void TMR0_Initialize(void)
    // Set TMR0 to the options selected in the User Interface

    // T0PS 1:256; T08BIT 16-bit; T0SE Increment_hi_lo; T0CS FOSC/4; TMR0ON enabled; PSA assigned; 
    T0CON = 0x97;

    // TMR0H 133; 
    TMR0H = 0x85;

    // TMR0L 237; 
    TMR0L = 0xED;

    // Load TMR0 value to the 16-bit reload variable
    timer0ReloadVal16bit = (TMR0H << 8) | TMR0L;

    // Clear Interrupt flag before enabling the interrupt
    INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;

    // Enabling TMR0 interrupt.
    INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;

    // Start TMR0
 * @prototype       void Delay(unsigned long ms)
 * @description     Provides a delay in milliseconds
 * @param           ms: Milliseconds delay
 * @return          none
void Delay(uint16_t ms)
    CallBackFactor = ms;

    while (!msFlag)
    msFlag = CLEAR;
void TMR0_Initialize(void) {
    // Set TMR0 to the options selected in the User Interface

    // TMR0ON enabled; T0SE Increment_hi_lo; PSA not_assigned; T0CS FOSC/4; T08BIT 16-bit; T0PS 1:256; 
    T0CON = 0x9F;

    // TMR0H 99; 
    TMR0H = 0x63;

    // TMR0L 192; 
    TMR0L = 0xC0;

    // Load TMR0 value to the 16-bit reload variable
    timer0ReloadVal16bit = 25536;

    // Clear Interrupt flag before enabling the interrupt
    INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;

    // Enabling TMR0 interrupt.
    INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;

    // Start TMR0
文件: main.c 项目: srobison/venture30
 *                        Main application
void main(void)
//    adc_result_t vbatt; // raw ADC of battery voltage
//    adc_result_t vbus;  // raw ADC of charger input voltage
    uint8_t soc_leds;   // result of raw ADC to 5 SOC LED conversion
    uint8_t c;  // dbg0, dbg1,

    // initialize the device
    CE_N_SetLow();                  // enable the input charger
    USBA_EN_SetHigh();              // enable usb porta
    M1_A_SetLow();                  // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    M2_A_SetHigh();                  // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    EM_EN_A_SetHigh();               // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    USBB_EN_SetHigh();              // enable usb portb
    M1_B_SetLow();                  // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    M2_B_SetHigh();                  // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    EM_EN_B_SetHigh();               // don't care since using pin_ignore/I2C only mode
    otg_mode_flag = 0;

    // initialise variables
    BTN0_dbstate = 0;                 // initial pushbutton state = released
    BTN0_change = 0;                  // clear pushbutton change flag (no change)
    BTN1_dbstate = 0;                 // initial pushbutton state = released
    BTN1_change = 0;                  // clear pushbutton change flag (no change)

    ADC_read_flag = 0;                //
    //ADC_channel = 0;


     __delay_ms(10); // DEBUG
    __delay_ms(10);  //DS: Upon power-up, the UCS1002 will not respond to any SMBus communications for 5.5 ms
    usb_port_init(USBA_ADDR);   // setup the USB smart output chips
     __delay_ms(10);    // DEBUG
    usb_port_init(USBB_ADDR);   // setup the USB smart output chips

    //enable interrupts - TODO should this wait unitl after i2c init routines?
    INTCONbits.IOCIF = 0;
    IOCBF1 = 0;
    IOCBF2 = 0;
    IOCBF3 = 0;
    IOCBF4 = 0;
    INTCONbits.IOCIE = 1;
    INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable();               // enable global interrupts

     *                          CORE APPLICATION

    while (1)
        // Add your application code

        if (EUSART_IsDataReady() == 1)	// check for input
                c = EUSART_GetByte();   // reading RCREG clear RCIF

        if (A_DET_A_N_GetValue() == 0)

        // check for self-attached cable
        if (SELF_DETECT_GetValue() == 1)
            putstring0("Self Detect, USBA disabled"); // DEBUG
        else USBA_EN_SetHigh();

        //grab battery level, input voltage, update SOC byte
        if (ADC_read_flag == 1)
            ADC_read_flag = 0;
            vbatt = (ADC_GetConversion(channel_AN1) << 1);  // input voltage divided by 2 - multiply it back
            __delay_ms(1);                      // provide switching time
//            vbus = (ADC_GetConversion(channel_AN2) << 1);  // TODO figure out what to do with this
        soc_leds = calc_soc(vbatt);

        // check for debounced button press
//        if (BTN0_change && !BTN0_dbstate)       // if button state changed and pressed (low)
        if (DBG_SPARE_change && DBG_SPARE_dbstate)       // if button state changed and pressed (high)
            FLASHLIGHT_Toggle();               //   turn flashlight off and on
//            BTN0_change = 0;                  //   clear button change flag
            DBG_SPARE_change = 0;                  //   clear button change flag
//        if (BTN1_change && !BTN1_dbstate)       // if button state changed and pressed (low)
//        {
//            soc_cntr_start_flag = 1;
            soc_update(soc_leds);           //   display SOC animation
//            BTN1_change = 0;                  //   clear button change flag
//        }
//        if (soc_cntr_done_flag == 1)        // let the SOC display stand for 5s
//        {
//            dbg1 += 1;
//            soc_cntr_start_flag = 0;
//            soc_cntr_done_flag = 0;
//            soc_update(dbg1);
////            soc_update(CLR_SOC);
//        }

        // TODO update more charger regs, react
        if (otg_mode_flag == 1)
            i2c_slave_command(CHRGR_ADDR, 0x01, 0x6B); //REG01 reset watchdog, enable OTG only
            i2c_slave_command(CHRGR_ADDR, 0x01, 0x5B); //REG01 reset watchdog, enable charger only

        // TODO update more usba regs, react
        usb_porta_regs.REG00 = i2c_slave_read(USBA_ADDR, 0x00);   //update the current reading

        // TODO update more usbb regs, react
        usb_portb_regs.REG00 = i2c_slave_read(USBB_ADDR, 0x00);   //update the current reading

//        for (dbg0 = 0; dbg0 < 255; dbg0++);
//        {
//            __delay_ms(100);
//        }
//        soc_update(dbg1);
//        dbg1 += 1;
//        if (dbg1 == 0x1F)
//            dbg1 = 0;
//        if (debug_rprt_flag == 1)
//        {
//            debug_rprt_flag = 0;
//            FLASHLIGHT_Toggle();
//        }