void* _idle_thread( void *arg )
    while( 1 )
        // Print out a trace message about the idle thread

        // Invoke the scheduler

    // This statement should never be reached
    return NULL;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	Huint		i;
	Huint		j;
    Huint       t;
    //clock_t     s;
    //clock_t     e;
    Huint       sta;
    Huint       prodcs;
    Huint       consms;
    void        *retval;
    hthread_t   *consm;
    hthread_t   *prodc;
    buffer_t    buffers[ STREAMS ];

    // Capture the start time
    //s = clock();

    // Initialize the children information
    children_init( &consm, &prodc, &consms, &prodcs );

    // Create the bounded buffers
    TRACE2_PRINTF( "Initializing Streams...\n" );
    for( i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++ )
        // Attempt the initialize the buffer
        sta = buffer_init( &buffers[i], STREAM_SIZES[i], STREAM_ENDS[i] );

        // Check if there was an error during initialization
        if( sta < 0 )   DEBUG_PRINTF( "ERROR: (OP=BUFFER INIT) (STA=0x%8.8x)\n", sta );

    // Initialize the tid counter
    t = 0;

    // Create the consumers for each buffer
    TRACE2_PRINTF( "Initializing Consumers...\n" );

    for( i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < STREAM_CONSM[i]; j++ )
            // Attempt to create the consumer
            sta = create_consumer( &buffers[i], &consm[t++] );
            TRACE5_PRINTF( "CONSUMER ID: %d\n", (int)consm[t-1] );

           // Check if there was an error during initialization
            if( sta < 0 )   DEBUG_PRINTF( "ERROR: (OP=CONSUMER) (STA=0x%8.8x)\n", sta );

    // Initialize the tid counter
    t = 0;

    // Create the producers for each buffer
    TRACE2_PRINTF( "Initializing Producers...\n" );
    for( i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < STREAM_PRODC[i]; j++ )
            // Attempt to create the consumer
            sta = create_producer( &buffers[i], &prodc[t++] );
            TRACE5_PRINTF( "PRODUCER ID: %d\n", (int)prodc[t-1] );

            // Check if there was an error during initialization
            if( sta < 0 )   DEBUG_PRINTF( "ERROR: (OP=PRODUCER) (STA=0x%8.8x)\n", sta );

    // Join all of the producers
    TRACE2_PRINTF( "Waiting for Producers...\n" );
    for( i = 0; i < prodcs; i++ )
        // Join the producer
        sta = hthread_join( prodc[i], &retval );

        // Check if there was an error during initialization
        if( sta != 0 )   DEBUG_PRINTF( "ERROR: (OP=JOIN) (STA=0x%8.8x)\n", sta );

        // Print out its return value
        printf( "PRODUCER %d: %d values produced\n", i, (Huint)retval );
    // Join all of the consumers
    TRACE2_PRINTF( "Waiting for Consumers...\n" );
    for( i = 0; i < consms; i++ )
        // Join the producer
        sta = hthread_join( consm[i], &retval );

        // Check if there was an error during initialization
        if( sta != 0 )   DEBUG_PRINTF( "ERROR: (OP=JOIN) (STA=0x%8.8x)\n", sta );

        // Print out its return value
        printf( "CONSUMER %d: %d values consumed\n", i, (Huint)retval );

    // Capture the end time
    //e = clock();

    //printf( "Start Time: %ld\n", (long)s );
    //printf( "End Time: %ld\n", (long)e );

    // Print out a message that we are done
	printf( "-- QED --\n" );

    // Exit the program
	return 0;