/** Configures the board hardware and chip peripherals for the demo's functionality. */ void SetupHardware(void) { /* Disable watchdog if enabled by bootloader/fuses */ MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); wdt_disable(); /* Disable clock division */ clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); /* Hardware Initialization */ LEDs_Init(); SPI_Init(SPI_SPEED_FCPU_DIV_2 | SPI_SCK_LEAD_FALLING | SPI_SAMPLE_TRAILING | SPI_MODE_MASTER); ADC_Init(ADC_FREE_RUNNING | ADC_PRESCALE_128); Temperature_Init(); Dataflash_Init(); USB_Init(); TWI_Init(TWI_BIT_PRESCALE_4, TWI_BITLENGTH_FROM_FREQ(4, 50000)); /* 500ms logging interval timer configuration */ OCR1A = (((F_CPU / 1024) / 2) - 1); TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10); TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A); /* Clear Dataflash sector protections, if enabled */ DataflashManager_ResetDataflashProtections(); }
/** Configures the board hardware and chip peripherals for the demo's functionality. */ void SetupHardware(void) { #if (ARCH == ARCH_AVR8) /* Disable watchdog if enabled by bootloader/fuses */ MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); wdt_disable(); /* Disable clock division */ clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); #endif /* Hardware Initialization */ LEDs_Init(); ADC_Init(ADC_FREE_RUNNING | ADC_PRESCALE_128); Temperature_Init(); Dataflash_Init(); USB_Init(); TWI_Init(TWI_BIT_PRESCALE_4, TWI_BITLENGTH_FROM_FREQ(4, 50000)); RTC_Init(); /* 500ms logging interval timer configuration */ OCR1A = (((F_CPU / 256) / 2) - 1); TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12); TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A); /* Check if the Dataflash is working, abort if not */ if (!(DataflashManager_CheckDataflashOperation())) { LEDs_SetAllLEDs(LEDMASK_USB_ERROR); for(;;); } /* Clear Dataflash sector protections, if enabled */ DataflashManager_ResetDataflashProtections(); }
int main(void) { AppMode_T AppMode; APP_STATE_E state=UPDATE_TEMPERATURE; char LCDString[30], temp_char[2]; uint16_t temp; float ftemp; HardwareSetup(); /************************initializa LCD module********************************/ SPI2_Init(); InitialiseLCD(); led_init(); MSTimerInit(); /* Default app mode */ AppMode = GAINSPAN_DEMO; /* If the CIK is exist, auto into the Exosite mode */ NVSettingsLoad(&GNV_Setting); /* Determine if SW1 & SW3 is pressed at power up to enter programming mode */ if (Switch1IsPressed() && Switch3IsPressed()) { AppMode = PROGRAM_MODE; } else if(Switch3IsPressed() && Switch2IsPressed()) { AppMode = EXOSITE_ERASE; } else if(Switch1IsPressed()) { AppMode = RUN_EXOSITE; } else if(Switch2IsPressed()) { AppMode = RUN_PROVISIONING; } else if(Switch3IsPressed()) { AppMode = RUN_OVER_AIR_DOWNLOAD; } if(AppMode == GAINSPAN_DEMO) { LCDDisplayLogo(); LCDSelectFont(FONT_SMALL); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "RL78G14 RDK V2.0"); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, " Wi-Fi & Cloud "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, " demos by: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "Gainspan "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "Exosite "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, "Future Designs, Inc"); MSTimerDelay(3500); ClearLCD(); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Demo Modes: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, "-RST no key: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " GS Web Server "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "-RST + SW1: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, " Exosite Cloud "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "-RST + SW2: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, " AP Provisioning "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, "-RST + SW3: OTA "); MSTimerDelay(3000); ClearLCD(); LCDSelectFont(FONT_LARGE); if(Exosite_GetCIK(NULL)) { AppMode = RUN_EXOSITE; } } DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Starting..."); /*****************************************************************************/ SPI_Init(GAINSPAN_SPI_RATE); /* Setup LCD SPI channel for Chip Select P10, active low, active per byte */ SPI_ChannelSetup(GAINSPAN_SPI_CHANNEL, false, true); GainSpan_SPI_Start(); PM15 &= ~(1 << 2); P15 &= ~(1 << 2); if(AppMode == PROGRAM_MODE) { App_ProgramMode(); } else if (AppMode == RUN_EXOSITE) { DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, " CLOUD DEMO "); Temperature_Init(); Potentiometer_Init(); App_Exosite(); } else if(AppMode == RUN_PROVISIONING) { App_WebProvisioning(); } else if(AppMode == RUN_OVER_AIR_DOWNLOAD) { App_OverTheAirProgrammingPushMetheod(); } else if (AppMode == EXOSITE_ERASE) { ClearLCD(); LCDSelectFont(FONT_SMALL); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "EEPROM ERASING ... "); MSTimerDelay(2000); Exosite_Init("renesas", "rl78g14", IF_WIFI, 1); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "Please reset device"); while(1); } else{ UART0_Start(GAINSPAN_CONSOLE_BAUD); // UART2_Start(GAINSPAN_UART_BAUD); Temperature_Init(); Potentiometer_Init(); // sprintf(LCDString, "RDK Demo %s", VERSION_TEXT); // DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, (const uint8_t *)LCDString); /* Before doing any tests or apps, startup the module */ /* and nonvolatile stettings */ App_Startup(); // Now connect to the system //App_Connect(&G_nvsettings.webprov); // App_PassThroughSPI(); /******************Start Processing Sensor data******************/ uint32_t start = MSTimerGet(); uint8_t c; Accelerometer_Init(); while(1) { // if (GainSpan_SPI_ReceiveByte(GAINSPAN_SPI_CHANNEL, &c)) if(App_Read(&c, 1, 0)) AtLibGs_ReceiveDataProcess(c); /* Timeout? */ if (MSTimerDelta(start) >= 100) // every 100 ms, read sensor data { led_task(); switch(state) { case UPDATE_TEMPERATURE: // Temperature sensor reading temp = Temperature_Get(); #if 0 // Get the temperature and show it on the LCD temp_char[0] = (int16_t)temp / 16; temp_char[1] = (int16_t)((temp & 0x000F) * 10) / 16; #endif temp_char[1] = (temp & 0xFF00)>>8; temp_char[0] = temp & 0xFF; ftemp = *(uint16_t *)temp_char; gTemp_F = ((ftemp/5)*9)/128 + 22; // Display the contents of lcd_buffer onto the debug LCD //sprintf((char *)LCDString, "TEMP: %d.%d C", temp_char[0], temp_char[1]); sprintf((char *)LCDString, "TEMP: %.1fF", gTemp_F); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, (const uint8_t *)LCDString); state = UPDATE_LIGHT; break; case UPDATE_LIGHT: // Light sensor reading gAmbientLight = LightSensor_Get(); // Display the contents of lcd_buffer onto the debug LCD sprintf((char *)LCDString, "Light: %d ", gAmbientLight); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, (const uint8_t *)LCDString); state = UPDATE_ACCELEROMETER; break; case UPDATE_ACCELEROMETER: // 3-axis accelerometer reading Accelerometer_Get(); sprintf((char *)LCDString, "x%2d y%2d z%2d", gAccData[0], gAccData[1], gAccData[2]); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, (const uint8_t *)LCDString); state = UPDATE_TEMPERATURE; break; } start = MSTimerGet(); } } }
int main(void) { AppMode_T AppMode; WDTIMK = 0U; /* enable INTWDTI interrupt */ HardwareSetup(); MSTimerInit(); /************************initializa LCD module********************************/ SPI2_Init(); InitialiseLCD(); led_init(); /* Default app mode */ AppMode = RUN_EXOSITE; /* Determine if SW1 & SW3 is pressed at power up to enter nvm erase mode */ if (Switch1IsPressed() && Switch3IsPressed()) { DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "*NVM ERASED*"); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, "Reboot "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " Device "); while(1) { // wait here } } else if(Switch1IsPressed()) { AppMode = ACTIVATE_MODEM; } DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Initializing"); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, " Novatel "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " Modem "); // reset the modem P8 &= ~(1<<POWER_OFF_PIN); //SET LOW PM8 &= ~(1<<POWER_OFF_PIN); //SET AS OUTPUT P8 |= (1<<POWER_OFF_PIN); //SET HIGH MSTimerDelay(500); //pulse P8 &= ~(1<<POWER_OFF_PIN); //SET LOW // pulse the phone pin as well ADPC = 0x09U; //DEFAULT is all AINx pins are Analog, change 8-15 // to digital P15 &= ~(1<<MODEM_PHON_PIN); //SET LOW PM15 &= ~(1<<MODEM_PHON_PIN); //SET AS OUTPUT P15 |= (1<<MODEM_PHON_PIN); //SET HIGH MSTimerDelay(500); //pulse P15 &= ~(1<<MODEM_PHON_PIN); //SET LOW PM15 |= (1<<MODEM_PHON_PIN); //SET AS INPUT // wait for modem to power up DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Waiting for "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, " Modem to "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " Initialize "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, " 3 "); MSTimerDelay(1000); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, " 2 "); MSTimerDelay(1000); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, " 1 "); MSTimerDelay(1000); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, ""); // Start UART0 for Novatel modem UART0_Start(NOVATEL_UART_BAUD_RATE); /* If the CIK is exist, auto into the Exosite mode */ NVSettingsLoad(&GNV_Setting); if(AppMode == RUN_EXOSITE) { LCDDisplayLogo(); LCDSelectFont(FONT_SMALL); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "RL78G14 RDK V2.0"); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, " Cellular "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, " demos by: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "Novatel "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "Exosite "); MSTimerDelay(3500); ClearLCD(); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Demo Modes: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, "-RST no key: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, " ExoSite App "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "-RST + SW1 & SW3: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, " Reset NVM "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "-RST + SW1: "); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, " Cell Activate "); MSTimerDelay(3000); ClearLCD(); LCDSelectFont(FONT_LARGE); DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Exosite DEMO"); Temperature_Init(); Potentiometer_Init(); App_Exosite(); } else if (AppMode == ACTIVATE_MODEM) { ATModem_CellActivate(); } return 0; }