文件: eseutil.cpp 项目: BMurri/wix3
HRESULT DAPI EseBeginSession(
    __out JET_INSTANCE *pjiInstance,
    __out JET_SESID *pjsSession,
    __in_z LPCWSTR pszInstance,
    __in_z LPCWSTR pszPath
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    JET_ERR jEr = JET_errSuccess;
    LPSTR pszAnsiInstance = NULL;
    LPSTR pszAnsiPath = NULL;

    hr = DirEnsureExists(pszPath, NULL);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to ensure database directory exists");

    // Sigh. JETblue requires Vista and up for the wide character version of this function, so we'll convert to ANSI before calling,
    // likely breaking everyone with unicode characters in their path.
    hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&pszAnsiInstance, pszInstance, 0, CP_ACP);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed converting instance name to ansi");

    hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&pszAnsiPath, pszPath, 0, CP_ACP);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed converting session path name to ansi");

    jEr = JetCreateInstanceA(pjiInstance, pszAnsiInstance);
    ExitOnJetFailure(jEr, hr, "Failed to create instance");

    jEr = JetSetSystemParameter(pjiInstance, NULL, JET_paramSystemPath, NULL, pszAnsiPath);
    ExitOnJetFailure1(jEr, hr, "Failed to set jet system path to: %s", pszAnsiPath);

    // This makes sure log files that are created are created next to the database, not next to our EXE (note they last after execution)
    jEr = JetSetSystemParameter(pjiInstance, NULL, JET_paramLogFilePath, NULL, pszAnsiPath);
    ExitOnJetFailure1(jEr, hr, "Failed to set jet log file path to: %s", pszAnsiPath);

    jEr = JetSetSystemParameter(pjiInstance, NULL, JET_paramMaxOpenTables, 10, NULL);
    ExitOnJetFailure(jEr, hr, "Failed to set jet max open tables parameter");

    // TODO: Use callback hooks so that Jet Engine uses our memory allocation methods, etc.? (search docs for "JET_PFNREALLOC" - there are other callbacks too)

    jEr = JetInit(pjiInstance);
    ExitOnJetFailure(jEr, hr, "Failed to initialize jet engine instance");

    jEr = JetBeginSession(*pjiInstance, pjsSession, NULL, NULL);
    ExitOnJetFailure(jEr, hr, "Failed to begin jet session");


    return hr;
 ReadEulaText - Reads Eula text from the MSI

HRESULT ReadEulaText(
    __in MSIHANDLE /*hInstall*/,
    __out LPSTR* ppszEulaText
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    LPWSTR pwzEula = NULL;

    hr = WcaOpenExecuteView(vcsEulaQuery, &hView);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to open and execute view for PrintEula query");

    hr = WcaFetchSingleRecord(hView, &hRec);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to fetch the row containing the LicenseText");

    hr = WcaGetRecordString(hRec, 1, &pwzEula);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to get LicenseText in PrintEula");

    hr = StrAnsiAllocString(ppszEulaText, pwzEula, 0, CP_ACP);
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "failed to convert LicenseText to ANSI code page");

    return hr;
文件: eseutil.cpp 项目: BMurri/wix3
// Utility function used by EnsureSchema()
HRESULT AllocColumnCreateStruct(
    __in const ESE_TABLE_SCHEMA *ptsSchema,
    __deref_out JET_COLUMNCREATE **ppjccColumnCreate
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    DWORD_PTR i;
    size_t cbAllocSize = 0;

    hr = ::SizeTMult(ptsSchema->dwColumns, sizeof(JET_COLUMNCREATE), &(cbAllocSize));
    ExitOnFailure(hr, "Maximum allocation exceeded.");

    *ppjccColumnCreate = static_cast<JET_COLUMNCREATE*>(MemAlloc(cbAllocSize, TRUE));
    ExitOnNull(*ppjccColumnCreate, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate column create structure for database");

    for (i = 0; i < ptsSchema->dwColumns; ++i)
        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbStruct = sizeof(JET_COLUMNCREATE);

        hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&(*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].szColumnName, ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].pszName, 0, CP_ACP);
        ExitOnFailure1(hr, "Failed to allocate ansi column name: %ls", ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].pszName);

        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].coltyp = ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].jcColumnType;

        if (JET_coltypText == (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].coltyp)
            (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbMax = 256;
        else if (JET_coltypLongText == (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].coltyp)
            (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbMax = 2147483648;
            (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].grbit = JET_bitColumnTagged; // LongText columns must be tagged
            ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].fNullable = TRUE;
        else if (JET_coltypLong == (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].coltyp)
            (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbMax = 4;

            if (ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].fAutoIncrement)
                (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].grbit |= JET_bitColumnAutoincrement;

        if (!(ptsSchema->pcsColumns[i].fNullable))
            (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].grbit |= JET_bitColumnNotNULL;

        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].pvDefault = NULL;
        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbDefault = 0;
        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cp = 1200;
        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].columnid = 0;
        (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].err = 0;

    return hr;
文件: qtexec.cpp 项目: BobSilent/wix3
static HRESULT HandleOutput(
    __in BOOL fLogOutput,
    __in HANDLE hRead
    BYTE *pBuffer = NULL;
    LPWSTR szLog = NULL;
    LPWSTR szTemp = NULL;
    LPWSTR pEnd = NULL;
    LPWSTR pNext = NULL;
    LPWSTR sczEscaped = NULL;
    LPSTR szWrite = NULL;
    BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
    BOOL bUnicode = TRUE;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Get buffer for output
    pBuffer = static_cast<BYTE *>(MemAlloc(OUTPUT_BUFFER, FALSE));
    ExitOnNull(pBuffer, hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY, "Failed to allocate buffer for output.");

    while (0 != dwBytes)
        ::ZeroMemory(pBuffer, OUTPUT_BUFFER);
        if (!::ReadFile(hRead, pBuffer, OUTPUT_BUFFER - 1, &dwBytes, NULL) && GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
            ExitOnLastError(hr, "Failed to read from handle.");

        if (fLogOutput)
            // Check for UNICODE or ANSI output
            if (bFirst)
                if ((isgraph(pBuffer[0]) && isgraph(pBuffer[1])) ||
                    (isgraph(pBuffer[0]) && isspace(pBuffer[1])) ||
                    (isspace(pBuffer[0]) && isgraph(pBuffer[1])) ||
                    (isspace(pBuffer[0]) && isspace(pBuffer[1])))
                    bUnicode = FALSE;

                bFirst = FALSE;

            // Keep track of output
            if (bUnicode)
                hr = StrAllocConcat(&szLog, (LPCWSTR)pBuffer, 0);
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to concatenate output strings");
                hr = StrAllocStringAnsi(&szTemp, (LPCSTR)pBuffer, 0, CP_OEMCP);
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate output string");
                hr = StrAllocConcat(&szLog, szTemp, 0);
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to concatenate output strings");

            // Log each line of the output
            pNext = szLog;
            pEnd = wcschr(szLog, L'\r');
            if (NULL == pEnd)
                pEnd = wcschr(szLog, L'\n');
            while (pEnd && *pEnd)
                // Find beginning of next line
                pEnd[0] = 0;
                if ((pEnd[0] == L'\r') || (pEnd[0] == L'\n'))

                // Log output
                hr = StrAllocString(&sczEscaped, pNext, 0);
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate copy of string");

                hr = StrReplaceStringAll(&sczEscaped, L"%", L"%%");
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to escape percent signs in string");

                hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&szWrite, sczEscaped, 0, CP_OEMCP);
                ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert output to ANSI");
                WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, szWrite);

                // Next line
                pNext = pEnd;
                pEnd = wcschr(pNext, L'\r');
                if (NULL == pEnd)
                    pEnd = wcschr(pNext, L'\n');

            hr = StrAllocString(&szTemp, pNext, 0);
            ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate string");

            hr = StrAllocString(&szLog, szTemp, 0);
            ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to allocate string");

    // Print any text that didn't end with a new line
    if (szLog && *szLog)
        hr = StrReplaceStringAll(&szLog, L"%", L"%%");
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to escape percent signs in string");

        hr = StrAnsiAllocString(&szWrite, szLog, 0, CP_OEMCP);
        ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to convert output to ANSI");

        WcaLog(LOGMSG_VERBOSE, szWrite);



    return hr;