void mxConfig::OnAlto (wxCommandEvent & evt) { if (ignore_events) return; ignore_events=true; evt.Skip(); long h; if (tx_alto->GetValue().ToLong(&h)) { int w1,h1; get_wh(1,w1,h1); float z=100.f*(float(h)/float(h1)); SetZoom(z,2); } ignore_events=false; }
void CustomWebView::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) { if (e->modifiers () & Qt::ControlModifier) { int degrees = e->delta () / 8; qreal delta = static_cast<qreal> (degrees) / 150; SetZoom (zoomFactor () + delta); e->accept (); } else QWebView::wheelEvent (e); }
void Interface::BaseReset() { if (origImageFilename.size() > 0) { SetPic(origImageFilename); SetZoom( ratio ); } sx1->setValue(0); sx2->setValue(0); Top_startX = 0; QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetPreviousZoom() { for( unsigned i = m_ZoomList.size(); i != 0; --i ) { if( m_Zoom > m_ZoomList[i - 1] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i - 1] ); return true; } } return false; }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetNextZoom() { for( unsigned i=0; i < m_ZoomList.size(); ++i ) { if( m_Zoom < m_ZoomList[i] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i] ); return true; } } return false; }
void GameBase::Loop(){ SetZoom(); Init(); InitWorldPhysics(); while(wnd->isOpen()){ wnd->clear(clearColor); DoEvents(); CheckCollitions(); UpdateWorldPhysics(); DrawWorld(); wnd->display(); } }
bool WeaponMenuItem::IsMouseOver() { if (!ActiveTeam().ReadNbAmmos(weapon->GetType())) { if (zoom) SetZoom(false); return false; } // Compute the size of the icon bounding box Point2i size(MAX_ICON_SIZE, MAX_ICON_SIZE); // The icon bounding box for this is centered around the transformed position Rectanglei r(transformed_position + 1 - size/2, size); if (r.Contains(Mouse::GetInstance()->GetPosition())) { if (!zoom) SetZoom(true); return true; } if (zoom) SetZoom(false); return false; }
void ZoomText::OnSettingsChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { e.Skip(); znConfigItem data; clConfig conf("zoom-navigator.conf"); if(conf.ReadItem(&data)) { m_zoomFactor = data.GetZoomFactor(); m_colour = data.GetHighlightColour(); MarkerSetBackground(1, m_colour); SetZoom(m_zoomFactor); Colourise(0, wxSTC_INVALID_POSITION); } }
VideoDisplay::VideoDisplay( wxToolBar *visualSubToolBar, bool freeSize, wxComboBox *zoomBox, wxWindow* parent, agi::Context *c) : wxGLCanvas(parent, -1, attribList) , autohideTools(OPT_GET("Tool/Visual/Autohide")) , con(c) , zoomValue(OPT_GET("Video/Default Zoom")->GetInt() * .125 + .125) , toolBar(visualSubToolBar) , zoomBox(zoomBox) , freeSize(freeSize) , retina_helper(agi::util::make_unique<RetinaHelper>(this)) , scale_factor(retina_helper->GetScaleFactor()) , scale_factor_connection(retina_helper->AddScaleFactorListener([=](int new_scale_factor) { double new_zoom = zoomValue * new_scale_factor / scale_factor; scale_factor = new_scale_factor; SetZoom(new_zoom); })) { zoomBox->SetValue(wxString::Format("%g%%", zoomValue * 100.)); zoomBox->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBox, this); zoomBox->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBoxText, this); con->videoController->Bind(EVT_FRAME_READY, &VideoDisplay::UploadFrameData, this); slots.push_back(con->videoController->AddVideoOpenListener(&VideoDisplay::UpdateSize, this)); slots.push_back(con->videoController->AddARChangeListener(&VideoDisplay::UpdateSize, this)); slots.push_back(con->subsController->AddFileSaveListener(&VideoDisplay::OnSubtitlesSave, this)); Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, std::bind(&VideoDisplay::Render, this)); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &VideoDisplay::OnSizeEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &VideoDisplay::OnContextMenu, this); Bind(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, &VideoDisplay::OnKeyDown, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseLeave, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseWheel, this); SetCursor(wxNullCursor); c->videoDisplay = this; if (con->videoController->IsLoaded()) con->videoController->JumpToFrame(con->videoController->GetFrameN()); }
void GraphCanvas::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& evt) { int x, y; int key = evt.GetKeyCode(); switch (key) { case WXK_PAGEUP: SetZoom(m_Zoom * 1.25f); break; case WXK_PAGEDOWN: SetZoom(m_Zoom / 1.25f); break; case WXK_HOME: SetZoom(1.0); case WXK_UP: GetViewStart(&x, &y); Scroll(x, y - 10); break; case WXK_DOWN: GetViewStart(&x, &y); Scroll(x, y + 10); break; case WXK_LEFT: GetViewStart(&x, &y); Scroll(x - 10, y); break; case WXK_RIGHT: GetViewStart(&x, &y); Scroll(x + 10, y); break; default: evt.Skip(); break; } }
void CNCaptureView::OnCaptureImageChanged() { FTLTRACE(TEXT("CNCaptureView::OnCaptureImageChanged\n")); CNCaptureDoc* pDoc = CNCaptureApplication::Instance()->GetDocument(); if (pDoc) { CCapImageObj* pCaptureImage = pDoc->GetCurCaptureImage(); //save zoom to imageobject if (m_pImage != NULL) { m_pImage->SetZoom(GetZoom()); } m_pImage = pCaptureImage; m_bImageChanged = TRUE; } //m_iFixedZoomIndex = s_NormalZoomIndex; //ReleaseSelectRect(); _CalcImageSize(); //make scrollbar disappear and set statusbar text unvisible if (NULL == m_pImage) { CRect rcClient; GetClientRect(&rcClient); SetScrollSize(0, 0, FALSE, FALSE); STATUSBARINFO stStatusBarInfo; stStatusBarInfo.bEnable = FALSE; SetCurrentToolType(ttNone); CMainFrame* pMainFrame = CNCaptureApplication::Instance()->GetMainFrame(); if (pMainFrame) { pMainFrame->SetStatusInfo(&stStatusBarInfo); } } else { //first capture if (1 == pDoc->GetCaptureCount() ) { SetCurrentToolType(CalcCurrentToolType()); } SetZoom(m_pImage->GetZoom(), TRUE, TRUE); m_pImage->GetCurrentObjectInfo(m_allObjects, m_selection, TRUE); } Invalidate(); }
void BASE_SCREEN::SetScalingFactor(double aScale ) { double zoom = aScale; // Limit zoom to max and min allowed values: if( zoom < m_ZoomList[0] ) zoom = m_ZoomList[0]; int idxmax = m_ZoomList.GetCount() - 1; if( zoom > m_ZoomList[idxmax] ) zoom = m_ZoomList[idxmax]; SetZoom( zoom ); }
virtual int OnCommand(int cmd, HWND hWnd) { switch ( cmd ) { case IDM_VIEW_LINECURVE: case IDM_VIEW_AREAFILL: case IDM_VIEW_BITMAP: case IDM_VIEW_TEXT: if ( cmd==m_demo ) return View_NoChange; else { m_demo = cmd; return View_Redraw; } break; case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM500 : return SetZoom(500); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM400 : return SetZoom(400); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM200 : return SetZoom(200); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM150 : return SetZoom(150); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM100 : return SetZoom(100); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM75 : return SetZoom( 75); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM50 : return SetZoom( 50); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM25 : return SetZoom( 25); case IDM_VIEW_ZOOM10 : return SetZoom( 10); case IDM_FILE_PRINT : UponFilePrint(); GetDimension(); return View_Resize; case IDM_FILE_PAGESETUP: UponFilePageSetup(); GetDimension(); return View_Resize; case IDM_FILE_PROPERTY: { int nControlID[] = { IDC_LIST, IDC_DEFAULT, IDC_PRINTERS, IDC_PRINTERPROPERTIES, IDC_ADVANCEDDOCUMENTPROPERTIES, IDC_DOCUMENTPROPERTIES }; ShowProperty(m_OutputSetup, m_hInst, nControlID, IDD_PROPERTY); } } return View_NoChange; }
// TODO: Make this class thread-aware. Can't send events to a different thread. Currently only works on X11. // Needs to use QueuedConnection for signals/slots. MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), nextState(CORE_POWERDOWN), dialogDisasm(0), memoryWindow(0), memoryTexWindow(0), timer(this), displaylistWindow(0), lastUIState(UISTATE_MENU) { ui->setupUi(this); controls = new Controls(this); #if QT_HAS_SDL gamePadDlg = new GamePadDialog(&input_state, this); #endif host = new QtHost(this); emugl = ui->widget; emugl->init(&input_state); emugl->resize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); emugl->setMinimumSize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); emugl->setMaximumSize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); QObject::connect( emugl, SIGNAL(doubleClick()), this, SLOT(on_action_OptionsFullScreen_triggered()) ); createLanguageMenu(); UpdateMenus(); int zoom = g_Config.iWindowZoom; if (zoom < 1) zoom = 1; if (zoom > 4) zoom = 4; SetZoom(zoom); SetGameTitle(fileToStart); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Update())); timer.setInterval(0); timer.start(); // if (!fileToStart.isNull()) // { // UpdateMenus(); // if (stateToLoad != NULL) // SaveState::Load(stateToLoad); // } }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetPreviousZoom() { // Step must be AT LEAST 1.2 double target = m_Zoom / 1.2; for( unsigned i = m_ZoomList.size(); i != 0; --i ) { if( target > m_ZoomList[i - 1] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i - 1] ); return true; } } return false; }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetNextZoom() { // Step must be AT LEAST 1.2 double target = m_Zoom * 1.2; for( unsigned i=0; i < m_ZoomList.size(); ++i ) { if( target < m_ZoomList[i] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i] ); return true; } } return false; }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), nextState(CORE_POWERDOWN), dialogDisasm(0) { ui->setupUi(this); qApp->installEventFilter(this); controls = new Controls(this); #if QT_HAS_SDL gamePadDlg = new GamePadDialog(&input_state, this); #endif host = new QtHost(this); w = ui->widget; w->init(&input_state); w->resize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); w->setMinimumSize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); w->setMaximumSize(pixel_xres, pixel_yres); /* DialogManager::AddDlg(memoryWindow[0] = new CMemoryDlg(_hInstance, hwndMain, currentDebugMIPS)); DialogManager::AddDlg(vfpudlg = new CVFPUDlg(_hInstance, hwndMain, currentDebugMIPS)); */ // Update(); UpdateMenus(); int zoom = g_Config.iWindowZoom; if (zoom < 1) zoom = 1; if (zoom > 4) zoom = 4; SetZoom(zoom); if (!fileToStart.isNull()) { SetPlaying(fileToStart); //Update(); UpdateMenus(); EmuThread_Start(fileToStart, w); } else BrowseAndBoot(); if (!fileToStart.isNull() && stateToLoad != NULL) SaveState::Load(stateToLoad); }
// // FUNCTION: HandleCommand() // // PURPOSE: Take action in response to user action at the dialog box's controls. // void HandleCommand(_In_ HWND hwndDlg, _In_ WORD wCtrlId) { switch (wCtrlId) { case IDC_CLOSE: // Close the sample dialog box. EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); break; case IDC_RADIO_100: case IDC_RADIO_200: case IDC_RADIO_300: case IDC_RADIO_400: // The user clicked one of the radio button to apply some fullscreen magnification. (We know the control ids are sequential here.) SetZoom(hwndDlg, (float)(wCtrlId - IDC_RADIO_100 + 1)); break; case IDC_CHECK_SETGRAYSCALE: { // The user clicked the checkbox to apply grayscale to the colors on the screen. bool fGrayscaleOn = (BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CHECK_SETGRAYSCALE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); SetColorGrayscaleState(fGrayscaleOn); break; } case IDC_CHECK_SETINPUTTRANSFORM: { // The user clicked the checkbox to apply an input transform for touch and pen input. bool fInputTransformOn = (BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CHECK_SETINPUTTRANSFORM, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); SetInputTransform(hwndDlg, fInputTransformOn); break; } case IDC_BUTTON_GETSETTINGS: // The user wants to retrieve the current magnification settings. GetSettings(hwndDlg); break; } }
void MainWindow::on_action_OptionsFullScreen_triggered() { if(isFullScreen()) { g_Config.bFullScreen = false; showNormal(); ui->menubar->setVisible(true); ui->statusbar->setVisible(true); SetZoom(g_Config.iInternalResolution); InitPadLayout(); if (globalUIState == UISTATE_INGAME && QApplication::overrideCursor()) QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } else { g_Config.bFullScreen = true; ui->menubar->setVisible(false); ui->statusbar->setVisible(false); // Remove constraint emugl->setMinimumSize(0, 0); emugl->setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); ui->centralwidget->setFixedSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); setFixedSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); showFullScreen(); int width = (int) QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width(); int height = (int) QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height(); PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = width; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = height; PSP_CoreParameter().outputWidth = width; PSP_CoreParameter().outputHeight = height; PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth = width; PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight = height; pixel_xres = width; pixel_yres = height; dp_xres = pixel_xres; dp_yres = pixel_yres; if (gpu) gpu->Resized(); InitPadLayout(); if (globalUIState == UISTATE_INGAME && !g_Config.bShowTouchControls) QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::BlankCursor)); } }
ZoomText::ZoomText(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { Hide(); if(!wxStyledTextCtrl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style | wxNO_BORDER, name)) { return; } wxColour bgColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX); for(int i = 0; i < wxSTC_STYLE_MAX; ++i) { StyleSetBackground(i, bgColour); } znConfigItem data; clConfig conf("zoom-navigator.conf"); conf.ReadItem(&data); SetEditable(false); SetUseHorizontalScrollBar(false); SetUseVerticalScrollBar(data.IsUseScrollbar()); HideSelection(true); SetMarginWidth(1, 0); SetMarginWidth(2, 0); SetMarginWidth(3, 0); m_zoomFactor = data.GetZoomFactor(); m_colour = data.GetHighlightColour(); MarkerSetBackground(1, m_colour); SetZoom(m_zoomFactor); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_ZN_SETTINGS_UPDATED, wxCommandEventHandler(ZoomText::OnSettingsChanged), NULL, this); EventNotifier::Get()->Connect(wxEVT_CL_THEME_CHANGED, wxCommandEventHandler(ZoomText::OnThemeChanged), NULL, this); MarkerDefine(1, wxSTC_MARK_BACKGROUND, m_colour, m_colour); #ifndef __WXMSW__ SetTwoPhaseDraw(false); SetBufferedDraw(false); SetLayoutCache(wxSTC_CACHE_DOCUMENT); #endif MarkerSetAlpha(1, 10); m_timer = new wxTimer(this); Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &ZoomText::OnTimer, this, m_timer->GetId()); Show(); }
int mapcontrol::OPMapWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QGraphicsView::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 22) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 22; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = MinZoom(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = ShowTileGridLines(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = ZoomTotal(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< qreal*>(_v) = Rotate(); break; } _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: SetMinZoom(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 1: SetShowTileGridLines(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 2: SetZoom(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 3: SetRotate(*reinterpret_cast< qreal*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 4; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 4; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
GBR_SCREEN::GBR_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCREEN_T ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrZoomList ); ++i ) m_ZoomList.push_back( gbrZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( gbrGridList ); ++i ) AddGrid( gbrGridList[i] ); // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value (in 1/10000 inch) SetGrid( DMIL_GRID( 500 ) ); m_Active_Layer = B_Cu; // default active layer = bottom layer SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) ); // a default value for zoom InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU ); }
void Interface::setMesure( int w , int mode ) { onwi = true; QPixmap resized; QPixmap picsa(origImageFilename); if (mode == 0) { resized = picsa.scaledToWidth(w); } else { resized = picsa.scaledToHeight(w); } ratio = 100.0; display = resized; original = resized; original2 = resized; SetZoom(100); }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetPreviousZoom() { size_t i; if( m_ZoomList.IsEmpty() || m_Zoom <= m_ZoomList[0] ) return false; for( i = m_ZoomList.GetCount(); i != 0; i-- ) { if( m_Zoom > m_ZoomList[i - 1] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i - 1] ); return true; } } return false; }
bool BASE_SCREEN::SetNextZoom() { size_t i; if( m_ZoomList.IsEmpty() || m_Zoom >= m_ZoomList.Last() ) return false; for( i = 0; i < m_ZoomList.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( m_Zoom < m_ZoomList[i] ) { SetZoom( m_ZoomList[i] ); return true; } } return false; }
LRESULT cBiomeViewWnd::OnChar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case '1': SetZoom(1); break; case '2': SetZoom(2); break; case '3': SetZoom(3); break; case '4': SetZoom(4); break; case '5': SetZoom(5); break; case '6': SetZoom(6); break; case '7': SetZoom(7); break; case '8': SetZoom(8); break; case 27: { // Esc pressed, exit PostQuitMessage(0); break; } } return 0; }
void MainWindow::on_action_OptionsFullScreen_triggered() { if(isFullScreen()) { g_Config.bFullScreen = false; showNormal(); ui->menubar->setVisible(true); ui->statusbar->setVisible(true); SetZoom(g_Config.iWindowZoom); } else { g_Config.bFullScreen = true; ui->menubar->setVisible(false); ui->statusbar->setVisible(false); // Remove constraint emugl->setMinimumSize(0, 0); emugl->setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); ui->centralwidget->setFixedSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); setFixedSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); showFullScreen(); int width = (int) QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width(); int height = (int) QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height(); PSP_CoreParameter().pixelWidth = width; PSP_CoreParameter().pixelHeight = height; PSP_CoreParameter().outputWidth = width; PSP_CoreParameter().outputHeight = height; int antialias = 1; if (g_Config.bAntiAliasing) antialias = 2; PSP_CoreParameter().renderWidth = width * antialias; PSP_CoreParameter().renderHeight = height * antialias; pixel_xres = width; pixel_yres = height; dp_xres = pixel_xres; dp_yres = pixel_yres; if (gpu) gpu->Resized(); } }
PL_EDITOR_SCREEN::PL_EDITOR_SCREEN( const wxSize& aPageSizeIU ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCREEN_T ) { for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorZoomList ); ++i ) m_ZoomList.push_back( pl_editorZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( pl_editorGridList ); ++i ) AddGrid( pl_editorGridList[i] ); // pl_editor uses the same frame position as schematic and board editors m_Center = false; // Set the working grid size to a reasonable value SetGrid( MM_GRID( 1.0 ) ); SetZoom( ZOOM_FACTOR( 350 ) ); // a default value for zoom InitDataPoints( aPageSizeIU ); m_NumberOfScreens = 2; }
void Interface::BaseSave() { if (TagliaPoi.width() > 10) { SetZoom( ratio ); } Top_startX = 0; QRect areaplace(QPoint(0,0),QPoint(0,0)); TagliaPoi = areaplace; if (origImageFilename.size() > 0) { ratio = 100.0; original.save(origImageFilename,extension.data(),qualvalue->value()); rotazione = 0; spinBox_4->setValue(rotazione); BaseReset(); } accept(); }
SCH_SCREEN::SCH_SCREEN( KIWAY* aKiway ) : BASE_SCREEN( SCH_SCREEN_T ), KIWAY_HOLDER( aKiway ), m_paper( wxT( "A4" ) ) { SetZoom( 32 ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( SchematicZoomList ); i++ ) m_ZoomList.push_back( SchematicZoomList[i] ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < DIM( SchematicGridList ); i++ ) AddGrid( SchematicGridList[i] ); SetGrid( wxRealPoint( 50, 50 ) ); // Default grid size. m_refCount = 0; // Suitable for schematic only. For libedit and viewlib, must be set to true m_Center = false; InitDataPoints( m_paper.GetSizeIU() ); }