static void test_BuildS3Request( const char *param )
    struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
    struct curl_slist *currentHeader;
    int               i = 0;

    char *method = "HEAD";
    char *path = "/with.html?some=parameter";
    char *keyId     = "aboguskeyid";
    char *secretKey = "somebogussecret";

	SetupHandle( );
	handle.keyId  = keyId;
    handle.secretKey = secretKey;

    headers = curl_slist_append( headers, "Content-MD5: kahaKUW/a80945+a553" );
    headers = curl_slist_append( headers, "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
    headers = curl_slist_append( headers, "x-amz-metavariable: something" );
    headers = curl_slist_append( headers, "x-amz-also-metavariable: something else" );
    headers = BuildS3Request( &handle, method,
							  headers, path );

    currentHeader= headers;
    while( currentHeader != NULL )
        printf( "%d: %s\n", ++i, currentHeader->data );
        currentHeader = currentHeader->next;
static void test_S3ReadDir( const char *param )
    char **directory;
    int  dirEntries;
    int  status;
    int  i;

    ReadLiveConfig( param );
	SetupHandle( );
    InitializeS3If( );
	s3comm = &handle;

    status = S3ReadDir( "/directory", &directory, &dirEntries, -1 );
    if( status != 0) exit( 1 );

    for( i = 0; i < dirEntries; i++ )
	printf( "%d: %s\n", i, directory[ i ] );
	free( directory[ i ] );
    free( directory );
static void test_S3GetFileStat( const char *param )
    struct S3FileInfo *fi;
    int               status;

    ReadLiveConfig( param );
	SetupHandle( );
    InitializeS3If( );
	s3comm = &handle;

    status = S3GetFileStat( "/README", &fi );
    if( status != 0) exit( 1 );
    if( fi == NULL ) exit( 1 );
    printf( "t=%c s=%d p=%3o uid=%d gid=%d\na=%s",
	    fi->fileType, (int)fi->size, fi->permissions, fi->uid, fi->gid,
	    ctime(&fi->atime) );
    printf( "m=%s", ctime(&fi->mtime) );
    printf( "c=%ssp=%d\n", ctime(&fi->ctime),
	    ( fi->exeUid ? S_ISUID : 0 ) | ( fi->exeGid ? S_ISGID : 0 ) |
	    ( fi->exeUid ? S_ISVTX : 0 ) );

    free( fi );
static void test_S3FileStat_File( const char *param )
    struct S3FileInfo *fi;
    struct S3FileInfo *cachedFi;
    int               status;

    ReadLiveConfig( param );
	SetupHandle( );
    InitializeS3If( );
	s3comm = &handle;

    status = S3FileStat( "/README", &fi );
    if( status != 0)
        fprintf( stderr, "Error: %d\n", status );
	exit( 1 );
    if( fi == NULL ) exit( 1 );

    /* Verify that the file was found in the cache. */
    cachedFi = SearchStatEntry( "/README" );
    if( cachedFi == NULL )
        printf( "File not found in stat cache.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
        printf( "t=%c s=%d p=%3o uid=%d gid=%d\na=%s",
		fi->fileType, (int)fi->size, fi->permissions, fi->uid, fi->gid,
		ctime(&fi->atime) );
	printf( "m=%s", ctime(&fi->mtime) );
	printf( "c=%ssp=%d\n", ctime(&fi->ctime),
		( fi->exeUid ? S_ISUID : 0 ) | ( fi->exeGid ? S_ISGID : 0 ) |
		( fi->exeUid ? S_ISVTX : 0 ) );
bool AsyncUsbReceiver::Init() {
  m_usb_handle = SetupHandle();
  m_inited_with_handle = false;
  return m_usb_handle != NULL;