bool CDeathMatchMissionMgr::StartGame(ILTMessage_Read& msg )

	ServerGameOptions& sgo = g_pGameServerShell->GetServerGameOptions( );
	ServerMissionSettings sms = GetServerSettings();

	sms.m_bUseSkills = false;
	sms.m_bFriendlyFire = true;
	sms.m_nRunSpeed = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nRunSpeed;
	sms.m_nScoreLimit = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nScoreLimit;
	sms.m_nTimeLimit = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nTimeLimit;
	sms.m_nRounds = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nRounds;
	sms.m_nFragScore = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nFragScore;
	sms.m_nTagScore = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nTagScore;


	if( !g_pMissionButeMgr->Init( MISSION_DM_FILE ))
		return false;

	if( !CServerMissionMgr::StartGame( msg ))
		return false;

	return true;
bool CServerMissionMgr::HandleStartGame( HCLIENT hSender, ILTMessage_Read& msg )
	// Initialize the bute file the client wants.
	ServerGameOptions const& serverGameOptions = g_pGameServerShell->GetServerGameOptions( );
	m_sCampaignFile = serverGameOptions.GetCampaignName();

	ServerMissionSettings ss = m_ServerSettings;
	ss.m_nMPDifficulty = (uint8)g_pGameServerShell->GetDifficulty();

	// Start the game.
	if( !StartGame( msg ))
		return false;

	return true;
bool CDeathMatchMissionMgr::HandleMultiplayerOptions( HCLIENT hSender, ILTMessage_Read& msg )
	ServerGameOptions& sgo = g_pGameServerShell->GetServerGameOptions( );

	ServerMissionSettings sms = GetServerSettings();

	sms.m_bUseSkills = false;
	sms.m_bFriendlyFire = true;
	sms.m_nRunSpeed = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nRunSpeed;
	sms.m_nScoreLimit = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nScoreLimit;
	sms.m_nTimeLimit = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nTimeLimit;
	sms.m_nRounds = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nRounds;
	sms.m_nFragScore = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nFragScore;
	sms.m_nTagScore = sgo.GetDeathmatch().m_nTagScore;


	return true;

bool CServerMissionMgr::Load( ILTMessage_Read& msg, uint32 dwSaveFlags )
	msg.ReadString( m_sCampaignFile.GetBuffer( MAX_PATH ), MAX_PATH );
	m_sCampaignFile.ReleaseBuffer( );

	m_Campaign.clear( );
	int nNumCampaignEntries = msg.Readuint8( );
	for( int nCampaignIndex = 0; nCampaignIndex < nNumCampaignEntries; ++nCampaignIndex )
		m_Campaign.push_back( msg.Readuint8( ));
	m_nCurCampaignIndex = msg.Readuint8( );

	ServerMissionSettings ss = m_ServerSettings;
	ss.m_bUseSkills = msg.Readbool();
	ss.m_bFriendlyFire = msg.Readbool();
	ss.m_nMPDifficulty = msg.Readuint8();
	ss.m_fPlayerDiffFactor = msg.Readfloat();


	return true;
bool Database::CreateServerSettings()
	std::string query;
	std::string query2;
	server_log->Log(log_database_trace, "Entering Server Settings database setup.");

	query = StringFormat("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tblloginserversettings'");

	auto results = QueryDatabase(query);

	if (!results.Success())
		server_log->Log(log_database_error, "CreateServerSettings Mysql query failed to search for table: %s", query.c_str());
		return false;

	server_log->Log(log_database, "CreateServerSettings: table does not exist, creating: %s", query.c_str());

	if (results.RowCount() <= 0)
		server_log->Log(log_database, "Server Settings table does not exist, creating.");

		query = StringFormat(
				"CREATE TABLE `tblloginserversettings` ("
				"`type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,"
				"`value` varchar(50),"
				"`category` varchar(20) NOT NULL,"
				"`description` varchar(99) NOT NULL,"
				"`defaults` varchar(50)"
				") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1");

		auto results = QueryDatabase(query);

		if (!results.Success())
			server_log->Log(log_database_error, "CreateServerSettings Mysql query failed to create table: %s", query.c_str());
			return false;

		query2 = StringFormat(
			"INSERT INTO `tblloginserversettings` (type, value, category, description, defaults)"
			"('access_log_table', '', 'schema', 'location for access logs, failed logins and goodIP.', 'tblaccountaccesslog'),"
			"('account_table', '', 'schema', 'location of all client account info for login server only.', 'tblLoginServerAccounts'),"
			"('auto_account_activate', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to allow new accounts to log in.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('auto_account_create', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to auto create accounts on player first log in.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('port', '', 'Old', 'port for clients to connect to.', '6000'),"
			"('dump_packets_in', '', 'options', 'debugging', 'FALSE'),"
			"('dump_packets_out', '', 'options', 'debugging', 'FALSE'),"
			"('failed_login_log', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to log failed log in attempts.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('good_loginIP_log', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to log successful account log ins.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('listen_port', '', 'options', 'this is the port we listen on for world connection.', '5998'),"
			"('local_network', '', 'options', 'set to the network ip that world server is on.', ''),"
			"('mode', '', 'security', 'encryption mode the plugin uses.', '5'),"
			"('network_ip', '', 'options', 'set to the network ip that world server is on.', ''),"
			"('opcodes', '', 'Old', 'opcode file for client compatibility. (Old means classic/mac)', 'login_opcodes_oldver.conf'),"
			"('plugin', '', 'security', 'the encryption type the login server uses.', 'EQEmuAuthCrypto'),"
			"('pop_count', '', 'options', '0 to only display UP or DOWN or 1 to show population count in server select.', '0'),"
			"('reject_duplicate_servers', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to force unique server name connections.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('salt', '', 'options', 'for account security make this a numeric random number.', '12345678'),"
			"('ticker', '', 'options', 'Sets the welcome message in server select.', 'Welcome to EQMacEmu'),"
			"('trace', '', 'options', 'debugging', 'FALSE'),"
			"('unregistered_allowed', '', 'options', 'set this to TRUE to allow any server to connect.', 'TRUE'),"
			"('world_admin_registration_table', '', 'schema', 'location of administrator account info for this login server.', 'tblServerAdminRegistration'),"
			"('world_registration_table', '', 'schema', 'location of registered or connection records of servers connecting to this loginserver.', 'tblWorldServerRegistration'),"
			"('world_server_type_table', '', 'schema', 'location of server type descriptions.', 'tblServerListType'),"
			"('world_trace', '', 'options', 'debugging', 'FALSE');");

		auto results2 = QueryDatabase(query2);

		if (!results2.Success())
			server_log->Log(log_database_error, "CreateServerSettings Mysql query failed: %s", query2.c_str());
			return false;
		// type, category, default
		bool failed = false;
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("access_log_table", "schema", "tblaccountaccesslog");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("account_table", "schema", "tblLoginServerAccounts");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("auto_account_activate", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("auto_account_create", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("port", "Old", "6000");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("dump_packets_in", "options", "FALSE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("dump_packets_out", "options", "FALSE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("failed_login_log", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("good_loginIP_log", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("listen_port", "options", "5998");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("local_network", "options", "");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("mode", "security", "5");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("network_ip", "options", "");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("opcodes", "Old", "login_opcodes_oldver.conf");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("plugin", "security", "EQEmuAuthCrypto");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("pop_count", "options", "0");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("reject_duplicate_servers", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("salt", "options", "12345678");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("ticker", "options", "Welcome to EQMacEmu");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("trace", "options", "FALSE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("unregistered_allowed", "options", "TRUE");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("world_admin_registration_table", "schema", "tblServerAdminRegistration");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("world_registration_table", "schema", "tblWorldServerRegistration");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("world_server_type_table", "schema", "tblServerListType");
		failed |= !SetServerSettings("world_trace", "options", "FALSE");

		if (failed)
			return false;
		server_log->Log(log_database_trace, "Server Settings table created, continuing.");
		server_log->Log(log_database_trace, "CreateServerSettings found existing settings, continuing on.");
	if (GetServerSettings())
		return true;
	return false;