PETSC_EXTERN void PETSC_STDCALL tspseudosettimestepincrement_(TS ts,PetscReal *inc, int *__ierr ){ *__ierr = TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement( (TS)PetscToPointer((ts) ),*inc); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { TS ts; /* time-stepping context */ Vec x; /* State vector */ Mat J; /* Jacobian matrix */ AppCtx user; /* user-defined context */ PetscErrorCode ierr; PetscReal ftime; PetscInt its; PetscMPIInt size; PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, help); ierr = MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &size); if(size != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "This is a uniprocessor example only"); /* * Allow user to set the grid dimensions and the equations parameters */ user.nb_cells = 50; user.alpha = 10.; user.beta = 1.; user.rho_a = 1.; user.rho_h = 2.; user.mu_a = 2.; user.mu_h = 3.; user.D_a = 0.; user.D_h = 30.; ierr = PetscOptionsBegin(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "", "Problem settings", "PROBLEM"); ierr = PetscOptionsInt("-nb_cells", "Number of cells", "ex42.c",user.nb_cells, &user.nb_cells,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-alpha", "Autocatalysis factor", "ex42.c",user.alpha, &user.alpha,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-beta", "Inhibition factor", "ex42.c",user.beta, &user.beta,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-rho_a", "Default production of the activator", "ex42.c",user.rho_a, &user.rho_a,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-mu_a", "Degradation rate of the activator", "ex42.c",user.mu_a, &user.mu_a,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-D_a", "Diffusion rate of the activator", "ex42.c",user.D_a, &user.D_a,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-rho_h", "Default production of the inhibitor", "ex42.c",user.rho_h, &user.rho_h,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-mu_h", "Degradation rate of the inhibitor", "ex42.c",user.mu_h, &user.mu_h,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-D_h", "Diffusion rate of the inhibitor", "ex42.c",user.D_h, &user.D_h,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscOptionsEnd(); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "nb_cells: %D\n", user.nb_cells);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "alpha: %5.5g\n", user.alpha);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "beta: %5.5g\n", user.beta);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "rho_a: %5.5g\n", user.rho_a);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "mu_a: %5.5g\n", user.mu_a);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "D_a: %5.5g\n", user.D_a);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "rho_h: %5.5g\n", user.rho_h);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "mu_h: %5.5g\n", user.mu_h);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "D_h: %5.5g\n", user.D_h);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Create vector to hold the solution */ ierr = VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, 2*user.nb_cells, &x);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Create time-stepper context */ ierr = TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSSetProblemType(ts, TS_NONLINEAR);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Tell the time-stepper context where to compute the solution */ ierr = TSSetSolution(ts, x);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Allocate the jacobian matrix */ ierr = MatCreateSeqAIJ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, 2*user.nb_cells, 2*user.nb_cells, 4, 0, &J);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Provide the call-back for the non-linear function we are evaluating. */ ierr = TSSetRHSFunction(ts, NULL, RHSFunction, &user);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Set the Jacobian matrix and the function user to compute Jacobians */ ierr = TSSetRHSJacobian(ts, J, J, RHSJacobian, &user);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Set the function checking the domain */ ierr = TSSetFunctionDomainError(ts, &DomainErrorFunction);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Initialize the problem with random values */ ierr = FormInitialState(x, &user);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Read the solver type from options */ ierr = TSSetType(ts, TSPSEUDO);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Set a large number of timesteps and final duration time to insure * convergenge to steady state */ ierr = TSSetDuration(ts, 5000, 1e12); /* * Set a larger number of potential errors */ ierr = TSSetMaxStepRejections(ts, 50);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Also start with a very small dt */ ierr = TSSetTimeStep(ts, 0.05);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Set a larger time step increment */ ierr = TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement(ts, 1.5);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Let the user personalise TS */ ierr = TSSetFromOptions(ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Set the context for the time stepper */ ierr = TSSetApplicationContext(ts, &user);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Setup the time stepper, ready for evaluation */ ierr = TSSetUp(ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Perform the solve. */ ierr = TSSolve(ts, x);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSGetSolveTime(ts, &ftime);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSGetTimeStepNumber(ts,&its);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Number of time steps = %D, final time: %4.2e\nResult:\n\n", its, (double)ftime);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PrintSolution(x, &user);CHKERRQ(ierr); /* * Free the data structures */ ierr = VecDestroy(&x);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = MatDestroy(&J);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSDestroy(&ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscFinalize(); return 0; }