 * @brief 		Configuration for Capture register
 * @param[in]	TIMx Pointer to timer device, should be:
 *				- LPC_TIM0: TIMER0 peripheral
 *				- LPC_TIM1: TIMER1 peripheral
 *				- LPC_TIM2: TIMER2 peripheral
 *				- LPC_TIM3: TIMER3 peripheral
 * @param[in]   TIM_CaptureConfigStruct	Pointer to TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type
 *				- CaptureChannel: set the channel to capture data
 *				- RisingEdge    : if SET, Capture at rising edge
 *				- FallingEdge	: if SET, Capture at falling edge
 *				- IntOnCaption  : if SET, Capture generate interrupt
 * @return 		None
void TIM_ConfigCapture(LPC_TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type *TIM_CaptureConfigStruct)
	TIMx->CCR &= ~TIM_CCR_CHANNEL_MASKBIT(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->RisingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_RISING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->FallingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_FALLING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->IntOnCaption)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_INT_ON_CAP(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);
 * @brief 		Configuration for Capture register
 * @param[in]	TIMx Pointer to timer device
 * 					- CaptureChannel: set the channel to capture data
 * 					- RisingEdge    : if SET, Capture at rising edge
 * 					- FallingEdge	: if SET, Capture at falling edge
 * 					- IntOnCaption  : if SET, Capture generate interrupt
 * @param[in]   TIM_CaptureConfigStruct	Pointer to TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type
 * @return 		None
void TIM_ConfigCapture(LPC_TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type *TIM_CaptureConfigStruct)
	uint32_t timer;

	timer = TIM_ConverPtrToTimeNum(TIMx) ;
	TIMx->CCR &= ~TIM_CCR_CHANNEL_MASKBIT(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->RisingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_RISING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->FallingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_FALLING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->IntOnCaption)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_INT_ON_CAP(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);
 * @brief 		Configuration for Capture register
 * @param[in]	TIMx Pointer to timer device, can be LPC_TMR16B0, 
 *                   LPC_TMR16B1, LPC_TMR32B0, LPC_TMR32B1       
 * @param[in]   TIM_CaptureConfigStruct	Pointer to TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type
 *                  - CaptureChannel: set the channel to capture data
 * 					- RisingEdge    : if SET, Capture at rising edge
 * 					- FallingEdge	: if SET, Capture at falling edge
 * 					- IntOnCaption  : if SET, Capture generate interrupt
 * @return 		None
void TIM_ConfigCapture(TMR_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type *TIM_CaptureConfigStruct)

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->RisingEdge) {
        TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_RISING(0);    
	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->FallingEdge) {
        TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_FALLING(0);
	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->IntOnCaption) {
        TIMx->CCR |= TIM_INT_ON_CAP(0);    
 * @brief 		Configuration for Capture register
 * @param[in]	TIMx Pointer to timer device
 * 					- CaptureChannel: set the channel to capture data
 * 					- RisingEdge    : if SET, Capture at rising edge
 * 					- FallingEdge	: if SET, Capture at falling edge
 * 					- IntOnCaption  : if SET, Capture generate interrupt
 * @param[in]   TIM_CaptureConfigStruct	Pointer to TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type
 * @return 		None
void TIM_ConfigCapture(TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_CAPTURECFG_Type *TIM_CaptureConfigStruct)
	uint32_t timer = TIM_ConverPtrToTimeNum(TIMx) ;
	TIMx->CCR &= ~TIM_CCR_CHANNEL_MASKBIT(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->RisingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_RISING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->FallingEdge)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_CAP_FALLING(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	if (TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->IntOnCaption)
		TIMx->CCR |= TIM_INT_ON_CAP(TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel);

	// set pin caption input
	PINSEL_ConfigPin((PINSEL_CFG_Type *)&(timer_caption_pin[2*timer + TIM_CaptureConfigStruct->CaptureChannel]));
