void data_subscribe(TTPtr self, t_symbol *relativeAddress, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTAddress   returnedAddress;
    TTNodePtr   returnedNode = NULL;
    TTNodePtr   returnedContextNode = NULL;

	// for relative address
	if (TTAddress(relativeAddress->s_name).getType() == kAddressRelative) {
		jamoma_subscriber_create((t_object*)x, x->wrappedObject, TTAddress(jamoma_parse_dieze((t_object*)x, relativeAddress)->s_name), x->subscriberObject, returnedAddress, &returnedNode, &returnedContextNode);
        // if a j.parameter is registered under the root : reset to the default value our self
        if (returnedContextNode == accessApplicationLocalDirectory->getRoot())
            TTBoolean initialized;
            x->wrappedObject.get("initialized", initialized);
            if (!initialized)
		object_error((t_object*)x, "can't register because %s is not a relative address", relativeAddress->s_name);
TTErr convertUpperCasedNameInAddress(TTSymbol upperCasedName, TTAddress& convertedInAddress)
	TTUInt32	upperCasedNameSize = strlen(upperCasedName.c_str());
	TTCString	upperCasedNameCString = new char[upperCasedNameSize+1];
	TTUInt32	nbUpperCase = 0;
	TTUInt32	i;
	TTCString	convertedNameCString = NULL;
	TTUInt32	convertedNameSize = 0;
	strncpy(upperCasedNameCString, upperCasedName.c_str(), upperCasedNameSize+1);
	// "ExampleName"	to	"example/name"
	// "anyOtherExample" to	"any/other/example"
	if ((upperCasedNameCString[0] > 64 && upperCasedNameCString[0] < 91) || (upperCasedNameCString[0] > 96 && upperCasedNameCString[0] < 123)) {
		//  count how many upper-case letter there are in the TTName after the first letter
		for (i=1; i<upperCasedNameSize; i++) {
			if (upperCasedNameCString[i] > 64 && upperCasedNameCString[i] < 91)
		// prepare the convertedName
		convertedNameSize = upperCasedNameSize + nbUpperCase;
		convertedNameCString = new char[convertedNameSize+1];
		// convert first letter to lower-case if needed
		if (upperCasedNameCString[0] > 64 && upperCasedNameCString[0] < 91)
			convertedNameCString[0] = upperCasedNameCString[0] + 32;
			convertedNameCString[0] = upperCasedNameCString[0];
		// copy each letter while checking upper-case letter to replace them by a / + lower-case letter
		nbUpperCase = 0;
		for (i=1; i<upperCasedNameSize; i++) {
			if (upperCasedNameCString[i] > 64 && upperCasedNameCString[i] < 91) {
				convertedNameCString[i + nbUpperCase] = '/';
				convertedNameCString[i + nbUpperCase + 1] = upperCasedNameCString[i] + 32;
				convertedNameCString[i + nbUpperCase] = upperCasedNameCString[i];
		// ends the CString with a NULL letter
		convertedNameCString[convertedNameSize] = 0;
		convertedInAddress = TTAddress(convertedNameCString);
		delete convertedNameCString;
		convertedNameCString = NULL;
		convertedInAddress = TTAddress(upperCasedName);
	delete upperCasedNameCString;
	upperCasedNameCString = NULL;

	return kTTErrNone;
void out_subscribe(TTPtr self)
    WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTAddress   signalAddress;
    TTAddress	outputAddress;
    TTAddress	inputAddress;
    TTValue		v, args;
    TTNodePtr	returnedNode = NULL;
    TTNodePtr   returnedContextNode = NULL;
    TTAddress	returnedAddress, parentAddress;
    TTString	formatDescription, sInstance;
    t_object    *modelOrView = NULL;

#ifdef J_OUT_TILDE
    signalAddress = TTAddress("audio");

#ifdef J_OUT_MULTI
    signalAddress = TTAddress("audio");

#ifndef J_OUT_TILDE
#ifndef J_OUT_MULTI
    signalAddress = TTAddress("data");

    // edit "signal/out.instance" address
    outputAddress = signalAddress.appendAddress(TTAddress("out")).appendInstance(EXTRA->instance);

    // if the subscription is successful
    if (!jamoma_subscriber_create((t_eobj*)x, x->wrappedObject, outputAddress, x->subscriberObject, returnedAddress, &returnedNode, &returnedContextNode)) {

        // get patcher
        x->patcherPtr = ((t_eobj*)x)->o_canvas;

        // update instance symbol in case of duplicate instance
        EXTRA->instance = returnedAddress.getInstance();

        // observe /parent/in address in order to link/unlink with an Input object below
        inputAddress = parentAddress.appendAddress(TTAddress("in")).appendInstance(EXTRA->instance);
        x->wrappedObject.set("inputAddress", inputAddress);

        // get model or view object
        jamoma_patcher_get_model_or_view(x->patcherPtr, &modelOrView);

        // notify the model there is something new concerning signal processing
        if (modelOrView)
            object_method_typed(modelOrView, gensym("output_created"), 0, NULL, NULL);
void model_preset_amenities(TTPtr self)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTAddress                   modelAdrs;
	TTValue						v, a, args, none;
    TTAddress                   presetAddress;

    // get model:address
    EXTRA->modelInfo->get(kTTSym_address, v);
    modelAdrs = v[0];

    // create the preset manager
	jamoma_presetManager_create((t_object*)x, *EXTRA->presetManager);

    // suscribe it under a preset node
    presetAddress = modelAdrs.appendAddress(TTAddress("preset"));

    args = TTValue(presetAddress, *EXTRA->presetManager, x->patcherPtr);

    if (!MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", args, none)) {

        EXTRA->presetManager->set(kTTSym_address, modelAdrs);

        defer_low(x, (method)model_preset_default, 0, 0, 0L);
void node_subscribe(TTPtr self, t_symbol* relativeAddress, long argc, t_atom* argv)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTAddress   returnedAddress;
    TTNodePtr   returnedNode = NULL;
    TTNodePtr   returnedContextNode = NULL;

	// for relative address
	if (TTAddress(relativeAddress->s_name).getType() == kAddressRelative) {
        if(!jamoma_subscriber_create((t_eobj*)x, x->wrappedObject, TTAddress(relativeAddress->s_name), x->subscriberObject, returnedAddress, &returnedNode, &returnedContextNode))
            pd_error((t_object*)x, "error when registering %s", relativeAddress->s_name);
		pd_error((t_object*)x, "can't register because %s is not a relative address", relativeAddress->s_name);
// Create
void *init_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	long 		attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv);						// support normal arguments
	t_init 		*x = (t_init *)object_alloc(g_init_class);
	t_symbol	*relativeAddress = _sym_nothing;											// could be used to binds on a sub level j.hub

	if (attrstart && argv)
		atom_arg_getsym(&relativeAddress, 0, attrstart, argv);
	if (x) {
        x->outlets = (TTHandle)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(TTPtr) * 2);
        x->outlets[end_out] = bangout(x);
		x->outlets[start_out] = bangout(x);

		x->patcherNode = NULL;
		x->address = TTAddress(jamoma_parse_dieze((t_object*)x, relativeAddress)->s_name);
		attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);										// handle attribute args				

		// The following must be deferred because we have to interrogate our box,
		// and our box is not yet valid until we have finished instantiating the object.
		// Trying to use a loadbang method instead is also not fully successful (as of Max 5.0.6)
		defer_low((t_object*)x, (method)init_subscribe, NULL, 0, 0);
	return (x);																	// Return the pointer
TTErr makeInternals_data(TTPtr self, TTAddress address, TTSymbol name, t_symbol *callbackMethod, TTPtr context, TTSymbol service, TTObject& returnedData, TTBoolean deferlow)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	TTValue			baton, v, out;
	TTAddress       dataAddress, dataRelativeAddress;
    TTNodePtr       dataNode;
	returnedData = TTObject(kTTSym_Data, service);
    baton = TTValue(TTPtr(x), TTPtr(callbackMethod), deferlow);
    returnedData.set(kTTSym_baton, baton);
	returnedData.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(&jamoma_callback_return_value));
	// absolute registration
	dataAddress = address.appendAddress(TTAddress(name));
    v = TTValue(dataAddress, returnedData, context);
	out = MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", v);
    // retreive relative effective address
	dataAddress = out[0];
    dataNode = TTNodePtr((TTPtr)out[1]);
    dataNode->getAddress(dataRelativeAddress, address);
	// absolute registration case : set the address in second position (see in unregister method)
	v = TTValue(returnedData, dataAddress);
	x->internals->append(dataRelativeAddress, v);
	JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makes internal \"%s\" %s at : %s", dataRelativeAddress.c_str(), service.c_str(), dataAddress.c_str());
	return kTTErrNone;
TTErr makeInternals_sender(TTPtr self, TTAddress address, TTSymbol name, TTObject& returnedSender, TTBoolean appendNameAsAttribute)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
    TTValue     v;
	TTAddress   adrs;
    // check the internals do not exist yet
    if (!x->internals->lookup(name, v)) {
        returnedSender = v[0];
        JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makeInternals_sender : \"%s\" internal already exists", name.c_str());
        return kTTErrNone;
	returnedSender = TTObject(kTTSym_Sender);
	// edit address
	if (appendNameAsAttribute)
        adrs = address.appendAttribute(name);
        adrs = address.appendAddress(TTAddress(name.c_str()));
	// default registration case : store object only (see in unregister method)
	x->internals->append(name, returnedSender);
    // set address attribute
	returnedSender.set(kTTSym_address, adrs);
    JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makes internal \"%s\" sender to bind on : %s", name.c_str(), adrs.c_str());
	return kTTErrNone;
TTErr makeInternals_viewer(TTPtr self, TTAddress address, TTSymbol name, t_symbol *callbackMethod, TTObject& returnedViewer, TTBoolean deferlow)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	TTValue			v, baton;
	TTAddress       adrs;
    // check the internals do not exist yet
    if (!x->internals->lookup(name, v)) {
        returnedViewer = v[0];
        JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makeInternals_viewer : \"%s\" internal already exists", name.c_str());
        return kTTErrNone;
	returnedViewer = TTObject(kTTSym_Viewer);
    baton = TTValue(TTPtr(x), TTPtr(callbackMethod), deferlow);
    returnedViewer.set(kTTSym_baton, baton);
	returnedViewer.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(&jamoma_callback_return_value));
	// edit address
	adrs = address.appendAddress(TTAddress(name));
	// default registration case : store object only (see in unregister method)
	x->internals->append(name, returnedViewer);
    // set address attribute (after registration as the value can be updated in the same time)
	returnedViewer.set(kTTSym_address, adrs);
    JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makes internal \"%s\" viewer to bind on : %s", name.c_str(), adrs.c_str());
	return kTTErrNone;
void WrappedMapperClass_new(TTPtr self, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	t_symbol *relativeAddress;
	long attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv); // support normal arguments
	// possible relativeAddress
	if (attrstart && argv)
		relativeAddress = atom_getsym(argv);
		relativeAddress = _sym_nothing;
    if (relativeAddress) x->address = TTAddress(relativeAddress->s_name);
	jamoma_mapper_create((t_object*)x, x->wrappedObject);
	// Make two outlets
    x->outlets = (TTHandle)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(TTPtr));
    x->outlets[data_out] = outlet_new((t_object*)x, NULL); // anything outlet to output data
    x->dumpOut = outlet_new((t_object*)x, NULL);

	// handle attribute args
	attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
    // Prepare extra data
	x->extra = (t_extra*)malloc(sizeof(t_extra));
    EXTRA->arguments = new TTValue();
    jamoma_ttvalue_from_Atom(*EXTRA->arguments, _sym_nothing, argc, argv);
	// The following must be deferred because we have to interrogate our box,
	// and our box is not yet valid until we have finished instantiating the object.
	// Trying to use a loadbang method instead is also not fully successful (as of Max 5.0.6)
//    map_subscribe(x);
//	defer_low((t_object*)x, (method)map_subscribe, NULL, 0, 0);
void data_address(TTPtr self, t_symbol *address)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	// Avoid succession of address changes
    if (!EXTRA->changingAddress) {
        EXTRA->changingAddress = YES;
        // filter repetitions
        if (!(x->arrayAddress == TTAddress(address->s_name))) {
            if (!x->iterateInternals) {
                // unregister internals
                x->arraySize = 0;

                // rebuild internals
                defer(self,(method)data_new_address, address, 0, NULL);
                // for array mode : output the array once afterward
                if (x->arrayAttrFormat == gensym("array")) {
                    TTValue     array;
                    t_symbol	*msg;
                    long		argc = 0;
                    t_atom		*argv = NULL;
                    TTBoolean	shifted = NO;
                    data_edit_array(self, array);
                    jamoma_ttvalue_to_typed_Atom(array, &msg, &argc, &argv, shifted);
                    // avoid blank before data
                    if (msg == _sym_nothing)
                        outlet_atoms(x->outlets[data_out], argc, argv);
                        outlet_anything(x->outlets[data_out], msg, argc, argv);
                    if (shifted)
        EXTRA->changingAddress = NO;
    object_error((t_object*)x, "can't change to %s address. Please defer low", address->s_name);
TTErr makeInternals_receiver(TTPtr self, TTAddress address, TTSymbol name, t_symbol *callbackMethod, TTObject& returnedReceiver, TTBoolean deferlow, TTBoolean appendNameAsAttribute)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	TTValue			v, args, baton;
	TTObject        returnValueCallback, empty;
	TTAddress       adrs;
    // check the internals do not exist yet
    if (!x->internals->lookup(name, v)) {
        returnedReceiver = v[0];
        JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makeInternals_receiver : \"%s\" internal already exists", name.c_str());
        return kTTErrNone;
	// prepare arguments
	// we don't want the address back
	returnValueCallback = TTObject("callback");
	baton = TTValue(TTPtr(x), TTPtr(callbackMethod), deferlow);
	returnValueCallback.set(kTTSym_baton, baton);
	returnValueCallback.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(&jamoma_callback_return_value));
	returnedReceiver = TTObject(kTTSym_Receiver, args);
	// edit address
	if (appendNameAsAttribute)
        adrs = address.appendAttribute(name);
        adrs = address.appendAddress(TTAddress(name.c_str()));
	// default registration case : store object only (see in unregister method)
	x->internals->append(name, returnedReceiver);
    // set address attribute (after registration as the value can be updated in the same time)
    returnedReceiver.set(kTTSym_address, adrs);
    JamomaDebug object_post((t_object*)x, "makes internal \"%s\" receiver to bind on : %s", name.c_str(), adrs.c_str());
	return kTTErrNone;
void data_new_address(TTPtr self, t_symbol *relativeAddress)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr	x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	long		argc = 0; 
	t_atom		*argv = NULL;
	TTUInt32	number;
	TTUInt32	i;
	TTAddress	newAddress = relativeAddress->s_name;
    TTAddress   returnedAddress;
    TTNodePtr   returnedNode = NULL;
    TTNodePtr   returnedContextNode = NULL;
	t_symbol    *instanceAddress;
	TTObject    anObject;
	TTObject    aSubscriber;
	TTValue		v;
    x->useInternals = YES;
    x->cursor = kTTSymEmpty;
    x->arrayAddress = newAddress;
    if (x->arrayAddress.getType() == kAddressRelative) {
        number = jamoma_parse_bracket(relativeAddress, x->arrayFormatInteger, x->arrayFormatString);
        // don't resize to 0
        if (number && number <= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
            // Starts iteration on internals
            x->iterateInternals = YES;
            x->arraySize = number;
            for (i = 1; i <= x->arraySize; i++) {
                jamoma_edit_numeric_instance(x->arrayFormatInteger, &instanceAddress, i);
                // create a data
                data_array_create(self, anObject, kTTSym_message, i);
                data_array_create(self, anObject, kTTSym_return, i);
                data_array_create(self, anObject, kTTSym_parameter, i);

                if (!jamoma_subscriber_create((t_object*)x, anObject, TTAddress(instanceAddress->s_name),  aSubscriber, returnedAddress, &returnedNode, &returnedContextNode)) {
                    if (aSubscriber.valid()) {
                        // append the data to the internals table
                        v = TTValue(anObject);
                        x->internals->append(TTSymbol(instanceAddress->s_name), v);
                        // inverse objects order for iteration purpose (see in data_array_return_value : array mode)
                        EXTRA->objectsSorted->insert(0, anObject);
            // Ends iteration on internals
            x->iterateInternals = NO;
            // handle args
            jamoma_ttvalue_to_Atom(x->arrayArgs, &argc, &argv);
            if (argc && argv)
                attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
            // select all datas
            wrappedModularClass_ArraySelect(self, gensym("*"), 0, NULL);
            // init all datas created dynamically
            if (!EXTRA->firstArray)
                defer((t_object*)x, (method)wrappedModularClass_anything, _sym_init, 0, NULL);
        else if (number > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)
            object_error((t_object*)x, "the size is greater than the maximum array size (%d)", MAX_ARRAY_SIZE);
        EXTRA->firstArray = NO;
        object_error((t_object*)x, "can't register because %s is not a relative address", relativeAddress->s_name);
// Create
void* allpassmod_new(t_symbol* s, long argc, t_atom* argv)
	t_allpassmod*		x					= (t_allpassmod*)object_alloc(s_allpassmod_class);
	long				attrstart 			= attr_args_offset(argc, argv);		// support normal arguments
	TTString			name 				= "/";
	TTPtr				context             = TTPtr(x);
    TTValue             none;
	object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object**)&context);
	if (attrstart) {
		if (atom_getsym(argv)->s_name[0] == '/')
			name += atom_getsym(argv)->s_name + 1;
			name += atom_getsym(argv)->s_name;
		name += s->s_name;

	x->name = TTAddress(name); // need to cache so we can free
	// 1. Create the DSP objects
	x->allpass = TTAudioObject("allpass.1", 2);
	x->signalOut = TTObject(kTTSym_audiosignal, 2);
	x->signalIn = TTObject(kTTSym_audiosignal, 2);

	// 2. Create the "model" container
		TTValue container_args; // TODO: (optional) pass address callback and value callback (these are both for the activity return mechanism)
		x->model = TTObject(kTTSym_Container, container_args);
		x->model.set(kTTSym_tags, kTTSym_model);
        TTValue registration_args(x->name, x->model, context);
        MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
		x->model.set("address", x->name);
	// 3. Create the "clear" message
		x->message_clear = TTObject(kTTSym_Data, kTTSym_message);
        x->message_clear.set(kTTSym_baton, TTPtr(x));
		x->message_clear.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(allpassmod_parameter_clear_callback));
		x->message_clear.set(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_none);
		x->message_clear.set(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("Clear the filter history"));
		TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/clear");
		TTValue     registration_args(address, x->message_clear, context);
        MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);

	// 4. Create the "gain" parameter (linear)
		x->parameter_coefficient = TTObject(kTTSym_Data, kTTSym_parameter);
        x->parameter_coefficient.set(kTTSym_baton, TTPtr(x));
		x->parameter_coefficient.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(allpassmod_parameter_coefficient_callback));
		x->parameter_coefficient.set(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_decimal);
		x->parameter_coefficient.set(kTTSym_valueDefault, 0.7);
		x->parameter_coefficient.set(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("Gain coefficient"));
		TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/coefficient");
        TTValue     registration_args(address, x->parameter_coefficient, context);
		MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
	// 5. Create the "delay" parameter (milliseconds)
        x->parameter_delay = TTObject(kTTSym_Data, kTTSym_parameter);
        x->parameter_delay.set(kTTSym_baton, TTPtr(x));
		x->parameter_delay.set(kTTSym_function, TTPtr(allpassmod_parameter_delay_callback));
		x->parameter_delay.set(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_decimal);
		x->parameter_delay.set(kTTSym_valueDefault, 0.2);
		x->parameter_delay.set(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("Delay time"));
		TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/delay");
        TTValue     registration_args(address, x->parameter_delay, context);
		MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
	// 6. Create the Input access points
        // left input
            x->in_left = TTObject("Input.audio");
            TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/in.left");
            TTValue     registration_args(address, x->in_left, context);
            MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
        // right input
            x->in_right = TTObject("Input.audio");
            TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/in.right");
            TTValue     registration_args(address, x->in_right, context);
            MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
	// 7. Create the Output access points
        // left output
            x->out_left = TTObject("Output.audio");
            TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/out.left");
            TTValue     registration_args(address, x->out_left, context);
            MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
        // right output
            x->out_right = TTObject("Output.audio");
            TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/out.right");
            TTValue     registration_args(address, x->out_right, context);
            MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);

	// 8. Add the preset functions
		x->preset = TTObject(kTTSym_PresetManager);
        x->preset.set("address", x->name);
		TTAddress   address = x->name.appendAddress("/preset");
		TTValue     registration_args(address, x->preset, context);
        MaxApplication.send("ObjectRegister", registration_args, none);
        // load a preset file and recall the first preset
            TTValue     out;
            TTObject    xmlHandler("XmlHandler");
            // set the object attr of the above object to be the PresetManager
            xmlHandler.set("object", x->preset);
            // TODO : get the filepath as an argument
            TTSymbol path;
            xmlHandler.send("Read", path, out);
            // recall the first preset
            x->preset.send("Recall", 1, none);
	// 9. Initialize the module (set default values, etc)
	// 10. Do some final Max-specific stuff
	dsp_setup((t_pxobject*)x, 2);
	x->obj.z_misc = Z_NO_INPLACE;
	for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
		outlet_new((t_pxobject*)x, "signal");

	attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
	return x;
void in_subscribe(TTPtr self)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	TTAddress   inputAddress;
	TTAddress   outputAddress;
	TTValue		v, args;
	TTNodePtr	returnedNode = NULL;
    TTNodePtr   returnedContextNode = NULL;
	TTAddress   returnedAddress, parentAddress;
	TTDataPtr	aData;
	TTString	formatDescription, sInstance;
	SymbolPtr	inDescription;
	inputAddress = TTAddress("in").appendInstance(EXTRA->instance);
	// if the subscription is successful
	if (!jamoma_subscriber_create((ObjectPtr)x, x->wrappedObject, inputAddress, &x->subscriberObject, returnedAddress, &returnedNode, &returnedContextNode)) {
		// get patcher
		x->patcherPtr = jamoma_patcher_get((ObjectPtr)x);
		// update instance symbol in case of duplicate instance
		EXTRA->instance = returnedAddress.getInstance();
		// observe /parent/out address in order to link/unlink with an Input object below
		outputAddress = parentAddress.appendAddress(TTAddress("out")).appendInstance(EXTRA->instance);
		x->wrappedObject->setAttributeValue(TTSymbol("outputAddress"), outputAddress);
		// make internal data to return amplitude
		v = TTValue(0., 1.);
		formatDescription = "instant amplitude of %s input";
		sInstance = EXTRA->instance.c_str();
		jamoma_edit_string_instance(formatDescription, &inDescription, sInstance);
		makeInternals_data(x, returnedAddress, TTSymbol("amplitude"), NULL, x->patcherPtr, kTTSym_return, (TTObjectBasePtr*)&aData);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_decimal);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_tag, kTTSym_generic);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_rangeBounds, v);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol(inDescription->s_name));
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_dataspace, TTSymbol("gain"));
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_dataspaceUnit, TTSymbol("linear"));
		// make internal data to parameter in/amplitude/active
		makeInternals_data(x, returnedAddress, TTSymbol("amplitude/active"), gensym("return_amplitude_active"), x->patcherPtr, kTTSym_parameter, (TTObjectBasePtr*)&aData);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_integer);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_tag, kTTSym_generic);
		v = TTValue((int)EXTRA->pollInterval);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_valueDefault, v);
		v = TTValue(0, 1000);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_rangeBounds, v);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_rangeClipmode, kTTSym_low);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("set the sample rate of the amplitude follower"));
		// launch the clock to update amplitude regulary
		EXTRA->clock = clock_new(x, (method)in_update_amplitude);
		if (EXTRA->pollInterval)
			clock_delay(EXTRA->clock, EXTRA->pollInterval);
		// expose bypass and mute attributes of TTInput as TTData in the tree structure
		x->subscriberObject->exposeAttribute(x->wrappedObject, kTTSym_bypass, kTTSym_parameter, &aData);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_boolean);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_tag, kTTSym_generic);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("When active, this attribute bypasses the model's processing algtorithm, letting incoming signal pass through unaffected"));
		v = TTValue(0);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_valueDefault, v);			
		x->subscriberObject->exposeAttribute(x->wrappedObject, kTTSym_mute, kTTSym_parameter, &aData);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_type, kTTSym_boolean);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_tag, kTTSym_generic);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_description, TTSymbol("When active, this attribute turns off model's inputs."));
		v = TTValue(0);
		aData->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_valueDefault, v);
void TTNodeLibTestMiscellaneous(int& errorCount, int& testAssertionCount)
	TTTestLog("Miscellaneous Tests");
	// test convertUpperCasedName global method
	TTSymbol testSymbolA = "TestSymbolName";
	TTSymbol testSymbolB = "testSymbolName";
	TTSymbol testSymbolC = "testsymbolname";
	TTAddress result;

	convertUpperCasedNameInAddress(testSymbolA, result);
	TTTestAssertion("convertUpperCasedName: Test passes if \"TestSymbolName\" is converted in \"test/symbol/name\"",
					result == TTAddress("test/symbol/name"),
	convertUpperCasedNameInAddress(testSymbolB, result);
	TTTestAssertion("convertUpperCasedName: Test passes if \"testSymbolName\" is converted in \"test/symbol/name\"",
					result == TTAddress("test/symbol/name"),
	convertUpperCasedNameInAddress(testSymbolC, result);
	TTTestAssertion("convertUpperCasedName: Test passes if \"testsymbolname\" is not converted",
					result == testSymbolC,
    // test TTSymbol to TTAdress casting
    TTValue     testValue = TTValue(TTSymbol("directory:/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute"));
    TTAddress   testAddress;
    testAddress = testValue[0];
    TTSymbol		directory	= testAddress.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent		= testAddress.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name		= testAddress.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance	= testAddress.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute	= testAddress.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type		= testAddress.getType();
    TTBoolean t1 = directory == TTSymbol("directory");
    TTBoolean t2 = parent == TTAddress("/gran/parent");
    TTBoolean t3 = name == TTSymbol("name");
    TTBoolean t4 = instance == TTSymbol("instance");
    TTBoolean t5 = attribute == TTSymbol("attribute");
    TTBoolean t6 = type == kAddressAbsolute;

    TTTestAssertion("TTValue::get : Test2 fails if a TTSymbol contained into a value is not casted into a TTAddress during a get method",
					directory == TTSymbol("directory") &&
					parent == TTAddress("/gran/parent") &&
					name == TTSymbol("name") &&
					instance == TTSymbol("instance") &&
					attribute == TTSymbol("attribute") &&
					type == kAddressAbsolute,

    // test TTSymbol for TTHash access when a key is stored using a TTAddress
    TTHash      testTable;
    TTAddress   keyAddress = TTAddress("testKeyAddress");
    TTValue     keyValue;
    TTErr       err;
    testTable.append(keyAddress, keyValue);             // store a value into the table using "testKeyAddress" address
    testValue = TTValue(TTSymbol("testKeyAddress"));    // store a "testKeyAddress" symbol into a value
    testAddress = testValue[0];                         // get it as an address
    err = testTable.lookup(testAddress, keyValue);      // use the address to lookup the table
    TTTestAssertion("TTHash::lookup : Test fails if a TTSymbol cannot be used as storage key for TTHash table when the lookup key is a TTAddress",
					err == kTTErrNone,
    // The test below fails but it have been added only to check the opposite operation.
    // For instant we don't need this test to pass so it is commented out until we need this feature.
    /* test TTAddress for TTHash access when a key is stored using a TTSymbol
    TTSymbol    keySymbol = TTSymbol("testKeySymbol");
    TTSymbol    testSymbol;
    testTable.append(keySymbol, keyValue);              // store a value into the table using "testKeySymbol" symbol
    testValue = TTValue(TTAddress("testKeySymbol"));    // store a "testKeySymbol" address into a value
    testSymbol = testValue[0];                          // get it as an symbol
    err = testTable.lookup(testSymbol, keyValue);       // use the symbol to lookup the table
    TTTestAssertion("TTHash::lookup : Test fails if a TTAddress cannot be used as storage key for TTHash table when the lookup key is a TTSymbol",
					err == kTTErrNone,
void TTNodeLibTestAddressItem(int& errorCount, int& testAssertionCount)
	TTAddressItemPtr aNamespace, aParent, n, f;
	TTSymbol		aSymbol(kTTSymEmpty);
	TTBoolean aSelection, empty;
	TTUInt8 size;
	TTErr err;
	TTTestLog("Testing Address Item management");
	// The first test checks item creation and member access
	aNamespace = new TTAddressItem(kTTSymEmpty);
	aSymbol = aNamespace->getSymbol();
	aParent = aNamespace->getParent();
	aSelection = aNamespace->getSelection();
	empty = aNamespace->isEmpty();

	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not empty",
					empty &&
					aSymbol == NO_NAME &&
					aParent == NULL &&
					aSelection == NO,
	// The second set of tests checks item management
	n = new TTAddressItem(TTSymbol("test"));
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace size is not equal 1",
					aNamespace->getSize() == 1,
	f = aNamespace->getItem(n->getSymbol());
	if (f) {
		aSymbol = f->getSymbol();
		aParent = f->getParent();
		aSelection = f->getSelection();
		empty = f->isEmpty();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not named \"test\" or have no parent",
					empty &&
					aSymbol == TTSymbol("test") &&
					aParent == aNamespace &&
					aSelection == NO,
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not empty",
	// The third set of tests checks item management using TTAddress
    aNamespace->append(TTAddress("/parent/name"), &f);
	aNamespace->append(TTAddress("/parent/name.instance"), &f);
	aSymbol = aNamespace->getSymbol();
	size = aNamespace->getSize();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not named \"\" and size is not equal 1",
					size == 1 &&
					aSymbol == kTTSymEmpty,
	f = NULL;
	err = aNamespace->find(TTAddress("/parent"), &f);
	if (!err) {
		aSymbol = f->getSymbol();
		aParent = f->getParent();
		aSelection = f->getSelection();
		empty = f->isEmpty();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not named \"\" or have no parent or no child",
					!empty &&
					aSymbol == kTTSymEmpty &&
					aParent == aNamespace->getItem(TTSymbol("parent")) &&
					aSelection == NO,
	n = f;
	f = NULL;
	err = aNamespace->find(TTAddress("/parent/name"), &f);
	if (!err) {
		aSymbol = f->getSymbol();
		aParent = f->getParent();
		aSelection = f->getSelection();
		empty = f->isEmpty();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not named \"\" or have no parent or is not empty",
					empty &&
					aSymbol == kTTSymEmpty &&
					aParent == n->getItem(TTSymbol("name")) &&
					aSelection == NO,
	n = f;
	f = NULL;
	err = aNamespace->find(TTAddress("/parent/name.instance"), &f);
	if (!err) {
		aSymbol = f->getSymbol();
		aParent = f->getParent();
		aSelection = f->getSelection();
		empty = f->isEmpty();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if the namespace is not named \"instance\" or have no parent or is not empty",
					empty &&
					aSymbol == TTSymbol("instance") &&
					aParent == n->getParent() &&
					aSelection == NO,
	f = NULL;
	aNamespace->append(TTAddress("/parent/name.other"), &f);
	size = f->getParent()->getSize();       // have to be 3 because there are the empty, "instance" and "other" instances
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddressItem: Test fails if size is not equal to 3",
					size == 3,
void TTNodeLibTestAddressParsing(int& errorCount, int& testAssertionCount)
	TTTestLog("Testing Address Parsing");
	TTAddress		testAddress1("directory1:/gran/parent1/name1.instance1:attribute1");
	TTSymbol		directory1	= testAddress1.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent1		= testAddress1.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name1		= testAddress1.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance1	= testAddress1.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute1	= testAddress1.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type1		= testAddress1.getType();
	TTAddress		testAddress2("/gran/parent2/name2.instance2");
	TTSymbol		directory2	= testAddress2.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent2		= testAddress2.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name2		= testAddress2.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance2	= testAddress2.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute2	= testAddress2.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type2		= testAddress2.getType();
	TTAddress		testAddress3("parent3/name3.instance3");
	TTSymbol		directory3	= testAddress3.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent3		= testAddress3.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name3		= testAddress3.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance3	= testAddress3.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute3	= testAddress3.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type3		= testAddress3.getType();
	TTAddress		testAddress4("/");
	TTSymbol		directory4	= testAddress4.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent4		= testAddress4.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name4		= testAddress4.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance4	= testAddress4.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute4	= testAddress4.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type4		= testAddress4.getType();
	TTAddress		testAddress5(":attribute5");
	TTSymbol		directory5	= testAddress5.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent5		= testAddress5.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name5		= testAddress5.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance5	= testAddress5.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute5	= testAddress5.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type5		= testAddress5.getType();
	TTAddress		testAddress6("/gran/parent6.0/name6.0:attribute6");
	TTSymbol		directory6	= testAddress6.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent6		= testAddress6.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name6		= testAddress6.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance6	= testAddress6.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute6	= testAddress6.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type6		= testAddress6.getType();
    TTAddress		testAddress7("/*.*");
	TTSymbol		directory7	= testAddress7.getDirectory();
	TTAddress		parent7		= testAddress7.getParent();
	TTSymbol		name7		= testAddress7.getName();
	TTSymbol		instance7	= testAddress7.getInstance();
	TTSymbol		attribute7	= testAddress7.getAttribute();
	TTAddressType	type7		= testAddress7.getType();
	// The first set of tests checks parsing of addresses
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress1 is bad",
					directory1 == TTSymbol("directory1") &&
					parent1 == TTAddress("/gran/parent1") &&
					name1 == TTSymbol("name1") &&
					instance1 == TTSymbol("instance1") &&
					attribute1 == TTSymbol("attribute1") &&
					type1 == kAddressAbsolute,
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress2 is bad",
					directory2 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent2 == TTAddress("/gran/parent2") &&
					name2 == TTSymbol("name2") &&
					instance2 == TTSymbol("instance2") &&
					attribute2 == NO_ATTRIBUTE &&
					type2 == kAddressAbsolute,
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress3 is bad",
					directory3 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent3 == TTAddress("parent3") &&
					name3 == TTSymbol("name3") &&
					instance3 == TTSymbol("instance3") &&
					attribute3 == NO_ATTRIBUTE &&
					type3 == kAddressRelative,

	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress4 is bad",
					directory4 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent4 == NO_PARENT &&
					name4 == S_SEPARATOR &&
					instance4 == NO_INSTANCE &&
					attribute4 == NO_ATTRIBUTE &&
					type4 == kAddressAbsolute,
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress5 is bad",
					directory5 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent5 == NO_PARENT &&
					name5 == NO_NAME &&
					instance5 == NO_INSTANCE &&
					attribute5 == TTSymbol("attribute5") &&
					type5 == kAddressRelative,
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress6 is bad",
					directory6 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent6 == TTAddress("/gran/parent6") &&
					name6 == TTSymbol("name6") &&
					instance6 == NO_INSTANCE &&
					attribute6 == TTSymbol("attribute6") &&
					type6 == kAddressAbsolute,
    TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test fails if parsing of testAddress7 is bad",
					directory7 == NO_DIRECTORY &&
					parent7 == kTTAdrsRoot &&
					name7 == S_WILDCARD &&
					instance7 == S_WILDCARD &&
					attribute7 == NO_ATTRIBUTE &&
					type7 == kAddressAbsolute,
void TTNodeLibTestAddressMethods(int& errorCount, int& testAssertionCount)
	TTAddress testAddressA("directory:/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute");
	TTAddress testAddressB("/parent/name");
	TTAddress testAddressC("name");
	TTAddress testAddressD("/gran/parent");
	TTAddress testAddressE("directory:/gran/parent");
	TTAddress testAddressF("name.instance:attribute");
	TTAddress testAddressG("/name.instance:attribute");
    TTSymbol  testSymbolA("");
	TTSymbol  resultSymbol;
    TTAddress resultAddress;
	TTAddress part1, part2;

	// the first set of tests checks the getNameInstance method
	TTTestLog("Testing Address getNameInstance Method");
	resultSymbol = testAddressA.getNameInstance();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the getNameInstance() method returns \"name.instance\"",
					resultSymbol == TTSymbol("name.instance"),

	resultSymbol = testAddressB.getNameInstance();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the getNameInstance() method returns \"name\"",
					resultSymbol == TTSymbol("name"),

	resultSymbol = testAddressC.getNameInstance();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the getNameInstance() method returns \"name\"",
					resultSymbol == TTSymbol("name"),

	resultSymbol = kTTAdrsEmpty.getNameInstance();
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the getNameInstance() method returns kTTSymEmpty",
					resultSymbol == kTTSymEmpty,
	// the second set of tests checks the appendAddress method
	TTTestLog("Testing Address appendAddress Method");
	resultAddress = testAddressD.appendAddress(kTTAdrsEmpty);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns the same address",
					resultAddress == testAddressD,
	resultAddress = kTTAdrsEmpty.appendAddress(testAddressD);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns the same address",
					resultAddress == testAddressD,
	resultAddress = kTTAdrsRoot.appendAddress(testAddressD);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns the same address",
					resultAddress == testAddressD,
	resultAddress = kTTAdrsEmpty.appendAddress(testAddressE);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns the same address",
					resultAddress == testAddressE,
	resultAddress = kTTAdrsRoot.appendAddress(testAddressE);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns the same address",
					resultAddress == testAddressE,
	resultAddress = testAddressD.appendAddress(testAddressF);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns \"/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute\"",
					resultAddress == TTAddress("/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute"),
	resultAddress = testAddressD.appendAddress(testAddressG);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if the appendAddress() method returns \"/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute\"",
					resultAddress == TTAddress("/gran/parent/name.instance:attribute"),
	// This test checks appendInstance() and appendAttribute() methods
	resultAddress = kTTAdrsRoot.appendAddress(TTAddress("name")).appendInstance(TTAddress("instance")).appendAttribute(TTAddress("attribute"));
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if appendAddress + appendInstance + appendAttribute methods returns \"/name.instance:attribute\"",
					resultAddress == TTAddress("/name.instance:attribute"),

	// the third set of tests checks the splitAt method
	TTTestLog("Testing Address splitAt Method");
	testAddressA.splitAt(0, part1, part2);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if splitAt method returns \"directory:/\" and \"gran/parent/name.instance:attribute\"",
					part1 == TTAddress("directory:/") &&
					part2 == TTAddress("gran/parent/name.instance:attribute"),
	testAddressA.splitAt(1, part1, part2);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if splitAt method returns \"directory:/gran\" and \"parent/name.instance:attribute\"",
					part1 == TTAddress("directory:/gran") &&
					part2 == TTAddress("parent/name.instance:attribute"),
	testAddressA.splitAt(2, part1, part2);
	TTTestAssertion("TTAddress: Test passes if splitAt method returns \"directory:/gran/parent\" and \"name.instance:attribute\"",
					part1 == TTAddress("directory:/gran/parent") &&
					part2 == TTAddress("name.instance:attribute"),
	// the fourth set of tests checks the countSeparator method
	TTTestLog("Testing Address countSeparator Method");
	// the fift set of tests checks the listNameInstance method
	TTTestLog("Testing Address listNameInstance Method");