//----------------------------- GetPath ------------------------------------
//  called by an agent after it has been notified that a search has terminated
//  successfully. The method extracts the path from m_pCurrentSearch, adds
//  additional edges appropriate to the search type and returns it as a list of
//  PathEdges.
CActor_PathPlanner::Path CActor_PathPlanner::GetPath()
  assert( m_pCurrentSearch && "<CActor_PathPlanner::GetPathAsNodes>: no current search" );

  Path path = m_pCurrentSearch->GetPathAsPathEdges();

  int closest = GetClosestNodeToPosition( m_pOwner->Pos() );

  path.push_front( PathEdge( m_pOwner->Pos(),
                             GetNodePosition( closest ),
                             NavGraphEdge::normal ) );

  //if the bot requested a path to a location then an edge leading to the
  //destination must be added
  if ( m_pCurrentSearch->GetType()
      == Graph_SearchTimeSliced < EdgeType >::AStar ) {

    int idx =
        m_pOwner->World()->GetCellSpace()->PositionToIndex( m_vDestinationPos );
    if ( invalid_node_index
        != m_pOwner->World()->GetNavGraph().GetNode( idx ).Index() ) {

      path.push_back( PathEdge( path.back().Destination(),
                                NavGraphEdge::normal ) );

  //smooth paths if required
  if ( script->GetBool( "SmoothPathsQuick" ) ) {
    SmoothPathEdgesQuick( path );

  if ( script->GetBool( "SmoothPathsPrecise" ) ) {
    SmoothPathEdgesPrecise( path );

  return path;
//----------------------------- GetPath ------------------------------------
//  called by an agent after it has been notified that a search has terminated
//  successfully. The method extracts the path from m_pCurrentSearch, adds
//  additional edges appropriate to the search type and returns it as a list of
//  PathEdges.
Raven_PathPlanner::Path Raven_PathPlanner::GetPath()
  assert (m_pCurrentSearch && 
          "<Raven_PathPlanner::GetPathAsNodes>: no current search");

  Path path =  m_pCurrentSearch->GetPathAsPathEdges();

  int closest = GetClosestNodeToPosition(m_pOwner->Pos());


  //if the bot requested a path to a location then an edge leading to the
  //destination must be added
  if (m_pCurrentSearch->GetType() == Graph_SearchTimeSliced<EdgeType>::AStar)

  //smooth paths if required
  if (UserOptions->m_bSmoothPathsQuick)

  if (UserOptions->m_bSmoothPathsPrecise)

  return path;