int main(int argc,char **argv)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;           /* used to check for functions returning nonzeros */
  Vec            x, f;               /* solution, function */
  Mat            J;                  /* Jacobian matrix */
  Tao            tao;                /* Tao solver context */
  PetscInt       i;               /* iteration information */
  PetscReal      hist[100],resid[100];
  PetscInt       lits[100];
  AppCtx         user;               /* user-defined work context */

  PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,(char *)0,help);

  /* Allocate vectors */
  ierr = VecCreateSeq(MPI_COMM_SELF,NPARAMETERS,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecCreateSeq(MPI_COMM_SELF,NOBSERVATIONS,&f);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Create the Jacobian matrix. */

  for (i=0;i<NOBSERVATIONS;i++) user.idm[i] = i;

  for (i=0;i<NPARAMETERS;i++) user.idn[i] = i;

  /* Create TAO solver and set desired solution method */
  ierr = TaoCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,&tao);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TaoSetType(tao,TAOPOUNDERS);CHKERRQ(ierr);

 /* Set the function and Jacobian routines. */
  ierr = InitializeData(&user);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = FormStartingPoint(x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TaoSetInitialVector(tao,x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TaoSetSeparableObjectiveRoutine(tao,f,EvaluateFunction,(void*)&user);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TaoSetJacobianRoutine(tao, J, J, EvaluateJacobian, (void*)&user);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Check for any TAO command line arguments */
  ierr = TaoSetFromOptions(tao);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = TaoSetConvergenceHistory(tao,hist,resid,0,lits,100,PETSC_TRUE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* Perform the Solve */
  ierr = TaoSolve(tao);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TaoView(tao,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Free TAO data structures */
  ierr = TaoDestroy(&tao);CHKERRQ(ierr);

   /* Free PETSc data structures */
  ierr = VecDestroy(&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&f);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatDestroy(&J);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  return 0;
   TaoSolve - Solves an unconstrained minimization problem.  Call TaoSolve() 
   after calling TaoCreate() and optional routines of the form TaoSetXXX().

   Collective on TAO_SOLVER

   Input Parameters:
.  tao - the TAO_SOLVER solver context

   By default the TAO solvers use an initial starting guess of zero.  To
   provide an alternative initial guess, the user must call TaoAppSetInitialSolutionVec()
   before calling TaoSolve().

   Level: advanced

.keywords: Solve

.seealso: TaoCreate(), TaoDestroy()
int TaoSolve(TAO_SOLVER tao)
  int      info;
  TaoVec   *xx;

  info = TaoGetSolution(tao,&xx);CHKERRQ(info);
  info = tao->taoappl->InitializeVariables(xx);CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoSetUp(tao);CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoSetDefaultStatistics(tao); CHKERRQ(info);
  if (tao->solve){ info = (*(tao)->solve)(tao,tao->data);CHKERRQ(info); }
  if (tao->viewtao) { info = TaoView(tao);CHKERRQ(info); }
  if (tao->viewksptao) { info = TaoViewLinearSolver(tao);CHKERRQ(info); }
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  double startTime;
  int info;			/* used to check for functions returning nonzeros */
  GAVec ga_x;        		/* solution vector */
  TAO_SOLVER tao;		/* TAO_SOLVER solver context */
  TAO_GA_APPLICATION taoapp;	/* TAO application context */
  TaoTerminateReason reason;
  AppCtx user;			/* user-defined application context */

  /*initialize GA and MPI */
  int heap = 400000, stack = 400000;
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);	/* initialize MPI */
  GA_Initialize ();		/* initialize GA */
  user.me = GA_Nodeid ();
  user.nproc = GA_Nnodes ();
  startTime = MPI_Wtime();
  if (user.me == 0) {
    if (GA_Uses_fapi ())
      GA_Error ("Program runs with C array API only", 0);
    printf ("Using %ld processes\n", (long) user.nproc);
    fflush (stdout);
  heap /= user.nproc;
  stack /= user.nproc;
  if (!MA_init (MT_F_DBL, stack, heap))
    GA_Error ("MA_init failed", stack + heap);	/* initialize memory allocator */
  /* Initialize TAO */
  TaoInitialize (&argc, &argv, (char *) 0, help);

  /* Initialize problem parameters */
  user.ndim = NDIM;
  user.natoms = NATOMS;
  user.BlockSize = BLOCKSIZE;

  /* Allocate vectors for the solution and gradient */
  int dims[2];
  dims[0] = user.ndim*user.natoms;
  ga_x = NGA_Create (C_DBL, 1, dims, "GA_X", NULL);
  if (!ga_x) GA_Error ("lennard-jones.main::NGA_Create ga_x", ga_x);

  /* Set up structures for data distribution */
  info = SetupBlocks(&user); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* The TAO code begins here */
  /* Create TAO solver with desired solution method */
  info = TaoCreate (MPI_COMM_WORLD, "tao_lmvm", &tao); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAApplicationCreate (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &taoapp); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Set the initial solution */
  info = InitializeVariables(ga_x, &user); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAAppSetInitialSolutionVec(taoapp, ga_x); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Set routines for function, gradient */
  info = TaoGAAppSetObjectiveAndGradientRoutine (taoapp, FormFunctionGradient, 
					      (void *) &user); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Check for TAO command line options */
  info = TaoSetFromOptions (tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  info = TaoSolveGAApplication (taoapp, tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  /*  To View TAO solver information use */
  info = TaoView(tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Get termination information */
  info = TaoGetTerminationReason (tao, &reason);
  if(info) GA_Error("lennard-jones.main.TaoGetTerminationReason",info);
  if (user.me == 0) {
    if (reason <= 0)
      printf("Try a different TAO method, adjust some parameters, or check the function evaluation routines\n");
    printf("WALL TIME TAKEN = %lf\n", MPI_Wtime()-startTime);
    /*output the solutions */ 

    printf ("The solution is :\n");
  GA_Print (ga_x);

  /* Free TAO data structures */
  info = TaoDestroy (tao); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAAppDestroy (taoapp); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Free GA data structures */
  GA_Destroy (ga_x);
  if (!MA_pop_stack(user.memHandle)) 
    ga_error("Main::MA_pop_stack for memHandle failed",0);

  /* Finalize TAO, GA, and MPI */
  TaoFinalize ();
  GA_Terminate ();
  MPI_Finalize ();

  return 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  double startTime;
  int info;			/* used to check for functions returning nonzeros */
  GAVec ga_x;        		/* solution vector */
  TAO_SOLVER tao;		/* TAO_SOLVER solver context */
  TAO_GA_APPLICATION taoapp;	/* TAO application context */
  TaoTerminateReason reason;
  AppCtx user;			/* user-defined application context */

  /*initialize GA and MPI */
  int heap = 4000, stack = 4000;
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);	/* initialize MPI */
  GA_Initialize ();		/* initialize GA */
  if (!MA_init(MT_F_DBL, stack, heap))
    GA_Error((char*)"MA_init failed", stack+heap);

  /* Initialize TAO */
  TaoInitialize (&argc, &argv, (char *) 0, help);

  startTime = MPI_Wtime();

  /* Initialize problem parameters */
  user.natoms = NATOMS;
  user.ndim = NDIM;
  user.n = user.natoms*user.ndim;

  /* Create working space */
  if (MA_push_stack(C_DBL, 2*user.n, "Vector buffers", &user.memHandle) == MA_FALSE)
    GA_Error((char*)"MAIN::ma_alloc_get failed",2*user.n);

  /* Allocate Global Array vector for the solution */
  int dims[2];
  dims[0] = user.n;
  ga_x = NGA_Create (C_DBL, 1, dims, (char*)"GA_X", NULL);
  if (!ga_x) GA_Error ((char*)"lennard-jones.main::NGA_Create ga_x", ga_x);

  /* The TAO code begins here */
  /* Create TAO solver with desired solution method */
  info = TaoCreate (MPI_COMM_WORLD, "tao_cg", &tao); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAApplicationCreate (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &taoapp); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Set initial vector */
  info = InitializeVariables(ga_x, &user); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAAppSetInitialSolutionVec(taoapp, ga_x); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Set routines for function, gradient */
  info = TaoGAAppSetObjectiveAndGradientRoutine (taoapp, FormFunctionGradient, (void *) &user); 

  /* Check for TAO command line options */
  info = TaoSetFromOptions (tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  info = TaoSolveGAApplication (taoapp, tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  /*  To View TAO solver information use */
  info = TaoView(tao); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Get termination information */
  info = TaoGetTerminationReason (tao, &reason); CHKERRQ(info);

  if (reason <= 0)
    printf("Try a different TAO method, adjust some parameters, or check the function evaluation routines\n");

  printf("TIME TAKEN = %lf\n", MPI_Wtime()-startTime);

  /*output the solutions */ 
  printf ("The solution is :\n");
  GA_Print (ga_x);

  /* Free TAO data structures */
  info = TaoDestroy (tao); CHKERRQ(info);
  info = TaoGAAppDestroy (taoapp); CHKERRQ(info);

  /* Free GA data structures */
  GA_Destroy (ga_x);
  if (!MA_pop_stack(user.memHandle))
    GA_Error((char*)"Main::MA_pop_stack failed",0);

  /* Finalize TAO, GA, and MPI */
  TaoFinalize ();
  GA_Terminate ();
  MPI_Finalize ();

  return 0;