static SkShader* make_shader() { int a = 0x99; int b = 0xBB; SkPoint pts[] = { { 0, 0 }, { W, H } }; SkColor colors[] = { SkColorSetRGB(a, a, a), SkColorSetRGB(b, b, b) }; return SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(pts, colors, nullptr, 2, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode); }
int tool_main(int argc, char** argv) { SkCommandLineFlags::SetUsage("Creates a simple .skp file for testing."); SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); // Validate flags. if ((FLAGS_blue < 0) || (FLAGS_blue > 255)) { SkDebugf("--blue must be within range [0,255]\n"); exit(-1); } if ((FLAGS_green < 0) || (FLAGS_green > 255)) { SkDebugf("--green must be within range [0,255]\n"); exit(-1); } if (FLAGS_height <= 0) { SkDebugf("--height must be >0\n"); exit(-1); } if ((FLAGS_red < 0) || (FLAGS_red > 255)) { SkDebugf("--red must be within range [0,255]\n"); exit(-1); } if (FLAGS_width <= 0) { SkDebugf("--width must be >0\n"); exit(-1); } if (FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) { SkDebugf("--writePath must be nonempty\n"); exit(-1); } SkColor color = SkColorSetRGB(FLAGS_red, FLAGS_green, FLAGS_blue); skpmaker(FLAGS_width, FLAGS_height, FLAGS_border, color, FLAGS_writePath[0]); return 0; }
void _DC::SetTextColor(COLORREF crText){ if( !context_ ) return; if (_canvas) _skPaintText.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(_GetRValue(crText), _GetGValue(crText), _GetBValue(crText))); ::SetTextColor(context_, crText); }
virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkPaint rectPaint; rectPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); rectPaint.setStrokeWidth(-1); SkPaint fillPaint; fillPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(0xA0,0xDD,0xA0)); for (int i = 0; i < kRows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < kCols; ++j) { canvas->save(); canvas->translate(kPadX * SK_Scalar1 + (fWidth + kPadX * SK_Scalar1)*j, kPadY * SK_Scalar1 + (fHeight + kPadY * SK_Scalar1)*i); // draw the original shapes first so we can see the // antialiasing on the clipped draw for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) { rectPaint.setColor(fRectColors[k]); switch (fClip) { case kRect_Clip: canvas->drawRect(fRects[k], rectPaint); break; case kRRect_Clip: canvas->drawRRect(fRRects[k], rectPaint); break; case kPath_Clip: canvas->drawPath(fPaths[k], rectPaint); break; } } for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) { switch (fClip) { case kRect_Clip: canvas->clipRect(fRects[k], fOps[j*kRows+i][k], fAntiAlias); break; case kRRect_Clip: canvas->clipRRect(fRRects[k], fOps[j*kRows+i][k], fAntiAlias); break; case kPath_Clip: canvas->clipPath(fPaths[k], fOps[j*kRows+i][k], fAntiAlias); break; } } canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeWH(fWidth, fHeight), fillPaint); canvas->restore(); } } }
static void ToColor_S4444_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const SkPMColor* s = (const SkPMColor*)src; do { SkPMColor c = SkPixel4444ToPixel32(*s++); *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); }
static void ToColor_S565(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable*) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint16_t* s = (const uint16_t*)src; do { uint16_t c = *s++; *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkPacked16ToR32(c), SkPacked16ToG32(c), SkPacked16ToB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); }
LightingView() { SkString diffusePath = GetResourcePath("brickwork-texture.jpg"); SkImageDecoder::DecodeFile(diffusePath.c_str(), &fDiffuseBitmap); SkString normalPath = GetResourcePath("brickwork_normal-map.jpg"); SkImageDecoder::DecodeFile(normalPath.c_str(), &fNormalBitmap); fLightAngle = 0.0f; fColorFactor = 0; LightingShader::Light light; light.fColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); light.fDirection.fX = SkScalarSin(fLightAngle)*SkScalarSin(SK_ScalarPI*0.25f); light.fDirection.fY = SkScalarCos(fLightAngle)*SkScalarSin(SK_ScalarPI*0.25f); light.fDirection.fZ = SkScalarCos(SK_ScalarPI*0.25f); SkColor ambient = SkColorSetRGB(0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f); fShader.reset(SkNEW_ARGS(LightingShader, (fDiffuseBitmap, fNormalBitmap, light, ambient))); }
static void ToColor_SI8_Opaque(SkColor dst[], const void* src, int width, SkColorTable* ctable) { SkASSERT(width > 0); const uint8_t* s = (const uint8_t*)src; const SkPMColor* colors = ctable->lockColors(); do { SkPMColor c = colors[*s++]; *dst++ = SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(c), SkGetPackedG32(c), SkGetPackedB32(c)); } while (--width != 0); ctable->unlockColors(false); }
static void draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkRect& target, int x, int y) { SkPaint borderPaint; borderPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(0x0, 0xDD, 0x0)); borderPaint.setAntiAlias(true); SkPaint backgroundPaint; backgroundPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(0xDD, 0x0, 0x0)); backgroundPaint.setAntiAlias(true); SkPaint foregroundPaint; foregroundPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(0x0, 0x0, 0xDD)); foregroundPaint.setAntiAlias(true); canvas->save(); canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y)); target.inset(SkIntToScalar(-2), SkIntToScalar(-2)); canvas->drawRect(target, borderPaint); target.inset(SkIntToScalar(2), SkIntToScalar(2)); canvas->drawRect(target, backgroundPaint); canvas->clipRect(target, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op, true); target.inset(SkIntToScalar(-4), SkIntToScalar(-4)); canvas->drawRect(target, foregroundPaint); canvas->restore(); }
static void create_gradient(SkBitmap* bm) { SkASSERT(1 == bm->width()); const int height = bm->height(); float deltaB = 255.0f / height; float blue = 255.0f; SkAutoLockPixels lock(*bm); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { *bm->getAddr32(0, y) = SkColorSetRGB(0, 0, (U8CPU) blue); blue -= deltaB; } }
void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { PlatformGraphicsContext* context = graphicsContext->platformContext(); UniscribeHelperTextRun state(run, *this); SkColor color = graphicsContext->platformContext()->effectiveFillColor(); unsigned char alpha = SkColorGetA(color); // Skip 100% transparent text; no need to draw anything. if (!alpha && graphicsContext->platformContext()->getStrokeStyle() == NoStroke) return; #if USE(SKIA_TEXT) HDC hdc = 0; #else TransparencyAwareUniscribePainter painter(graphicsContext, this, run, from, to, point); HDC hdc = painter.hdc(); if (windowsCanHandleTextDrawing(graphicsContext) && !hdc) return; // TODO(maruel): http://b/700464 SetTextColor doesn't support transparency. // Enforce non-transparent color. color = SkColorSetRGB(SkColorGetR(color), SkColorGetG(color), SkColorGetB(color)); if (hdc) { SetTextColor(hdc, skia::SkColorToCOLORREF(color)); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); } // If there is a non-blur shadow and both the fill color and shadow color // are opaque, handle without skia. FloatSize shadowOffset; float shadowBlur; Color shadowColor; ColorSpace shadowColorSpace; if (graphicsContext->getShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor, shadowColorSpace) && windowsCanHandleDrawTextShadow(graphicsContext)) { COLORREF textColor = skia::SkColorToCOLORREF(SkColorSetARGB(255,,,; COLORREF savedTextColor = GetTextColor(hdc); SetTextColor(hdc, textColor); state.draw(graphicsContext, hdc, static_cast<int>(point.x()) + shadowOffset.width(), static_cast<int>(point.y() - fontMetrics().ascent()) + shadowOffset.height(), from, to); SetTextColor(hdc, savedTextColor); } #endif // Uniscribe counts the coordinates from the upper left, while WebKit uses // the baseline, so we have to subtract off the ascent. state.draw(graphicsContext, hdc, lroundf(point.x()), lroundf(point.y() - fontMetrics().ascent()), from, to); }
static void draw_rotated_image(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkImage* image) { sk_tool_utils::draw_checkerboard(canvas, SkColorSetRGB(156, 154, 156), SK_ColorWHITE, 12); if (!image) { return; } SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(-68.0f, -68.0f, 68.0f, 68.0f); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(49, 48, 49)); SkScalar scale = SkTMin(128.0f / image->width(), 128.0f / image->height()); SkScalar point[2] = {-0.5f * image->width(), -0.5f * image->height()}; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { SkAutoCanvasRestore autoCanvasRestore(canvas, true); canvas->translate(96.0f + 192.0f * i, 96.0f + 192.0f * j); canvas->rotate(18.0f * (i + 4 * j)); canvas->drawRect(rect, paint); canvas->scale(scale, scale); canvas->drawImage(image, point[0], point[1]); } } }
void DemoLabel::CreateDemoView(view::View* container) { link_ = new view::Link(L"Click me!"); link_->set_listener(this); link_custom_ = new view::Link(L"Click me!"); link_custom_->set_listener(this); link_custom_->SetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont( ui::ResourceBundle::BoldFont)); link_custom_->SetNormalColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA); link_custom_->SetHighlightedColor(SK_ColorGREEN); link_disable_ = new view::Link(L"Click me! Oops, I'm disabled!"); link_disable_->SetEnabled(false); link_disable_->set_listener(this); link_disable_custom_ = new view::Link(L"Click me! Oops, I'm disabled!"); link_disable_custom_->SetEnabled(false); link_disable_custom_->SetDisabledColor(SK_ColorGRAY); link_disable_custom_->set_listener(this); separator_ = new view::Separator(); label_ = new view::Label(L"I'm a Label!"); label_->SetColor(SkColorSetRGB(142, 233, 233)); label_->SetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont( ui::ResourceBundle::LargeFont)); label_align_left_ = new view::Label(L"I'm a Label!"); label_align_left_->SetHorizontalAlignment(view::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); label_align_right_ = new view::Label(L"I'm a Label!"); label_align_right_->SetHorizontalAlignment(view::Label::ALIGN_RIGHT); label_multi_line_ = new view::Label(L"I'm a Label! \nTihs's the second line."); label_multi_line_->SetMultiLine(true); label_multi_line_->SizeToFit(label_multi_line_->width()); label_multi_line_->SetTooltipText(L"¶àÐбêÇ©"); container->SetLayoutManager(new view::BoxLayout( view::BoxLayout::kVertical, 5, 5, 5)); container->AddChildView(link_); container->AddChildView(link_custom_); container->AddChildView(link_disable_); container->AddChildView(link_disable_custom_); container->AddChildView(separator_); container->AddChildView(label_); container->AddChildView(label_align_left_); container->AddChildView(label_align_right_); container->AddChildView(label_multi_line_); }
bool SkSVGAttributeParser::parseRGBColorToken(SkColor* c) { return this->parseParenthesized("rgb", [this](SkColor* c) -> bool { int32_t r, g, b; if (this->parseColorComponentToken(&r) && this->parseSepToken() && this->parseColorComponentToken(&g) && this->parseSepToken() && this->parseColorComponentToken(&b)) { *c = SkColorSetRGB(static_cast<uint8_t>(r), static_cast<uint8_t>(g), static_cast<uint8_t>(b)); return true; } return false; }, c); }
bool SkGradientShaderBase::onAsLuminanceColor(SkColor* lum) const { // we just compute an average color. // possibly we could weight this based on the proportional width for each color // assuming they are not evenly distributed in the fPos array. int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; const int n = fColorCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { SkColor c = fOrigColors[i]; r += SkColorGetR(c); g += SkColorGetG(c); b += SkColorGetB(c); } *lum = SkColorSetRGB(rounded_divide(r, n), rounded_divide(g, n), rounded_divide(b, n)); return true; }
int _DC::FillSolidRect(RECTDef* pRect, COLORREF crFillColor){ if( !context_ ) return 0; int nRet = 0; if (_canvas) { SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(_GetRValue(crFillColor), _GetGValue(crFillColor), _GetBValue(crFillColor))); SkRect rect; // Invert rect cords for windows memory bitmap. if (this->image_) { int height = _canvas->imageInfo().fHeight; rect.setLTRB(SkIntToScalar(pRect->left), SkIntToScalar(height - pRect->top), SkIntToScalar(pRect->right), SkIntToScalar(height - pRect->bottom)); } else { rect.setLTRB(SkIntToScalar(pRect->left), SkIntToScalar(pRect->top), SkIntToScalar(pRect->right), SkIntToScalar(pRect->bottom)); } _canvas->drawRect(rect, paint); /* SkImageInfo imageInfo; imageInfo.fAlphaType = SkAlphaType::kOpaque_SkAlphaType; imageInfo.fColorType = SkColorType::kN32_SkColorType; imageInfo.fHeight = 5; imageInfo.fWidth = 5; SkBitmap bm; bm.setInfo(imageInfo); _canvas->readPixels(&bm, 0, 0);*/ } else { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(crFillColor); nRet = ::FillRect(context_, pRect, hBrush); ::DeleteObject(hBrush); } return nRet; }
SkColor GrTextContext::ComputeCanonicalColor(const SkPaint& paint, bool lcd) { SkColor canonicalColor = SkPaintPriv::ComputeLuminanceColor(paint); if (lcd) { // This is the correct computation, but there are tons of cases where LCD can be overridden. // For now we just regenerate if any run in a textblob has LCD. // TODO figure out where all of these overrides are and see if we can incorporate that logic // at a higher level *OR* use sRGB SkASSERT(false); //canonicalColor = SkMaskGamma::CanonicalColor(canonicalColor); } else { // A8, though can have mixed BMP text but it shouldn't matter because BMP text won't have // gamma corrected masks anyways, nor color U8CPU lum = SkComputeLuminance(SkColorGetR(canonicalColor), SkColorGetG(canonicalColor), SkColorGetB(canonicalColor)); // reduce to our finite number of bits canonicalColor = SkMaskGamma::CanonicalColor(SkColorSetRGB(lum, lum, lum)); } return canonicalColor; }
#include "SkShader.h" #include "ui_gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "view/widget/widget.h" #include "view/widget/native_widget_win.h" #include "native_view_photobooth.h" static const int kTransparentAlpha = 200; static const int kOpaqueAlpha = 255; static const int kDragFrameBorderSize = 2; static const int kTwiceDragFrameBorderSize = 2 * kDragFrameBorderSize; static const float kScalingFactor = 0.5; static const SkColor kDraggedTabBorderColor = SkColorSetRGB(103, 129, 162); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DraggedTabView, public: DraggedTabView::DraggedTabView(const std::vector<view::View*>& renderers, const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& renderer_bounds, const gfx::Point& mouse_tab_offset, const gfx::Size& contents_size, NativeViewPhotobooth* photobooth) : renderers_(renderers), renderer_bounds_(renderer_bounds), show_contents_on_drag_(true), mouse_tab_offset_(mouse_tab_offset), photobooth_(photobooth), contents_size_(contents_size)
PassOwnPtr<DragImage> DragImage::create(const KURL& url, const String& inLabel, const FontDescription& systemFont, float deviceScaleFactor) { const Font labelFont = deriveDragLabelFont(kDragLinkLabelFontSize, FontWeightBold, systemFont); const Font urlFont = deriveDragLabelFont(kDragLinkUrlFontSize, FontWeightNormal, systemFont); FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer; bool drawURLString = true; bool clipURLString = false; bool clipLabelString = false; String urlString = url.string(); String label = inLabel.stripWhiteSpace(); if (label.isEmpty()) { drawURLString = false; label = urlString; } // First step is drawing the link drag image width. TextRun labelRun(label.impl()); TextRun urlRun(urlString.impl()); IntSize labelSize(labelFont.width(labelRun), labelFont.fontMetrics().ascent() + labelFont.fontMetrics().descent()); if (labelSize.width() > kMaxDragLabelStringWidth) { labelSize.setWidth(kMaxDragLabelStringWidth); clipLabelString = true; } IntSize urlStringSize; IntSize imageSize(labelSize.width() + kDragLabelBorderX * 2, labelSize.height() + kDragLabelBorderY * 2); if (drawURLString) { urlStringSize.setWidth(urlFont.width(urlRun)); urlStringSize.setHeight(urlFont.fontMetrics().ascent() + urlFont.fontMetrics().descent()); imageSize.setHeight(imageSize.height() + urlStringSize.height()); if (urlStringSize.width() > kMaxDragLabelStringWidth) { imageSize.setWidth(kMaxDragLabelWidth); clipURLString = true; } else imageSize.setWidth(std::max(labelSize.width(), urlStringSize.width()) + kDragLabelBorderX * 2); } // We now know how big the image needs to be, so we create and // fill the background IntSize scaledImageSize = imageSize; scaledImageSize.scale(deviceScaleFactor); OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> buffer(ImageBuffer::create(scaledImageSize)); if (!buffer) return nullptr; buffer->canvas()->scale(deviceScaleFactor, deviceScaleFactor); const float DragLabelRadius = 5; IntRect rect(IntPoint(), imageSize); SkPaint backgroundPaint; backgroundPaint.setColor(SkColorSetRGB(140, 140, 140)); SkRRect rrect; rrect.setRectXY(SkRect::MakeWH(imageSize.width(), imageSize.height()), DragLabelRadius, DragLabelRadius); buffer->canvas()->drawRRect(rrect, backgroundPaint); // Draw the text SkPaint textPaint; if (drawURLString) { if (clipURLString) urlString = StringTruncator::centerTruncate(urlString, imageSize.width() - (kDragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), urlFont); IntPoint textPos(kDragLabelBorderX, imageSize.height() - (kLabelBorderYOffset + urlFont.fontMetrics().descent())); TextRun textRun(urlString); urlFont.drawText(buffer->canvas(), TextRunPaintInfo(textRun), textPos, deviceScaleFactor, textPaint); } if (clipLabelString) label = StringTruncator::rightTruncate(label, imageSize.width() - (kDragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), labelFont); bool hasStrongDirectionality; TextRun textRun = textRunWithDirectionality(label, &hasStrongDirectionality); IntPoint textPos(kDragLabelBorderX, kDragLabelBorderY + labelFont.fontDescription().computedPixelSize()); if (hasStrongDirectionality && textRun.direction() == RTL) { float textWidth = labelFont.width(textRun); int availableWidth = imageSize.width() - kDragLabelBorderX * 2; textPos.setX(availableWidth - ceilf(textWidth)); } labelFont.drawBidiText(buffer->canvas(), TextRunPaintInfo(textRun), FloatPoint(textPos), Font::DoNotPaintIfFontNotReady, deviceScaleFactor, textPaint); RefPtr<Image> image = buffer->newImageSnapshot(); return DragImage::create(image.get(), DoNotRespectImageOrientation, deviceScaleFactor); }
bool SkDifferentPixelsMetric::diff(SkBitmap* baseline, SkBitmap* test, const BitmapsToCreate& bitmapsToCreate, Result* result) const { double startTime = get_seconds(); // Ensure the images are comparable if (baseline->width() != test->width() || baseline->height() != test->height() || baseline->width() <= 0 || baseline->height() <= 0 || baseline->colorType() != test->colorType()) { SkASSERT(baseline->width() == test->width()); SkASSERT(baseline->height() == test->height()); SkASSERT(baseline->width() > 0); SkASSERT(baseline->height() > 0); SkASSERT(baseline->colorType() == test->colorType()); return false; } int width = baseline->width(); int height = baseline->height(); int maxRedDiff = 0; int maxGreenDiff = 0; int maxBlueDiff = 0; // Prepare any bitmaps we will be filling in if (bitmapsToCreate.alphaMask) { result->poiAlphaMask.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::MakeA8(width, height)); result->poiAlphaMask.eraseARGB(SK_AlphaOPAQUE, 0, 0, 0); } if (bitmapsToCreate.rgbDiff) { result->rgbDiffBitmap.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, baseline->colorType(), kPremul_SkAlphaType)); result->rgbDiffBitmap.eraseARGB(SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT, 0, 0, 0); } if (bitmapsToCreate.whiteDiff) { result->whiteDiffBitmap.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(width, height)); result->whiteDiffBitmap.eraseARGB(SK_AlphaOPAQUE, 0, 0, 0); } // Prepare the pixels for comparison result->poiCount = 0; baseline->lockPixels(); test->lockPixels(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { // Grab a row from each image for easy comparison // TODO(epoger): The code below already assumes 4 bytes per pixel, so I think // we could just call getAddr32() to save a little time. // OR, if we want to play it safe, call ComputeBytesPerPixel instead // of assuming 4 bytes per pixel. uint32_t* baselineRow = static_cast<uint32_t *>(baseline->getAddr(0, y)); uint32_t* testRow = static_cast<uint32_t *>(test->getAddr(0, y)); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { // Compare one pixel at a time so each differing pixel can be noted // TODO(epoger): This loop looks like a good place to work on performance, // but we should run the code through a profiler to be sure. uint32_t baselinePixel = baselineRow[x]; uint32_t testPixel = testRow[x]; if (baselinePixel != testPixel) { result->poiCount++; int redDiff = SkTAbs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetR(baselinePixel) - SkColorGetR(testPixel))); if (redDiff > maxRedDiff) {maxRedDiff = redDiff;} int greenDiff = SkTAbs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetG(baselinePixel) - SkColorGetG(testPixel))); if (greenDiff > maxGreenDiff) {maxGreenDiff = greenDiff;} int blueDiff = SkTAbs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetB(baselinePixel) - SkColorGetB(testPixel))); if (blueDiff > maxBlueDiff) {maxBlueDiff = blueDiff;} if (bitmapsToCreate.alphaMask) { *result->poiAlphaMask.getAddr8(x,y) = SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT; } if (bitmapsToCreate.rgbDiff) { *result->rgbDiffBitmap.getAddr32(x,y) = SkColorSetRGB(redDiff, greenDiff, blueDiff); } if (bitmapsToCreate.whiteDiff) { *result->whiteDiffBitmap.getAddr32(x,y) = SK_ColorWHITE; } } } } test->unlockPixels(); baseline->unlockPixels(); result->maxRedDiff = maxRedDiff; result->maxGreenDiff = maxGreenDiff; result->maxBlueDiff = maxBlueDiff; if (bitmapsToCreate.alphaMask) { result->poiAlphaMask.unlockPixels(); } if (bitmapsToCreate.rgbDiff) { result->rgbDiffBitmap.unlockPixels(); } if (bitmapsToCreate.whiteDiff) { result->whiteDiffBitmap.unlockPixels(); } // Calculates the percentage of identical pixels result->result = 1.0 - ((double)result->poiCount / (width * height)); result->timeElapsed = get_seconds() - startTime; return true; }
void CCTiledLayerImpl::appendQuads(CCQuadSink& quadSink, CCAppendQuadsData& appendQuadsData) { const IntRect& contentRect = visibleContentRect(); if (!m_tiler || m_tiler->hasEmptyBounds() || contentRect.isEmpty()) return; CCSharedQuadState* sharedQuadState = quadSink.useSharedQuadState(createSharedQuadState()); appendDebugBorderQuad(quadSink, sharedQuadState, appendQuadsData); int left, top, right, bottom; m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(contentRect, left, top, right, bottom); if (hasDebugBorders()) { for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { DrawableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j); IntRect tileRect = m_tiler->tileBounds(i, j); SkColor borderColor; if (m_skipsDraw || !tile || !tile->resourceId()) borderColor = SkColorSetARGB(debugTileBorderAlpha, debugTileBorderMissingTileColorRed, debugTileBorderMissingTileColorGreen, debugTileBorderMissingTileColorBlue); else borderColor = SkColorSetARGB(debugTileBorderAlpha, debugTileBorderColorRed, debugTileBorderColorGreen, debugTileBorderColorBlue); quadSink.append(CCDebugBorderDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, tileRect, borderColor, debugTileBorderWidth).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); } } } if (m_skipsDraw) return; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { DrawableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j); IntRect tileRect = m_tiler->tileBounds(i, j); IntRect displayRect = tileRect; tileRect.intersect(contentRect); // Skip empty tiles. if (tileRect.isEmpty()) continue; if (!tile || !tile->resourceId()) { if (drawCheckerboardForMissingTiles()) { SkColor defaultColor = SkColorSetRGB(defaultCheckerboardColorRed, defaultCheckerboardColorGreen, defaultCheckerboardColorBlue); SkColor evictedColor = SkColorSetRGB(debugTileEvictedCheckerboardColorRed, debugTileEvictedCheckerboardColorGreen, debugTileEvictedCheckerboardColorBlue); SkColor invalidatedColor = SkColorSetRGB(debugTileInvalidatedCheckerboardColorRed, debugTileEvictedCheckerboardColorGreen, debugTileEvictedCheckerboardColorBlue); SkColor checkerColor; if (hasDebugBorders()) checkerColor = tile ? invalidatedColor : evictedColor; else checkerColor = defaultColor; appendQuadsData.hadMissingTiles |= quadSink.append(CCCheckerboardDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, tileRect, checkerColor).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); } else appendQuadsData.hadMissingTiles |= quadSink.append(CCSolidColorDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, tileRect, backgroundColor()).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); continue; } IntRect tileOpaqueRect = tile->opaqueRect(); tileOpaqueRect.intersect(contentRect); // Keep track of how the top left has moved, so the texture can be // offset the same amount. IntSize displayOffset = tileRect.minXMinYCorner() - displayRect.minXMinYCorner(); IntPoint textureOffset = m_tiler->textureOffset(i, j) + displayOffset; float tileWidth = static_cast<float>(m_tiler->tileSize().width()); float tileHeight = static_cast<float>(m_tiler->tileSize().height()); IntSize textureSize(tileWidth, tileHeight); bool clipped = false; FloatQuad visibleContentInTargetQuad = CCMathUtil::mapQuad(drawTransform(), FloatQuad(visibleContentRect()), clipped); bool isAxisAlignedInTarget = !clipped && visibleContentInTargetQuad.isRectilinear(); bool useAA = m_tiler->hasBorderTexels() && !isAxisAlignedInTarget; bool leftEdgeAA = !i && useAA; bool topEdgeAA = !j && useAA; bool rightEdgeAA = i == m_tiler->numTilesX() - 1 && useAA; bool bottomEdgeAA = j == m_tiler->numTilesY() - 1 && useAA; const GC3Dint textureFilter = m_tiler->hasBorderTexels() ? GraphicsContext3D::LINEAR : GraphicsContext3D::NEAREST; quadSink.append(CCTileDrawQuad::create(sharedQuadState, tileRect, tileOpaqueRect, tile->resourceId(), textureOffset, textureSize, textureFilter, contentsSwizzled(), leftEdgeAA, topEdgeAA, rightEdgeAA, bottomEdgeAA).PassAs<CCDrawQuad>(), appendQuadsData); } } }
void SkPixelXorXfermode::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& wb) const { wb.writeColor(SkColorSetRGB(SkGetPackedR32(fOpColor), SkGetPackedG32(fOpColor), SkGetPackedB32(fOpColor))); }
namespace WebTestRunner { static const SkColor edgeColor = SK_ColorBLACK; static const SkColor readOnlyColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xe9, 0xc2, 0xa6); static const SkColor bgColors[] = { SkColorSetRGB(0xc9, 0xc9, 0xc9), // Disabled SkColorSetRGB(0x43, 0xf9, 0xff), // Hover (Win's "Hot") SkColorSetRGB(0x89, 0xc4, 0xff), // Normal SkColorSetRGB(0xa9, 0xff, 0x12), // Pressed SkColorSetRGB(0x00, 0xf3, 0xac), // Focused SkColorSetRGB(0xf3, 0xe0, 0xd0), // Readonly }; blink::WebSize WebTestThemeEngineMock::getSize(WebThemeEngine::Part part) { // FIXME: We use this constant to indicate we are being asked for the size of // a part that we don't expect to be asked about. We return a garbage value // rather than just asserting because this code doesn't have access to either // WTF or base to raise an assertion or do any logging :(. const blink::WebSize invalidPartSize = blink::WebSize(100, 100); switch (part) { case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarLeftArrow: return blink::WebSize(17, 15); case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarRightArrow: return invalidPartSize; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarUpArrow: return blink::WebSize(15, 17); case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarDownArrow: return invalidPartSize; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarHorizontalThumb: return blink::WebSize(15, 15); case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarVerticalThumb: return blink::WebSize(15, 15); case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarHorizontalTrack: return blink::WebSize(0, 15); case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarVerticalTrack: return blink::WebSize(15, 0); case WebThemeEngine::PartCheckbox: case WebThemeEngine::PartRadio: return blink::WebSize(13, 13); case WebThemeEngine::PartSliderThumb: return blink::WebSize(11, 21); case WebThemeEngine::PartInnerSpinButton: return blink::WebSize(15, 8); default: return invalidPartSize; } } static SkIRect webRectToSkIRect(const WebRect& webRect) { SkIRect irect; irect.set(webRect.x, webRect.y, webRect.x + webRect.width - 1, webRect.y + webRect.height - 1); return irect; } static SkIRect validate(const SkIRect& rect, WebThemeEngine::Part part) { switch (part) { case WebThemeEngine::PartCheckbox: case WebThemeEngine::PartRadio: { SkIRect retval = rect; // The maximum width and height is 13. // Center the square in the passed rectangle. const int maxControlSize = 13; int controlSize = std::min(rect.width(), rect.height()); controlSize = std::min(controlSize, maxControlSize); retval.fLeft = rect.fLeft + (rect.width() / 2) - (controlSize / 2); retval.fRight = retval.fLeft + controlSize - 1; retval.fTop = rect.fTop + (rect.height() / 2) - (controlSize / 2); retval.fBottom = retval.fTop + controlSize - 1; return retval; } default: return rect; } } void box(SkCanvas *canvas, const SkIRect& rect, SkColor fillColor) { SkPaint paint; paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setColor(fillColor); canvas->drawIRect(rect, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawIRect(rect, paint); } void line(SkCanvas *canvas, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, SkColor color) { SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); canvas->drawLine(SkIntToScalar(x0), SkIntToScalar(y0), SkIntToScalar(x1), SkIntToScalar(y1), paint); } void triangle(SkCanvas *canvas, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, SkColor color) { SkPath path; SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); path.incReserve(4); path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(x0), SkIntToScalar(y0)); path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(x1), SkIntToScalar(y1)); path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(x2), SkIntToScalar(y2)); path.close(); canvas->drawPath(path, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawPath(path, paint); } void roundRect(SkCanvas *canvas, SkIRect irect, SkColor color) { SkRect rect; SkScalar radius = SkIntToScalar(5); SkPaint paint; rect.set(irect); paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint); } void oval(SkCanvas* canvas, SkIRect irect, SkColor color) { SkRect rect; SkPaint paint; rect.set(irect); paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawOval(rect, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawOval(rect, paint); } void circle(SkCanvas *canvas, SkIRect irect, SkScalar radius, SkColor color) { int left = irect.fLeft; int width = irect.width(); int height = irect.height(); int top = irect.fTop; SkScalar cy = SkIntToScalar(top + height / 2); SkScalar cx = SkIntToScalar(left + width / 2); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint); } void nestedBoxes(SkCanvas *canvas, SkIRect irect, int indentLeft, int indentTop, int indentRight, int indentBottom, SkColor outerColor, SkColor innerColor) { SkIRect lirect; box(canvas, irect, outerColor); lirect.set(irect.fLeft + indentLeft, irect.fTop + indentTop, irect.fRight - indentRight, irect.fBottom - indentBottom); box(canvas, lirect, innerColor); } void markState(SkCanvas *canvas, SkIRect irect, WebThemeEngine::State state) { int left = irect.fLeft; int right = irect.fRight; int top = irect.fTop; int bottom = irect.fBottom; // The length of a triangle side for the corner marks. const int triangleSize = 5; switch (state) { case WebThemeEngine::StateDisabled: case WebThemeEngine::StateNormal: // Don't visually mark these states (color is enough). break; case WebThemeEngine::StateReadonly: { // The horizontal lines in a read only control are spaced by this amount. const int readOnlyLineOffset = 5; // Drawing lines across the control. for (int i = top + readOnlyLineOffset; i < bottom; i += readOnlyLineOffset) line(canvas, left + 1, i, right - 1, i, readOnlyColor); break; } case WebThemeEngine::StateHover: // Draw a triangle in the upper left corner of the control. (Win's "hot") triangle(canvas, left, top, left + triangleSize, top, left, top + triangleSize, edgeColor); break; case WebThemeEngine::StateFocused: // Draw a triangle in the bottom right corner of the control. triangle(canvas, right, bottom, right - triangleSize, bottom, right, bottom - triangleSize, edgeColor); break; case WebThemeEngine::StatePressed: // Draw a triangle in the bottom left corner of the control. triangle(canvas, left, bottom, left, bottom - triangleSize, left + triangleSize, bottom, edgeColor); break; default: // FIXME: Should we do something here to indicate that we got an invalid state? // Unfortunately, we can't assert because we don't have access to WTF or base. break; } } void WebTestThemeEngineMock::paint( blink::WebCanvas* canvas, WebThemeEngine::Part part, WebThemeEngine::State state, const blink::WebRect& rect, const WebThemeEngine::ExtraParams* extraParams) { SkIRect irect = webRectToSkIRect(rect); SkPaint paint; // Indent amounts for the check in a checkbox or radio button. const int checkIndent = 3; // Indent amounts for short and long sides of the scrollbar notches. const int notchLongOffset = 1; const int notchShortOffset = 4; const int noOffset = 0; // Indent amounts for the short and long sides of a scroll thumb box. const int thumbLongIndent = 0; const int thumbShortIndent = 2; // Indents for the crosshatch on a scroll grip. const int gripLongIndent = 3; const int gripShortIndent = 5; // Indents for the the slider track. const int sliderIndent = 2; int halfHeight = irect.height() / 2; int halfWidth = irect.width() / 2; int quarterHeight = irect.height() / 4; int quarterWidth = irect.width() / 4; int left = irect.fLeft; int right = irect.fRight; int top = irect.fTop; int bottom = irect.fBottom; switch (part) { case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarDownArrow: box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, left + quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, left + halfWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, edgeColor); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarLeftArrow: box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, right - quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, left + quarterWidth, top + halfHeight, edgeColor); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarRightArrow: box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, left + quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, top + halfHeight, left + quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, edgeColor); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarUpArrow: box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, left + quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, left + halfWidth, top + quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, edgeColor); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarHorizontalThumb: { // Draw a narrower box on top of the outside box. nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, thumbLongIndent, thumbShortIndent, thumbLongIndent, thumbShortIndent, bgColors[state], bgColors[state]); // Draw a horizontal crosshatch for the grip. int longOffset = halfWidth - gripLongIndent; line(canvas, left + gripLongIndent, top + halfHeight, right - gripLongIndent, top + halfHeight, edgeColor); line(canvas, left + longOffset, top + gripShortIndent, left + longOffset, bottom - gripShortIndent, edgeColor); line(canvas, right - longOffset, top + gripShortIndent, right - longOffset, bottom - gripShortIndent, edgeColor); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarVerticalThumb: { // Draw a shorter box on top of the outside box. nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, thumbShortIndent, thumbLongIndent, thumbShortIndent, thumbLongIndent, bgColors[state], bgColors[state]); // Draw a vertical crosshatch for the grip. int longOffset = halfHeight - gripLongIndent; line(canvas, left + halfWidth, top + gripLongIndent, left + halfWidth, bottom - gripLongIndent, edgeColor); line(canvas, left + gripShortIndent, top + longOffset, right - gripShortIndent, top + longOffset, edgeColor); line(canvas, left + gripShortIndent, bottom - longOffset, right - gripShortIndent, bottom - longOffset, edgeColor); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarHorizontalTrack: { int longOffset = halfHeight - notchLongOffset; int shortOffset = irect.width() - notchShortOffset; if (extraParams->scrollbarTrack.isBack) { // back, notch on left nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, noOffset, longOffset, shortOffset, longOffset, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } else { // forward, notch on right nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, shortOffset, longOffset, noOffset, longOffset, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartScrollbarVerticalTrack: { int longOffset = halfWidth - notchLongOffset; int shortOffset = irect.height() - notchShortOffset; if (extraParams->scrollbarTrack.isBack) { // back, notch at top nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, longOffset, noOffset, longOffset, shortOffset, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } else { // forward, notch at bottom nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, longOffset, shortOffset, longOffset, noOffset, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartCheckbox: if (extraParams->button.indeterminate) { nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, checkIndent, halfHeight, checkIndent, halfHeight, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } else if (extraParams->button.checked) { irect = validate(irect, part); nestedBoxes(canvas, irect, checkIndent, checkIndent, checkIndent, checkIndent, bgColors[state], edgeColor); } else { irect = validate(irect, part); box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); } break; case WebThemeEngine::PartRadio: irect = validate(irect, part); halfHeight = irect.height() / 2; if (extraParams->button.checked) { circle(canvas, irect, SkIntToScalar(halfHeight), bgColors[state]); circle(canvas, irect, SkIntToScalar(halfHeight - checkIndent), edgeColor); } else { circle(canvas, irect, SkIntToScalar(halfHeight), bgColors[state]); } break; case WebThemeEngine::PartButton: roundRect(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartTextField: paint.setColor(extraParams->textField.backgroundColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawIRect(irect, paint); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawIRect(irect, paint); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartMenuList: if (extraParams->menuList.fillContentArea) { box(canvas, irect, extraParams->menuList.backgroundColor); } else { SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas->drawIRect(irect, paint); } // clip the drop-down arrow to be inside the select box if (extraParams->menuList.arrowX - 4 > irect.fLeft) irect.fLeft = extraParams->menuList.arrowX - 4; if (extraParams->menuList.arrowX + 12 < irect.fRight) irect.fRight = extraParams->menuList.arrowX + 12; irect.fTop = extraParams->menuList.arrowY - (extraParams->menuList.arrowHeight) / 2; irect.fBottom = extraParams->menuList.arrowY + (extraParams->menuList.arrowHeight - 1) / 2; halfWidth = irect.width() / 2; quarterWidth = irect.width() / 4; if (state == WebThemeEngine::StateFocused) // FIXME: draw differenty? state = WebThemeEngine::StateNormal; box(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, irect.fLeft + quarterWidth, irect.fTop, irect.fRight - quarterWidth, irect.fTop, irect.fLeft + halfWidth, irect.fBottom, edgeColor); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartSliderTrack: { SkIRect lirect = irect; // Draw a narrow rect for the track plus box hatches on the ends. if (state == WebThemeEngine::StateFocused) // FIXME: draw differently? state = WebThemeEngine::StateNormal; if (extraParams->slider.vertical) { lirect.inset(halfWidth - sliderIndent, noOffset); box(canvas, lirect, bgColors[state]); line(canvas, left, top, right, top, edgeColor); line(canvas, left, bottom, right, bottom, edgeColor); } else { lirect.inset(noOffset, halfHeight - sliderIndent); box(canvas, lirect, bgColors[state]); line(canvas, left, top, left, bottom, edgeColor); line(canvas, right, top, right, bottom, edgeColor); } break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartSliderThumb: if (state == WebThemeEngine::StateFocused) // FIXME: draw differently? state = WebThemeEngine::StateNormal; oval(canvas, irect, bgColors[state]); break; case WebThemeEngine::PartInnerSpinButton: { // stack half-height up and down arrows on top of each other SkIRect lirect; int halfHeight = rect.height / 2; if (extraParams->innerSpin.readOnly) state = blink::WebThemeEngine::StateDisabled; lirect.set(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + halfHeight - 1); box(canvas, lirect, bgColors[state]); bottom = lirect.fBottom; quarterHeight = lirect.height() / 4; triangle(canvas, left + quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, left + halfWidth, top + quarterHeight, edgeColor); lirect.set(rect.x, rect.y + halfHeight, rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y + 2 * halfHeight - 1); top = lirect.fTop; bottom = lirect.fBottom; quarterHeight = lirect.height() / 4; box(canvas, lirect, bgColors[state]); triangle(canvas, left + quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, right - quarterWidth, top + quarterHeight, left + halfWidth, bottom - quarterHeight, edgeColor); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } case WebThemeEngine::PartProgressBar: { paint.setColor(bgColors[state]); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawIRect(irect, paint); // Emulate clipping SkIRect tofill = irect; if (extraParams->progressBar.determinate) { tofill.set(extraParams->progressBar.valueRectX, extraParams->progressBar.valueRectY, extraParams->progressBar.valueRectX + extraParams->progressBar.valueRectWidth - 1, extraParams->progressBar.valueRectY + extraParams->progressBar.valueRectHeight); } tofill.intersect(irect, tofill); paint.setColor(edgeColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawIRect(tofill, paint); markState(canvas, irect, state); break; } default: // FIXME: Should we do something here to indicate that we got an invalid part? // Unfortunately, we can't assert because we don't have access to WTF or base. break; } } } // namespace WebTestRunner
void NativeTabbedPaneWin::CreateNativeControl() { // Create the tab control. // // Note that we don't follow the common convention for NativeControl // subclasses and we don't pass the value returned from // NativeControl::GetAdditionalExStyle() as the dwExStyle parameter. Here is // why: on RTL locales, if we pass NativeControl::GetAdditionalExStyle() when // we basically tell Windows to create our HWND with the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL. If // we do that, then the HWND we create for |content_window_| below will // inherit the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL property and this will result in the contents // being flipped, which is not what we want (because we handle mirroring in // views without the use of Windows' support for mirroring). Therefore, // we initially create our HWND without WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and we explicitly set // this property our child is created. This way, on RTL locales, our tabs // will be nicely rendered from right to left (by virtue of Windows doing the // right thing with the TabbedPane HWND) and each tab contents will use an // RTL layout correctly (by virtue of the mirroring infrastructure in views // doing the right thing with each View we put in the tab). DWORD style = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; HWND tab_control = ::CreateWindowEx(0, WC_TABCONTROL, L"", style, 0, 0, width(), height(), GetWidget()->GetNativeView(), NULL, NULL, NULL); ui::CheckWindowCreated(tab_control); HFONT font = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(). GetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::BaseFont).GetNativeFont(); SendMessage(tab_control, WM_SETFONT, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(font), FALSE); // Create the view container which is a child of the TabControl. content_window_ = new Widget; Widget::InitParams params(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_CONTROL); params.parent = tab_control; content_window_->Init(params); // Explicitly setting the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL property for the HWND (see above // for why we waited until |content_window_| is created before we set this // property for the tabbed pane's HWND). if(base::i18n::IsRTL()) { ui::HWNDSetRTLLayout(tab_control); } View* root_view = content_window_->GetRootView(); tab_layout_manager_ = new TabLayout(); root_view->SetLayoutManager(tab_layout_manager_); DWORD sys_color = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT); SkColor color = SkColorSetRGB(GetRValue(sys_color), GetGValue(sys_color), GetBValue(sys_color)); root_view->set_background(Background::CreateSolidBackground(color)); content_window_->SetFocusTraversableParentView(this); NativeControlCreated(tab_control); // Add tabs that are already added if any. if(!tab_views_.empty()) { InitializeTabs(); if(selected_index_ >= 0) { DoSelectTabAt(selected_index_, false); } } ResizeContents(); }
bool RenderThemeChromiumSkia::paintMediaSliderTrack(RenderObject* object, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& rect) { #if ENABLE(VIDEO) HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = mediaElementParent(object->node()); if (!mediaElement) return false; SkCanvas* canvas = paintInfo.context->platformContext()->canvas(); SkRect backgroundRect; backgroundRect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height()); SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); // Draw the border of the time bar. The border only has one single color, // width and radius. So use the property of the left border. SkColor borderColor = object->style()->borderLeftColor().rgb(); int borderWidth = object->style()->borderLeftWidth(); IntSize borderRadius = object->style()->borderTopLeftRadius(); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); paint.setStrokeWidth(borderWidth); paint.setColor(borderColor); canvas->drawRoundRect(backgroundRect, borderRadius.width(), borderRadius.height(), paint); // Draw the background of the time bar. SkColor backgroundColor = object->style()->backgroundColor().rgb(); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setColor(backgroundColor); canvas->drawRoundRect(backgroundRect, borderRadius.width(), borderRadius.height(), paint); if (backgroundRect.width() >= 3 && backgroundRect.height() >= 3) { // Draw the buffered ranges. // FIXME: Draw multiple ranges if there are multiple buffered ranges. SkRect bufferedRect; bufferedRect.set(backgroundRect.fLeft + 2, backgroundRect.fTop + 2, backgroundRect.fRight - 1, backgroundRect.fBottom - 1); int width = static_cast<int>(bufferedRect.width() * mediaElement->percentLoaded()); bufferedRect.fRight = bufferedRect.fLeft + width; SkPoint points[2] = { { 0, bufferedRect.fTop }, { 0, bufferedRect.fBottom } }; SkColor startColor = object->style()->color().rgb(); SkColor endColor = SkColorSetRGB(SkColorGetR(startColor) / 2, SkColorGetG(startColor) / 2, SkColorGetB(startColor) / 2); SkColor colors[2] = { startColor, endColor }; SkShader* gradient = SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(points, colors, 0, sizeof(points) / sizeof(points[0]), SkShader::kMirror_TileMode, 0); paint.reset(); paint.setShader(gradient); paint.setAntiAlias(true); // Check for round rect with zero width or height, otherwise Skia will assert if (bufferedRect.width() > 0 && bufferedRect.height() > 0) canvas->drawRoundRect(bufferedRect, borderRadius.width(), borderRadius.height(), paint); gradient->unref(); } return true; #else UNUSED_PARAM(object); UNUSED_PARAM(paintInfo); UNUSED_PARAM(rect); return false; #endif }