// Rabin-Miller method for finding a strong pseudo-prime
	// Preconditions: High bit and low bit of n = 1
	bool RabinMillerPrimeTest(
		IRandom *prng,
		const u32 *n,	// Number to check for primality
		int limbs,		// Number of limbs in n
		u32 k)			// Confidence level (40 is pretty good)
		// n1 = n - 1
		u32 *n1 = (u32 *)alloca(limbs*4);
		Set(n1, limbs, n);
		Subtract32(n1, limbs, 1);

		// d = n1
		u32 *d = (u32 *)alloca(limbs*4);
		Set(d, limbs, n1);

		// remove factors of two from d
		while (!(d[0] & 1))
			ShiftRight(limbs, d, d, 1);

		u32 *a = (u32 *)alloca(limbs*4);
		u32 *t = (u32 *)alloca(limbs*4);
		u32 *p = (u32 *)alloca((limbs*2)*4);
		u32 n_inv = MonReducePrecomp(n[0]);

		// iterate k times
		while (k--)
			do prng->Generate(a, limbs*4);
			while (GreaterOrEqual(a, limbs, n, limbs));

			// a = a ^ d (Mod n)
			ExpMod(a, limbs, d, limbs, n, limbs, n_inv, a);

			Set(t, limbs, d);
			while (!Equal(limbs, t, n1) &&
				   !Equal32(a, limbs, 1) &&
				   !Equal(limbs, a, n1))
				// TODO: verify this is actually working

				// a = a^2 (Mod n), non-critical path
				Square(limbs, p, a);
				Modulus(p, limbs*2, n, limbs, a);

				// t <<= 1
				ShiftLeft(limbs, t, t, 1);

			if (!Equal(limbs, a, n1) && !(t[0] & 1)) return false;

		return true;
        void ConditionalSquareGradientSum(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
            const uint8_t * mask, size_t maskStride, uint8_t value, uint64_t * sum)
            assert(width >= A + 2 && height >= 3);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(src) && Aligned(srcStride) && Aligned(mask) && Aligned(maskStride));

            src += srcStride;
            mask += maskStride;
            height -= 2;

            size_t bodyWidth = Simd::AlignLo(width - 1, A);
            v128_u8 noseMask = ShiftRight(K8_FF, 1);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + 1 + bodyWidth);
            size_t alignedWidth = Simd::AlignLo(bodyWidth - A, DA);

            v128_u8 _value = SetU8(value);
            *sum = 0;
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                v128_u32 sums[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(mask + 1), _value), noseMask);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + 1, 1, _mask, sums[0]);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + 1, srcStride, _mask, sums[1]);
                size_t col = A;
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += DA)
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col, _value, sums);
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col + A, _value, sums + 2);
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col, _value, sums);
                if (bodyWidth != width - 1)
                    size_t offset = width - A - 1;
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(mask + offset), _value), tailMask);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + offset, 1, _mask, sums[0]);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + offset, srcStride, _mask, sums[1]);
                sums[0] = vec_add(vec_add(sums[0], sums[1]), vec_add(sums[2], sums[3]));
                *sum += ExtractSum(sums[0]);
                src += srcStride;
                mask += maskStride;
void AnimateHorizontal(uint8_t prev, uint8_t gear)

	for(uint8_t i=0;i<=8;i++)
		if( gear > prev )
			ShiftLeft(i, (PGM_P)FONTTAB+prev*8, (PGM_P)FONTTAB+gear*8 );
			ShiftRight(i, (PGM_P)FONTTAB+prev*8, (PGM_P)FONTTAB+gear*8 );


文件: race.cpp 项目: hoopsrain/race
bool StateGrid::MoveForward(int32_t id)
    int32_t collideId = m_horses[id].Collide();
    if(collideId >= 0)
        // try shift right
        if(m_shifted[collideId] || !ShiftRight(collideId))
            // try shift left
                // try move forward

void PlayGame()
	char userChoice = 'k';
	printf("Going to start game. Use AD for left, right. WS for up, down.\n");
	printf("k to kill game.\n");

		refresh();	// printing on screen - via ncurses.
		userChoice = getch();
//		if(userChoice=='\n') userChoice = getchar();
		case 'a':
		case 'A':
			MergeLeft(); ShiftLeft(); break;
		case 'd':
		case 'D':
			MergeRight(); ShiftRight(); break;
		case 'w':
		case 'W':
			MergeUp(); ShiftUp(); break;
		case 's':
		case 'S':
			MergeDown(); ShiftDown(); break;
	while(SpaceAvailable() && userChoice != 'k');
	printf("\nGame over.\n");
static void tentacle_update(PluginInfo *goomInfo, Pixel *buf, Pixel *back, int W, int H,
                     short data[2][512], float rapport, int drawit, TentacleFXData *fx_data) {
	int tmp;
	int tmp2;

	int color;
	int colorlow;

	float dist,dist2,rotangle;

	if ((!drawit) && (fx_data->ligs>0.0f))
		fx_data->ligs = -fx_data->ligs;

	fx_data->lig += fx_data->ligs;

	if (fx_data->lig > 1.01f) {
		if ((fx_data->lig>10.0f) | (fx_data->lig<1.1f)) fx_data->ligs = -fx_data->ligs;

		if ((fx_data->lig<6.3f)&&(goom_irand(goomInfo->gRandom,30)==0))

		fx_data->col = evolutecolor(fx_data->col,fx_data->colors[fx_data->dstcol],0xff,0x01);
		fx_data->col = evolutecolor(fx_data->col,fx_data->colors[fx_data->dstcol],0xff00,0x0100);
		fx_data->col = evolutecolor(fx_data->col,fx_data->colors[fx_data->dstcol],0xff0000,0x010000);
		fx_data->col = evolutecolor(fx_data->col,fx_data->colors[fx_data->dstcol],0xff000000,0x01000000);

		color = fx_data->col;
		colorlow = fx_data->col;

		lightencolor(&color,fx_data->lig * 2.0f + 2.0f);

		rapport = 1.0f + 2.0f * (rapport - 1.0f);
		rapport *= 1.2f;
		if (rapport > 1.12f)
			rapport = 1.12f;

		pretty_move (goomInfo, fx_data->cycle, &dist, &dist2, &rotangle, fx_data);

		for (tmp=0;tmp<nbgrid;tmp++) {
			for (tmp2=0;tmp2<definitionx;tmp2++) {
				float val = (float)(ShiftRight(data[0][goom_irand(goomInfo->gRandom,511)],10)) * rapport;
				fx_data->vals[tmp2] = val;

			grid3d_update (fx_data->grille[tmp], rotangle, fx_data->vals, dist2);
		for (tmp=0;tmp<nbgrid;tmp++)
			grid3d_draw (goomInfo, fx_data->grille[tmp],color,colorlow,dist,buf,back,W,H);
	else {
		fx_data->lig = 1.05f;
		if (fx_data->ligs < 0.0f)
			fx_data->ligs = -fx_data->ligs;
		pretty_move (goomInfo, fx_data->cycle, &dist, &dist2, &rotangle, fx_data);
		if (fx_data->cycle > 1000)
			fx_data->cycle = 0;
uint GetString( uint FieldRow, uint FieldCol, uint length, uint displen,
                uint *cursor, uchar *pInbuf, uint InFlags, POPUPSHELL *pShell)
  /* Diagram to explain local variables.                                     */
  /*                                                                         */
  /*  0  ...     10        ...                   40       ...          200   */
  /*                                                                         */
  /*             +-------------------------------+                           */
  /*  +----------|                               |---------------------+     */
  /*  |          |  Portion of the string shown  |                     |     */
  /*  |          |  in the screen.               |                     |     */
  /*  +----------|                               |---------------------+     */
  /*             +-------------------------------+                           */
  /*             |<---- Display Length --------->|                           */
  /*                                                                         */
  /*  |<------------ length (length of the entire buffer) ------------>|     */
  /*                                                                         */
  /*   In the above example:                                                 */
  /*                                                                         */
  /*   length            ===>  200                                           */
  /*   DisplayLength     ===>  30                                            */
  /*   DisplayOffset     ===>  10                                            */
  /*                                                                         */
  uint        key;
  int         n, i;
  ushort      rc;
  int         voff;
  uint        IsInsertMode = 0, scratch, BufLen;
  uint        DisplayOffset;
  uint        CursorRow, CursorCol;
  int         FirstKeyEntry = TRUE;                                     /*910*/
  uint        flags = InFlags;                                          /*910*/
  int         state = MOU_STATE_UP; /* assume this! */                  /*910*/
  int         NextState = 0;                                            /*910*/
  BUTTON     *pButtonDown = NULL;                                       /*910*/

  /*                                                                         */
  /* flags  - Flags which indicate type of the field.                        */
  /*          (AUTOEXIT / HEXONLY / BINONLY)                                 */
   flags = pShell->Flags;                                               /*910*/

  /* - Set keyboard flush buffer flag to indiacte not to flush the keyboard  */
  /*   buffer while we are in getstring.                                     */
  /* - Initialise the local variables.                                       */
  SetFlushBufferFlag( NOFLUSHNOW );                                     /*820*/
  FieldDisplayLength = displen;
  DisplayOffset = 0;
  CursorRow = FieldRow;

  CursorCol = ( *cursor > displen ) ? FieldCol : FieldCol + *cursor;

#ifdef MSH
  if(iview) {

  /* Allocate memory for the local buffer.                                   */
  Buffer = (uchar *)Talloc( (length+1) * sizeof( uchar ) );
  memset( Buffer, '\0', length+1 );
  if(!iview) {
  /* Adjust display length if the length specified by the caller goes out of */
  /* the screen.                                                             */
  if( FieldCol + FieldDisplayLength > VideoCols )
    FieldDisplayLength = VideoCols - FieldCol;

  /* Check to see if the field would over lap some other window, if so adjust*/
  /* the display length accordingly.                                         */
  if( FieldDisplayLength + FieldCol > BoundPtr[FieldRow] )
    FieldDisplayLength = BoundPtr[FieldRow] - FieldCol;
#ifdef MSH
      if( FieldDisplayLength + FieldCol - ColStart> VideoWidth )
        FieldDisplayLength = VideoWidth - FieldCol + ColStart;

  }/* End if*/
  /* RightScrollOffset is the amount of scrolling to be done when the user   */
  /* goes out of the display length. It is 2/3 rds of the display length.    */
  RightScrollOffset  = (FieldDisplayLength * 2)/3;
  LeftScrollOffset   = FieldDisplayLength - RightScrollOffset;

  FieldBase = (uchar *)Sel2Flat( HiFlat(VideoPtr) ) +
              ( voff = 2*(FieldRow*VideoCols + FieldCol) );
  FieldType = flags;

  /* Depending on the type of the string copy the initial string to the local*/
  /* buffer. Display the string.                                             */
  if( (FieldType & HEXONLY) || (FieldType & BINONLY) )
    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
      Buffer[i] = FieldBase[i*2];
    strcpy( Buffer, pInbuf );

  DisplayField( DisplayOffset );
  VioShowBuf( (ushort)voff,(ushort) (2*FieldDisplayLength), 0 );

  VioSetCurType( &NormalCursor, 0 );

    VioSetCurPos( (ushort)CursorRow, (ushort)CursorCol, 0 );

    Event = GetEvent( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );

    switch( Event->Type )
      case TYPE_MOUSE_EVENT:                                            /*910*/
      {                                                                 /*910*/
       /* Test for mouse event between the string brackets.               910*/
       if( ( Event->Row == (ushort)FieldRow ) &&                        /*910*/
           ( Event->Col >= (ushort)FieldCol ) &&                        /*910*/
           ( Event->Col <= ((ushort)FieldCol+(ushort)FieldDisplayLength-1))
         )                                                              /*910*/
       {                                                                /*910*/
        /* - If it's a button down event then set the cursor at the       910*/
        /*   end of the string or on the character that was clicked on.   910*/
        if( Event->Value == EVENT_BUTTON_1_DOWN)                        /*910*/
        {                                                               /*910*/
          BufLen = strlen( Buffer );                                    /*910*/
          if( (DisplayOffset + (Event->Col - FieldCol)) > BufLen )      /*910*/
          {                                                             /*910*/
            keybeep();                                                  /*910*/
            CursorCol = FieldCol + (BufLen - DisplayOffset);            /*910*/
          }                                                             /*910*/
          else                                                          /*910*/
            CursorCol = (uint)Event->Col;                               /*910*/
        }                                                               /*910*/
        /* - Ignore events between the brackets that are not button       910*/
        /*   down events.                                                 910*/
        /* - Any mouse event between []s turns off the erasure of a       910*/
        /*   cursor sensitive prompt.                                     910*/
        FieldType &= ~CLEAR1ST;                                         /*910*/
        continue;                                                       /*910*/
       }                                                                /*910*/
       /* - handle strings that are not in the context of a popup.           */
       if(pShell == NULL )                                              /*910*/
       {                                                                /*910*/
        NextState = GetMouseState( Event );                             /*910*/
        if( (state == MOU_STATE_UP) &&                                  /*910*/
            (NextState == MOU_STATE_DOWN)                               /*910*/
          )                                                             /*910*/
        {                                                               /*910*/
         key = LEFTMOUSECLICK;                                          /*910*/
         break;                                                         /*910*/
        }                                                               /*910*/
        state = NextState;                                              /*910*/
        continue;                                                       /*910*/
       }                                                                /*910*/
       /* - Now, handle mouse events outside the []s within the context   910*/
       /*   of a popup.                                                   910*/
       /*                                                                 910*/
       /* - Button events are valid on the release event.                 910*/
       /*                                                                 910*/
       /* - Transitions from up to down "outside" the <>s and []s         910*/
       /*   are returned to the caller as a LEFTMOUSECLICK.               910*/
       /*                                                                 910*/
       /*  ------------------------                                       910*/
       /* |                        |                                      910*/
       /* |                       -----------                             910*/
       /* |         <------------|           |<----------------           910*/
       /* |        |              -----------                  |          910*/
       /* |      ----                                        ----         910*/
       /* |     |    |---                                ---|    |---     910*/
       /* |     | UP |   | BU,BUM                BD,BDM |   | DN |   |    910*/
       /* |     |    |<--                                -->|    |<--     910*/
       /* |      ----                                        ----         910*/
       /* |        |                                           |          910*/
       /* |        |                                           |          910*/
       /* |        |              -----------                  |          910*/
       /* |         ------------>|           |---------------->           910*/
       /* |                       -----------                             910*/
       /* |                               |                               910*/
       /* |                               |                               910*/
       /* | BU  - Button up event.        |                               910*/
       /* | BUM - Button up move event.    -(1) If BD or BDM event        910*/
       /* | BD  - Button down event.            occurs in a button(<>s),  910*/
       /* | BDM - Button down move event.       then set pButtonDown      910*/
       /* |                                     to point to the BUTTON    910*/
       /* |                                     structure. This is        910*/
       /* |                                     effectively a "pending"   910*/
       /*  ----(1) If BU or BUM event           button event. If the      910*/
       /*          && if the event occurs       up event occurs within    910*/
       /*          in the same button as        the same <>s, then we've  910*/
       /*          a "pending" button           got ourselves a valid     910*/
       /*          then we have a button        button event.             910*/
       /*          event.                                                 910*/
       /*                                   (2) If BD or BDM do not       910*/
       /*                                       occur within a button,    910*/
       /*                                       then set pButtonDown=NULL 910*/
       /*                                       and go back to the        910*/
       /*                                       caller with a             910*/
       /*                                       LEFTMOUSECLICK.           910*/
       /*                                                                 910*/
       NextState = GetMouseState( Event );                              /*910*/
       if( (state == MOU_STATE_DOWN) &&                                 /*910*/
           (NextState == MOU_STATE_UP) &&                               /*910*/
           (pButtonDown != NULL) &&                                     /*910*/
           (pButtonDown == GetButtonPtr(pShell,Event))                  /*910*/
         )                                                              /*910*/
       {                                                                /*910*/
        key = pButtonDown->Key;                                         /*910*/
        break;                                                          /*910*/
       }                                                                /*910*/
       if( (state == MOU_STATE_UP) &&                                   /*910*/
           (NextState == MOU_STATE_DOWN)                                /*910*/
         )                                                              /*910*/
       {                                                                /*910*/
        pButtonDown = GetButtonPtr( pShell,Event);                      /*910*/
        if( pButtonDown == NULL )                                       /*910*/
        {                                                               /*910*/
         key = LEFTMOUSECLICK;                                          /*910*/
         break;                                                         /*910*/
        }                                                               /*910*/
       }                                                                /*910*/
       state = NextState;                                               /*910*/
       continue;                                                        /*910*/

      case TYPE_KBD_EVENT:
        key = Event->Value;

    if( (FieldType & CLEAR1ST) && (FirstKeyEntry == TRUE) )             /*910*/
     FirstKeyEntry = FALSE;                                             /*910*/

    switch( key )
      case F1:
      case ESC:
      case ENTER:
      case UP:
      case DOWN:
      case A_ENTER:
      case MOUSECLICK:
      /* - these keys are specific to the watchpoint dialog.              910*/
      case TYNEXT:                      /* watchpoint type button.        910*/
      case SPNEXT:                      /* watchpoint scope button.       910*/
      case SZNEXT:                      /* watchpoint size button.        910*/
      case STNEXT:                      /* watchpoint status button.      910*/
        /* All the above keys cannot be proccessed by getstring, so return   */
        /* the key to the caller.                                            */
        rc = RCBREAK;

      case C_HOME:
        /* Control-Home takes you to the start of the string.                */
        DisplayOffset = 0;
        CursorCol = FieldCol;
        rc = RCREDRAW;

      case C_END:
        /* Control-End takes you to the end of the string (to the last char  */
        /* the user has types in).                                           */
        BufLen = strlen( Buffer );
        if( BufLen > FieldDisplayLength )
          DisplayOffset = BufLen - FieldDisplayLength;
          CursorCol = FieldCol + FieldDisplayLength - 1;
          DisplayOffset = 0;
          CursorCol = FieldCol + BufLen;
        rc = RCREDRAW;

      case TAB:
      case S_TAB:
        /* If the user has keyed in a tab  and the field type is AUTOEXIT,   */
        /* return to the caller.                                             */
        if( FieldType & AUTOEXIT )
          rc = RCBREAK;
          rc = 0;

      case LEFT:
        /* The user has pressed the left arrow key.                          */
        /*  - If the cursor is not in the starting column move the cursor    */
        /*    one column to the left.                                        */
        if( CursorCol > FieldCol )
          rc = 0;
          /* If the cursor is in the starting column, a non zero value in the*/
          /* display offset would indicate we have some characters to the    */
          /* left to be displayed (see diagram above). If you have enough    */
          /* characters to scroll to LeftScrollOffset amount, do so. If not  */
          /* scroll to the start of the string.                              */
          if( DisplayOffset )
            if( (int)(DisplayOffset - LeftScrollOffset) >= 0 )
              DisplayOffset -= LeftScrollOffset;
              CursorCol += (LeftScrollOffset - 1);
              CursorCol += DisplayOffset;
              DisplayOffset = 0;
            rc = RCREDRAW;
            if( FieldType & AUTOEXIT )
              rc = RCBREAK;
               rc = 0;

      case RIGHT:
        /* The user has pressed the right arrow key.                         */
        /*  - If the cursor is not in the ending column of display and not   */
        /*    end of the string, move the cursor one column to the right.    */
        BufLen = strlen( Buffer );
        if( CursorCol < ( FieldCol + FieldDisplayLength - 1 ) )
          if( (DisplayOffset + (CursorCol - FieldCol)) < BufLen )
            rc = 0;
            rc = 0;
          /* If the cursor is at the ending column of display, check to see  */
          /* if we are within the buffer length. If we have enough space to  */
          /* scroll by RightScrollOffset amount do so, if not scroll till the*/
          /* end of the string.                                              */
          if( DisplayOffset + FieldDisplayLength < BufLen )
            DisplayOffset += (FieldDisplayLength - RightScrollOffset);
            if( (DisplayOffset + (CursorCol - FieldCol)) > BufLen )
              CursorCol = FieldCol + (BufLen - DisplayOffset);
              CursorCol = FieldCol + RightScrollOffset;
            rc = RCREDRAW;
            /* If we reached the ending column and the end of the buffer, if */
            /* the field type is AUTOEXIT return to the caller.              */
            if( FieldType & AUTOEXIT )
              rc = RCBREAK;
              rc = 0;

      case HOME:
        /* Home takes to the starting column of the string.                  */
        CursorCol = FieldCol;

      case END:
        /* End takes you to the ending column of the string. If the string   */
        /* is not long enough till the ending column of the display, End     */
        /* takes you to the end of the string.                               */
        CursorCol = FieldCol + FieldDisplayLength - 1;
        scratch = DisplayOffset + ( CursorCol - FieldCol );
        BufLen = strlen( Buffer );
        if( scratch > BufLen )
          CursorCol = FieldCol + (BufLen - DisplayOffset);

      case INS:
        /* Insert key is pressed. This toggles the InsertMode flag. If the   */
        /* current length of the string is less than the buffer length,      */
        /* InsertMode could be allowed. Set the cusror type accordingly.     */
        if( IsInsertMode )
          IsInsertMode = 0;
          VioSetCurType( &NormalCursor, 0 );
          if( length != strlen( Buffer ) )
            IsInsertMode = 1 - IsInsertMode;
            IsInsertMode ? VioSetCurType( &InsertCursor, 0 ) :
                           VioSetCurType( &NormalCursor, 0 );
          else                           /* Display proper error message...   */

      case DEL:
        /* Delete the current character. The rest of the string is shifted   */
        /* left.                                                             */
        scratch = DisplayOffset + ( CursorCol - FieldCol );
        ( scratch < strlen( Buffer ) ) ? ShiftLeft( scratch ) :
        rc = RCREDRAW;

      case BACKSPACE:
        /* The previous character to the cursor is deleted. By default the   */
        /* string is shifted left by one character. But if the cursor is on  */
        /* the starting column then the string is shifted by LeftScrollOffset*/
        /* amount.                                                           */
        scratch = DisplayOffset + (CursorCol - FieldCol);
        if( scratch )
          ShiftLeft( scratch - 1 );
          if( CursorCol < FieldCol )
            if( (int)(DisplayOffset - LeftScrollOffset) >= 0 )
              DisplayOffset -= LeftScrollOffset;
              CursorCol += LeftScrollOffset;
              CursorCol += (DisplayOffset + 1);
              DisplayOffset = 0;
        rc = RCREDRAW;

        /* Any other character key is pressed. Verify the validity of the    */
        /* character depending on the type of the string (HEX/BIN).          */
        key &= 0xFF;
        if( key != 0x15 )
        if( (key < 0x20) || (key > 0x7E) )
          rc = RCBREAK;

        if( FieldType & HEXONLY )
          if( (key < '0') || (key > '9') )
            key &= 0xDF;
            if( (key < 'A') || (key > 'F') )
              rc = 0;

        if( FieldType & BINONLY )
          if( (key != '0') && (key != '1') )
            rc = 0;

        if( FieldType & CLEAR1ST )                                      /*910*/
        {                                                               /*910*/
         memset(Buffer,'\0',strlen(Buffer) );                           /*910*/
         *cursor = 0;                                                   /*910*/
         CursorCol = (*cursor > displen)?FieldCol : FieldCol + *cursor; /*910*/
        }                                                               /*910*/

        /* Scratch gives you the exact number of characters so far typed in  */
        /* by the user. Accept the last character only if scratch is less    */
        /* than the total length of the string.                              */
        scratch = DisplayOffset + ( CursorCol - FieldCol );
        if( scratch < length )
          if( IsInsertMode )
            if( (strlen( Buffer ) + 1) > length )
              rc = 0;
              break;      /* reject */
               ShiftRight( scratch );

          Buffer[scratch] = ( uchar )key;

          /* Adjust the cursor position accordingly so that it stays ahead   */
          /* of the last character.                                          */
          if( CursorCol >= (FieldCol + FieldDisplayLength) )
            DisplayOffset += (FieldDisplayLength - RightScrollOffset - 1);
            CursorCol = FieldCol + RightScrollOffset + 2;

          /* It the type of the field is AUTOEXIT return to the caller once  */
          /* the buffer is full.                                             */
          BufLen = strlen( Buffer );
          if( (BufLen == length) &&
              (FieldType & AUTOEXIT) &&
              ((CursorCol - FieldCol) == FieldDisplayLength) )
            rc = RCREDRAW + RCBREAK + RCDATAXT;
            rc = RCREDRAW;
          rc = 0;

    /* - Turn off the clear field flag after any event.                      */
    FieldType &= ~CLEAR1ST;                                             /*910*/

   if( rc & RCREDRAW )
     DisplayField( DisplayOffset );
     VioShowBuf( (ushort)voff, (ushort)( 2 * FieldDisplayLength ), 0 );
   if( rc & RCBREAK )
  }                                     /* end of for loop to handle keystrks*/
    VioSetCurType( &HiddenCursor, 0 );

    /* - Copy the local buffer to the caller supplied buffer.                */
    /* - Free the local buffer.                                              */
    /* - Reset the keyboard buffer flush flag.                               */
    for( n = 0; n < strlen( Buffer ); n++ )
        *pInbuf++ = Buffer[n];

    *pInbuf = 0;
    *cursor = CursorCol;
    Tfree( Buffer );
    ResetFlushBufferFlag();                                             /*820*/
    return( (rc & RCDATAXT) ? DATAKEY : key );
void tentacle_update(int *buf, int *back, int W, int H, short data[2][512], float rapport, int drawit) {
	int tmp;
	int tmp2;
	static int colors[] = {
	static int col = (0x28<<(ROUGE*8))|(0x2c<<(VERT*8))|(0x5f<<(BLEU*8));
	static int dstcol = 0;
	static float lig = 1.15f;
	static float ligs = 0.1f;

	int color;
	int colorlow;

	float dist,dist2,rotangle;

	if ((!drawit) && (ligs>0.0f))
		ligs = -ligs;

	lig += ligs;

	if (lig > 1.01f) {
		if ((lig>10.0f) | (lig<1.1f)) ligs = -ligs;
		if ((lig<6.3f)&&(iRAND(30)==0))

		col = evolutecolor(col,colors[dstcol],0xff,0x01);
		col = evolutecolor(col,colors[dstcol],0xff00,0x0100);
		col = evolutecolor(col,colors[dstcol],0xff0000,0x010000);
		col = evolutecolor(col,colors[dstcol],0xff000000,0x01000000);
		color = col;
		colorlow = col;
		lightencolor(&color,lig * 2.0f + 2.0f);

		rapport = 1.0f + 2.0f * (rapport - 1.0f);
                rapport *= 1.2f;
		if (rapport > 1.12f)
			rapport = 1.12f;
		pretty_move (cycle,&dist,&dist2,&rotangle);

		for (tmp=0;tmp<nbgrid;tmp++) {
			for (tmp2=0;tmp2<definitionx;tmp2++) {
				float val = (float)(ShiftRight(data[0][iRAND(511)],10)) * rapport;
				vals[tmp2] = val;
			grid3d_update (grille[tmp],rotangle, vals, dist2);
		for (tmp=0;tmp<nbgrid;tmp++)
			grid3d_draw (grille[tmp],color,colorlow,dist,buf,back,W,H);
	else {
		lig = 1.05f;
		if (ligs < 0.0f)
			ligs = -ligs;
		pretty_move (cycle,&dist,&dist2,&rotangle);
		if (cycle > 1000)
			cycle = 0;