void Play_Loaded_Fli( fli_file_type *fli_file )
     unsigned char exit = 0; /* Flag for the loop           */

     file_length = fli_file->file_length; /* Update global */

     DB_Clear_Screen();  /* Clear the double buffer */ 

     while( !exit )
         if ( Read_Chunk_Ram( fli_file->file_buffer, &fli_file->file_pos ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
             exit = 1;

         if( exit == 1 ) /* Reset to first frame (set in color_chunk) */
              fli_file->file_pos = first_frame;
              exit = 0;  

         Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */
// AJT		 
//         if( Check_Raw() == 1 || Jon_Kbhit() ) /* If the user presses a key, exit */
//             { 
//              if( Jon_Kbhit() ) /* Eat the keypress */
//                  Jon_Getkey();
//              while( Check_Raw() == 1 ) {}
//              exit = 1;
//            }


     fli_file->file_pos = 128;

    } /* End of play_fli_ram */
void Play_Fli( const char *filename )
	flic_header header;     /* Header for the entire file  */
	FILE *fp;               /* Pointer to opened .fli file */
	unsigned char exit = 0; /* Flag for the loop           */
	char newfilename[512];
	uint32_t time;


	fp = fopen( newfilename, "rb" );  /* Open file  */

	fread( &header, sizeof( flic_header ), 1, fp ); /* Get the flic header */

	fseek( fp, 128, SEEK_SET ); /* Move to end of header */

	DB_Clear_Screen();  /* Clear the double buffer */ 

	time = SYS_GetTimeMS();

	while ( !feof( fp ) && !exit )
		if ( Read_Chunk( fp ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
			exit = 1;

		if( exit == 1 ) /* Reset to first frame (set in color_chunk) */
			fseek( fp, first_frame, SEEK_SET );  
			/*    exit = 0; */

		Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */

		while ( SYS_GetTimeMS() < (time + 33) );
		time = SYS_GetTimeMS();

// AJT:
//		if( Jon_Kbhit() ) /* If the user presses a key, exit */
//		{
//			exit = 1;
//		}
	fclose( fp ); /* Close the file */
int PlayFliProcess()
	int exit = 0;

	if ( feof( gCurrentFile ) )
		return 0;

	if ( SYS_GetTimeMS() < (gFrameTime + 33) )
		return 1;

	gFrameTime = SYS_GetTimeMS();

	if ( Read_Chunk( gCurrentFile ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
		return 0;

	Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */
	return 1;
void One_Frame( fli_file_type *fli_file )
     long done = 0;

     file_length = fli_file->file_length; /* Update global */
     fli_file->first_frame = 128;

     if ( Read_Chunk_Ram( fli_file->file_buffer, &fli_file->file_pos ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
         done = 1;

     if( done == 1 ) /* Reset to first frame (set in color_chunk) */
          fli_file->file_pos = fli_file->first_frame;

     Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */

    } /* End of One_Frame */
void Play_Fli_Buffered( char *filename )
     unsigned char done = 0; /* Flag for the loop           */
     FILE *fp;
     unsigned char *buffer_one, *buffer_two, *current_buffer, *old_buffer;
     flic_header header;
     uint32_t file_pos = 0;
     int flip = 0;
     unsigned long bytes_left = 0;
     unsigned long end_file_pos, current_file_pos;
     int done_reading = 0; /* Flag to say we're done reading file */
     long i, temp;
   	char newfilename[512];



     DB_Clear_Screen(); /* Clear screen before enabling palette */

     /* Open the damned file */
     fp = fopen( newfilename, "rb" );

	 if( !fp )

     /* Read the damm header */
     fread( &header, sizeof( header ), 1, fp);

     current_frame = 0;

     fprintf(stderr, "Number of frames is %d \n", header.number_of_frames );

     /* Prime the buffer */
     if( (buffer_one = (unsigned char*)malloc( FLI_BUFFER_SIZE )) == NULL )
          fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing memory in FLI FILE reader \n");
     if( (buffer_two = (unsigned char*)malloc( FLI_BUFFER_SIZE )) == NULL )
          fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing memory in FLI FILE reader \n");

     fread( buffer_one, FLI_BUFFER_SIZE, 1, fp );
     current_buffer = buffer_one;
     old_buffer     = buffer_two;
     file_length = FLI_BUFFER_SIZE; /* Update global */

     //Set_Timer(0);  // AJT:

     while( done == 0 )
          if( Read_Chunk_Ram( current_buffer, &file_pos ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
              done = 1;

          if( current_frame > header.number_of_frames - 2 )
              done = 1;

		  // AJT:
          if( Jon_Kbhit() )
              if( Jon_Getkey() == INDEX_ESC )
                  done = 1;

// AJT
//          if( ceiling_on )
//              while( Check_Timer() < ((float)TIMER_CLICKS_PER_SECOND / (float)25) );

//          Set_Timer(0);    

//          Wait_For_Vsync();
          if( !done )
              Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */

          /* If we have read in enough shizit load summore */
          if( (file_pos > (1)) && !done_reading )
               current_file_pos = ftell( fp );
               fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
               end_file_pos = ftell( fp );
               fseek( fp, current_file_pos, SEEK_SET );
               bytes_left = end_file_pos - current_file_pos;
               /* fprintf(stderr, "bytes left is %ld \n", bytes_left );  */
               if( bytes_left > 0 )
                    if( !flip )
                         flip = !flip;
                         old_buffer     = buffer_one;
                         current_buffer = buffer_two;
                         flip = !flip;
                         old_buffer     = buffer_two;
                         current_buffer = buffer_one;
                    temp = 0;
                    for( i = file_pos; i < FLI_BUFFER_SIZE; i++ )
                          current_buffer[temp++] = old_buffer[i];
                         } /* End for */
                    file_pos = 0;
                    if( bytes_left >= (unsigned long)(FLI_BUFFER_SIZE - temp) )
                         fread( &current_buffer[temp], (FLI_BUFFER_SIZE - temp), 1, fp ); 
                         fread( &current_buffer[temp], bytes_left, 1, fp );
                         file_length = temp + bytes_left;
                    done_reading = 1;
              } /* End if time to load shizit */

         } /* End while not done */


     free( buffer_one ); /* Free da memory */
     free( buffer_two );
    } /* End of Play_Fli_Buffered */
void Play_Fli_Ram( char *filename )
     flic_header header;     /* Header for the entire file  */
     FILE *fp;               /* Pointer to opened .fli file */
     unsigned char exit = 0; /* Flag for the loop           */
     unsigned char *file_buffer;
     uint32_t file_pos = 0;
     long temp;
     long i;
     unsigned char *temp_buffer;
	char newfilename[512];


     fp = fopen( newfilename, "rb" );  /* Open file  */

     /* Allocate space in Ram for fli file */
     fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); /* Move to end of file */
     /* This should be the size of the file */
     file_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc( temp = ftell( fp ) );

     fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* Move back to beginning of file */
     fread( file_buffer, temp, 1, fp ); /* Read whole file into ram */

     fclose( fp ); /* Close the file */     
     /* Alias pointer to header */
     temp_buffer = (unsigned char *)&header;

     for( i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) /* Read in the header from ram */
          temp_buffer[i] = file_buffer[i];
     file_length = header.file_size;
     DB_Clear_Screen();  /* Clear the double buffer */ 

     while( !exit )
         if ( Read_Chunk_Ram( file_buffer, &file_pos ) == 0 ) /* If we reach the last chunk */
             exit = 1;

         if( exit == 1 ) /* Reset to first frame (set in color_chunk) */
              file_pos = first_frame;
              exit = 0;  

         Swap_Buffer(); /* Swap the double buffer into video memory */

// AJT         
//         if( Check_Raw() == 1 || Jon_Kbhit() ) /* If the user presses a key, exit */
//             { 
//              if( Jon_Kbhit() ) /* Eat the keypress */
//                  Jon_Getkey();
//              while( Check_Raw() == 1 ) {}
//              exit = 1;
//             }
     free( file_buffer );


    } /* End of play_fli_ram */