    struct _generic_64	timadr;
    unsigned __int64 a100nsec;
    PTR		tz_cb;
    STATUS	status;

    status = sys$gettim(&timadr);
    if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
    stime->tv_sec = TMconv(&timadr);	/* get seconds since Jan 1, 1970 */
    /* Adjust for timezone */
    status = TMtz_init(&tz_cb);
    if (status != OK)
    stime->tv_sec -= TMtz_search(tz_cb, TM_TIMETYPE_LOCAL, stime->tv_sec);
    ** get nanoseconds since last second.  VMS gives 64 bit time as number
    ** of 100 nsec units since Nov 17, 1858.  We mod with 10 million to get
    ** number of 100 nsec units since last second, then convert to nsec.  
    a100nsec = timadr.gen64$q_quadword;
    stime->tv_nsec = (a100nsec % 10000000) * 100;

    return OK;
FEadfcb ()
    if (!done)
	char		*cp;
	DB_STATUS	rval;
	PTR		srv_cb_ptr;
	SIZE_TYPE	srv_size;
	SIZE_TYPE	dbinfo_size;
	PTR		dbinfoptr;
        STATUS          tmtz_status;
        STATUS          date_status;
	char		date_type_alias[100];
        char            col[] = "udefault";
    	STATUS          status = OK;
    	CL_ERR_DESC     sys_err;
	ADUUCETAB	*ucode_ctbl; /* unicode collation information */
        PTR         	ucode_cvtbl;

    	done = TRUE;

	/* first, get the size of the ADF's server control block */
	srv_size = adg_srv_size();

	/* allocate enough memory for it */
	if ((srv_cb_ptr = MEreqmem(0, srv_size, FALSE, (STATUS *)NULL)) == NULL)
    	    EXsignal(EXFEBUG, 1, ERx("FEadfcb(alloc)"));

	**  Fix up code so that "now" works properly for frontends.
	**  Only allocating enough for one (1) dbmsinfo() request.
	dbinfo_size = sizeof(ADF_TAB_DBMSINFO);
	if ((dbinfoptr = MEreqmem(0, dbinfo_size, TRUE, (STATUS*)NULL)) == NULL)

	dbinfo = (ADF_TAB_DBMSINFO *) dbinfoptr;

	dbinfo->tdbi_next = NULL;
	dbinfo->tdbi_prev = NULL;
	dbinfo->tdbi_length = dbinfo_size;
	dbinfo->tdbi_type = ADTDBI_TYPE;
	dbinfo->tdbi_s_reserved = -1;
	dbinfo->tdbi_l_reserved = (PTR)-1;
	dbinfo->tdbi_owner = (PTR)-1;
	dbinfo->tdbi_ascii_id = ADTDBI_ASCII_ID;
	dbinfo->tdbi_numreqs = 1;

	**  Now define request.
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_func = IIUGnfNowFunc;
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_num_inputs = 0;
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_lenspec.adi_lncompute = ADI_FIXED;
	STcopy("_BINTIM", dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_reqname);
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_reqcode = 1;
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_lenspec.adi_fixedsize = 4;
	dbinfo->tdbi_reqs[0].dbi_dtr = DB_INT_TYPE;

	** set timezone in ADF cb  - Any errors must be reported
        ** after adg_init() called.

	if ( (tmtz_status = TMtz_init(&cb.adf_tzcb)) == OK)
	   tmtz_status = TMtz_year_cutoff(&cb.adf_year_cutoff);

	/* Always use INGRESDATE by default, and check 
	** 'ii.<node>.config.date_alias' (kibro01) b118702
	cb.adf_date_type_alias = AD_DATE_TYPE_ALIAS_INGRES;
	date_status = PMget(date_type_alias, &cp);
	if (date_status == OK && cp != NULL && STlength(cp))
	    if (STbcompare(cp, 0, ERx("ansidate"), 0, 1) == 0)
		cb.adf_date_type_alias = AD_DATE_TYPE_ALIAS_ANSI;
	    else if (STbcompare(cp, 0, ERx("ingresdate"), 0, 1) == 0)
		cb.adf_date_type_alias = AD_DATE_TYPE_ALIAS_INGRES;
		cb.adf_date_type_alias = AD_DATE_TYPE_ALIAS_NONE;

	/* set timezone table to NULL in ADF cb, adg_init() will fill it */
	/* cb.adf_tz_table = NULL; - not needed, done in declaration above */

	/* Start up ADF */
    	rval = adg_startup(srv_cb_ptr, srv_size, dbinfo, 0);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(rval))
	    ** Before bailing out, try to be helpful. Since the environment
	    ** is likely not set up correctly, write hard coded messages
	    ** since error message fetch will likely fail in this situation.
	    char	*tempchar;
	    i4		dummy;
	    LOCATION	temploc;
	    NMgtAt("II_SYSTEM", &tempchar);
	    if (tempchar && *tempchar)
		LOfroms(PATH, tempchar, &temploc);
		if (LOexist(&temploc))
		    tempchar = ERx("FEadfcb: II_SYSTEM DOES NOT EXIST\n");
		    SIwrite(STlength(tempchar), tempchar, &dummy, stderr);
		    NMloc(ADMIN, FILENAME, ERx("config.dat"), &temploc);
		    if (LOexist(&temploc))
			tempchar = ERx("FEadfcb: II_SYSTEM IS NOT SET CORRECTLY\n");
			SIwrite(STlength(tempchar), tempchar, &dummy, stderr);
		tempchar = ERx("FEadfcb: II_SYSTEM IS NOT SET\n");
		SIwrite(STlength(tempchar), tempchar, &dummy, stderr);
    	    EXsignal(EXFEBUG, 1, ERx("FEadfcb(start)"));

	/* put the pointer to ADF's server control block in the ADF_CB */
	cb.adf_srv_cb = srv_cb_ptr;

	/* set up the error message buffer */
    	cb.adf_errcb.ad_ebuflen = DB_ERR_SIZE;
    	cb.adf_errcb.ad_errmsgp = ebuffer;

	/* initialize the ADF_CB */
    	rval = adg_init(&cb);
	if (DB_FAILURE_MACRO(rval))
    	    EXsignal(EXFEBUG, 1, ERx("FEadfcb(init)"));

	/* find out which natural language we should speak */
	cb.adf_slang = iiuglcd_langcode();

	/* Always QUEL; for SQL explictly change this with 'IIAFdsDmlSet()'. */
	cb.adf_qlang = DB_QUEL;

	/* lets get the multinational info */

	** Defaults for all of these are initially set statically, above.
	NMgtAt(ERx("II_DATE_FORMAT"), &cp);
    	if ( cp != NULL && *cp != EOS )

	NMgtAt(ERx("II_MONEY_FORMAT"), &cp);
    	if ( cp != NULL && *cp != EOS )

	NMgtAt(ERx("II_MONEY_PREC"), &cp);
    	if ( cp != NULL && *cp != EOS )

	NMgtAt(ERx("II_DECIMAL"), &cp);
    	if ( cp != NULL && *cp != EOS )

	NMgtAt(ERx("II_UNICODE_SUBS"), &cp);
	if ( !cp )
	    cb.adf_unisub_status = AD_UNISUB_OFF;
	    /* As with SET unicode_substitution take the first char */
	    cb.adf_unisub_status = AD_UNISUB_ON;
	    *cb.adf_unisub_char = cp[0];

	NMgtAt(ERx("II_NULL_STRING"), &cp);
	if ( cp != NULL && *cp != EOS )

	/* If there was a Timezone error other than the expected ingbuild
	** error TM_PMFILE_OPNERR, then lets report it now. */

        if (tmtz_status && (tmtz_status != TM_PMFILE_OPNERR))
	    LOCATION    loc_root;
	    STATUS status = OK;
	    status = NMloc(FILES, PATH, ERx("zoneinfo"), &loc_root);
#if defined(conf_BUILD_ARCH_32_64) && defined(BUILD_ARCH64)
            status = LOfaddpath(&loc_root, ERx("lp64"), &loc_root);
#if defined(conf_BUILD_ARCH_64_32) && defined(BUILD_ARCH32)
        ** Reverse hybrid support must be available in ALL
        ** 32bit binaries
        char    *rhbsup;
        NMgtAt("II_LP32_ENABLED", &rhbsup);
        if ( (rhbsup && *rhbsup) &&
       ( !(STbcompare(rhbsup, 0, "ON", 0, TRUE)) ||
         !(STbcompare(rhbsup, 0, "TRUE", 0, TRUE))))
            status = LOfaddpath(&loc_root, "lp32", &loc_root);
#endif /* ! LP64 */

            if ( status == OK )
		status = LOexist(&loc_root);
            if ( status == OK )
                   IIUGerr(tmtz_status, 0, 0);

                   /* As this may disappear from the screen quickly,
                   ** let's pause to allow the users to reflect on the
                   ** fact that the timezone info is (probably) wrong.
                   if (!IIugefa_err_function) PCsleep(5000);

	/* Initialize unicode collation for UTF8 installations */
	if (CMischarset_utf8())
          if (status = aduucolinit(col, MEreqmem, 
			&ucode_ctbl, &ucode_cvtbl, &sys_err))
    	    EXsignal(EXFEBUG, 1, ERx("FEadfcb(alloc)"));

          cb.adf_ucollation = (PTR) ucode_ctbl;

	  /* Set unicode normalization to NFC just in case 
	  ** Front end will need it.
          if ((status = adg_setnfc(&cb)) != E_DB_OK)
    	    EXsignal(EXFEBUG, 1, ERx("FEadfcb(alloc)"));
	/* lets not do this again! */

    return &cb;