VOID StatusBarShowMenu(
    _In_ PPOINT Point
    PPH_EMENU menu;
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM selectedItem;

    menu = PhCreateEMenu();
    PhInsertEMenuItem(menu, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, COMMAND_ID_ENABLE_SEARCHBOX, L"Customize...", NULL, NULL), -1);

    selectedItem = PhShowEMenu(

    if (selectedItem && selectedItem->Id != -1)


void cMiniBench::RunTests()
   if( TestsToRun[ eAes ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      cAesBench AesBench;

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 8kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark8KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 8kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark8KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 8kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 16kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark16KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 16kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark16KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 16kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 32kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark32KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 32kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark32KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 32kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 64kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark64KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 64kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark64KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 64kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 128kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark128KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 128kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark128KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 128kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 256kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark256KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 256kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark256KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 256kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 512kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark512KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 512kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark512KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 512kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 1024kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark1024KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 1024kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark1024KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 1024kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 2048kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark2048KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 2048kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark2048KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 2048kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 4096kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark4096KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 4096kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark4096KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 4096kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 8192kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark8192KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 8192kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark8192KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 8192kB score: " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running AES 16384kB ECB Encypt/Decrypt Tests..." );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runEncryptBenchmark16384KB( true ), "AES ECB Encrypt 16384kB score: " );
      OutputRaw( AesBench.runDecryptBenchmark16384KB( true ), "AES ECB Decrypt 16384kB score: " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eDhrystone ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Dhrystone..." );
      CDhryApp dhry( 20000000 );
      OutputSeconds( dhry.RunTest( 20000000 ), "Dhrystone" );

   if( TestsToRun[ eDoubleArithmetic ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Double Arithmetic..." );
      OutputSeconds( doubleArithmetic( 10000000000.0, 11000000000.0 ), "Double Arithmetic (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eFibonacci ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Fibonacci( 42 )..." );
      cFibTest FibTest( 1 );
      OutputSeconds( FibTest.Run(), "Fib(42)" );

   if( TestsToRun[ eFft ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running FFT..." );
      cFFT FFT( 1 );
      OutputSeconds( FFT.Run(), "FFT" );

   if( TestsToRun[ eFlops ] )
      cFlops lFlops;

      // addition:
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS SP Add..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuFloatAddTest(), "MFLOPS (SP add): " );
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS DP Add..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuDoubleAddTest(), "MFLOPS (DP add): " );
      // multiplication
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS SP Mul..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuFloatMulTest(), "MFLOPS (SP mul): " );
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS DP Mul..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuDoubleMulTest(), "MFLOPS (DP mul): " );
      // division:
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS SP Div..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuFloatDivTest(), "MFLOPS (SP div): " );
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS DP Div..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuDoubleDivTest(), "MFLOPS (DP div): " );
      // mul-add:
      StatusBarUpdate( "MFLOPS DP Mul-Add..." );
      OutputRaw( lFlops.runFpuDoubleMulAdd3Test(), "MFLOPS (DP mul-add): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eHeapSort ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Heap Sort..." );
      OutputSeconds( HeapSortTest( 5000000 ), "Heap Sort (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eIntArithmetic ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Integer Arithmetic..." );
      OutputSeconds( intArithmetic( 1000000000 ), "Integer Arithmetic (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eInt64Arithmetic ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running 64-bit Arithmetic..." );
      OutputSeconds( longArithmetic( 10000000000LL, 11000000000LL ), "64-bit Arithmetic (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eIntegerMatrixMul ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Integer Matrix Multiplication..." );
      OutputSeconds( IntegerMatrixMultiplication( 1 ), "Integer Matrix Multiplication (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eIO ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running I/O..." );
      OutputSeconds( io( 10000000 ), "I/O (s): " );
      remove( "DeleteMe_minibench.txt" );

   if( TestsToRun[ eLinpack ] )
      cLinpackTest lLinpack( 1 );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Linpack rolled..." );
      OutputRaw( lLinpack.GetFlops(), "LinPack rolled (FLOPS): " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Linpack unrolled..." );
      lLinpack.SetRolling( eUnrolled );
      OutputRaw( lLinpack.GetFlops(), "LinPack unrolled (FLOPS): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eAllMemoryTests] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Memory Bandwidth Integer Write (MB/s): " );
      OutputRaw( BandwidthIntegerWrite( 2000000 ), "Memory Bandwidth Integer Write (MB/s): " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Memory Bandwidth MemCpy (MB/s): " );
      OutputRaw( BandwidthMemCpy( 2000000 ), "Memory Bandwidth MemCpy (MB/s): " );

      StatusBarUpdate( "Memory Bandwidth Double Copy (MB/s): " );
      OutputRaw( BandwidthDoubleCopy( 2000000 ), "Memory Bandwidth Double Copy (MB/s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eRandomAssignment ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Memory Latency Random Assignment (MB/s): " );
      OutputRaw( RandomAssignment( 2000000 ), "Memory Latency Random Assignment (MB/s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ ePi ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Pi( 10,000 )..." );
      int i = 0;

        i += PiTest( 10000 );
      OutputSeconds( i, "Pi to 10,000 digits (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eQueens ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Queens..." );
      double ldRunTime = 0;
      cQueensTest Queens( 1 );
      ldRunTime = Queens.Run();
/*      #pragma omp parallel
        num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
        CQueens Queens;
        #pragma omp atomic
        ldRunTime += Queens.RunTest(25000);
      cout << "Queens (seconds per thread): " << ldRunTime << endl;
      cout << "Number of threads = " << Queens.GetNumberOfThreads() << endl;

   if( TestsToRun[ eSha1 ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running SHA1 Tests..." );
      cSha1Bench lSha1Bench;
      if( lSha1Bench.runSha1ValidationTests( true ) )
        OutputSeconds( lSha1Bench.runBenchmark( true ), "SHA1 (s): " );
   //     OutputRaw( lSha1Bench.getScoreOverall() );
   //     OutputRaw( lSha1Bench.getScoreForSmallStrings(), "SHA1 small strings: " );
   //       Sha1Score50KString = lSha1Bench.getScoreFor50kString();
   //       Sha1Score1MString = lSha1Bench.getScoreFor1MString();
   //       Sha1Score10MString = lSha1Bench.getScoreFor10MString();
   //     } // if
      } else
        cerr << "Sha1 validation tests failed!" << endl;
        StatusBarUpdate( "Sha1 validation tests failed!" );
      } // if...else

   if( TestsToRun[ eSha256 ] )
      cSha256Bench lSha256Bench;
      if( lSha256Bench.runSha256ValidationTests( true ) )
         StatusBarUpdate( "Executing SHA-256 timed tests..." );
         OutputSeconds( lSha256Bench.runBenchmark( true ), "SHA256 (s): " );
   //      cerr << "The benchmark took " << TestTime << " milliseconds for all hash tests." << endl;
   //      if( Sha256ScoreOverall < lSha256Bench.getScoreOverall() )
   //      {
   //        Sha256ScoreOverall = lSha256Bench.getScoreOverall();
   //        Sha256ScoreSmallStrings = lSha256Bench.getScoreForSmallStrings();
   //        Sha256Score50KString = lSha256Bench.getScoreFor50kString();
   //        Sha256Score1MString = lSha256Bench.getScoreFor1MString();
   //        Sha256Score10MString = lSha256Bench.getScoreFor10MString();
   //      } // if
       } else
         StatusBarUpdate( "Sha256 validation tests failed!" );
       } // if...else

   if( TestsToRun[ eSieve ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Sieve..." );
      OutputSeconds( Sieve( 50000 ), "Sieve (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eStringConcat ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "String Concatenation..." );
      OutputSeconds( StringConcatenation( 40000000 ), "String Concatenation (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eTrig ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Trig..." );
      OutputSeconds( trig( 10000000 ), "Trig (s): " );

   if( TestsToRun[ eWhetstone ] )
      StatusBarUpdate( "Running Whetstone..." );
      CWhetApp whet;
      OutputSeconds( whet.RunTest( 50000 ), "Whetstone (s): " );

   StatusBarUpdate( "All tests finished!" );