static void RemoveDatafileCallback (TRI_datafile_t* datafile, void* data) {
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  char* old;
  char* filename;
  char* name;
  char* number;
  bool ok;
  int res;

  collection = data;

  number = TRI_StringUInt32(datafile->_fid);
  name = TRI_Concatenate3String("deleted-", number, ".db");
  filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, name);

  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, name);

  old = datafile->_filename;
  ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(datafile, filename);

  if (! ok) {
    LOG_ERROR("cannot rename obsolete datafile '%s' to '%s': %s",

  LOG_DEBUG("finished compactifing datafile '%s'", datafile->_filename);

  ok = TRI_CloseDatafile(datafile);

  if (! ok) {
    LOG_ERROR("cannot close obsolete datafile '%s': %s",
  else {
    if (collection->_vocbase->_removeOnCompacted) {
      LOG_DEBUG("wiping compacted datafile from disk");

      res = TRI_UnlinkFile(filename);

      if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
        LOG_ERROR("cannot wipe obsolete datafile '%s': %s",

  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
static void RenameDatafileCallback (TRI_datafile_t* datafile,  
                                    void* data) {
  compaction_context_t* context;
  TRI_datafile_t* compactor;
  TRI_primary_collection_t* primary;
  bool ok;
  context = data;
  compactor = context->_compactor;
  primary = &context->_document->base;

  ok = false;
  assert(datafile->_fid == compactor->_fid);

  if (datafile->isPhysical(datafile)) {
    char* number;
    char* jname;
    char* tempFilename;
    char* realName;

    realName     = TRI_DuplicateString(datafile->_filename);
    // construct a suitable tempname
    number       = TRI_StringUInt64(datafile->_fid);
    jname        = TRI_Concatenate3String("temp-", number, ".db");
    tempFilename = TRI_Concatenate2File(primary->base._directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    if (! TRI_RenameDatafile(datafile, tempFilename)) {
      LOG_ERROR("unable to rename datafile '%s' to '%s'", datafile->getName(datafile), tempFilename);
    else {
      if (! TRI_RenameDatafile(compactor, realName)) {
        LOG_ERROR("unable to rename compaction file '%s' to '%s'", compactor->getName(compactor), realName);
      else {
        ok = true;

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, tempFilename);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, realName);
  else {
    ok = true;

  if (ok) {
    TRI_doc_datafile_info_t* dfi;
    size_t i;
    // must acquire a write-lock as we're about to change the datafiles vector 

    if (! LocateDatafile(&primary->base._datafiles, datafile->_fid, &i)) {

      LOG_ERROR("logic error: could not locate datafile");


    // put the compactor in place of the datafile
    primary->base._datafiles._buffer[i] = compactor;

    // update dfi
    dfi = TRI_FindDatafileInfoPrimaryCollection(primary, compactor->_fid, false);

    if (dfi != NULL) {
      memcpy(dfi, &context->_dfi, sizeof(TRI_doc_datafile_info_t));
    else {
      LOG_ERROR("logic error: could not find compactor file information");

    if (! LocateDatafile(&primary->base._compactors, compactor->_fid, &i)) {
      LOG_ERROR("logic error: could not locate compactor");


    // remove the compactor from the list of compactors
    TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(&primary->base._compactors, i);

    DropDatafileCallback(datafile, primary);

  TRI_Free(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, context);
static void DropDatafileCallback (TRI_datafile_t* datafile, void* data) {
  TRI_primary_collection_t* primary;
  TRI_voc_fid_t fid;
  char* filename;
  char* name;
  char* number;
  char* copy;
  bool ok;

  primary = data;
  fid = datafile->_fid;
  copy = NULL;

  number   = TRI_StringUInt64(fid);
  name     = TRI_Concatenate3String("deleted-", number, ".db");
  filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(primary->base._directory, name);

  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, name);

  if (datafile->isPhysical(datafile)) {
    copy = TRI_DuplicateStringZ(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, datafile->_filename);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(datafile, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_ERROR("cannot rename obsolete datafile '%s' to '%s': %s",

  LOG_DEBUG("finished compacting datafile '%s'", datafile->getName(datafile));

  ok = TRI_CloseDatafile(datafile);

  if (! ok) {
    LOG_ERROR("cannot close obsolete datafile '%s': %s",
  else if (datafile->isPhysical(datafile)) {
    if (primary->base._vocbase->_settings.removeOnCompacted) {
      int res;

      LOG_DEBUG("wiping compacted datafile from disk");

      res = TRI_UnlinkFile(filename);

      if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
        LOG_ERROR("cannot wipe obsolete datafile '%s': %s",

      // check for .dead files
      if (copy != NULL) {
        // remove .dead file for datafile
        char* deadfile = TRI_Concatenate2String(copy, ".dead");

        if (deadfile != NULL) {
          // check if .dead file exists, then remove it
          if (TRI_ExistsFile(deadfile)) {

          TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, deadfile);

  TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  if (copy != NULL) {
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, copy);
static bool CheckCollection (TRI_collection_t* collection) {
  TRI_datafile_t* datafile;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t all;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t compactors;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t datafiles;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t journals;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t sealed;
  TRI_vector_string_t files;
  bool stop;
  regex_t re;
  size_t i;
  size_t n;

  stop = false;

  // check files within the directory
  files = TRI_FilesDirectory(collection->_directory);
  n = files._length;

  regcomp(&re, "^(journal|datafile|index|compactor)-([0-9][0-9]*)\\.(db|json)$", REG_EXTENDED);

  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&journals, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&compactors, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&datafiles, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&sealed, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&all, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);

  for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
    char const* file = files._buffer[i];
    regmatch_t matches[4];

    if (regexec(&re, file, sizeof(matches) / sizeof(matches[0]), matches, 0) == 0) {
      char const* first = file + matches[1].rm_so;
      size_t firstLen = matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so;

      char const* third = file + matches[3].rm_so;
      size_t thirdLen = matches[3].rm_eo - matches[3].rm_so;

      // .............................................................................
      // file is an index, just store the filename
      // .............................................................................

      if (TRI_EqualString2("index", first, firstLen) && TRI_EqualString2("json", third, thirdLen)) {
        char* filename;

        filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, file);
        TRI_PushBackVectorString(&collection->_indexFiles, filename);

      // .............................................................................
      // file is a journal or datafile, open the datafile
      // .............................................................................

      else if (TRI_EqualString2("db", third, thirdLen)) {
        char* filename;
        char* ptr;
        TRI_col_header_marker_t* cm;

        filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, file);
        datafile = TRI_OpenDatafile(filename);

        if (datafile == NULL) {
          collection->_lastError = TRI_errno();
          stop = true;

          LOG_ERROR("cannot open datafile '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());


        TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&all, datafile);

        // check the document header
        ptr  = datafile->_data;
        ptr += TRI_DF_ALIGN_BLOCK(sizeof(TRI_df_header_marker_t));
        cm   = (TRI_col_header_marker_t*) ptr;

        if (cm->base._type != TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER) {
          LOG_ERROR("collection header mismatch in file '%s', expected TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER, found %lu",
                    (unsigned long) cm->base._type);

          TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
          stop = true;

        if (cm->_cid != collection->_info._cid) {
          LOG_ERROR("collection identifier mismatch, expected %llu, found %llu",
                    (unsigned long long) collection->_info._cid,
                    (unsigned long long) cm->_cid);

          TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
          stop = true;

        // file is a journal
        if (TRI_EqualString2("journal", first, firstLen)) {
          if (datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_WARNING("strange, journal '%s' is already sealed; must be a left over; will use it as datafile", filename);

            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&sealed, datafile);
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&journals, datafile);

        // file is a compactor file
        else if (TRI_EqualString2("compactor", first, firstLen)) {
          if (datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_WARNING("strange, compactor journal '%s' is already sealed; must be a left over; will use it as datafile", filename);

            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&sealed, datafile);
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&compactors, datafile);

        // file is a datafile
        else if (TRI_EqualString2("datafile", first, firstLen)) {
          if (! datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_ERROR("datafile '%s' is not sealed, this should never happen", filename);
            collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_CORRUPTED_DATAFILE);
            stop = true;
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&datafiles, datafile);
        else {
          LOG_ERROR("unknown datafile '%s'", file);

        TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
      else {
        LOG_ERROR("unknown datafile '%s'", file);



  // convert the sealed journals into datafiles
  if (! stop) {
    n = sealed._length;

    for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
      char* number;
      char* dname;
      char* filename;
      bool ok;

      datafile = sealed._buffer[i];

      number = TRI_StringUInt64(datafile->_fid);
      dname = TRI_Concatenate3String("datafile-", number, ".db");
      filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, dname);

      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, dname);
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

      ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(datafile, filename);

      if (ok) {
        TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&datafiles, datafile);
        LOG_DEBUG("renamed sealed journal to '%s'", filename);
      else {
        collection->_lastError = datafile->_lastError;
        stop = true;
        LOG_ERROR("cannot rename sealed log-file to %s, this should not happen: %s", filename, TRI_last_error());

      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);


  // stop if necessary
  if (stop) {
    n = all._length;

    for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
      datafile = all._buffer[i];

      LOG_TRACE("closing datafile '%s'", datafile->_filename);



    return false;


  // add the datafiles and journals
  collection->_datafiles = datafiles;
  collection->_journals = journals;
  collection->_compactors = compactors;

  return true;
static bool CloseJournalPrimaryCollection (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary,
                                           size_t position,
                                           bool compactor) {
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t* vector;
  int res;

  collection = &primary->base;

  // either use a journal or a compactor
  if (compactor) {
    vector = &collection->_compactors;
  else {
    vector = &collection->_journals;

  // no journal at this position
  if (vector->_length <= position) {
    return false;

  // seal and rename datafile
  journal = vector->_buffer[position];
  res = TRI_SealDatafile(journal);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    LOG_ERROR("failed to seal datafile '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());

    TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);

    return false;

  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    // rename the file
    char* dname;
    char* filename;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);
    dname = TRI_Concatenate3String("datafile-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, dname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, dname);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_ERROR("failed to rename datafile '%s' to '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), filename, TRI_last_error());

      TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

      return false;

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

    LOG_TRACE("closed journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);

  return true;
static TRI_datafile_t* CreateJournal (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary, bool compactor) {
  TRI_col_header_marker_t cm;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_df_marker_t* position;
  int res;
  char* filename;

  collection = &primary->base;

  if (collection->_info._isVolatile) {
    // in-memory collection
    filename = NULL;
  else {
    char* jname;
    char* number;

    // construct a suitable filename
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(TRI_NewTickVocBase());

    if (compactor) {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");
    else {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("compactor-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

  // create journal file
  journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(filename, collection->_info._maximalSize);

  if (filename != NULL) {
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  if (journal == NULL) {
    if (TRI_errno() == TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP) {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_READ;
    else {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_NO_JOURNAL);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;

    return NULL;

  LOG_TRACE("created a new primary journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    // and use the correct name
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);

    if (compactor) {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("compactor-", number, ".db");
    else {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_WARNING("failed to rename the journal to '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("renamed journal to '%s'", filename);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  // create a collection header
  res = TRI_ReserveElementDatafile(journal, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t), &position);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm));

  cm.base._size = sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t);
  cm.base._type = TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER;
  cm.base._tick = TRI_NewTickVocBase();

  cm._cid = collection->_info._cid;

  TRI_FillCrcMarkerDatafile(journal, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0);

  res = TRI_WriteElementDatafile(journal, position, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0, true);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  // that's it
  if (compactor) {
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_compactors, journal);
  else {
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_journals, journal);

  return journal;
static TRI_datafile_t* CreateJournal (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary, 
                                      TRI_voc_size_t maximalSize) {
  TRI_col_header_marker_t cm;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_df_marker_t* position;
  TRI_voc_fid_t fid;
  int res;

  collection = &primary->base;

  fid = (TRI_voc_fid_t) TRI_NewTickServer();

  if (collection->_info._isVolatile) {
    // in-memory collection
    journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(NULL, fid, maximalSize);
  else {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    char* filename;

    // construct a suitable filename (which is temporary at the beginning)
    number   = TRI_StringUInt64(fid);
    jname    = TRI_Concatenate3String("temp-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(filename, fid, maximalSize);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  if (journal == NULL) {
    if (TRI_errno() == TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP) {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_READ;
    else {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_NO_JOURNAL);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;

    return NULL;

  LOG_TRACE("created new journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  // create a collection header, still in the temporary file
  res = TRI_ReserveElementDatafile(journal, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t), &position, maximalSize);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  TRI_InitMarker((char*) &cm, TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t));
  cm.base._tick = (TRI_voc_tick_t) fid;
  cm._type = (TRI_col_type_t) collection->_info._type;
  cm._cid  = collection->_info._cid;

  res = TRI_WriteCrcElementDatafile(journal, position, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), true);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  assert(fid == journal->_fid);

  // if a physical file, we can rename it from the temporary name to the correct name
  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    char* filename;
    bool ok;

    // and use the correct name
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);
    jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_ERROR("failed to rename the journal to '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

      return NULL;
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("renamed journal from %s to '%s'", journal->getName(journal), filename);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_journals, journal);

  return journal;
static bool CreateJournal (TRI_shape_collection_t* collection) {
  TRI_col_header_marker_t cm;
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_df_marker_t* position;
  char* filename;
  int res;

  if (collection->base._info._isVolatile) {
    // in memory collection
    filename = NULL;
  else {
    char* jname;
    char* number;

    number = TRI_StringUInt32(TRI_NewTickVocBase());
    if (! number) {
      return false;
    jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->base._directory, jname);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

  journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(filename, collection->base._info._maximalSize);
  if (filename != NULL) {
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  // check that a journal was created
  if (journal == NULL) {
    if (TRI_errno() == TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP) {
      collection->base._lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP);
      collection->base._state = TRI_COL_STATE_READ;
    else {
      collection->base._lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_NO_JOURNAL);
      collection->base._state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;

    return false;

  LOG_TRACE("created a new shape journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    // and use the correct name
    number = TRI_StringUInt32(journal->_fid);
    jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->base._directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      // TODO: remove disastrous call to exit() here
      LOG_FATAL_AND_EXIT("failed to rename the journal to '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("renamed journal to '%s'", filename);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  // create a collection header
  res = TRI_ReserveElementDatafile(journal, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t), &position);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s",

    return false;

  // create a header
  memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm));

  cm.base._size = sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t);
  cm.base._type = TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER;
  cm.base._tick = TRI_NewTickVocBase();

  cm._cid = collection->base._info._cid;

  TRI_FillCrcMarkerDatafile(journal, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0);

  // on journal creation, always use waitForSync = true
  res = TRI_WriteElementDatafile(journal, position, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0, true);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s",

    return false;

  // that's it
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->base._journals, journal);
  return true;
static bool CloseJournal (TRI_shape_collection_t* collection, TRI_datafile_t* journal) {
  int res;
  size_t i;
  size_t n;

  // remove datafile from list of journals
  n = collection->base._journals._length;

  for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
    TRI_datafile_t* df;

    df = collection->base._journals._buffer[i];

    if (journal == df) {

  if (i == n) {
    return false;

  // seal datafile
  res = TRI_SealDatafile(journal);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->base._state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;
    return false;

  // rename datafile
  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* dname;
    char* filename;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    number = TRI_StringUInt32(journal->_fid);
    dname = TRI_Concatenate3String("datafile-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->base._directory, dname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, dname);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      collection->base._state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;
      return false;

  LOG_TRACE("closed journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(&collection->base._journals, i);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->base._datafiles, journal);

  return true;