int run_main(int argc, char *argv[], int numprocs0, int myid0) { int MD_iter,i,j,po,ip; char fileE[YOUSO10] = ".ene"; char fileDRC[YOUSO10] = ".md"; char fileMemory[YOUSO10]; char fileRestart[YOUSO10]; char operate[200]; double TStime,TEtime; /* for idle CPUs */ int tag; int complete; MPI_Request request; MPI_Status status; /* for measuring elapsed time */ dtime(&TStime); /* allocation of CompTime */ CompTime = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*numprocs0); for (i=0; i<numprocs0; i++){ CompTime[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*30); for (j=0; j<30; j++) CompTime[i][j] = 0.0; } if (myid0==Host_ID){ printf("\n*******************************************************\n"); printf("*******************************************************\n"); printf(" Welcome to OpenMX Ver. %s \n",Version_OpenMX); printf(" Copyright (C), 2002-2009, T.Ozaki \n"); printf(" OpenMX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. \n"); printf(" This is free software, and you are welcome to \n"); printf(" redistribute it under the constitution of the GNU-GPL.\n"); printf("*******************************************************\n"); printf("*******************************************************\n\n"); } Init_List_YOUSO(); remake_headfile = 0; ScaleSize = 1.2; /**************************************************** Read the input file ****************************************************/ init_alloc_first(); CompTime[myid0][1] = readfile(argv); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD1); /* initialize PrintMemory routine */ sprintf(fileMemory,"%s%s.memory%i",filepath,filename,myid0); PrintMemory(fileMemory,0,"init"); PrintMemory_Fix(); /* initialize */ init(); fnjoint(filepath,filename,fileE); fnjoint(filepath,filename,fileDRC); /**************************************************** SCF-DFT calculations and MD and geometrical optimization. ****************************************************/ MD_iter = 1; do { CompTime[myid0][2] += truncation(MD_iter,1); if (ML_flag==1 && myid0==Host_ID) Get_VSZ(MD_iter); if (Solver==4) { TRAN_Calc_GridBound( mpi_comm_level1, atomnum, WhatSpecies, Spe_Atom_Cut1, Ngrid1, Grid_Origin, Gxyz, tv, gtv, rgtv, Left_tv, Right_tv ); /* output: TRAN_region[], TRAN_grid_bound */ } CompTime[myid0][3] += DFT(MD_iter,(MD_iter-1)%orbitalOpt_per_MDIter+1); if (myid0==Host_ID) iterout(MD_iter,MD_TimeStep*MD_iter,fileE,fileDRC); if (ML_flag==0) CompTime[myid0][4] += MD_pac(MD_iter,argv[1]); MD_iter++; } while(MD_Opt_OK==0 && MD_iter<=MD_IterNumber); if ( TRAN_output_hks ) { /* left is dummy */ TRAN_RestartFile(mpi_comm_level1, "write","left",filepath,TRAN_hksoutfilename); } /**************************************************** calculate Voronoi charge ****************************************************/ if (Voronoi_Charge_flag==1) Voronoi_Charge(); /**************************************************** making of a file *.frac for the fractional coordinates ****************************************************/ Make_FracCoord(argv[1]); /**************************************************** generate Wannier functions added by Hongming Weng ****************************************************/ /* hmweng */ if(Wannier_Func_Calc){ if (myid0==Host_ID) printf("Calling Generate_Wannier...\n");fflush(0); Generate_Wannier(argv[1]); } /**************************************************** Making of output files ****************************************************/ CompTime[myid0][20] = OutData(argv[1]); /**************************************************** write connectivity, Hamiltonian, overlap, density matrices, and etc. to a file, filename.scfout ****************************************************/ if (HS_fileout==1) SCF2File("write",argv[1]); /* elapsed time */ dtime(&TEtime); CompTime[myid0][0] = TEtime - TStime; Output_CompTime(); for (i=0; i<numprocs0; i++){ free(CompTime[i]); } free(CompTime); /* merge log files */ Merge_LogFile(argv[1]); /* free arrays */ Free_Arrays(0); /* print memory */ PrintMemory("total",0,"sum"); /**************************************************** reconstruct the original MPI group ****************************************************/ { int *new_ranks; MPI_Group new_group,old_group; new_ranks = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*numprocs0); for (i=0; i<numprocs0; i++) { new_ranks[i]=i; /* a new group is made of original rank=0:Pnum[k]-1 */ } MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD1, &old_group); /* define a new group */ MPI_Group_incl(old_group,numprocs0,new_ranks,&new_group); MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD1,new_group,&mpi_comm_level1); MPI_Group_free(&new_group); free(new_ranks); /* never forget cleaning! */ } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD1); if (myid0==Host_ID){ printf("\nThe calculation was normally finished.\n"); } return 0; }
void TRAN_Input_std( MPI_Comm comm1, int Solver, /* input */ int SpinP_switch, char *filepath, double kBvalue, double TRAN_eV2Hartree, double Electronic_Temperature, /* output */ int *output_hks ) { FILE *fp; int i,po; int i_vec[20],i_vec2[20]; double r_vec[20]; char *s_vec[20]; char buf[MAXBUF]; int myid; /* S MitsuakiKAWAMURA*/ int TRAN_Analysis_Dummy; /* E MitsuakiKAWAMURA*/ MPI_Comm_rank(comm1,&myid); /**************************************************** parameters for TRANSPORT ****************************************************/ input_logical("NEGF.Output_HKS",&TRAN_output_hks,0); *output_hks = TRAN_output_hks; /* printf("NEGF.OutputHKS=%d\n",TRAN_output_hks); */ input_string("NEGF.filename.HKS",TRAN_hksoutfilename,"NEGF.hks"); /* printf("TRAN_hksoutfilename=%s\n",TRAN_hksoutfilename); */ input_logical("NEGF.Output.for.TranMain",&TRAN_output_TranMain,0); if ( Solver!=4 ) { return; } /**** show transport credit ****/ TRAN_Credit(comm1); input_string("NEGF.filename.hks.l",TRAN_hksfilename[0],"NEGF.hks.l"); input_string("NEGF.filename.hks.r",TRAN_hksfilename[1],"NEGF.hks.r"); /* read data of leads */ TRAN_RestartFile(comm1, "read","left", filepath,TRAN_hksfilename[0]); TRAN_RestartFile(comm1, "read","right",filepath,TRAN_hksfilename[1]); /* check b-, and c-axes of the unit cell of leads. */ po = 0; for (i=2; i<=3; i++){ if (1.0e-10<fabs(tv_e[0][i][1]-tv_e[1][i][1])) po = 1; if (1.0e-10<fabs(tv_e[0][i][2]-tv_e[1][i][2])) po = 1; if (1.0e-10<fabs(tv_e[0][i][3]-tv_e[1][i][3])) po = 1; } if (po==1){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("Warning: The b- or c-axis of the unit cell for the left lead is not same as that for the right lead.\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } /* show chemical potentials */ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("\n"); printf("Intrinsic chemical potential (eV) of the leads\n"); printf(" Left lead: %15.12f\n",ChemP_e[0]*TRAN_eV2Hartree); printf(" Right lead: %15.12f\n",ChemP_e[1]*TRAN_eV2Hartree); } /* check the conflict of SpinP_switch */ if ( (SpinP_switch!=SpinP_switch_e[0]) || (SpinP_switch!=SpinP_switch_e[1]) ){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf ("scf.SpinPolarization conflicts between leads or lead and center.\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); } input_int( "NEGF.Surfgreen.iterationmax", &tran_surfgreen_iteration_max, 600); input_double("NEGF.Surfgreen.convergeeps", &tran_surfgreen_eps, 1.0e-12); /**** k-points parallel to the layer, which are used for the SCF calc. ****/ i_vec2[0]=1; i_vec2[1]=1; input_intv("NEGF.scf.Kgrid",2,i_vec,i_vec2); TRAN_Kspace_grid2 = i_vec[0]; TRAN_Kspace_grid3 = i_vec[1]; if (TRAN_Kspace_grid2<=0){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("NEGF.scf.Kgrid should be over 1\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } if (TRAN_Kspace_grid3<=0){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("NEGF.scf.Kgrid should be over 1\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } /* Poisson solver */ TRAN_Poisson_flag = 1; /* beginning added by mari 07.23.2014 */ s_vec[0]="FD"; s_vec[1]="FFT"; s_vec[2]="FDG"; i_vec[0]=1 ; i_vec[1]=2 ; i_vec[2]=3 ; input_string2int("NEGF.Poisson.Solver", &TRAN_Poisson_flag, 3, s_vec,i_vec); /* end added by mari 07.23.2014 */ /* parameter to scale terms with Gpara=0 */ input_double("NEGF.Poisson_Gparazero.scaling", &TRAN_Poisson_Gpara_Scaling, 1.0); /* the number of buffer cells in FFTE */ input_int("NEGF.FFTE.Num.Buffer.Cells", &TRAN_FFTE_CpyNum, 1); /* the number of iterations by the Band calculation in the initial SCF iterations */ input_int("NEGF.SCF.Iter.Band", &TRAN_SCF_Iter_Band, 3); /* integration method */ TRAN_integration = 0; s_vec[0]="CF"; s_vec[1]="OLD"; i_vec[0]=0 ; i_vec[1]=1 ; input_string2int("NEGF.Integration", &TRAN_integration, 2, s_vec,i_vec); /* check whether analysis is made or not */ input_logical("NEGF.tran.analysis",&TRAN_analysis,1); /* S MitsuakiKAWAMURA*/ input_logical("", &TRAN_Analysis_Dummy, 1); if (TRAN_Analysis_Dummy == 1 && TRAN_analysis != 1){ TRAN_analysis = 1; if (myid == Host_ID) printf("Since is on, NEGF.tran.analysis is automatically set to on.\n"); } input_logical("NEGF.tran.CurrentDensity", &TRAN_Analysis_Dummy, 1); if (TRAN_Analysis_Dummy == 1 && TRAN_analysis != 1){ TRAN_analysis = 1; if (myid == Host_ID) printf("Since NEGF.tran.CurrentDensity is on, NEGF.tran.analysis is automatically set to on.\n"); } input_logical("NEGF.OffDiagonalCurrent", &TRAN_Analysis_Dummy, 0); if (TRAN_Analysis_Dummy == 1 && TRAN_analysis != 1) { TRAN_analysis = 1; if (myid == Host_ID) printf("Since NEGF.OffDiagonalCurrent is on, NEGF.tran.analysis is automatically set to on.\n"); } /* E MitsuakiKAWAMURA*/ /* check whether the SCF calcultion is skipped or not */ i = 0; s_vec[i] = "OFF"; i_vec[i] = 0; i++; s_vec[i] = "ON"; i_vec[i] = 1; i++; s_vec[i] = "Periodic"; i_vec[i] = 2; i++; input_string2int("NEGF.tran.SCF.skip", &TRAN_SCF_skip, i, s_vec, i_vec); /**** k-points parallel to the layer, which are used for the transmission calc. ****/ i_vec2[0]=TRAN_Kspace_grid2; i_vec2[1]=TRAN_Kspace_grid3; input_intv("NEGF.tran.Kgrid",2,i_vec,i_vec2); TRAN_TKspace_grid2 = i_vec[0]; TRAN_TKspace_grid3 = i_vec[1]; if (TRAN_TKspace_grid2<=0){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("NEGF.tran.Kgrid should be over 1\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } if (TRAN_TKspace_grid3<=0){ if (myid==Host_ID){ printf("NEGF.tran.Kgrid should be over 1\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } /**** source and drain bias voltage ****/ input_logical("NEGF.bias.apply",&tran_bias_apply,1); /* default=on */ if ( tran_bias_apply ) { double tmp; tran_biasvoltage_e[0] = 0.0; input_double("NEGF.bias.voltage", &tmp, 0.0); /* in eV */ tran_biasvoltage_e[1] = tmp/TRAN_eV2Hartree; } else { tran_biasvoltage_e[0]=0.0; tran_biasvoltage_e[1]=0.0; } if (tran_bias_apply) { int side; side=0; TRAN_Apply_Bias2e(comm1, side, tran_biasvoltage_e[side], TRAN_eV2Hartree, SpinP_switch_e[side], atomnum_e[side], WhatSpecies_e[side], Spe_Total_CNO_e[side], FNAN_e[side], natn_e[side], Ngrid1_e[side], Ngrid2_e[side], Ngrid3_e[side], OLP_e[side][0], &ChemP_e[side],H_e[side], dVHart_Grid_e[side] ); /* output */ side=1; TRAN_Apply_Bias2e(comm1, side, tran_biasvoltage_e[side], TRAN_eV2Hartree, SpinP_switch_e[side], atomnum_e[side], WhatSpecies_e[side], Spe_Total_CNO_e[side], FNAN_e[side], natn_e[side], Ngrid1_e[side], Ngrid2_e[side], Ngrid3_e[side], OLP_e[side][0], &ChemP_e[side], H_e[side], dVHart_Grid_e[side] ); /* output */ } /**** gate voltage ****/ /* beginning added by mari 07.30.2014 */ if(TRAN_Poisson_flag == 3) { r_vec[0] = 0.0; r_vec[1] = 0.0; input_doublev("NEGF.gate.voltage", 2, tran_gate_voltage, r_vec); tran_gate_voltage[0] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; tran_gate_voltage[1] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; } else { r_vec[0] = 0.0; input_doublev("NEGF.gate.voltage", 1, tran_gate_voltage, r_vec); tran_gate_voltage[0] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; } /* end added by mari 07.30.2014 */ /****************************************************** parameters for the DOS calculation ******************************************************/ i=0; r_vec[i++] = -10.0; r_vec[i++] = 10.0; r_vec[i++] = 5.0e-3; input_doublev("NEGF.Dos.energyrange",i, tran_dos_energyrange, r_vec); /* in eV */ /* change the unit from eV to Hartree */ tran_dos_energyrange[0] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; tran_dos_energyrange[1] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; tran_dos_energyrange[2] /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; input_int("",&tran_dos_energydiv,200); i_vec2[0]=1; i_vec2[1]=1; input_intv("NEGF.Dos.Kgrid",2,i_vec,i_vec2); TRAN_dos_Kspace_grid2 = i_vec[0]; TRAN_dos_Kspace_grid3 = i_vec[1]; /******************************************************** integration on real axis with a small imaginary part for the "non-equilibrium" region ********************************************************/ input_double("", &Tran_bias_neq_im_energy, 1.0e-2); /* in eV */ if (Tran_bias_neq_im_energy<0.0) { if (myid==Host_ID) printf(" should be positive.\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } /* change the unit from eV to Hartree */ Tran_bias_neq_im_energy /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; input_double("", &Tran_bias_neq_energy_step, 0.02); /* in eV */ if (Tran_bias_neq_energy_step<0.0) { if (myid==Host_ID) printf(" should be positive.\n"); MPI_Finalize(); exit(1); } /* change the unit from eV to Hartree */ Tran_bias_neq_energy_step /= TRAN_eV2Hartree; input_double("NEGF.bias.neq.cutoff", &Tran_bias_neq_cutoff, 1.0e-8); /* dimensionless */ /******************************************************** contour integration based on a continued fraction representation of the Fermi function ********************************************************/ input_int("NEGF.Num.Poles", &tran_num_poles,150); TRAN_Set_IntegPath( comm1, TRAN_eV2Hartree, kBvalue, Electronic_Temperature ); }