void *meter_oksize(t_meter *x, t_rect *newrect)
	TTLimit(newrect->width, kWidthMinimum, kWidthMaximum);
	TTLimit(newrect->height, kHeightMinimum, kHeightMaximum);
	meterCacheSurface(x);	// Now draw the gradient and cache it in our surface
	return (void*)1;
TTErr GaussWindow::calculateValue(const TTFloat64& x, TTFloat64& y, TTPtrSizedInt data)
	TTFloat64 superscript = -0.5 * pow( ( (2. * x) - 1. ) / mSigma, 2 );
	y = exp(superscript);
	TTLimit(y, 0.0, 1.0 ); // just in case 
	return kTTErrNone;
TTErr TTBalance::setFrequency(const TTValue& newValue)
	mFrequency = (double)newValue;
	TTLimit(mFrequency, 1., (sr*0.45));

	c = 1 / ( tan( kTTPi*(mFrequency/sr) ) );
	a0 = 1 / (1 + kTTSqrt2*c + c*c);
	a1 = 2*a0;
	a2 = a0;
	b1 = 2*a0*( 1 - c*c );
	b2 = a0 * (1 - kTTSqrt2*c + c*c);
	return kTTErrNone;
TTErr TrapezoidWindow::calculateValue(const TTFloat64& x, TTFloat64& y, TTPtrSizedInt data)
	TTFloat64 twoOverAlpha = 2. / mAlpha;
	TTFloat64 alphaOverTwo = mAlpha / 2.;
	if ( x < alphaOverTwo ) {  // attack portion
		y = x * twoOverAlpha;
	} else if ( x > ( 1 - alphaOverTwo ) ) { // release portion
	 	y = (1 - x) * twoOverAlpha;
	} else { // sustain portion
        y = 1.;
	TTLimit(y, 0.0, 1.0 );

	return kTTErrNone;
TTErr TukeyWindow::calculateValue(const TTFloat64& x, TTFloat64& y, TTPtrSizedInt data)
	TTFloat64 twoOverAlpha = 2. / mAlpha;
	TTFloat64 alphaOverTwo = mAlpha / 2.;
	if ( x < alphaOverTwo ) {  // attack portion
		y = 0.5 * (1 + cos( kTTPi * ((twoOverAlpha * x) - 1)));
	} else if ( x > ( 1 - alphaOverTwo) ) { // release portion
		y = 0.5 * (1 + cos( kTTPi * ((twoOverAlpha * x) - twoOverAlpha + 1)));
	} else { // sustain portion
		y = 1.;
	TTLimit(y, 0.0, 1.0 ); // just in case 
	return kTTErrNone;