 * Define OS-specific constants.
 * This function creates or uses JS object |OS.Constants| to store
 * all its constants.
bool DefineOSFileConstants(JSContext *cx, JSObject *global)

  if (gPaths == NULL) {
    // If an initialization error was ignored, we may end up with
    // |gInitialized == true| but |gPaths == NULL|. We cannot
    // |MOZ_ASSERT| this, as this would kill precompile_cache.js,
    // so we simply return an error.
    JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
      JSMSG_CANT_OPEN, "OSFileConstants", "initialization has failed");
    return false;

  JSObject *objOS;
  if (!(objOS = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, global, "OS"))) {
    return false;
  JSObject *objConstants;
  if (!(objConstants = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objOS, "Constants"))) {
    return false;

  // Build OS.Constants.libc

  JSObject *objLibc;
  if (!(objLibc = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "libc"))) {
    return false;
  if (!dom::DefineConstants(cx, objLibc, gLibcProperties)) {
    return false;

#if defined(XP_WIN)
  // Build OS.Constants.Win

  JSObject *objWin;
  if (!(objWin = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Win"))) {
    return false;
  if (!dom::DefineConstants(cx, objWin, gWinProperties)) {
    return false;
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)

  // Build OS.Constants.Sys

  JSObject *objSys;
  if (!(objSys = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Sys"))) {
    return false;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIXULRuntime> runtime = do_GetService(XULRUNTIME_SERVICE_CONTRACTID);
  if (runtime) {
    nsAutoCString os;
    DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = runtime->GetOS(os);

    JSString* strVersion = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, os.get());
    if (!strVersion) {
      return false;

    JS::Value valVersion = STRING_TO_JSVAL(strVersion);
    if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, objSys, "Name", &valVersion)) {
      return false;

  // Build OS.Constants.Path

  JSObject *objPath;
  if (!(objPath = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Path"))) {
    return false;

  // Locate libxul
    nsAutoString xulPath(gPaths->libDir);


#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
    // Under MacOS X, for some reason, libxul is called simply "XUL"
    // On other platforms, libxul is a library "xul" with regular
    // library prefix/suffix
#endif // defined(XP_MACOSX)

    if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "libxul", xulPath)) {
      return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "libDir", gPaths->libDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "tmpDir", gPaths->tmpDir)) {
    return false;

  // Configure profileDir only if it is available at this stage
  if (!gPaths->profileDir.IsVoid()
    && !SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "profileDir", gPaths->profileDir)) {
    return false;

  // Configure localProfileDir only if it is available at this stage
  if (!gPaths->localProfileDir.IsVoid()
    && !SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "localProfileDir", gPaths->localProfileDir)) {
    return false;

  return true;
 * Define OS-specific constants.
 * This function creates or uses JS object |OS.Constants| to store
 * all its constants.
bool DefineOSFileConstants(JSContext *cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> global)

  if (gPaths == nullptr) {
    // If an initialization error was ignored, we may end up with
    // |gInitialized == true| but |gPaths == nullptr|. We cannot
    // |MOZ_ASSERT| this, as this would kill precompile_cache.js,
    // so we simply return an error.
    JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
      JSMSG_CANT_OPEN, "OSFileConstants", "initialization has failed");
    return false;

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objOS(cx);
  if (!(objOS = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, global, "OS"))) {
    return false;
  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objConstants(cx);
  if (!(objConstants = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objOS, "Constants"))) {
    return false;

  // Build OS.Constants.libc

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objLibc(cx);
  if (!(objLibc = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "libc"))) {
    return false;
  if (!dom::DefineConstants(cx, objLibc, gLibcProperties)) {
    return false;

#if defined(XP_WIN)
  // Build OS.Constants.Win

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objWin(cx);
  if (!(objWin = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Win"))) {
    return false;
  if (!dom::DefineConstants(cx, objWin, gWinProperties)) {
    return false;
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)

  // Build OS.Constants.Sys

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objSys(cx);
  if (!(objSys = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Sys"))) {
    return false;

#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)
    JSString* strVersion = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "Gonk");
    if (!strVersion){
      return false;
    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> valVersion(cx, STRING_TO_JSVAL(strVersion));
    if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, objSys, "Name", valVersion)) {
      return false;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIXULRuntime> runtime = do_GetService(XULRUNTIME_SERVICE_CONTRACTID);
  if (runtime) {
    nsAutoCString os;
    DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = runtime->GetOS(os);

    JSString* strVersion = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, os.get());
    if (!strVersion) {
      return false;

    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> valVersion(cx, STRING_TO_JSVAL(strVersion));
    if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, objSys, "Name", valVersion)) {
      return false;
#endif // defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)

#if defined(DEBUG)
  JS::Rooted<JS::Value> valDebug(cx, JSVAL_TRUE);
  if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, objSys, "DEBUG", valDebug)) {
    return false;

  dom::ConstantSpec umask_cs[] = {
    { "umask", UINT_TO_JSVAL(gUserUmask) },
  if (!dom::DefineConstants(cx, objSys, umask_cs)) {
      return false;

  // Build OS.Constants.Path

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> objPath(cx);
  if (!(objPath = GetOrCreateObjectProperty(cx, objConstants, "Path"))) {
    return false;

  // Locate libxul
  // Note that we don't actually provide the full path, only the name of the
  // library, which is sufficient to link to the library using js-ctypes.

#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
  // Under MacOS X, for some reason, libxul is called simply "XUL",
  // and we need to provide the full path.
  nsAutoString libxul;
  // On other platforms, libxul is a library "xul" with regular
  // library prefix/suffix.
  nsAutoString libxul;
#endif // defined(XP_MACOSX)

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "libxul", libxul)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "libDir", gPaths->libDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "tmpDir", gPaths->tmpDir)) {
    return false;

  // Configure profileDir only if it is available at this stage
  if (!gPaths->profileDir.IsVoid()
    && !SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "profileDir", gPaths->profileDir)) {
    return false;

  // Configure localProfileDir only if it is available at this stage
  if (!gPaths->localProfileDir.IsVoid()
    && !SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "localProfileDir", gPaths->localProfileDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "homeDir", gPaths->homeDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "desktopDir", gPaths->desktopDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "userApplicationDataDir", gPaths->userApplicationDataDir)) {
    return false;

#if defined(XP_WIN)
  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "winAppDataDir", gPaths->winAppDataDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "winStartMenuProgsDir", gPaths->winStartMenuProgsDir)) {
    return false;
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)

#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "macUserLibDir", gPaths->macUserLibDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "macLocalApplicationsDir", gPaths->macLocalApplicationsDir)) {
    return false;

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "macTrashDir", gPaths->macTrashDir)) {
    return false;
#endif // defined(XP_MACOSX)

  // sqlite3 is linked from different places depending on the platform
  nsAutoString libsqlite3;
#if defined(ANDROID)
  // On Android, we use the system's libsqlite3
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
  // On Windows, for some reason, this is part of nss3.dll
    // On other platforms, we link sqlite3 into libxul
  libsqlite3 = libxul;
#endif // defined(ANDROID) || defined(XP_WIN)

  if (!SetStringProperty(cx, objPath, "libsqlite3", libsqlite3)) {
    return false;

  return true;
/// Adds a boolean property to the node, either as an attribute, or as a 
/// child node with the specified name, and a "Value" attribute.
void SetBooleanProperty( XMLNode& node, const std::string& propertyName, bool value, bool defaultValue, bool createChild )
	SetStringProperty( node, propertyName, GetBoolAsString( value ), GetBoolAsString( defaultValue), createChild );
/// Adds an int property to the node, either as an attribute, or as a 
/// child node with the specified name, and a "Value" attribute.
void SetIntProperty( XMLNode& node, const std::string& propertyName, int value, int defaultValue, bool createChild )
	SetStringProperty( node, propertyName, GetIntAsString( value ), GetIntAsString( defaultValue), createChild );
// I'd like to not store the account key, if the msg is in
// the same account as it was received in, to save disk space and memory.
// This might be problematic when a message gets moved...
// And I'm not sure if we should short circuit it here,
// or at a higher level where it might be more efficient.
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgHdr::SetAccountKey(const char *aAccountKey)
  return SetStringProperty("account", aAccountKey);
mitk::PropertyList::Pointer mitk::CustomTagParser::ParseDicomPropertyString(std::string dicomPropertyString)
  auto results = mitk::PropertyList::New();
  if ("" == dicomPropertyString)
    //MITK_ERROR << "Could not parse empty custom dicom string";
    return results;

  std::map<std::string, std::string> privateParameters;

  // convert hex to ascii
  // the Siemens private tag contains the information like this
  // "43\52\23\34" we jump over each \ and convert the number
  int len = dicomPropertyString.length();
  std::string asciiString;
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 3)
    std::string byte = dicomPropertyString.substr(i, 2);
    auto chr = (char)(int)strtol(byte.c_str(), nullptr, 16);

  // extract parameter list
  std::size_t beginning = asciiString.find("### ASCCONV BEGIN ###") + 21;
  std::size_t ending = asciiString.find("### ASCCONV END ###");
  std::string parameterListString = asciiString.substr(beginning, ending - beginning);

  boost::replace_all(parameterListString, "\r\n", "\n");
  boost::char_separator<char> newlineSeparator("\n");
  boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> parameters(parameterListString, newlineSeparator);
  for (const auto &parameter : parameters)
    std::vector<std::string> parts;
    boost::split(parts, parameter, boost::is_any_of("="));

    if (parts.size() == 2)
      parts[0].erase(std::remove(parts[0].begin(), parts[0].end(), ' '), parts[0].end());
      parts[1].erase(parts[1].begin(), parts[1].begin() + 1); // first character is a space
      privateParameters[parts[0]] = parts[1];

  std::string revisionString = "";

    revisionString = ExtractRevision(privateParameters["tSequenceFileName"]);
  catch (const std::exception &e)
    MITK_ERROR << "Cannot deduce revision information. Reason: "<< e.what();
    return results;

  results->SetProperty(m_RevisionPropertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(revisionString));

  std::string jsonString = GetRevisionAppropriateJSONString(revisionString);

  boost::property_tree::ptree root;
  std::istringstream jsonStream(jsonString);
    boost::property_tree::read_json(jsonStream, root);
  catch (const boost::property_tree::json_parser_error &e)
    mitkThrow() << "Could not parse json file. Error was:\n" << e.what();

  for (auto it : root)
    if (it.second.empty())
      std::string propertyName = m_CESTPropertyPrefix + it.second.data();
      if (m_JSONRevisionPropertyName == propertyName)
        results->SetProperty(propertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(it.first));
        results->SetProperty(propertyName, mitk::StringProperty::New(privateParameters[it.first]));
      MITK_ERROR << "Currently no support for nested dicom tag descriptors in json file.";

  std::string offset = "";
  std::string measurements = "";
  results->GetStringProperty("CEST.Offset", offset);
  results->GetStringProperty("CEST.measurements", measurements);

  if ("" == measurements)
    std::string stringRepetitions = "";
    std::string stringAverages = "";
    results->GetStringProperty("CEST.repetitions", stringRepetitions);
    results->GetStringProperty("CEST.averages", stringAverages);
    std::stringstream  measurementStream;
      measurementStream << std::stoi(stringRepetitions) + std::stoi(stringAverages);
      measurements = measurementStream.str();
      MITK_INFO << "Could not find measurements, assuming repetitions + averages. Which is: " << measurements;
    catch (const std::invalid_argument &ia)
        << "Could not find measurements, fallback assumption of repetitions + averages could not be determined either: "
        << ia.what();

  std::string preparationType = "";
  std::string recoveryMode = "";
  std::string spoilingType = "";
  results->GetStringProperty(CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_PREPERATIONTYPE().c_str(), preparationType);
  results->GetStringProperty(CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_RECOVERYMODE().c_str(), recoveryMode);
  results->GetStringProperty(CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_SPOILINGTYPE().c_str(), spoilingType);

  if (this->IsT1Sequence(preparationType, recoveryMode, spoilingType, revisionString))
    MITK_INFO << "Parsed as T1 image";

    mitk::LocaleSwitch localeSwitch("C");

    std::stringstream trecStream;

    std::string trecPath = m_DicomDataPath + "/TREC.txt";
    std::ifstream list(trecPath.c_str());

    if (list.good())
      std::string currentTime;
      while (std::getline(list, currentTime))
        trecStream << currentTime << " ";
      MITK_WARN << "Assumed T1, but could not load TREC at " << trecPath;

    results->SetStringProperty(CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_TREC().c_str(), trecStream.str().c_str());
    MITK_INFO << "Parsed as CEST or WASABI image";
    std::string sampling = "";
    bool hasSamplingInformation = results->GetStringProperty("CEST.SamplingType", sampling);
    if (hasSamplingInformation)
      std::string offsets = GetOffsetString(sampling, offset, measurements);
      results->SetStringProperty(m_OffsetsPropertyName.c_str(), offsets.c_str());
      MITK_WARN << "Could not determine sampling type.";

  //persist all properties
  mitk::IPropertyPersistence *persSrv = GetPersistenceService();
  if (persSrv)
    auto propertyMap = results->GetMap();
    for (auto const &prop : *propertyMap)
      PropertyPersistenceInfo::Pointer info = PropertyPersistenceInfo::New();
      std::string key = prop.first;
      std::replace(key.begin(), key.end(), '.', '_');
      info->SetNameAndKey(prop.first, key);


  return results;
void AwtDesktopProperties::GetOtherParameters() {
    // TODO BEGIN: On NT4, some setttings don't trigger WM_SETTINGCHANGE --
    // check whether this has been fixed on Windows 2000 and Windows 98
    // ECH 10/6/2000 seems to be fixed on NT4 SP5, but not on 98
    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.frame.fullWindowDragsOn"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS));
    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.text.fontSmoothingOn"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING));
    // TODO END

    if (IS_WINXP) {

    int cxdrag = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDRAG);
    int cydrag = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDRAG);
    SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("win.drag.width"), cxdrag);
    SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("win.drag.height"), cydrag);
    SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("DnD.gestureMotionThreshold"), max(cxdrag, cydrag)/2);
    SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("awt.mouse.numButtons"), AwtToolkit::GetNumberOfButtons());

    SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("awt.multiClickInterval"), GetDoubleClickTime());

    // BEGIN cross-platform properties
    // Note that these are cross-platform properties, but are being stuck into
    // WDesktopProperties.  WToolkit.lazilyLoadDesktopProperty() can find them,
    // but if a Toolkit subclass uses the desktopProperties
    // member, these properties won't be there. -bchristi, echawkes
    // This property is called "win.frame.fullWindowDragsOn" above
    // This is one of the properties that don't trigger WM_SETTINGCHANGE
    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("awt.dynamicLayoutSupported"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS));

    // END cross-platform properties

    //DWORD   menuShowDelay;
    //SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMENUSHOWDELAY, 0, &menuShowDelay, 0);
    // SetIntegerProperty(TEXT("win.menu.showDelay"), menuShowDelay);
    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.frame.captionGradientsOn"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETGRADIENTCAPTIONS));
    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.item.hotTrackingOn"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETHOTTRACKING));

    SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.menu.keyboardCuesOn"), GetBooleanParameter(SPI_GETKEYBOARDCUES));

    // High contrast accessibility property
    HIGHCONTRAST contrast;
    contrast.cbSize = sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST);
    if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST, sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST),
                             &contrast, 0) != 0 &&
              (contrast.dwFlags & HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON) == HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON) {
      SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.highContrast.on"), TRUE);
    else {
      SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.highContrast.on"), FALSE);

    if (sfs.fShowAllObjects) {
        SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("awt.file.showHiddenFiles"), TRUE);
    else {
        SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("awt.file.showHiddenFiles"), FALSE);
    if (sfs.fShowAttribCol) {
        SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("awt.file.showAttribCol"), TRUE);
    else {
        SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("awt.file.showAttribCol"), FALSE);

    LPTSTR value;
    DWORD valueType;

    // Shell Icon BPP - only honored on platforms before XP
    value = getWindowsPropFromReg(TEXT("Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics"),
                                  TEXT("Shell Icon BPP"), &valueType);
    if (value != NULL) {
        if (valueType == REG_SZ) {
            SetStringProperty(TEXT("win.icon.shellIconBPP"), value);

    // The following registry settings control the file chooser places bar
    // under the Windows L&F. These settings are not present by default, but
    // can be enabled using the TweakUI tool from Microsoft. For more info,
    // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/1100/Registry/

    // NoPlacesBar is a REG_DWORD, with values 0 or 1
    value = getWindowsPropFromReg(TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\comdlg32"),
                                  TEXT("NoPlacesBar"), &valueType);
    if (value != NULL) {
        if (valueType == REG_DWORD) {
            SetBooleanProperty(TEXT("win.comdlg.noPlacesBar"), (BOOL)((int)*value != 0));

    LPTSTR valueName = TEXT("PlaceN");
    LPTSTR valueNameBuf = (LPTSTR)safe_Malloc((lstrlen(valueName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
    lstrcpy(valueNameBuf, valueName);

    LPTSTR propKey = TEXT("win.comdlg.placesBarPlaceN");
    LPTSTR propKeyBuf = (LPTSTR)safe_Malloc((lstrlen(propKey) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
    lstrcpy(propKeyBuf, propKey);

    int i = 0;
    do {
        valueNameBuf[5] = _T('0' + i++);
        propKeyBuf[25] = valueNameBuf[5];

        LPTSTR key = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\comdlg32\\PlacesBar");
        if ((value = getWindowsPropFromReg(key, valueNameBuf, &valueType)) != NULL) {
            if (valueType == REG_DWORD) {
                // Value is a CSIDL
                SetIntegerProperty(propKeyBuf, (int)*value);
            } else {
                // Value is a path
                SetStringProperty(propKeyBuf, value);
    } while (value != NULL);
