (MIN(length, link >> RADIX_LINK_BITS) << RADIX_LINK_BITS) | (link & RADIX_LINK_MASK); } }
CAccount::CAccount() { SetNull(); earliestPossibleCreationTime = GetTime(); accountUUID = boost::uuids::random_generator()(); parentUUID = boost::uuids::nil_generator()(); m_Type = AccountType::Normal; m_SubType = AccountSubType::Desktop; }
CAccount::CAccount() { SetNull(); //Start at current time and go backwards as we find transactions. earliestPossibleCreationTime = GetTime(); accountUUID = boost::uuids::random_generator()(); parentUUID = boost::uuids::nil_generator()(); m_State = AccountState::Normal; m_Type = AccountType::Desktop; m_readOnly = false; }
VError VUUID::FromJSONValue( const VJSONValue& inJSONValue) { if (inJSONValue.IsNull()) SetNull( true); else { VString s; inJSONValue.GetString( s); FromString( s); } return VE_OK; }
void VJSObject::MakeConstructor( JS4D::ClassRef inClassRef, JS4D::ObjectCallAsConstructorCallback inConstructor) { JS4D::ContextRef contextRef; if ((contextRef = fContext) != NULL && inClassRef != NULL && inConstructor != NULL) fObject = JSObjectMakeConstructor( contextRef, inClassRef, inConstructor); else SetNull(); }
void TBValue::SetArray(TBValueArray *arr, SET set) { SetNull(); m_packed.allocated = (set == SET_NEW_COPY || set == SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); if (set != SET_NEW_COPY) { val_arr = arr; m_packed.type = TYPE_ARRAY; } else if ((val_arr = TBValueArray::Clone(arr))) m_packed.type = TYPE_ARRAY; }
void TBValue::SetString(const char *val, SET set) { SetNull(); m_packed.allocated = (set == SET_NEW_COPY || set == SET_TAKE_OWNERSHIP); if (set != SET_NEW_COPY) { val_str = const_cast<char *>(val); m_packed.type = TYPE_STRING; } else if ((val_str = strdup(val))) m_packed.type = TYPE_STRING; }
void TYPBLK<double>::SetValue(PSZ p, int n) { ChkIndx(n); if (Check) { PGLOBAL& g = Global; strcpy(g->Message, MSG(BAD_SET_STRING)); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], Type); } // endif Check Typp[n] = atof(p); SetNull(n, false); } // end of SetValue
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVAL valp, int n) { bool b; ChkIndx(n); ChkTyp(valp); if (!(b = valp->IsNull())) Typp[n] = GetTypedValue(valp); else Reset(n); SetNull(n, b && Nullable); } // end of SetValue
size_t SetText(const uint8_t *text, size_t len) { assert (len <= m_size); if (text == NULL) { return SetNull( true ); } memcpy(m_buf, text, len); m_null = false; m_len = len; m_buf[len] = '\0'; m_bytestr = true; InvalidateFmt( ); return m_len; };
void VJSObject::MakeCallback( JS4D::ObjectCallAsFunctionCallback inCallbackFunction) { JS4D::ContextRef contextRef; if ((contextRef = fContext) != NULL && inCallbackFunction != NULL) // Use NULL for function name (anonymous). fObject = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback( contextRef, NULL, inCallbackFunction); else SetNull(); }
int main(void) { SqList L; ElemType e; SetNull(&L); append_arr(&L, 3); append_arr(&L, 2); append_arr(&L, 6); append_arr(&L, 2); ListDelete(&L, 2, &e); DisLisy(&L); printf("\n\n%d", e); return 0; }
void CHRBLK::SetValue(PVAL valp, int n) { bool b; ChkIndx(n); ChkTyp(valp); if (!(b = valp->IsNull())) SetValue((PSZ)valp->GetCharValue(), n); else Reset(n); SetNull(n, b && Nullable); } // end of SetValue
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2) { bool b; ChkIndx(n1); ChkTyp(pv); if (!(b = pv->IsNull(n2) && Nullable)) Typp[n1] = GetTypedValue(pv, n2); else Reset(n1); SetNull(n1, b); } // end of SetValue
EXPORT_OBJ GAL_STATUS galNullCell_id_short_display(GAL_CELL_ID lpObject, GAL_ERROR *lpError) { if (GAL_OBJECT_TYPE(lpObject) != GAL_CELL_ID_TYPE) { lpError->error_type = GAL_ERROR_TYPE; lpError->error_code = GAL_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR; return GAL_FAILURE; } SetNull(GAL_CONTROL_BITS(lpObject, GAL_CELL_ID_SHORT_DISPLAY_FPOS)); return GAL_SUCCESS; }
EXPORT_OBJ GAL_STATUS galNullAcctExtId_inactive_date(GAL_ACCTEXTID lpObject, GAL_ERROR *lpError) { if (GAL_OBJECT_TYPE(lpObject) != GAL_ACCTEXTID_TYPE) { lpError->error_type = GAL_ERROR_TYPE; lpError->error_code = GAL_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR; return GAL_FAILURE; } SetNull(GAL_CONTROL_BITS(lpObject, GAL_ACCTEXTID_INACTIVE_DATE_FPOS)); return GAL_SUCCESS; }
EXPORT_OBJ GAL_STATUS galNullStatusHistory_inactive_dt(GAL_STATUSHISTORY lpObject, GAL_ERROR *lpError) { if (GAL_OBJECT_TYPE(lpObject) != GAL_STATUSHISTORY_TYPE) { lpError->error_type = GAL_ERROR_TYPE; lpError->error_code = GAL_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERROR; return GAL_FAILURE; } SetNull(GAL_CONTROL_BITS(lpObject, GAL_STATUSHISTORY_INACTIVE_DT_FPOS)); return GAL_SUCCESS; }
size_t SetStr(const char *s, bool is_bytestr=false) { if (s == NULL) { return SetNull( false ); } m_len = strlen(s); if (m_len == 0) { m_buf[0] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(m_buf, s, m_size); } m_null = false; m_bytestr = is_bytestr; InvalidateFmt( ); return m_len; };
void TBValue::Copy(const TBValue &source_value) { if (source_value.m_packed.type == TYPE_STRING) SetString(source_value.val_str, SET_NEW_COPY); else if (source_value.m_packed.type == TYPE_ARRAY) SetArray(source_value.val_arr, SET_NEW_COPY); else if (source_value.m_packed.type == TYPE_OBJECT) { assert(!"We can't copy objects! The value will be nulled!"); SetObject(nullptr); } else { SetNull(); memcpy(this, &source_value, sizeof(TBValue)); } }
void CHRBLK::SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2) { bool b; if (Type != pv->GetType() || Long != ((CHRBLK*)pv)->Long) { PGLOBAL& g = Global; strcpy(g->Message, MSG(BLKTYPLEN_MISM)); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], Type); } // endif Type if (!(b = pv->IsNull(n2) && Nullable)) memcpy(Chrp + n1 * Long, ((CHRBLK*)pv)->Chrp + n2 * Long, Long); else Reset(n1); SetNull(n1, b); } // end of SetValue
CVariant::CVariant(const CTime& v, EDateTimeFormat fmt) : m_data(0) { switch(fmt) { case eShort: m_data = new CDB_SmallDateTime(v); break; case eLong: m_data = new CDB_DateTime(v); break; default: NCBI_THROW(CVariantException, eVariant, "CVariant::ctor(): unsupported datetime type"); } if (v.IsEmpty()) { SetNull(); } }
Pathname::Pathname(const char *relpath, const Pathname &abspath) { _path = _filetitle = _extension = _end =""; _fullpath = NULL; char *part; char *pth = strcpy((char *)alloca(sizeof(*relpath)+strlen(relpath)+1),relpath); part = strrchr(pth,'\\'); if (part) part++;else part = NULL; if (part) { SetFilename(part); *part = 0; SetDirectory(pth); } else SetFilename(pth); if (RelativeToFull(abspath) == false) SetNull(); }
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PSZ p, int n) { ChkIndx(n); if (Check) { PGLOBAL& g = Global; strcpy(g->Message, MSG(BAD_SET_STRING)); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], Type); } // endif Check bool minus; ulonglong maxval = MaxVal(); ulonglong val = CharToNumber(p, strlen(p), maxval, Unsigned, &minus); if (minus && val < maxval) Typp[n] = (TYPE)(-(signed)val); else Typp[n] = (TYPE)val; SetNull(n, false); } // end of SetValue
void Pathname::SetPathName(const char *pathname) { if (pathname == NULL || pathname[0] == 0) { SetNull(); return; } char *part; DWORD needsz = GetFullPathName(pathname,0,NULL,&part); char *fpth = (char *)alloca(needsz*sizeof(*fpth)); GetFullPathName(pathname,needsz,fpth,&part); part = strrchr(fpth,'\\'); if (part) part++;else part = NULL; if (part) { SetFilename(part); *part = 0; } else SetFilename(""); SetDirectory(fpth); }
// Constructor CAccount::CAccount() { SetNull(); }