static char* GetIndexIdString (TRI_aql_collection_hint_t* const hint) {
  TRI_string_buffer_t buffer;
  char* result;

  TRI_InitStringBuffer(&buffer, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(&buffer, hint->_collection->_collection->_cid);
  TRI_AppendCharStringBuffer(&buffer, '/');
  TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(&buffer, hint->_index->_idx->_iid);

  result = TRI_DuplicateStringZ(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, buffer._buffer);

  return result;
int TRI_AppendSizeStringBuffer (TRI_string_buffer_t * self, size_t attr) {
  return TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, (uint64_t) attr);
  return TRI_AppendUInt32StringBuffer(self, (uint32_t) attr);
int TRI_AppendCsvUInt64StringBuffer (TRI_string_buffer_t * self, uint64_t i) {
  int res;

  res = TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, i);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    return res;

  res = Reserve(self, 1);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    return res;

  AppendChar(self, ';');
int TRI_AppendDoubleStringBuffer (TRI_string_buffer_t * self, double attr) {
  int res;

  // IEEE754 NaN values have an interesting property that we can exploit...
  // if the architecture does not use IEEE754 values then this shouldn't do
  // any harm either
  if (attr != attr) {
    return TRI_AppendStringStringBuffer(self, "NaN");

  if (attr == HUGE_VAL) {
    return TRI_AppendStringStringBuffer(self, "inf");
  if (attr == -HUGE_VAL) {
    return TRI_AppendStringStringBuffer(self, "-inf");

  res = Reserve(self, 1);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    return res;

  if (attr < 0.0) {
    AppendChar(self, '-');
    attr = -attr;
  else if (attr == 0.0) {
    AppendChar(self, '0');
    return TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;

  if (((double)((uint32_t) attr)) == attr) {
    return TRI_AppendUInt32StringBuffer(self, (uint32_t) attr);
  else if (attr < (double) 429496U) {
    uint32_t smll;

    smll = (uint32_t)(attr * 10000.0);

    if (((double) smll) == attr * 10000.0) {
      uint32_t ep;

      TRI_AppendUInt32StringBuffer(self, smll / 10000);

      ep = smll % 10000;

      if (ep != 0) {
        size_t pos;
        char a1;
        char a2;
        char a3;
        char a4;

        pos = 0;

        res = Reserve(self, 6);

        if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
          return res;

        AppendChar(self, '.');

        if ((ep / 1000L) % 10 != 0)  pos = 1;
        a1 = (char) ((ep / 1000L) % 10 + '0');

        if ((ep / 100L) % 10 != 0)  pos = 2;
        a2 = (char) ((ep / 100L) % 10 + '0');

        if ((ep / 10L) % 10 != 0)  pos = 3;
        a3 = (char) ((ep / 10L) % 10 + '0');

        if (ep % 10 != 0)  pos = 4;
        a4 = (char) (ep % 10 + '0');

        AppendChar(self, a1);
        if (pos > 1) { AppendChar(self, a2); }
        if (pos > 2) { AppendChar(self, a3); }
        if (pos > 3) { AppendChar(self, a4); }


      return TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;

  // we do not habe a small integral number nor small decimal number with only a few decimal digits

  // there at most 16 significant digits, first find out if we have an integer value
  if (10000000000000000.0 < attr) {
    size_t n;

    n = 0;

    while (10000000000000000.0 < attr) {
      attr /= 10.0;

    res = TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, (uint64_t) attr);

    if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
      return res;

    res = Reserve(self, n);

    if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
      return res;

    for (;  0 < n;  --n) {
      AppendChar(self, '0');

    return TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;

  // very small, i. e. less than 1
  else if (attr < 1.0) {
    size_t n;

    n = 0;

    while (attr < 1.0) {
      attr *= 10.0;

      // should not happen, so it must be almost 0
      if (n > 400) {
        return TRI_AppendUInt32StringBuffer(self, 0);

    res = Reserve(self, n + 2);

    if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
      return res;

    AppendChar(self, '0');
    AppendChar(self, '.');

    for (--n;  0 < n;  --n) {
      AppendChar(self, '0');

    attr = 10000000000000000.0 * attr;

    return TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, (uint64_t) attr);

  // somewhere in between
  else {
    uint64_t m;
    double d;
    size_t n;

    m = (uint64_t) attr;
    d = attr - m;
    n = 0;

    TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, m);

    while (d < 1.0) {
      d *= 10.0;

      // should not happen, so it must be almost 0
      if (n > 400) {
        return TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;

    res = Reserve(self, n + 1);

    if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
      return res;

    AppendChar(self, '.');

    for (--n;  0 < n;  --n) {
      AppendChar(self, '0');

    d = 10000000000000000.0 * d;

    return TRI_AppendUInt64StringBuffer(self, (uint64_t) d);