int ODBG2_Pluginquery(int ollydbgversion,ulong *features, wchar_t pluginname[SHORTNAME],wchar_t pluginversion[SHORTNAME]) 
	if (ollydbgversion<201)
		return 0;
	StrcopyW(pluginname, SHORTNAME, PLUGIN_NAME);       
	StrcopyW(pluginversion, SHORTNAME, VERSION);       
	return PLUGIN_VERSION;               
// Menu function of main menu, displays About dialog.
static int Mabout(t_table *pt,wchar_t *name,ulong index,int mode) {
  int n;
  wchar_t s[TEXTLEN];
  if (mode==MENU_VERIFY)
    return MENU_NORMAL;                // Always available
  else if (mode==MENU_EXECUTE) {
    // Debuggee should continue execution while message box is displayed.
    // In this case, Swprintf() would be as good as a sequence of StrcopyW(),
    // but secure copy makes buffer overflow impossible.
    n=StrcopyW(s,TEXTLEN,L"DiffSnake plugin v");
    // COPYRIGHT POLICY: This bookmark plugin is an open-source freeware. It's
    // just a sample. The copyright below is also just a sample and applies to
    // the unmodified sample code only. Replace or remove copyright message if
    // you make ANY changes to this code!
    n+=StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"\nCopyright none. This software is free as a bird");
    // The conditionals below are here to verify that this plugin can be
    // compiled with all supported compilers. They are not necessary in the
    // final code.
    #if defined(__BORLANDC__)
      n+=StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"\n\nCompiled with Borland (R) ");
    #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
      n+=StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"\n\nCompiled with Microsoft (R) ");
    #elif defined(__MINGW32__)
      n+=StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"\n\nCompiled with MinGW32 ");
      n+=StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"\n\nCompiled with ");
    #ifdef __cplusplus
      StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"C++ compiler");
      StrcopyW(s+n,TEXTLEN-n,L"C compiler");
      L"DiffSnake plugin",MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
    // Suspendallthreads() and Resumeallthreads() must be paired, even if they
    // are called in inverse order!
    return MENU_NOREDRAW;
  return MENU_ABSENT;
int Hitlistdraw(wchar_t *s,uchar *mask,int *select, t_table *pt,t_drawheader *ph,int column,void *cache) {
  int n=0;
  t_hitlist * listitem;
  // For simple tables, t_drawheader is the pointer to the data element. It
  // can't be NULL, except in DF_CACHESIZE, DF_FILLCACHE and DF_FREECACHE.
  listitem=(t_hitlist *)ph;

  switch (column) {
    case DF_CACHESIZE:                 // Request for draw cache size
      // Columns 3 and 4 (disassembly and comment) both require calls to
      // Disasm(). To accelerate processing, I call disassembler once per line
      // and cache data between the calls. Here I inform the drawing routine
      // how large the cache must be.
      return 0;//sizeof(t_disasm);
    case DF_FILLCACHE:                 // Request to fill draw cache
      // We don't need to initialize cache when drawing begins. Note that cache
      // is initially zeroed.
    case DF_FREECACHE:                 // Request to free cached resources
      // We don't need to free cached resources when drawing ends.
    case DF_NEWROW:                    // Request to start new row in window
      // New row starts. Let us disassemble the command at the pointed address.
      // I assume that bookmarks can't be set on data. First of all, we need to
      // read the contents of memory. Length of 80x86 commands is limited to
      // MAXCMDSIZE bytes.
    case 0:                            // 0-based index
    case 1:   
    default: break;
  return n;
int ODBG2_Plugininit(void) 
	if(Createsorteddata(&handletable.sorted, sizeof(HANDLE_DATA), 1, NULL , NULL, SDM_NOSIZE) != 0) 
		Addtolist(0, DRAW_HILITE, L"[%s]: Unable to created sorted table data.", PLUGIN_NAME);
		return -1;


	handletable.mode = TABLE_SAVEPOS | TABLE_AUTOUPD;        
    handletable.bar.visible = 1; 

    handletable.bar.name[0] = L"Handle";
	handletable.bar.expl[0] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[0] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[0] = 24;

    handletable.bar.name[1] = L"Type";
	handletable.bar.expl[1] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[1] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[1] = 30;

    handletable.bar.name[2] = L"Name";
	handletable.bar.expl[2] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[2] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[2] = 256;
	handletable.bar.nbar = 3;
	handletable.tabfunc = (TABFUNC*)handletable_proc;
    handletable.custommode = 0;
    handletable.customdata = NULL;
    handletable.updatefunc = NULL;
    handletable.drawfunc = (DRAWFUNC *)handletable_draw;
    handletable.tableselfunc = NULL;
    handletable.menu = (t_menu*)handlesmenu;

	return 0;
文件: CmdLog.cpp 项目: zzydog/OllyDog
// Copy row data from table ..
// The code is from Copywholetable ..
HGLOBAL CCmdLog::CopyRow(int row, int count)
	void* pcache = nullptr; 
	t_table *table = &m_Table;
	int offset = m_Table.offset;	// Save current offset ..
	uchar cache[0x400]; uchar mask[TEXTLEN*2];
	wchar wstr[TEXTLEN*2]; wchar *pbuf, *pstr;
	int width[NBAR]; int size,val,i,j,k,pos; HGLOBAL hMem;
	// Not support index at the end ..
	if (count <= 0) return nullptr;
	// Check parameters ..
	if (table->mode & TABLE_STDSCR) {
		size = static_cast<int>(table->sorted.n); 
		if (row+count > size) return nullptr;
	} else {
		size = static_cast<int>(table->custommode); 
		if (row+count > size) return nullptr;

	// Calc the character width array ..
	for (size=i=0; i < table->bar.nbar && i < NBAR; ++i) {
		if ((val = table->bar.dx[i]) > 3) {
			width[i] = val / Getcharacterwidth(table, i);
			if (width[i] >= 0x100) width[i] = 0x0ff;
			size += val + 1;
		} else width[i] = 0;
	} if (size == 0) return nullptr;

	// Allocate the buffer ..
	size = (table->sorted.n+1) * (size+2) + 320;
	hMem = GlobalAlloc(0x2002u, 2 * size); pos = 0;
	if (hMem == nullptr) return nullptr;
	pbuf = reinterpret_cast<wchar*>(GlobalLock(hMem));
	if (pbuf==nullptr) { GlobalFree(hMem); return nullptr; }

	// Get the window title ..
	if (table->hparent != nullptr)
		pos = GetWindowText(table->hparent, pbuf, 128);
	if (pos == 0)
		pos = StrcopyW(pbuf, TEXTLEN, table->name);
	if (pos == 0)
		pos = StrcopyW(pbuf, TEXTLEN, TEXT("Unnamed table"));
	pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\r'); pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\n');

	// Require and allocate the cache ...
	val = table->drawfunc(
		wstr, mask, &val, table, 
		reinterpret_cast<t_sorthdr*>(&i), DF_CACHESIZE, 0
	if (val < 0x400) pcache = cache + 0;
	else pcache = Memalloc(val, SILENT);
	if (pcache == nullptr) { GlobalFree(hMem); return 0; }
	// Initialize the cache ..
	if (val > 0) { table->drawfunc(
		wstr, mask, &val, table, 
		reinterpret_cast<t_sorthdr*>(&i), DF_FILLCACHE, pcache
	// Add bar title ..
	for (i = 0; i < table->bar.nbar && i < NBAR; ++i) {
		if (width[i] == 0) continue;
		pstr = table->bar.name[i];
		for (j = 0; j < width[i]; ++j) {
			// The end char '$' or null ..
			if (pstr[j]==0 || pstr[j]==TEXT('$')) break;
			else pbuf[pos++] = pstr[j];
		// Not enough space to display the whole title ..
		// then end with '> '
		if (j >= width[i] && pstr[j] && pstr[j] != TEXT('$')) {
			pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('>'); //pbuf[pos++] = TEXT(' '); 
		// Append ' ' if we have too many space ..
		// It's not avaliable for the last column ..
		} else if (i < table->bar.nbar-1) {
			for ( ; j < width[i]+1; ++j) pbuf[pos++] = TEXT(' ');
	// The ending of title bar ..
	for( ; pos > 0; --pos) {
		if (pbuf[pos-1] != TEXT(' ')) {
			pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\r'); pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\n');

	// Now get the logger data ..
	if (table->mode & TABLE_STDSCR) 
		if (row+count > table->sorted.n) 
			count = table->sorted.n - row;
	m_Table.offset = row;	// We begin with row ..
	for (i = k = 0; i < count; ++i, k = i) {
			wstr, mask, &val, table, 
			reinterpret_cast<t_sorthdr*>(&k), DF_NEWROW, pcache
		for (j = 0; j < table->bar.nbar && j < NBAR; ++j) {
			val = 0; if (width[j] == 0) continue;
			size = table->drawfunc (
				pbuf+pos, mask, &val, table, 
				reinterpret_cast<t_sorthdr*>(&k), j, pcache
			if ( val & DRAW_ULTEXT ) size = 0;
			else if (size >= 0) size = min(size, 255);
			else size = 0;
			// The width may large than the limit ..
			size = min(size, width[j]);
			// Translate the graph symbols ..
			Replacegraphs(ADDR_SYMMASK, pbuf+pos, mask, val, size);
			pos = pos + size;		// The next position ..
			// Adjust the string ..
			if ( size < width[j] ) {
				if ( j < table->bar.nbar - 1 ) {
					for ( ; size < width[j] + 1; ++size)
						pbuf[pos++] = TEXT(' ');
			} else { 
				pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('>'); //pbuf[pos++] = TEXT(' ');
		// The ending of current line ..
		for( ; pos > 0; --pos) {
			if (pbuf[pos-1] != TEXT(' ')) {
				pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\r'); pbuf[pos++] = TEXT('\n');
	// The ending of the whole content ..
	pbuf[pos] = 0; size = pos + 1;
	// Notify the draw function to free cache ..
	if (pcache != nullptr && pcache != cache+0) {
			wstr, mask, &val, table, 
			reinterpret_cast<t_sorthdr*>(&i), DF_FREECACHE, pcache
	// Cleanup and restore data ...
	table->offset = offset; GlobalUnlock(hMem);
	if (pcache && pcache != cache+0) Memfree(pcache);	
	return GlobalReAlloc(hMem, size*2, GMEM_MOVEABLE);
static int MCompareTrace(t_table *pt,wchar_t *name,ulong index,int mode) {
  wchar_t buffer[100];
  uchar * codeline;
  ulong codelinesize;

  if (mode==MENU_VERIFY)
    return MENU_NORMAL;                // Always available
  else if (mode==MENU_EXECUTE) {
    ulong i,j,length, declength;
    uchar cmd[MAXCMDSIZE],*decode;
	t_disasm da;
    t_reg *reg;
	void * result;
	t_memory *pmem;
    t_hitlist hitlistitem;
	for ( i=0; i<memory.sorted.n; i++) {
      pmem=(t_memory *)Getsortedbyindex(&memory.sorted,i);    // Get next memory block.
	  if ((pmem->type & MEM_GAP)!=0)
        continue;                        // Unallocated memory
      // Check whether it contains executable code.
      if ((pmem->type & (MEM_CODE|MEM_SFX))==0)
        continue;                        // Not a code   	  
	  // iterate through code
      for ( j=pmem->base; j<=pmem->base +pmem->size; j++) {
	    codeline = Finddecode(j,&codelinesize);
		if (codeline)
			if (((*codeline)&DEC_TRACED)==DEC_TRACED){
				result = Findsorteddata(&baselist,j,0);
                  if (length==0) Addtolist(j,DRAW_NORMAL,L"Readmemory returned zero!");
                  if (decode!=NULL && declength<length) 
                  if (length==0) Addtolist(j,DRAW_NORMAL,L"Disasm returned zero!");
	if (hitlisttable.hw==NULL){
      // Create table window. Third parameter (ncolumn) is the number of
      // visible columns in the newly created window (ignored if appearance is
      // restored from the initialization file). If it's lower than the total
      // number of columns, remaining columns are initially invisible. Fourth
      // parameter is the name of icon - as OllyDbg resource.
      Createtablewindow(&hitlisttable,0,hitlisttable.bar.nbar,NULL, L"ICO_PLUGIN",PLUGINNAME);
	return MENU_REDRAW;
  return MENU_ABSENT;