SkScalerContext_DW::SkScalerContext_DW(DWriteFontTypeface* typeface,
                                       const SkDescriptor* desc)
        : SkScalerContext(typeface, desc)
        , fTypeface(SkRef(typeface))
        , fGlyphCount(-1) {

    // In general, all glyphs should use CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_SYMMETRIC
    // except when bi-level rendering is requested or there are embedded
    // bi-level bitmaps (and the embedded bitmap flag is set and no rotation).
    // DirectWrite's IDWriteFontFace::GetRecommendedRenderingMode does not do
    // this. As a result, determine the actual size of the text and then see if
    // there are any embedded bi-level bitmaps of that size. If there are, then
    // force bitmaps by requesting bi-level rendering.
    // FreeType allows for separate ppemX and ppemY, but DirectWrite assumes
    // square pixels and only uses ppemY. Therefore the transform must track any
    // non-uniform x-scale.
    // Also, rotated glyphs should have the same absolute advance widths as
    // horizontal glyphs and the subpixel flag should not affect glyph shapes.

    // A is the total matrix.
    SkMatrix A;

    // h is where A maps the horizontal baseline.
    SkPoint h = SkPoint::Make(SK_Scalar1, 0);
    A.mapPoints(&h, 1);

    // G is the Givens Matrix for A (rotational matrix where GA[0][1] == 0).
    SkMatrix G;
    SkComputeGivensRotation(h, &G);

    // GA is the matrix A with rotation removed.
    SkMatrix GA(G);

    // realTextSize is the actual device size we want (as opposed to the size the user requested).
    // gdiTextSize is the size we request when GDI compatible.
    // If the scale is negative, this means the matrix will do the flip anyway.
    SkScalar realTextSize = SkScalarAbs(GA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY));
    // Due to floating point math, the lower bits are suspect. Round carefully.
    SkScalar gdiTextSize = SkScalarRoundToScalar(realTextSize * 64.0f) / 64.0f;
    if (gdiTextSize == 0) {
        gdiTextSize = SK_Scalar1;

    bool bitmapRequested = SkToBool(fRec.fFlags & SkScalerContext::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag);
    bool treatLikeBitmap = false;
    bool axisAlignedBitmap = false;
    if (bitmapRequested) {
        // When embedded bitmaps are requested, treat the entire range like
        // a bitmap strike if the range is gridfit only and contains a bitmap.
        int bitmapPPEM = SkScalarTruncToInt(gdiTextSize);
        PPEMRange range = { bitmapPPEM, bitmapPPEM };
        expand_range_if_gridfit_only(typeface, bitmapPPEM, &range);
        treatLikeBitmap = has_bitmap_strike(typeface, range);

        axisAlignedBitmap = is_axis_aligned(fRec);

    // If the user requested aliased, do so with aliased compatible metrics.
    if (SkMask::kBW_Format == fRec.fMaskFormat) {
        fTextSizeRender = gdiTextSize;
        fTextureType = DWRITE_TEXTURE_ALIASED_1x1;
        fTextSizeMeasure = gdiTextSize;

    // If we can use a bitmap, use gdi classic rendering and measurement.
    // This will not always provide a bitmap, but matches expected behavior.
    } else if (treatLikeBitmap && axisAlignedBitmap) {
        fTextSizeRender = gdiTextSize;
        fTextureType = DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1;
        fTextSizeMeasure = gdiTextSize;

    // If rotated but the horizontal text could have used a bitmap,
    // render high quality rotated glyphs but measure using bitmap metrics.
    } else if (treatLikeBitmap) {
        fTextSizeRender = gdiTextSize;
        fTextureType = DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1;
        fTextSizeMeasure = gdiTextSize;

    // Fonts that have hints but no gasp table get non-symmetric rendering.
    // Usually such fonts have low quality hints which were never tested
    // with anything but GDI ClearType classic. Such fonts often rely on
    // drop out control in the y direction in order to be legible.
    } else if (is_hinted_without_gasp(typeface)) {
        fTextSizeRender = gdiTextSize;
        fTextureType = DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1;
        fTextSizeMeasure = realTextSize;

    // The normal case is to use natural symmetric rendering and linear metrics.
    } else {
        fTextSizeRender = realTextSize;
        fTextureType = DWRITE_TEXTURE_CLEARTYPE_3x1;
        fTextSizeMeasure = realTextSize;

    if (this->isSubpixel()) {
        fTextSizeMeasure = realTextSize;

    // Remove the realTextSize, as that is the text height scale currently in A.
    SkScalar scale = SkScalarInvert(realTextSize);

    // fSkXform is the total matrix A without the text height scale.
    fSkXform = A;
    fSkXform.preScale(scale, scale); //remove the text height scale.

    fXform.m11 = SkScalarToFloat(fSkXform.getScaleX());
    fXform.m12 = SkScalarToFloat(fSkXform.getSkewY());
    fXform.m21 = SkScalarToFloat(fSkXform.getSkewX());
    fXform.m22 = SkScalarToFloat(fSkXform.getScaleY());
    fXform.dx = 0;
    fXform.dy = 0;

    // GsA is the non-rotational part of A without the text height scale.
    SkMatrix GsA(GA);
    GsA.preScale(scale, scale); //remove text height scale, G is rotational so reorders with scale.

    fGsA.m11 = SkScalarToFloat(GsA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleX));
    fGsA.m12 = SkScalarToFloat(GsA.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewY)); // This should be ~0.
    fGsA.m21 = SkScalarToFloat(GsA.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewX));
    fGsA.m22 = SkScalarToFloat(GsA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY));
    fGsA.dx = 0;
    fGsA.dy = 0;

    // fG_inv is G inverse, which is fairly simple since G is 2x2 rotational.
    fG_inv.setAll(G.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleX), -G.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewX), G.get(SkMatrix::kMTransX),
                  -G.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewY), G.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY), G.get(SkMatrix::kMTransY),
                  G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp0), G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp1), G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp2));
void SkScalerContextRec::computeMatrices(PreMatrixScale preMatrixScale, SkVector* s, SkMatrix* sA,
                                         SkMatrix* GsA, SkMatrix* G_inv, SkMatrix* A_out)
    // A is the 'total' matrix.
    SkMatrix A;

    // The caller may find the 'total' matrix useful when dealing directly with EM sizes.
    if (A_out) {
        *A_out = A;

    // If the 'total' matrix is singular, set the 'scale' to something finite and zero the matrices.
    // All underlying ports have issues with zero text size, so use the matricies to zero.

    // Map the vectors [0,1], [1,0], [1,1] and [1,-1] (the EM) through the 'total' matrix.
    // If the length of one of these vectors is less than 1/256 then an EM filling square will
    // never affect any pixels.
    SkVector diag[4] = { { A.getScaleX()               ,                 A.getSkewY() },
                         {                 A.getSkewX(), A.getScaleY()                },
                         { A.getScaleX() + A.getSkewX(), A.getScaleY() + A.getSkewY() },
                         { A.getScaleX() - A.getSkewX(), A.getScaleY() - A.getSkewY() }, };
    if (diag[0].lengthSqd() <= SK_ScalarNearlyZero * SK_ScalarNearlyZero ||
        diag[1].lengthSqd() <= SK_ScalarNearlyZero * SK_ScalarNearlyZero ||
        diag[2].lengthSqd() <= SK_ScalarNearlyZero * SK_ScalarNearlyZero ||
        diag[3].lengthSqd() <= SK_ScalarNearlyZero * SK_ScalarNearlyZero)
        s->fX = SK_Scalar1;
        s->fY = SK_Scalar1;
        sA->setScale(0, 0);
        if (GsA) {
            GsA->setScale(0, 0);
        if (G_inv) {

    // GA is the matrix A with rotation removed.
    SkMatrix GA;
    bool skewedOrFlipped = A.getSkewX() || A.getSkewY() || A.getScaleX() < 0 || A.getScaleY() < 0;
    if (skewedOrFlipped) {
        // h is where A maps the horizontal baseline.
        SkPoint h = SkPoint::Make(SK_Scalar1, 0);
        A.mapPoints(&h, 1);

        // G is the Givens Matrix for A (rotational matrix where GA[0][1] == 0).
        SkMatrix G;
        SkComputeGivensRotation(h, &G);

        GA = G;

        // The 'remainingRotation' is G inverse, which is fairly simple since G is 2x2 rotational.
        if (G_inv) {
                G.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleX), -G.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewX), G.get(SkMatrix::kMTransX),
                -G.get(SkMatrix::kMSkewY), G.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY), G.get(SkMatrix::kMTransY),
                G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp0), G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp1), G.get(SkMatrix::kMPersp2));
    } else {
        GA = A;
        if (G_inv) {

    // At this point, given GA, create s.
    switch (preMatrixScale) {
        case kFull_PreMatrixScale:
            s->fX = SkScalarAbs(GA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleX));
            s->fY = SkScalarAbs(GA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY));
        case kVertical_PreMatrixScale: {
            SkScalar yScale = SkScalarAbs(GA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY));
            s->fX = yScale;
            s->fY = yScale;
        case kVerticalInteger_PreMatrixScale: {
            SkScalar realYScale = SkScalarAbs(GA.get(SkMatrix::kMScaleY));
            SkScalar intYScale = SkScalarRoundToScalar(realYScale);
            if (intYScale == 0) {
                intYScale = SK_Scalar1;
            s->fX = intYScale;
            s->fY = intYScale;

    // The 'remaining' matrix sA is the total matrix A without the scale.
    if (!skewedOrFlipped && (
            (kFull_PreMatrixScale == preMatrixScale) ||
            (kVertical_PreMatrixScale == preMatrixScale && A.getScaleX() == A.getScaleY())))
        // If GA == A and kFull_PreMatrixScale, sA is identity.
        // If GA == A and kVertical_PreMatrixScale and A.scaleX == A.scaleY, sA is identity.
    } else if (!skewedOrFlipped && kVertical_PreMatrixScale == preMatrixScale) {
        // If GA == A and kVertical_PreMatrixScale, sA.scaleY is SK_Scalar1.
        sA->setScaleX(A.getScaleX() / s->fY);
    } else {
        // TODO: like kVertical_PreMatrixScale, kVerticalInteger_PreMatrixScale with int scales.
        *sA = A;
        sA->preScale(SkScalarInvert(s->fX), SkScalarInvert(s->fY));

    // The 'remainingWithoutRotation' matrix GsA is the non-rotational part of A without the scale.
    if (GsA) {
        *GsA = GA;
         // G is rotational so reorders with the scale.
        GsA->preScale(SkScalarInvert(s->fX), SkScalarInvert(s->fY));