// Purpose: Constructor -- note the syntax for setting up Steam API callback handlers
CSpaceWarServer::CSpaceWarServer( IGameEngine *pGameEngine ) 
	m_bConnectedToSteam = false;

	const char *pchGameDir = "spacewar";
	uint32 unIP = INADDR_ANY;
	uint16 usMasterServerUpdaterPort = SPACEWAR_MASTER_SERVER_UPDATER_PORT;

	EServerMode eMode = eServerModeAuthenticationAndSecure;
	// Don't let Steam do authentication
	EServerMode eMode = eServerModeNoAuthentication;
	// Initialize the SteamGameServer interface, we tell it some info about us, and we request support
	// for both Authentication (making sure users own games) and secure mode, VAC running in our game
	// and kicking users who are VAC banned

	// !FIXME! We need a way to pass the dedicated server flag here!

#ifdef _PS3
	if ( !SteamGameServer_Init( &g_SteamPS3Params, unIP, SPACEWAR_AUTHENTICATION_PORT, SPACEWAR_SERVER_PORT, usMasterServerUpdaterPort, eMode, SPACEWAR_SERVER_VERSION ) )
		OutputDebugString( "SteamGameServer_Init call failed\n" );

	if ( SteamGameServer() )

		// Set the "game dir".
		// This is currently required for all games.  However, soon we will be
		// using the AppID for most purposes, and this string will only be needed
		// for mods.  it may not be changed after the server has logged on
		SteamGameServer()->SetModDir( pchGameDir );

		// These fields are currently required, but will go away soon.
		// See their documentation for more info
		SteamGameServer()->SetProduct( "SteamworksExample" );
		SteamGameServer()->SetGameDescription( "Steamworks Example" );

		// We don't support specators in our game.
		// .... but if we did:
		//SteamGameServer()->SetSpectatorPort( ... );
		//SteamGameServer()->SetSpectatorServerName( ... );

		// Initiate Anonymous logon.
		// Coming soon: Logging into authenticated, persistent game server account

		// We want to actively update the master server with our presence so players can
		// find us via the steam matchmaking/server browser interfaces
		#ifdef USE_GS_AUTH_API
			SteamGameServer()->EnableHeartbeats( true );
		OutputDebugString( "SteamGameServer() interface is invalid\n" );

	m_uPlayerCount = 0;
	m_pGameEngine = pGameEngine;
	m_eGameState = k_EServerWaitingForPlayers;

	for( uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS_PER_SERVER; ++i )
		m_rguPlayerScores[i] = 0;
		m_rgpShips[i] = NULL;

	// No one has won
	m_uPlayerWhoWonGame = 0;
	m_ulStateTransitionTime = m_pGameEngine->GetGameTickCount();
	m_ulLastServerUpdateTick = 0;

	// zero the client connection data
	memset( &m_rgClientData, 0, sizeof( m_rgClientData ) );
	memset( &m_rgPendingClientData, 0, sizeof( m_rgPendingClientData ) );

	// Seed random num generator
	srand( (uint32)time( NULL ) );

	// Initialize sun
	m_pSun = new CSun( pGameEngine );

	// Initialize ships
SB_API bool S_CALLTYPE GameServer_Init(const SteamPS3Params_t *ps3Params, uint32 unIP, uint16 usSteamPort, uint16 usGamePort, uint16 usQueryPort, EServerMode eServerMode, const char *pchVersionString) {
	return SteamGameServer_Init(ps3Params, unIP, usSteamPort, usGamePort, usQueryPort, eServerMode, pchVersionString);
bool FOnlineSubsystemSteam::InitSteamworksServer()
	bSteamworksGameServerInitialized = false;

	// Initialize the Steam game server interfaces (done regardless of whether or not a server will be setup)
	// NOTE: The port values specified here, are not changeable once the interface is setup
	uint32 LocalServerIP = 0;
	FString MultiHome;
	if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("MULTIHOME="), MultiHome) && !MultiHome.IsEmpty())
		TSharedRef<FInternetAddr> MultiHomeIP = ISocketSubsystem::Get(PLATFORM_SOCKETSUBSYSTEM)->CreateInternetAddr();
		bool bIsValidIP = false;

		MultiHomeIP->SetIp(*MultiHome, bIsValidIP);
		if (bIsValidIP)

	GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("URL"), TEXT("Port"), GameServerGamePort, GEngineIni);
	GameServerSteamPort = GameServerGamePort + 1;

	// Allow the command line to override the default query port
	if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("QueryPort="), GameServerQueryPort) == false)
		if (!GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("OnlineSubsystemSteam"), TEXT("GameServerQueryPort"), GameServerQueryPort, GEngineIni))
			GameServerQueryPort = 27015;

	bool bVACEnabled = false;
	GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("OnlineSubsystemSteam"), TEXT("bVACEnabled"), bVACEnabled, GEngineIni);

	FString GameVersion;
	GConfig->GetString(TEXT("OnlineSubsystemSteam"), TEXT("GameVersion"), GameVersion, GEngineIni);
	if (GameVersion.Len() == 0)
		UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("[OnlineSubsystemSteam].GameVersion is not set. Server advertising will fail"));

	// NOTE: IP of 0 causes SteamGameServer_Init to automatically use the public (external) IP
	UE_LOG_ONLINE(Verbose, TEXT("Initializing Steam Game Server IP: 0x%08X Port: %d SteamPort: %d QueryPort: %d"), LocalServerIP, GameServerGamePort, GameServerSteamPort, GameServerQueryPort);
	bSteamworksGameServerInitialized = SteamGameServer_Init(LocalServerIP, GameServerSteamPort, GameServerGamePort, GameServerQueryPort,
		(bVACEnabled ? eServerModeAuthenticationAndSecure : eServerModeAuthentication),

	if (bSteamworksGameServerInitialized)
		// Test all the Steam interfaces
		#define GET_STEAMWORKS_INTERFACE(Interface) \
		if (Interface() == nullptr) \
		{ \
			UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Steamworks: %s() failed!"), TEXT(#Interface)); \
			bSteamworksGameServerInitialized = false; \
		} \

		// NOTE: It's not possible for >some< of the interfaces to initialize, and others fail; it's all or none


	if (SteamGameServerUtils() != nullptr)
		SteamAppID = SteamGameServerUtils()->GetAppID();

	UE_LOG_ONLINE(Log, TEXT("[AppId: %d] Game Server API initialized %i"), GetSteamAppId(), bSteamworksGameServerInitialized);
	return bSteamworksGameServerInitialized;