文件: httpsv.c 项目: meag/qtv
qbool HTTPSV_GetHeaderField(const char *s, const char *field, char *buffer, int buffersize)
	char *start = NULL;
	char *end = NULL;
	char *copy = NULL;
	char *colon = NULL;
	qbool status = false;
	int fieldnamelen = strlen(field);
	#define EAT_WHITESPACE(str) while (*str && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')) str++;

	buffer[0] = 0;

	copy = Sys_strdup(s);
	start = end = copy;

	while (*end)
		if (*end == '\n')
			*end = '\0';
			colon = strchr(start, ':');
			if (!colon)
				// Header exists, but has no value. (Not sure if this is proper according to RFC).
				if (!strncmp(field, start, fieldnamelen))
					if (start[fieldnamelen] <= ' ')
						status = true;
				if (fieldnamelen == colon - start)
					if (!strncmp(field, start, colon - start))

						while (--buffersize > 0)
							if (*colon == '\r' || *colon == '\n')
							*buffer++ = *colon++;
						*buffer = 0;
						status = true;
			start = end + 1;



	return status;
文件: info.c 项目: jite/qtv
qbool Info_Set (ctxinfo_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *value)
	info_t	*a;
	int key;

	if (!value)
		value = "";

	if (!ctx || !name || !name[0])
		return false;

	if (strchr(name, '\\') || strchr(value, '\\'))
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, 128 + '\\') || strchr(value, 128 + '\\'))
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, '"') || strchr(value, '"'))
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, '\r') || strchr(value, '\r')) // bad for print functions
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, '\n') || strchr(value, '\n')) // bad for print functions
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, '$') || strchr(value, '$')) // variable expansion may be exploited, escaping this
		return false;
	if (strchr(name, ';') || strchr(value, ';')) // interpreter may be haxed, escaping this
		return false;

	if (strlen(name) >= MAX_INFO_KEY || strlen(value) >= MAX_INFO_KEY)
		return false; // too long name/value, its wrong

	key = Sys_HashKey(name) % INFO_HASHPOOL_SIZE;

	// if already exists, reuse it
	for (a = ctx->info_hash[key]; a; a = a->hash_next)
		if (!stricmp(name, a->name))
			Sys_free (a->value);

	// not found, create new one
	if (!a)
		if (ctx->cur >= ctx->max)
			return false; // too much infos

		a = (info_t *) Sys_malloc (sizeof(info_t));
		a->next = ctx->info_list;
		ctx->info_list = a;
		a->hash_next = ctx->info_hash[key];
		ctx->info_hash[key] = a;

		ctx->cur++; // increase counter

		// copy name
		a->name = Sys_strdup (name);

	// copy value
#if 0
		// unfortunatelly evil users use non printable/control chars, so that does not work well
		a->value = Sys_strdup (value);
		// skip some control chars, doh
		char v_buf[MAX_INFO_KEY] = {0}, *v = v_buf;
		int i;

		for (i = 0; value[i]; i++) // len of 'value' should be less than MAX_INFO_KEY according to above checks
			if ((unsigned char)value[i] > 13)
				*v++ = value[i];
		*v = 0;

		a->value = Sys_strdup (v_buf);

	// hrm, empty value, remove it then
	if (!a->value[0])
		return Info_Remove(ctx, name);

	return true;