CView::CView(const CRect& WindowRect, std::string sTitle, bool bResizable, bool bFullScreen) : CWindow(WindowRect, 0), m_bResizable(bResizable), m_bFullScreen(bFullScreen), m_pMenu(0), m_pFloatingWindow(0), m_pScreenSurface(0) { if (m_pInstance) { throw(Wg_Ex_App("Cannot have more than one view at a time!")); } m_pInstance = this; CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::APP_PAINT); CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::APP_DESTROY_FRAME, CMessageServer::PRIORITY_FIRST); CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::CTRL_RESIZE); CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::MOUSE_BUTTONDOWN, CMessageServer::PRIORITY_FIRST); CMessageServer::Instance().RegisterMessageClient(this, CMessage::MOUSE_BUTTONUP, CMessageServer::PRIORITY_FIRST); SetWindowRect(WindowRect); SetWindowText(sTitle); CApplication::Instance()->GetApplicationLog().AddLogEntry("Created new CView : " + sTitle, APP_LOG_INFO); Draw(); }
bool console::SetSize(COORD Size) const { if (!sWindowMode) return SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetOutputHandle(), Size) != FALSE; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetOutputHandle(), &csbi); csbi.srWindow.Left = 0; csbi.srWindow.Right = Size.X - 1; csbi.srWindow.Bottom = csbi.dwSize.Y - 1; csbi.srWindow.Top = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - (Size.Y - 1); COORD WindowCoord = { static_cast<SHORT>(csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1), static_cast<SHORT>(csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1) }; if (WindowCoord.X > csbi.dwSize.X || WindowCoord.Y > csbi.dwSize.Y) { WindowCoord.X = std::max(WindowCoord.X, csbi.dwSize.X); WindowCoord.Y = std::max(WindowCoord.Y, csbi.dwSize.Y); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetOutputHandle(), WindowCoord); if (WindowCoord.X > csbi.dwSize.X) { // windows sometimes uses existing colors to init right region of screen buffer FarColor Color; GetTextAttributes(Color); ClearExtraRegions(Color, CR_RIGHT); } } return SetWindowRect(csbi.srWindow); }
void CView::SwitchMode(const CRect& WindowRect, bool bResizable, bool bFullScreen) { m_bResizable = bResizable; m_bFullScreen = bFullScreen; SetWindowRect(WindowRect); }
void RunPostChangeStatus() { int NewHeight = StatusHeight(); if (OldHeight != NewHeight) { RECT winrect; GetWindowRect(hFrameWnd,&winrect); winrect.bottom += NewHeight-OldHeight; MoveOK=timeGetTime(); SetWindowRect(hFrameWnd,&winrect); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------- //! \brief Display menu at screen position //! \return Pointer to selected Item Desc //----------------------------------------------------------------- void NMenuCtrl::TrackPopupMenu(NPoint _ptScreen, NMenuCtrl* _pParentMenu/*=null*/) { TRACE("NMenuCtrl::TrackPopupMenu\n"); m_dwReturnCmdID = 0; //Calc Menu rect NRect rc; CalcMenuSize(rc); //Move Menu //if (m_pParentWnd) // m_pParentWnd->ClientToScreen(_ptScreen); // Clipping NRect rcApp = GetGUISubSystem()->GetMainWnd()->GetWindowRect(); if(_ptScreen.x + rc.Width() > rcApp.right) _ptScreen.x -= _ptScreen.x + rc.Width() - rcApp.right; if(_ptScreen.y + rc.Height() > rcApp.bottom) _ptScreen.y -= _ptScreen.y + rc.Height() - rcApp.bottom; if (m_pParentWnd) m_pParentWnd->ScreenToClient(_ptScreen); rc.Move(_ptScreen); SetWindowRect(rc); //TRACE("TrackPopupMenu %d,%d-%d,%d\n", rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom); //TRACE("Count %d\n", m_carrayItems.Count()); //TRACE("_pParentMenu %d\n", _pParentMenu); if (_pParentMenu==null) SetFocus(); //Display menu window ShowMenu(true, _pParentMenu); //Graphic update //Update(); }
virtual bool SetSize(COORD Size) const override { bool Result=false; if(Global->Opt->WindowMode) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetOutputHandle(), &csbi); csbi.srWindow.Left=0; csbi.srWindow.Right=Size.X-1; csbi.srWindow.Bottom=csbi.dwSize.Y-1; csbi.srWindow.Top=csbi.srWindow.Bottom-(Size.Y-1); COORD WindowCoord={static_cast<SHORT>(csbi.srWindow.Right-csbi.srWindow.Left+1), static_cast<SHORT>(csbi.srWindow.Bottom-csbi.srWindow.Top+1)}; if(WindowCoord.X>csbi.dwSize.X || WindowCoord.Y>csbi.dwSize.Y) { WindowCoord.X=std::max(WindowCoord.X,csbi.dwSize.X); WindowCoord.Y=std::max(WindowCoord.Y,csbi.dwSize.Y); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetOutputHandle(), WindowCoord); if(WindowCoord.X>csbi.dwSize.X) { // windows sometimes uses existing colors to init right region of screen buffer FarColor Color; Console().GetTextAttributes(Color); Console().ClearExtraRegions(Color, CR_RIGHT); } } if(SetWindowRect(csbi.srWindow)) { csbi.dwSize.X = Size.X; Result=SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetOutputHandle(), csbi.dwSize)!=FALSE; } } else { Result=SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetOutputHandle(), Size)!=FALSE; } return Result; }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance , LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow) { #if defined (DEBUG) | defined (_DEBUG) _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif //아이콘 로드 HICON hIcon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON2), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR)); WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, WndProc, 0L, 0L, GetModuleHandle(NULL), hIcon, NULL, NULL, NULL, GENERIC::gAppName.c_str(), hIcon }; RegisterClassEx(&wc); DWORD style = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX; HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(GENERIC::gAppName.c_str(), GENERIC::gAppName.c_str(), style, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, GENERIC::windowWidth, GENERIC::windowHeight, GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL); Console::Get()->Initialize("Debug Console", hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpszCmdParam, nCmdShow); DEBUG_CONSOLE("Hello!\n"); gAppPuased = false; InitializeObjects(hWnd); SetWindowRect(hWnd); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hWnd); MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(msg)); while (msg.message != WM_QUIT) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } GameTimer::Get()->UpdateTickCount(); if (!gAppPuased) { float tick = GameTimer::Get()->DeltaTime(); General::Get()->Update(tick); //RenderDevice::Get()->UpdateScene(tick); RenderDevice::Get()->Render11(); CalculateFrameStats(hWnd); } else { Sleep(1); } } RenderDevice::Get()->Release(); UnregisterClass(GENERIC::gAppName.c_str(), wc.hInstance); return 0; }
void MemMgr_OnSize (void) { WINDOWSIZES Sizes; MemMgr_GetWindowSizes (&Sizes); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_BOX_ALLOC), &Sizes.rBoxAlloc); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_CPP), &Sizes.rLabelCpp); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_OTHER), &Sizes.rLabelOther); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_TARED), &Sizes.rLabelTared); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_TOTAL), &Sizes.rLabelTotal); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_COUNT), &Sizes.rLabelCount); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_SIZE), &Sizes.rLabelSize); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL_AVERAGE), &Sizes.rLabelAverage); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_CPP_COUNT), &Sizes.rValueCppCount); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_OTHER_COUNT), &Sizes.rValueOtherCount); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TARED_COUNT), &Sizes.rValueTaredCount); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TOTAL_COUNT), &Sizes.rValueTotalCount); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_CPP_SIZE), &Sizes.rValueCppSize); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_OTHER_SIZE), &Sizes.rValueOtherSize); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TARED_SIZE), &Sizes.rValueTaredSize); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TOTAL_SIZE), &Sizes.rValueTotalSize); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_CPP_AVERAGE), &Sizes.rValueCppAverage); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_OTHER_AVERAGE), &Sizes.rValueOtherAverage); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TARED_AVERAGE), &Sizes.rValueTaredAverage); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_VALUE_TOTAL_AVERAGE), &Sizes.rValueTotalAverage); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_BOX_DETAILS), &Sizes.rBoxDetails); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LIST), &Sizes.rList); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_LABEL), &Sizes.rLabel); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_HIDE), &Sizes.rHide); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_TARE), &Sizes.rTare); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDC_RESET), &Sizes.rReset); SetWindowRect (GetDlgItem (l.hManager, IDCANCEL), &Sizes.rClose); }
void CToolTip::ShowTip(const CPoint& DrawPoint) { SetWindowRect(m_pParentWindow->ViewToClient(m_BoundingRect + DrawPoint)); SetVisible(true); Draw(); }
void wxMessageDialog::AdjustButtonLabels() { // changing the button labels is the easy part but we also need to ensure // that the buttons are big enough for the label strings and increase their // size (and maybe the size of the message box itself) if they are not // TODO-RTL: check whether this works correctly in RTL // we want to use this font in GetTextExtent() calls below but we don't // want to send WM_SETFONT to the message box, who knows how is it going to // react to it (right now it doesn't seem to do anything but what if this // changes) wxWindowBase::SetFont(GetMessageFont()); // first iteration: find the widest button and update the buttons labels int wBtnOld = 0, // current buttons width wBtnNew = 0; // required new buttons width RECT rcBtn; // stores the button height and y positions unsigned numButtons = 0; // total number of buttons in the message box unsigned n; for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ ) { const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id); if ( !hwndBtn ) continue; // it's ok, not all buttons are always present numButtons++; const wxString label = (this->*ms_buttons[n].getter)(); const wxSize sizeLabel = wxWindowBase::GetTextExtent(label); // check if the button is big enough for this label const RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndBtn); if ( !wBtnOld ) { // initialize wBtnOld using the first button width, all the other // ones should have the same one wBtnOld = rc.right - rc.left; rcBtn = rc; // remember for use below when we reposition the buttons } else { wxASSERT_MSG( wBtnOld == rc.right - rc.left, "all buttons are supposed to be of same width" ); } const int widthNeeded = wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(this, sizeLabel).x; if ( widthNeeded > wBtnNew ) wBtnNew = widthNeeded; ::SetWindowText(hwndBtn, label.wx_str()); } if ( wBtnNew <= wBtnOld ) { // all buttons fit, nothing else to do return; } // resize the message box to be wider if needed const int wBoxOld = wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd()).right; const int CHAR_WIDTH = GetCharWidth(); const int MARGIN_OUTER = 2*CHAR_WIDTH; // margin between box and buttons const int MARGIN_INNER = CHAR_WIDTH; // margin between buttons RECT rcBox = wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd()); const int wAllButtons = numButtons*(wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER) - MARGIN_INNER; int wBoxNew = 2*MARGIN_OUTER + wAllButtons; if ( wBoxNew > wBoxOld ) { const int dw = wBoxNew - wBoxOld; rcBox.left -= dw/2; rcBox.right += dw - dw/2; SetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), rcBox); // surprisingly, we don't need to resize the static text control, it // seems to adjust itself to the new size, at least under Windows 2003 // (TODO: test if this happens on older Windows versions) } else // the current width is big enough { wBoxNew = wBoxOld; } // finally position all buttons // notice that we have to take into account the difference between window // and client width rcBtn.left = (rcBox.left + rcBox.right - wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd()).right + wBoxNew - wAllButtons) / 2; rcBtn.right = rcBtn.left + wBtnNew; for ( n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ ) { const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id); if ( !hwndBtn ) continue; MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwndBtn, rcBtn); rcBtn.left += wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER; rcBtn.right += wBtnNew + MARGIN_INNER; } }
void wxMessageDialog::ReplaceStaticWithEdit() { // check if the message box fits the display int nDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(this); if ( nDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND ) nDisplay = 0; const wxRect rectDisplay = wxDisplay(nDisplay).GetClientArea(); if ( rectDisplay.Contains(GetRect()) ) { // nothing to do return; } // find the static control to replace: normally there are two of them, the // icon and the text itself so search for all of them and ignore the icon // ones HWND hwndStatic = ::FindWindowEx(GetHwnd(), NULL, wxT("STATIC"), NULL); if ( ::GetWindowLong(hwndStatic, GWL_STYLE) & SS_ICON ) hwndStatic = ::FindWindowEx(GetHwnd(), hwndStatic, wxT("STATIC"), NULL); if ( !hwndStatic ) { wxLogDebug("Failed to find the static text control in message box."); return; } // set the right font for GetCharHeight() call below wxWindowBase::SetFont(GetMessageFont()); // put the new edit control at the same place RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndStatic); ScreenRectToClient(GetHwnd(), rc); // but make it less tall so that the message box fits on the screen: we try // to make the message box take no more than 7/8 of the screen to leave // some space above and below it const int hText = (7*rectDisplay.height)/8 - ( 2*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) + ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + 5*GetCharHeight() // buttons + margins ); const int dh = (rc.bottom - - hText; // vertical space we save rc.bottom -= dh; // and it also must be wider as it needs a vertical scrollbar (in order // to preserve the word wrap, otherwise the number of lines would change // and we want the control to look as similar as possible to the original) // // NB: you would have thought that 2*SM_CXEDGE would be enough but it // isn't, somehow, and the text control breaks lines differently from // the static one so fudge by adding some extra space const int dw = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) + 4*::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); rc.right += dw; // chop of the trailing new line(s) from the message box text, they are // ignored by the static control but result in extra lines and hence extra // scrollbar position in the edit one wxString text(wxGetWindowText(hwndStatic)); for ( wxString::reverse_iterator i = text.rbegin(); i != text.rend(); ++i ) { if ( *i != '\n' ) { // found last non-newline char, remove everything after it and stop text.erase(i.base() + 1, text.end()); break; } } // do create the new control HWND hwndEdit = ::CreateWindow ( wxT("EDIT"), wxTextBuffer::Translate(text).wx_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VSCROLL | WS_VISIBLE | ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, GetHwnd(), NULL, wxGetInstance(), NULL ); if ( !hwndEdit ) { wxLogDebug("Creation of replacement edit control failed in message box"); return; } // copy the font from the original control LRESULT hfont = ::SendMessage(hwndStatic, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); ::SendMessage(hwndEdit, WM_SETFONT, hfont, 0); // and get rid of it ::DestroyWindow(hwndStatic); // shrink and centre the message box vertically and widen it box to account // for the extra scrollbar RECT rcBox = wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd()); const int hMsgBox = rcBox.bottom - - dh; = (rectDisplay.height - hMsgBox)/2; rcBox.bottom = + hMsgBox + (rectDisplay.height - hMsgBox)%2; rcBox.left -= dw/2; rcBox.right += dw - dw/2; SetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), rcBox); // and adjust all the buttons positions for ( unsigned n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(ms_buttons); n++ ) { const HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(GetHwnd(), ms_buttons[n].id); if ( !hwndBtn ) continue; // it's ok, not all buttons are always present RECT rc = wxGetWindowRect(hwndBtn); -= dh; rc.bottom -= dh; rc.left += dw/2; rc.right += dw/2; MoveWindowToScreenRect(hwndBtn, rc); } }