/** TestRgb::Test Tests functionality contained within the TRgb class. Attributes such as base colours are set/retrieved & the result verified */ void TestRgb::Test() { TestSet(); TestGet(); TestComp(); TestStream(); }
void TestMultiset( const Allocator& a ) { typedef std::multiset< typename Allocator::value_type, std::less< typename Allocator::value_type >, Allocator > Multiset; Multiset s1( Policy< Allocator >::template GetDefaultSet< Multiset >( a ) ); Multiset s2( Policy< Allocator >::template GetCopiedSet< Multiset >( a ) ); TestSet( a, s1 ); TestSet( a, s2 ); s1.swap( s2 ); TestSet( a, s1 ); TestSet( a, s2 ); }
void TestSetCont::AddTestSet ( const std::string& testSetName, const TestCase& test ) { TestCaseCont tests; tests.push_back( test ); testSets_.push_back( TestSet( tests, testSetName ) ); }
void TestSetCont::AddTest ( const std::string& name, const TestCase& singleTestCase ) { TestCaseCont testSet; testSet.push_back( singleTestCase ); testSets_.push_back( TestSet( testSet, name ) ); }
int FAR PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { InitTotalStatistics(); InitEmptyString(); FastFunctionsInit(); TestStackPointers(); TestClass(); TestClassStorage(); TestUnknowns(); TestArrayUnknown(); TestSetUnknown(); TestArrayType(); TestSetType(); TestMapStringUnknown(); TestEvent(); TestActionEvent(); TestExternalChannels(); TestExternalChannelPadder(); TestChannels(); TestChannelsAccessor(); TestSingleChannelAccessor(); TestChunkFileNames(); TestParameters(); TestDistToRoot(); TestDistToStack(); TestObjectsSimple(); TestRoot(); TestObject(); TestPointer(); TestArrayCommonObject(); TestNamedObject(); TestObjectAllocator(); TestObjectWriterChunked(); TestObjectGraphSerialiser(); TestObjectReaderSimple(); TestObjectReaderChunked(); TestObjectStackPointers(); TestNamedIndexes(); TestObjectGraphDeserialiser(); TestObjectConverter(); TestObjects(); TestDehollowfication(); TestUsage(); TestArray(); TestSet(); TestKill(); TestEmbedded(); TestEmbeddedObjectRemapTos(); FastFunctionsKill(); KillEmptyString(); return TestTotalStatistics(); }
void TestWithContainers( const Allocator& a ) { TestVector( a ); TestDeque( a ); TestList( a ); TestSet( a ); TestMultiset( a ); TestMap( a ); TestMultimap( a ); TestString( a ); TestStack( a ); TestQueue( a ); TestPriorityQueue( a ); }
void TestSetCont::AddTests ( const std::string& name, const TestCase nullTerminatedArray[] ) { TestCaseCont testSet; for( unsigned long i = 0; !nullTerminatedArray[i].IsNull(); ++i ) { testSet.push_back( nullTerminatedArray[i] ); } testSets_.push_back( TestSet( testSet, name ) ); }
bool COthelloBoard::IsSettable(int x, int y, Cell cell) { return TestSet(x, y, cell, false); }
bool COthelloBoard::Set(int x, int y, Cell cell) { return TestSet(x, y, cell, true); }