//  Copy_Array_At_Max_Shallow: C
// Shallow copy an array from the given index for given maximum
// length (clipping if it exceeds the array length)
REBARR *Copy_Array_At_Max_Shallow(
    REBARR *original,
    REBCNT index,
    REBSPC *specifier,
    REBCNT max
    const REBFLGS flags = 0;

    if (index > ARR_LEN(original))
        return Make_Array_For_Copy(0, flags, original);

    if (index + max > ARR_LEN(original))
        max = ARR_LEN(original) - index;

    REBARR *copy = Make_Array_For_Copy(max, flags, original);

    REBCNT count = 0;
    const RELVAL *src = ARR_AT(original, index);
    RELVAL *dest = ARR_HEAD(copy);
    for (; count < max; ++count, ++src, ++dest)
        Derelativize(dest, src, specifier);

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(copy, max);

    return copy;
//  Copy_Array_At_Extra_Shallow: C
// Shallow copy an array from the given index thru the tail.
// Additional capacity beyond what is required can be added
// by giving an `extra` count of how many value cells one needs.
REBARR *Copy_Array_At_Extra_Shallow(
    REBARR *original,
    REBCNT index,
    REBSPC *specifier,
    REBCNT extra,
    REBFLGS flags
    REBCNT len = ARR_LEN(original);

    if (index > len)
        return Make_Array_For_Copy(extra, flags, original);

    len -= index;

    REBARR *copy = Make_Array_For_Copy(len + extra, flags, original);

    RELVAL *src = ARR_AT(original, index);
    RELVAL *dest = ARR_HEAD(copy);
    REBCNT count = 0;
    for (; count < len; ++count, ++dest, ++src)
        Derelativize(dest, src, specifier);

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(copy, len);

    return copy;
//  Copy_Array_Core_Managed_Inner_Loop: C
static REBARR *Copy_Array_Core_Managed_Inner_Loop(
    REBARR *original,
    REBCNT index,
    REBSPC *specifier,
    REBCNT tail,
    REBCNT extra, // currently no one uses--would it also apply deep (?)
    REBFLGS flags,
    REBU64 types
    assert(index <= tail and tail <= ARR_LEN(original));
    assert(flags & NODE_FLAG_MANAGED);

    REBCNT len = tail - index;

    // Currently we start by making a shallow copy and then adjust it

    REBARR *copy = Make_Array_For_Copy(len + extra, flags, original);

    RELVAL *src = ARR_AT(original, index);
    RELVAL *dest = ARR_HEAD(copy);
    REBCNT count = 0;
    for (; count < len; ++count, ++dest, ++src) {
            Derelativize(dest, src, specifier),

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(copy, len);

    return copy;
//  Alloc_Tail_Array: C
// Append a REBVAL-size slot to Rebol Array series at its tail.
// Will use existing memory capacity already in the series if it
// is available, but will expand the series if necessary.
// Returns the new value for you to initialize.
// Note: Updates the termination and tail.
RELVAL *Alloc_Tail_Array(REBARR *a)
    RELVAL *last = ARR_LAST(a);
    TRASH_CELL_IF_DEBUG(last); // !!! was an END marker, good enough?
    return last;
//  Copy_Rerelativized_Array_Deep_Managed: C
// The invariant of copying in general is that when you are done with the
// copy, there are no relative values in that copy.  One exception to this
// is the deep copy required to make a relative function body in the first
// place (which it currently does in two passes--a normal deep copy followed
// by a relative binding).  The other exception is when a relativized
// function body is copied to make another relativized function body.
// This is specialized logic for the latter case.  It's constrained enough
// to be simple (all relative values are known to be relative to the same
// function), and the feature is questionable anyway.  So it's best not to
// further complicate ordinary copying with a parameterization to copy
// and change all the relative binding information from one function's
// paramlist to another.
REBARR *Copy_Rerelativized_Array_Deep_Managed(
    REBARR *original,
    REBACT *before, // references to `before` will be changed to `after`
    REBACT *after
    const REBFLGS flags = NODE_FLAG_MANAGED;

    REBARR *copy = Make_Array_For_Copy(ARR_LEN(original), flags, original);
    RELVAL *src = ARR_HEAD(original);
    RELVAL *dest = ARR_HEAD(copy);

    for (; NOT_END(src); ++src, ++dest) {
        if (not IS_RELATIVE(src)) {
            Move_Value(dest, KNOWN(src));

        // All relative values under a sub-block must be relative to the
        // same function.
        assert(VAL_RELATIVE(src) == before);

        Move_Value_Header(dest, src);

        if (ANY_ARRAY_OR_PATH(src)) {
                    VAL_ARRAY(src), before, after
            PAYLOAD(Any, dest).second = PAYLOAD(Any, src).second;
            INIT_BINDING(dest, after); // relative binding
        else {
            PAYLOAD(Any, dest) = PAYLOAD(Any, src);
            INIT_BINDING(dest, after);


    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(copy, ARR_LEN(original));

    return copy;
//  Copy_Values_Len_Extra_Shallow_Core: C
// Shallow copy the first 'len' values of `head` into a new series created to
// hold that many entries, with an optional bit of extra space at the end.
REBARR *Copy_Values_Len_Extra_Shallow_Core(
    const RELVAL *head,
    REBSPC *specifier,
    REBCNT len,
    REBCNT extra,
    REBFLGS flags
    REBARR *a = Make_Array_Core(len + extra, flags);

    REBCNT count = 0;
    const RELVAL *src = head;
    RELVAL *dest = ARR_HEAD(a);
    for (; count < len; ++count, ++src, ++dest) {
        if (KIND_BYTE(src) == REB_NULLED)
            assert(flags & ARRAY_FLAG_NULLEDS_LEGAL);

        Derelativize(dest, src, specifier);

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(a, len);
    return a;
文件: t-vector.c 项目: rgchris/ren-c
//  Vector_To_Array: C
// Convert a vector to a block.
REBARR *Vector_To_Array(const REBVAL *vect)
    REBCNT len = VAL_LEN_AT(vect);
    REBYTE *data = SER_DATA_RAW(VAL_SERIES(vect));
    REBCNT type = VECT_TYPE(VAL_SERIES(vect));
    REBARR *array = NULL;
    REBCNT n;
    RELVAL *val;

    if (len <= 0)
        fail (Error_Invalid_Arg(vect));

    array = Make_Array(len);
    val = ARR_HEAD(array);
    for (n = VAL_INDEX(vect); n < VAL_LEN_HEAD(vect); n++, val++) {
        VAL_RESET_HEADER(val, (type >= VTSF08) ? REB_DECIMAL : REB_INTEGER);
        VAL_INT64(val) = get_vect(type, data, n); // can be int or decimal

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(array, len);

    return array;
文件: f-modify.c 项目: rgchris/ren-c
//  Modify_Array: C
// Returns new dst_idx
REBCNT Modify_Array(
    REBCNT action,          // INSERT, APPEND, CHANGE
    REBARR *dst_arr,        // target
    REBCNT dst_idx,         // position
    const REBVAL *src_val,  // source
    REBCNT flags,           // AN_ONLY, AN_PART
    REBINT dst_len,         // length to remove
    REBINT dups             // dup count
) {
    REBCNT tail = ARR_LEN(dst_arr);

    REBINT ilen = 1; // length to be inserted

    const RELVAL *src_rel;
    REBCTX *specifier;

    if (IS_VOID(src_val) || dups < 0) {
        // If they are effectively asking for "no action" then all we have
        // to do is return the natural index result for the operation.
        // (APPEND will return 0, insert the tail of the insertion...so index)

        return (action == SYM_APPEND) ? 0 : dst_idx;

    if (action == SYM_APPEND || dst_idx > tail) dst_idx = tail;

    // Check /PART, compute LEN:
    if (!GET_FLAG(flags, AN_ONLY) && ANY_ARRAY(src_val)) {
        // Adjust length of insertion if changing /PART:
        if (action != SYM_CHANGE && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
            ilen = dst_len;
            ilen = VAL_LEN_AT(src_val);

        // Are we modifying ourselves? If so, copy src_val block first:
        if (dst_arr == VAL_ARRAY(src_val)) {
            REBARR *copy = Copy_Array_At_Shallow(
                VAL_ARRAY(src_val), VAL_INDEX(src_val), VAL_SPECIFIER(src_val)
            MANAGE_ARRAY(copy); // !!! Review: worth it to not manage and free?
            src_rel = ARR_HEAD(copy);
            specifier = SPECIFIED; // copy already specified it
        else {
            src_rel = VAL_ARRAY_AT(src_val); // skips by VAL_INDEX values
            specifier = VAL_SPECIFIER(src_val);
    else {
        // use passed in RELVAL and specifier
        src_rel = src_val;
        specifier = SPECIFIED; // it's a REBVAL, not a RELVAL, so specified

    REBINT size = dups * ilen; // total to insert

    if (action != SYM_CHANGE) {
        // Always expand dst_arr for INSERT and APPEND actions:
        Expand_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, size);
    else {
        if (size > dst_len)
            Expand_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, size-dst_len);
        else if (size < dst_len && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
            Remove_Series(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), dst_idx, dst_len-size);
        else if (size + dst_idx > tail) {
            EXPAND_SERIES_TAIL(ARR_SERIES(dst_arr), size - (tail - dst_idx));

    tail = (action == SYM_APPEND) ? 0 : size + dst_idx;

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    if (IS_ARRAY_MANAGED(dst_arr)) {
        REBINT i;
        for (i = 0; i < ilen; ++i)

    for (; dups > 0; dups--) {
        REBINT index = 0;
        for (; index < ilen; ++index, ++dst_idx) {
                SINK(ARR_HEAD(dst_arr) + dst_idx),
                src_rel + index,
    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(dst_arr, ARR_LEN(dst_arr));


    return tail;
//  Make_Context_For_Action_Push_Partials: C
// This creates a FRAME! context with NULLED cells in the unspecialized slots
// that are available to be filled.  For partial refinement specializations
// in the action, it will push the refinement to the stack.  In this way it
// retains the ordering information implicit in the partial refinements of an
// action's existing specialization.
// It is able to take in more specialized refinements on the stack.  These
// will be ordered *after* partial specializations in the function already.
// The caller passes in the stack pointer of the lowest priority refinement,
// which goes up to DSP for the highest of those added specializations.
// Since this is walking the parameters to make the frame already--and since
// we don't want to bind to anything specialized out (including the ad-hoc
// refinements added on the stack) we go ahead and collect bindings from the
// frame if needed.
REBCTX *Make_Context_For_Action_Push_Partials(
    const REBVAL *action,  // need ->binding, so can't just be a REBACT*
    REBDSP lowest_ordered_dsp,  // caller can add refinement specializations
    struct Reb_Binder *opt_binder,
    REBFLGS prep  // cell formatting mask bits, result managed if non-stack
    REBDSP highest_ordered_dsp = DSP;

    REBACT *act = VAL_ACTION(action);

    REBCNT num_slots = ACT_NUM_PARAMS(act) + 1;  // +1 is for CTX_ARCHETYPE()
    REBARR *varlist = Make_Array_Core(num_slots, SERIES_MASK_VARLIST);

    REBVAL *rootvar = RESET_CELL(
    INIT_VAL_CONTEXT_VARLIST(rootvar, varlist);
    INIT_VAL_CONTEXT_PHASE(rootvar, VAL_ACTION(action));
    INIT_BINDING(rootvar, VAL_BINDING(action));

    const REBVAL *param = ACT_PARAMS_HEAD(act);
    REBVAL *arg = rootvar + 1;
    const REBVAL *special = ACT_SPECIALTY_HEAD(act);  // of exemplar/paramlist

    REBCNT index = 1; // used to bind REFINEMENT! values to parameter slots

    REBCTX *exemplar = ACT_EXEMPLAR(act); // may be null
    if (exemplar)
        assert(special == CTX_VARS_HEAD(exemplar));
        assert(special == ACT_PARAMS_HEAD(act));

    for (; NOT_END(param); ++param, ++arg, ++special, ++index) {
        arg->header.bits = prep;

        if (Is_Param_Hidden(param)) {  // specialized out
            assert(GET_CELL_FLAG(special, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED));
            Move_Value(arg, special); // doesn't copy ARG_MARKED_CHECKED


            assert(not IS_NULLED(arg));
            assert(GET_CELL_FLAG(arg, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED));
            continue;  // Eval_Core() double-checks type in debug build

        assert(NOT_CELL_FLAG(special, ARG_MARKED_CHECKED));

        REBSTR *canon = VAL_PARAM_CANON(param);  // for adding to binding
        if (not TYPE_CHECK(param, REB_TS_REFINEMENT)) {  // nothing to push


            assert(arg->header.bits == prep);
            if (opt_binder) {
                if (not Is_Param_Unbindable(param))
                    Add_Binder_Index(opt_binder, canon, index);

        // Unspecialized refinement slots may have an SYM-WORD! in them that
        // reflects a partial that needs to be pushed to the stack.  (They
        // are in *reverse* order of use.)

            (special == param and IS_PARAM(special))
            or (IS_SYM_WORD(special) or IS_NULLED(special))

        if (IS_SYM_WORD(special)) {
            REBCNT partial_index = VAL_WORD_INDEX(special);
            Init_Any_Word_Bound( // push a SYM-WORD! to data stack

        // Unspecialized or partially specialized refinement.  Check the
        // passed-in refinements on the stack for usage.
        REBDSP dsp = highest_ordered_dsp;
        for (; dsp != lowest_ordered_dsp; --dsp) {
            REBVAL *ordered = DS_AT(dsp);
            if (VAL_STORED_CANON(ordered) != canon)
                continue;  // just continuing this loop

            assert(not IS_WORD_BOUND(ordered));  // we bind only one
            INIT_BINDING(ordered, varlist);
            INIT_WORD_INDEX_UNCHECKED(ordered, index);

            if (not Is_Typeset_Invisible(param))  // needs argument
                goto continue_unspecialized;

            // If refinement named on stack takes no arguments, then it can't
            // be partially specialized...only fully, and won't be bound:
            //     specialize 'append/only [only: false]  ; only not bound
            Init_Word(arg, VAL_STORED_CANON(ordered));
            goto continue_specialized;

        goto continue_unspecialized;

    TERM_ARRAY_LEN(varlist, num_slots);
    MISC_META_NODE(varlist) = nullptr;  // GC sees this, we must initialize

    // !!! Can't pass SERIES_FLAG_STACK_LIFETIME into Make_Array_Core(),
    // because TERM_ARRAY_LEN won't let it set stack array lengths.

    return CTX(varlist);