void InitializeGameProcess::Main() { FILE* fp = fopen("GameData.dat","rb"); if(fp) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); size_t sz = ftell(fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); SetTaskName(FormatString("Reading %lu bytes (1/2)",sz)); ByteStream* Data = new ByteStream(); for(i32 i = 0;i < sz;i++) { Data->WriteByte(getc(fp)); SetProgress(((Scalar)i) / ((Scalar)sz)); } fclose(fp); SetTaskName("Deserializing data (2/2)"); SetProgress(0.0f); } m_Completed = true; }
int removePath(char *path, uint32_t *value, uint32_t max, void (* SetProgress)(uint32_t value, uint32_t max)) { SceUID dfd = sceIoDopen(path); if (dfd >= 0) { int res = 0; do { SceIoDirent dir; memset(&dir, 0, sizeof(SceIoDirent)); res = sceIoDread(dfd, &dir); if (res > 0) { if (strcmp(dir.d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dir.d_name, "..") == 0) continue; char *new_path = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(dir.d_name) + 2); snprintf(new_path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/%s", path, dir.d_name); if (SCE_S_ISDIR(dir.d_stat.st_mode)) { removePath(new_path, value, max, SetProgress); } else { sceIoRemove(new_path); if (value) (*value)++; if (SetProgress) SetProgress(value ? *value : 0, max); } free(new_path); } } while (res > 0); sceIoDclose(dfd); int ret = sceIoRmdir(path); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (value) (*value)++; if (SetProgress) SetProgress(value ? *value : 0, max); } else { int ret = sceIoRemove(path); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (value) (*value)++; if (SetProgress) SetProgress(value ? *value : 0, max); } return 0; }
void BF_GUI_FilesPanel_Task::RenameNodes( const BF_NodeCollection & lo_Node, const BF_FilesPath & o_SrcPath, const BL_String &s_NewName) { BF_Node *poNode=NULL; BL_String s; const char *pcNewName = NULL; BL_String sAfterMask; // check drive for read_only // if(o_SrcPath.IsVolumeReadOnly()) { Ask_Error(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_READONLYVOL),false); return; } // check mask if(s_NewName.FindFirst("*")<0) { // has not mask_chars // check count if(lo_Node.CountItems()>1) { Ask_Error(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_ONENAMEMANYFILES),false,s_NewName.String()); return; } } SetProgress(0,lo_Node.CountItems()); for(int i=0; i<lo_Node.CountItems(); i++) { poNode = lo_Node.NodeAt(i); pcNewName = s_NewName.String(); if(poNode->ConvertNameByMask(s_NewName,sAfterMask)) { pcNewName = sAfterMask.String(); } ASSERT(pcNewName); status_t uRes = BF_Roster_RenameNode(o_SrcPath,poNode,pcNewName); if(uRes!=B_OK) { BL_String s; BL_System_TranslError(uRes,s); if(BF_GUI_OPERTASK_ERROR_OK!=Ask_Error(s.String())) return; } SetProgress(i,lo_Node.CountItems()); if(Canceled()) return; } }
LRESULT CSplashDlg::OnSplashProgress(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // set message and enable buttons SetProgress( wParam ); return 1; }
CDuiSlider::CDuiSlider(HWND hWnd, CDuiObject* pDuiObject, UINT uControlID, CRect rc, int nProgress/* = 0*/, BOOL bIsVisible/* = TRUE*/, BOOL bIsDisable/* = FALSE*/) : CControlBaseFont(hWnd, pDuiObject, uControlID, rc, TEXT(""), bIsVisible, bIsDisable) { m_bHover = false; m_enButtonState = enBSNormal; m_bRunTime = false; m_nMaxProgress = 100; SetBitmapCount(2); m_pImageBackGround = NULL; m_sizeBackGround = CSize(0, 0); m_pImageForeGround = NULL; m_sizeForeGround = CSize(0, 0); m_pImageThumb = NULL; m_sizeThumb = CSize(0, 0); m_nSliderHeight = 0; m_nThumbWidth = 0; m_nThumbHeight = 0; m_nThumbTop = 0; m_nHeadLength = 0; m_rcThumb = CRect(0, 0, 0, 0); m_clrText = Color(254, 128, 128, 128); m_uAlignment = Align_Center; m_uVAlignment = VAlign_Middle; m_bShowText = FALSE; m_nProgress = 0; SetProgress(nProgress); }
void InterfOptimizGpGpu::Prepare(uint x, uint y, ushort penteMax, ushort NBDir,float zReg,float zRegQuad, ushort costDefMask,ushort costDefMaskTrans, bool hasMaskAuto) { uint size = (uint)(1.5f*sqrt((float)x *x + y * y)); _H_data2Opt.setDzMax(_poInitCost._maxDz); _D_data2Opt.setDzMax(_poInitCost._maxDz); ResetIdBuffer(); SetPreComp(true); SetProgress(NBDir); _H_data2Opt.ReallocParam(size); _D_data2Opt.ReallocParam(size); _D_data2Opt.setPenteMax(penteMax); _D_data2Opt.setZReg(zReg); _D_data2Opt.setZRegQuad(zRegQuad); _D_data2Opt.setCostDefMasked(costDefMask); _D_data2Opt.setCostTransMaskNoMask(costDefMaskTrans); _D_data2Opt.setHasMaskAuto(hasMaskAuto); _FinalDefCor.Fill(0); _preFinalCost1D.Fill(0); }
CDuiSlider::CDuiSlider(HWND hWnd, CDuiObject* pDuiObject) : CControlBaseFont(hWnd, pDuiObject) { m_bHover = false; m_enButtonState = enBSNormal; m_bRunTime = false; m_nMaxProgress = 100; SetBitmapCount(2); m_pImageBackGround = NULL; m_sizeBackGround = CSize(0, 0); m_pImageForeGround = NULL; m_sizeForeGround = CSize(0, 0); m_pImageThumb = NULL; m_sizeThumb = CSize(0, 0); m_nSliderHeight = 0; m_nThumbWidth = 0; m_nThumbHeight = 0; m_nThumbTop = 0; m_nHeadLength = 0; m_rcThumb = CRect(0, 0, 0, 0); m_clrText = Color(254, 128, 128, 128); m_uAlignment = Align_Center; m_uVAlignment = VAlign_Middle; m_bShowText = FALSE; m_nProgress = 0; SetProgress(0); }
BOOL CUserProgressDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); PrgAPI* pAPI = PRGAPI(); SetWindowText(pAPI->GetString(IDS_WORKING)); m_header.SetTitleFont(pAPI->GetFont(FONT_DialogsBigBold)); m_header.SetDescFont(pAPI->GetFont(FONT_Dialogs)); m_header.SetIconSize(32, 32); m_header.SetDraggable(FALSE); m_header.SetTitleText(m_title); m_header.SetIconHandle(m_icon); m_header.SetDescText(m_message); m_header.Init(this); m_header.MoveCtrls(this); m_progress.SetRange(0, 1000); SetProgress(m_progressValue); SetIcon(m_icon); SetTitle(m_title);//Default CenterWindow(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void ProgressBar::SetMaximumProgress(unsigned maximum_progress) { _maximum_progress = maximum_progress; // Reset the progress incase the maximum progress is now less than the progress. SetProgress(_progress); }
VOID ExportConsoleDialog::StartNewTask( const CHAR* strCaption, FLOAT fTaskPercentOfWhole ) { SetCaption( strCaption ); m_fCurrentTaskMin += m_fCurrentTaskSize; m_fCurrentTaskSize = fTaskPercentOfWhole; SetProgress( 0 ); }
bool BF_GUI_FilesPanel_DeleteTask::DeleteList(BF_NodeCollection & lo_Node) { BF_Node *poNode; status_t uRes; BL_String s; for(int i=0; i<lo_Node.CountItems(); i++) { poNode = (BF_Node*)lo_Node.ItemAt(i); if(poNode->iType==BF_NODE_TYPE_DIR) { // check folder_path+name // ASSERT(lo_Node.poPath); s = lo_Node.poPath->Path(); s << "/"; s << poNode->sName; if(!CheckFolder_ForSys(s.String())) { return false; } } if(poNode->ploChild) { DeleteList(*poNode->ploChild); } // check, remove file or move it to trash if(BF_FILESPANEL_DELETE_TO_VOID==iDeleteType) { BF_Roster_RemoveNode(*lo_Node.poPath,poNode); } else if(BF_FILESPANEL_DELETE_TO_TRASH==iDeleteType) { int64 iIndex = 1; char *pcName=NULL; while(TRUE) { uRes = BF_Roster_MoveNode(*lo_Node.poPath,poNode,sTrashPath.String(),pcName); if(B_OK==uRes) break; /* try to move to new name */ if(B_FILE_EXISTS==uRes) { s=poNode->sName; s<<" "; s<<iIndex++; pcName = (char*)s.String(); continue; } /* ups....some error */ BL_System_TranslError(uRes,s); BL_List *ploMenu = new BL_List(); ploMenu->AddItem(new BF_GUI_ViewMenu_Item(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TRYAGAIN),"try")); ploMenu->AddItem(new BF_GUI_ViewMenu_Item(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_SKIP),"skip")); if(1==Ask_Message(s.String(),ploMenu)) break; } } // SetProgress(++iOperIndex,iOperCount); /* check for cancel_process */ if(Canceled()) return false; } return true; }
void BF_GUI_FilesPanel_CopyTask::Move_Nodes() { iOperCount = loNode.CountItems(); SetProgress(iOperIndex,iOperCount); BF_Node *poNode=NULL; status_t uRes=B_ERROR; for(int i=0; i<loNode.CountItems(); i++) { poNode = loNode.NodeAt(i); while(true) { uRes = BF_Roster_MoveNode(oPathSrc,poNode,oPathDest.Path()); if(uRes==B_OK) break; if(B_FILE_EXISTS == uRes) { BL_String s(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_DESTFILE)); s<<poNode->sName; s<<BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_DESTFILEEXIST); BL_List *ploMenu= new BL_List(); ploMenu->AddItem(new BF_GUI_ViewMenu_Item(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_OWERWRITE),"") ); ploMenu->AddItem(new BF_GUI_ViewMenu_Item(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_SKIP),"") ); ploMenu->AddItem(new BF_GUI_ViewMenu_Item(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_CANCELALL),"") ); int iRes = Ask_Message(s.String(),ploMenu); if(iRes==0) { // delete dest_file // BF_Roster_RemoveNode(oPathDest,poNode->sName.String()); continue; } else if(iRes==2) { // cancel all // i = loNode.CountItems()+1; } } else { BL_String s(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_CANTMOVE)),s1; BL_System_TranslError(uRes,s1); s<<poNode->sName; if(BF_GUI_OPERTASK_ERROR_CANCEL_ALL==Ask_Error(s.String(),true,s1.String()) ) { // cancel all // i = loNode.CountItems()+1; } } break; } SetProgress(++iOperIndex,iOperCount); } }
void CMediaWin::Stop() { ChangeBtnStatus(true); thePlayer->Stop(); SetTimeText(_T("")); SetProgress(0,false); _ui.m_pTitle->SetText(_T("逸听视频播放")); }
bool CProgressJob::ShouldCancel(unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) const { if (IsCancelled()) return true; SetProgress(progress, total); return CJob::ShouldCancel(progress, total); }
//================================================================================================= bool Quest_Orcs2::HandleLocationEvent(LocationEventHandler::Event event) { if(event == LocationEventHandler::CLEARED && prog == Progress::TalkedWhereIsCamp) { SetProgress(Progress::ClearedCamp); return true; } return false; }
void CProgressJob::SetProgress(int currentStep, int totalSteps) const { if (!m_updateProgress) return; if (m_progress != NULL) m_progress->SetProgress(currentStep, totalSteps); else if (m_progressDialog != NULL) SetProgress((static_cast<float>(currentStep) * 100.0f) / totalSteps); }
void CCMatchShutdown::OnRun(unsigned long nClock) { if (IsShutdown() == false) return; int nIndex = GetProgressIndex(); if (nIndex < (int)m_ShutdownNotifyArray.size()) { MShutdownNotify* pNotify = m_ShutdownNotifyArray[nIndex]; if (nClock - GetTimeLastProgress() < pNotify->GetDelay()) return; Notify(nIndex); SetProgress(nIndex+1, nClock); } else if (nIndex == m_ShutdownNotifyArray.size()) { Terminate(); SetProgress(nIndex+1, nClock); } }
bool ProgressBar::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, long style, const wxString& name) { bool res = wxStatusBar::Create(parent, id, style, name); if (res) { m_progress.Create(this, wxID_ANY, 1000, wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize, wxGA_HORIZONTAL | wxGA_SMOOTH); SetProgress(0); Resize(); } return res; }
//================================================================================================= void Quest_Orcs2::HandleUnitEvent(UnitEventHandler::TYPE event, Unit* unit) { assert(unit); if(event == UnitEventHandler::DIE && prog == Progress::TalkedWhereIsBase) { SetProgress(Progress::KilledBoss); unit->event_handler = nullptr; } }
void Task::OnTaskEnd() { if (endCalled) return; endCalled = true; SetProgress(100); TaskEvent event(wxEVT_TASK_END, this); m_evtHandler->AddPendingEvent(event); }
//================================================================================================= bool Quest_Orcs::HandleLocationEvent(LocationEventHandler::Event event) { if(event == LocationEventHandler::CLEARED && prog == Progress::Started) { levels_cleared |= (1 << L.dungeon_level); if(CountBits(levels_cleared) == dungeon_levels) SetProgress(Progress::ClearedLocation); } return false; }
//================================================================================================= void Quest_Goblins::HandleUnitEvent(UnitEventHandler::TYPE event, Unit* unit) { assert(unit); if(event == UnitEventHandler::DIE && prog == Progress::TalkedWithInnkeeper) { SetProgress(Progress::KilledBoss); unit->event_handler = nullptr; } }
void BitmapImage::PixmapComplete () { MoonPixbuf *pixbuf; SetProgress (1.0); if (!loader) { if (!moon_error) moon_error = new MoonError (MoonError::EXCEPTION, 4001, "no loader"); goto failed; } loader->Close (moon_error == NULL ? &moon_error : NULL); if (moon_error) goto failed; if (!(pixbuf = loader->GetPixbuf ())) { moon_error = new MoonError (MoonError::EXCEPTION, 4001, "failed to create image data"); goto failed; } SetPixelWidth (pixbuf->GetWidth ()); SetPixelHeight (pixbuf->GetHeight ()); // PixelFormat has been dropped and only Pbgra32 is supported // http://blogs.msdn.com/silverlight_sdk/archive/2009/07/01/breaking-changes-document-errata-silverlight-3.aspx // not clear if '3' channel is still supported (converted to 4) in SL3 if (pixbuf->GetNumChannels () == 4) { SetBitmapData (premultiply_rgba (pixbuf), true); } else { SetBitmapData (expand_rgb_to_argb (pixbuf), true); } Invalidate (); delete loader; loader = NULL; if (HasHandlers (ImageOpenedEvent)) Emit (ImageOpenedEvent, new RoutedEventArgs ()); return; failed: ImageErrorEventArgs *args = NULL; if (HasHandlers (ImageFailedEvent)) args = new ImageErrorEventArgs (*moon_error); CleanupLoader (); if (args) Emit (ImageFailedEvent, args); }
void InstallerWindow::OnExecBegin() { SetProgress(m_recorded_progress + 1); SetControlValues(); InstallConfiguration * p_configuration = reinterpret_cast<InstallConfiguration *>(get(m_configuration)); CHECK_BOOL(p_configuration != NULL, L"Invalid configuration"); ExtractCab(L"", p_configuration->show_cab_dialog); }
ECode RatingBar::SetStepSize( /* [in] */ Float stepSize) { if (stepSize <= 0) { return NOERROR; } Float newMax = mNumStars / stepSize; Int32 newProgress = (Int32)(newMax / GetMax() * GetProgress()); SetMax((Int32)newMax); SetProgress(newProgress); return NOERROR; }
void BF_GUI_FtpPanel_DeleteTask::Run() { iOperIndex = 0; iOperCount = loNode.CountAll(true); SetProgress(iOperIndex,iOperCount); Delete_List(&loNode); // reload panel_nodes BMessenger oMessenger(poPanel); BMessage oMessage(BF_FTP_MSG_DIR_RELOAD_START); oMessenger.SendMessage(&oMessage); }
void BF_GUI_FilesPanel_ChangeCaseTask::Run() { // check drive for read_only // if(oPath.IsVolumeReadOnly()) { Ask_Error(BF_DictAt(BF_DICT_TASKS_READONLYVOL),false); return; } BF_Node *poNode=NULL; BL_String s; SetProgress(iOperIndex,iOperCount); for(int i=0; i<loNode.CountItems(); i++) { poNode = loNode.NodeAt(i); s = poNode->sName; switch(iCaseType) { case 0: s.ToLower(); break; case 1: s.ToUpper(); break; case 2: s.Capitalize(); break; case 3: s.CapitalizeEachWord(); break; } BF_Roster_RenameNode(oPath,poNode,s.String()); SetProgress(++iOperIndex,iOperCount); if(Canceled()) return; } }
bool InstallerWindow::RunDownloadConfiguration(const DownloadDialogPtr& p_Configuration) { if (! p_Configuration->IsRequired()) { LOG(L"*** Component '" << p_Configuration->component_id << L"': SKIPPING DOWNLOAD/COPY"); return true; } m_downloaddialog = p_Configuration; p_Configuration->callback = this; html_save_progress progress_saved(& progress, m_recorded_progress, m_total_progress); SetProgress(0); return 0 == p_Configuration->ExecOnThread(); }
OCStackResult StartProvisioningProcess(const EnrolleeNWProvInfo_t *netInfo, OCProvisioningStatusCB provisioningStatusCallback, char *findResQuery) { if(findResQuery != NULL) { OICStrcpy(szFindResourceQueryUri, sizeof(szFindResourceQueryUri) - 1, findResQuery); } else { OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_PROV_TAG, PCF("Find resource query is NULL")); goto Error; } pthread_t thread_handle; if (!ValidateEasySetupParams(netInfo, provisioningStatusCallback)) { goto Error; } if (!SetProgress(provisioningStatusCallback)) { // Device provisioning session is running already. OIC_LOG(INFO, ES_PROV_TAG, PCF("Device provisioning session is running already")); goto Error; } if (!ConfigEnrolleeObject(netInfo)) { goto Error; } if (pthread_create(&thread_handle, NULL, FindProvisioningResource, NULL)) { goto Error; } pthread_join(thread_handle, NULL); return OC_STACK_OK; Error: { ErrorCallback(DEVICE_NOT_PROVISIONED); ClearMemory(); return OC_STACK_ERROR; } }
void BF_GUI_FtpPanel_DeleteTask::Delete_List(BF_NodeCollection *plo_Node) { ASSERT(plo_Node); BF_Node *poNode; for(int i=0;i<plo_Node->CountItems();i++){ poNode = plo_Node->NodeAt(i); switch(poNode->iType){ case BF_NODE_TYPE_FILE: Delete_File(poNode); break; } SetProgress(++iOperIndex,iOperCount); } }