int zuluCryptUnmountVolume( const char * device,char ** m_point )
	int h = 3 ;

	char * e ;

	size_t s ;

	stringList_t stl ;

	StringListIterator it ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	ssize_t r ;

	string_t st ;
	string_t xt ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){

		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in create_loop_device.c

		e = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;

		if( e == NULL ){

			return h ;
			stl = _get_mount_entries( e ) ;
			StringFree( e ) ;
		stl = _get_mount_entries( device ) ;

	s = StringListSize( stl ) ;

	if( s == 0 ){

		 * volume appear to not be mounted.

	}else if( s == 1 ){

		 * there is only one mount point for the volume,unmount it normally

		h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( StringListStringAtFirstPlace( stl ),m_point ) ;
		 * There are multiple mount points for the same volume.
		 * Try to figure out which one among the mount points is ours and then try
		 * first to unmount the rest of them.

		r = StringListHasSequence( stl," /run/media/private/" ) ;

		if( r == -1 ){

			 * Probable reason for getting here is if a user use a home mount point path,
			 * we dont know the path because we dont know the user we are serving
			 * and hence we bail out with an error.
			h = 10 ;
			 * We got our mount point,take it out of the list to use it last
			st = StringListDetachAt( stl,r ) ;

			StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

			while( it != end ){

				xt = *it ;

				it++ ;

				if( _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( xt,NULL ) != 0 ){

					 * Failed to unmount one of the extra mount points,
					 * bail out with an error.
					h = 10 ;

					break ;

			if( h != 10 ){

				 * Attempt to unmount our mount point last.
				h = _zuluCryptUnmountVolume_0( st,m_point ) ;

			StringDelete( &st ) ;

	if( h != 0 && h != 3 && h != 4 && h != 1 && h != 10 ){

		h = 2 ;

	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

	return h ;
stringList_t zuluCryptOpenedVolumesList( uid_t uid )
    const char * e ;
    const char * c ;
    const char * d ;
    const char * t ;

    char * f ;
    char * g ;

    StringListIterator it  ;
    StringListIterator end ;

    ssize_t k ;

    string_t q ;
    string_t z ;

    string_t j ;

    stringList_t stx ;
    stringList_t list = StringListVoid ;
    stringList_t stl = zuluCryptGetMoutedList() ;

    if( uid ) {

     * zuluCryptMapperPrefix() is defined in create_mapper_name.c
    j = String_1( zuluCryptMapperPrefix(),"/zuluCrypt-",NULL ) ;
     * t will probably contain "/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-"
    t = StringContent( j ) ;

    StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

    while( it != end ) {

        c = StringContent( *it ) ;

        it++ ;

        if( StringPrefixNotEqual( c,t ) ) {

             * we only care about zuluCrypt volumes and these volumes that we care about starts with
             * "/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-"

            continue ;
        if( StringHasComponent( c,"/run/media/public/" ) ) {

             * dont show mirror images due to bind mounts

            continue ;

        stx = StringListSplit( c,' ' ) ;

        e = StringListContentAtFirstPlace( stx ) ;

        k = StringHasComponent_1( e,"-UUID-" ) ;

        if( k != -1 ) {

            q = StringListStringAtFirstPlace( stx ) ;
             * zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry() is defined in mount_volume.c
            d = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( StringListStringAtSecondPlace( stx ) ) ;

             * zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath() is defined in status.c
            f = zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath( StringContent( q ) ) ;
            e = StringSubChar( q,StringLastIndexOfChar( q,'-' ),'\0' ) + k + 6 ;
            z = String_1( "UUID=\"",e,"\"\t",d,"\t",f,NULL ) ;
            list = StringListAppendString_1( list,&z ) ;
            StringFree( f ) ;
        } else {
             * zuluCryptVolumeDeviceName() is defined in status.c
            g = zuluCryptVolumeDeviceName( e ) ;

            if( g != NULL ) {

                d = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( StringListStringAtSecondPlace( stx ) ) ;
                 * zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath() is defined in status.c
                f = zuluCryptGetVolumeTypeFromMapperPath( StringListContentAtFirstPlace( stx ) ) ;
                z = String_1( g,"\t",d,"\t",f,NULL ) ;
                list = StringListAppendString_1( list,&z ) ;
                StringFree( f ) ;
                StringFree( g ) ;

        StringListDelete( &stx ) ;
    StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
    StringDelete( &j ) ;
    return list ;