string Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::readBytes()
    string data;
    char recBuffer[BUFFERLENGTH] = {0};
    int bytesAv = 0;
    int bytesRead = 0;
    int flags = 0;
    if ( ioctl (this->_sockfd,FIONREAD,&bytesAv) < 0 )
        throw SockError("Error in Reading from Socket.");		
    if ( bytesAv < 0 )
        // No Data Available
        throw SockError("Error In Reading");	

    if ( bytesAv == 0)
        // No Data Available
        //sockState = socket_state::TIME_WAIT;
        throw SockError("No Data available for read");	

    bytesRead = recv(this->_sockfd,recBuffer,BUFFERLENGTH,flags);
    (data) += recBuffer;

    return data;
string SockWrapperPlain::Read()
	static char buf[1024];
	string sbuf;
	ssize_t r;

	if (!sock_ok)
		return "";

	if ((r = read(recv_fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1)) <= 0)
		if (r == 0)
			throw SockError("Connection reset by peer...");
		else if(!sockerr_again())
			throw SockError(string("Read error: ") + strerror(errno));
			sbuf = "";
		buf[r] = 0;
		sbuf = buf;

	return sbuf;
IrcSocket::IrcSocket (QObject *parent)
  :QTcpSocket (parent),
   needPing (true),
   numBytesIn (0),
   numBytesOut (0)
  setObjectName (QString("IrcSocket-%1").arg(sockCount));
  hostName = objectName ();
  pingTimer = new QTimer (this);
  scriptTimer = new QTimer (this);
  connect (pingTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()),
           this, SLOT (SendPing()));
  connect (scriptTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), 
           this, SLOT (SendScriptHead()));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (error (QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
           this, SLOT (SockError (QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (connected()),
           this, SLOT (DidConnect ()));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (disconnected ()),
           this, SLOT (DidDisconnect ()));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (readyRead ()),
           this, SLOT (Receive ()));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (bytesWritten (qint64)),
           this, SLOT (CountBytesOut (qint64)));
qDebug () << " IrcSocket " << objectName();
CNetSock::CNetSock(IBridgeNet* pBridge, QObject *parent)
    : QTcpSocket(parent),m_pMsgOut(NULL),m_pMsgIn(NULL), m_pBridge(pBridge)
    connect(this, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(SockBytesSend(qint64)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(SockReadyRead()));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(SockError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
void Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::setReuseAddress(bool flag)
    int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
    int rc;
    rc = setsockopt(this->_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value),sizeof(value));
    if (rc == -1) 
        throw SockError("Error in setting Socket Options");

void Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::getKeepAlive()  {
    int value = 0;
    int rc;
    rc = setsockopt(this->_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET,SO_KEEPALIVE, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value),sizeof(value));
    if (rc == -1) 
        throw SockError("Error in setting Socket Options");
void Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::setNonBlocking(bool flag) 
    int iResult;
    iResult = ioctl(_sockfd, FIONBIO, &flag);
    if (iResult == -1)
        throw SockError("ioctl failed with error in setting socket to non-blocking");
void Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::setNoDelay(bool flag)  {
    //Returns the value of the TCP_NODELAY socket option.
    int value = flag ? 1 : 0;
    int rc;
    rc = setsockopt(this->_sockfd, IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value),sizeof(value));
    if (rc == -1) 
        throw SockError("Error in setting Socket Options");
void SockWrapperPlain::Write(string s)
	ssize_t r;

	if (!sock_ok)

	if ((r = write(send_fd, s.c_str(), s.size())) <= 0)
		if (r == 0)
			sock_ok = false;
			throw SockError("Connection reset by peer...");
		else if(!sockerr_again())
			sock_ok = false;
			throw SockError(string("Read error: ") + strerror(errno));
int Socket<T, typename std::enable_if<Convertible<T*, base_addr*>()>::type>::writeBytes(const string& data) 
    const char* message = data.c_str(); // is this being lost ??
    int sent = 0, length = data.length();

    for(int i=length; i!=0 ; i-=sent ) 
        sent = send(_sockfd, message + length - i, i, 0);
        if( sent < 1 )
            throw SockError("Message could not be sent.");

static void
{ static int initialised = 0;

  if ( !initialised )
    WSADATA data;
    WORD wversion = MAKEWORD(2, 0);
    WORD wversion = MAKEWORD(1, 1);

    if ( WSAStartup(wversion, &data) != 0 )
      errorPce(NIL, NAME_socket, NAME_initialise, SockError());

	  Cprintf("WSAStartup(): wVersion = %d.%d, wHighVersion = %d.%d\n",
		  data.wVersion >> 8, data.wVersion & 0xff,
		  data.wHighVersion >> 8, data.wHighVersion & 0xff);
	  Cprintf("Description: %s\n", data.szDescription);
	  Cprintf("Status:      %s\n", data.szSystemStatus);
文件: proxy.c 项目: egall/Networking
// thread which handles a single http request
static int proxy_handlereq(SOCKET sock_client)
	SOCKET sock_server;

	char buf[65536];
	char header_line[1024];
	char host[256];
	int		serverPort = 80;
    struct sockaddr     serverSockAddr;

	int gotHeader = 0;
	int count;
	int Status;
	unsigned long nbParm = 0L;
	char newline = '\n';
	fd_set rfds;
	int n, maxfd;

	int one = 1;

	buf[0] = '\0';
	host[0] = '\0';

	// set client socket non-blocking
	if ((Status = SockBlock(sock_client, 0)) < 0)
		SockError("proxy_handlereq(): Failed to clear non-block mode on socket");
		return 1;

	// now get headers from client
	while ((count = proxy_sockgets(sock_client, header_line, 1024)) > 0)
		gotHeader = 1;

		// look for 'Host:' header
		if (!Strnicmp(header_line, "host: ", 6))
			char *pPort;

			strcpy(host, header_line + 6);
			if ((pPort = strchr(host, ':')) != NULL)
				*pPort++ = '\0';
				serverPort = atoi(pPort);

		//MessageBox(0, header_line, "Req header", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
		strcat(buf, header_line);
		strcat(buf, "\n");

	// add second line terminator to mark end of header
	strcat(buf, "\n");

	// bail if nothing came through
	if (!gotHeader)
		return 1;

	// did we get a host address?
	if (host[0] == '\0')
		char err400[] = "HTTP/1.0 400 Invalid header received from browser\n\n";
		SockSend(sock_client, err400, strlen(err400));
		SockError("proxy_handlereq(): host missing from http header");
		return 1;

	// allow callback function to intercept
	if (proxy_callback_fn != NULL)
		if ((*proxy_callback_fn)(host, buf, sock_client) != 0)
			// callback took over
			return 0;

	//MessageBox(0, buf, "Header", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);

	// change host and portnum if using downstream proxy
	if (proxy_extproxyaddr != NULL)
		strcpy(host, proxy_extproxyaddr);
		serverPort = proxy_extproxyport;

	// try to find server
    if (proxy_getaddr(host, serverPort, &serverSockAddr) == 0)
		SockSend(sock_client, "404 Host Not Found\n\n", 20);
		return 1;

    sock_server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
#ifdef WINDOWS
	setsockopt(sock_server, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char * ) &one, sizeof (int));

	// try to connect to server
    if ((Status = connect(sock_server, &serverSockAddr, sizeof(serverSockAddr))) < 0)
		SockSend(sock_client, "404 Host Not Found\n\n", 20);
		return 1;

	// send client's req to server
	SockSend(sock_server, buf, strlen(buf));

	// now loop around relaying stuff between server and client

	maxfd = (sock_client > sock_server ) ? sock_client : sock_server;
		FD_SET(sock_client, &rfds);
		FD_SET(sock_server, &rfds);

		if ((n = select(maxfd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
			SockError("proxy_handlereq(): select() failed while handling http req");
			//fprintf(logfp, "%s: select() failed!: ", prog);
			//fperror(logfp, "");
			return 1;

		// got data from client - relay to server
		if(FD_ISSET(sock_client, &rfds))
			if ((n = SockReceive(sock_client, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0)
				break;  // end of request

			if (SockSend(sock_server, buf, n) != n)
				//fprintf(logfp, "%s: write to: %s failed: ",	prog, http->host);
				//fperror(logfp, "");
				return 1;

		// got data from server - relay to client
		if (FD_ISSET(sock_server, &rfds))
			if ((n = SockReceive(sock_server, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0)
				//fprintf(logfp, "%s: read from: %s failed: ", prog, http->host);
				//fperror(logfp, "");

//				eno = safe_strerror(errno);
//				sprintf(buf, CFAIL, http->hostport, eno);
//				freez(eno);
				//write_socket(m_SockClient, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
				return 1;

			if (n == 0)
				break;		// got all from server

			/* just write */
			if (SockSend(sock_client, buf, n) != n)
				//fprintf(logfp, "%s: write to client failed: ",	prog);
				//fperror(logfp, "");
				return 1;

		}	// 'if (got something from server)'
	}		// 'for (;;)' - relaying data between client and server

	// all done - close sockets and terminate this thread

	// see you later
	return 0;

}		// 'proxy_handlereq()'
文件: proxy.c 项目: egall/Networking
// main thread which listens for incoming http connections, and launches a thread pair
// when a connection comes in
static int proxy_server(void *dummy)
	int						Status;
	SOCKET			  sock_listen, sock_client;
	int						oldListenPort;
	char				  *oldextproxyaddr;
	int						lastError;
	unsigned long	nbParm = 1000;
	int						one = 1;

	SockAddrType	sockAddr;

	// loop around waiting for client connection or change of listen port
	while (1)
		// create the socket
		oldListenPort = proxy_listenport;
		oldextproxyaddr = proxy_extproxyaddr;

		if (proxy_getaddr("", proxy_listenport, &sockAddr)  == 0)
			SockError("proxy_server(): failed to get socket address");
			return 1;

		// bind the socket
	    sock_listen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
		//Status = setsockopt (sock_listen, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char * ) &one, sizeof (int));
	    Status = bind(sock_listen, &sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
	    if(Status < 0)
			SockError("proxy_server(): Failed to connect socket for receiving connections");
			return 1;

		// set socket to non-blocking mode
		if ((Status = SockBlock(sock_listen, 1)) < 0)
			SockError("proxy_server(): Failed to set non-block mode on socket");
			return 1;

		// set socket to listen
		if (listen(sock_listen, SOMAXCONN) != 0)
			SockError("proxy_server(): Failed to listening mode on socket");
			return 1;

		//printf("about to start awaiting connections\n");

		// loop accepting connections with timeout
		while (1)
			// if external proxy addr has changed, ditch the strdup()'ed string
			if (oldextproxyaddr != proxy_extproxyaddr)
				if (oldextproxyaddr != NULL)
				oldextproxyaddr = proxy_extproxyaddr;

			// has someone changed the listening port?
			if (oldListenPort != proxy_listenport)
				break;		// fall out to top of outer loop, set up another socket on new port

			// check for incoming connections
			if ((sock_client = accept(sock_listen, NULL, NULL)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
				if (SockLastError() != SockErrWouldBlock)
					SockError("proxy_server(): accept() call failed");
					return 1;
					// no connections

			// there's a new connection
			//printf("got connection\n");
			if (proxy_singlethread)
				proxy_handlereq(sock_client); // single-thread mode
				// spawn a thread to handle request
				// p_thrdsecattr initstacksize threadfn  threadarg creationflags  p_retthreadid
				LaunchThread(proxy_handlereq, sock_client);
			//MessageBox(0, "Got incoming connection", "FreeWeb Proxy", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
		// don't add any statements after this inner loop!
	}			// 'while (1)'
	return 0;	// how on earth did we get here???
}			// 'proxyServer()'