TexturePair AssetsManager::showTexture(const std::string textureName)
	// 	if (!mOgreCEGUITexture) {
	// 		S_LOG_WARNING("You must first create a valid OgreCEGUITexture instance.");
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	if (Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(textureName)) {
		Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr = static_cast<Ogre::TexturePtr>(Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(textureName));
		if (!texturePtr.isNull()) {
			if (!texturePtr->isLoaded()) {
				try {
				} catch (...) {
					S_LOG_WARNING("Error when loading " << textureName << ". This texture will not be shown.");
					return TexturePair();
			std::string textureName(texturePtr->getName());
			std::string imageSetName(textureName + "_AssetsManager");

			return createTextureImage(texturePtr, imageSetName);
			// 			mOgreCEGUITexture->setOgreTexture(texturePtr);
	return TexturePair();

TexturePair AssetsManager::createTextureImage(Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr, const std::string& imageSetName)
	// 	if (mOgreCEGUITexture) {
	// 		GUIManager::getSingleton().getGuiRenderer()->destroyTexture(mOgreCEGUITexture);
	// 		mOgreCEGUITexture = 0;
	// 	}

	CEGUI::Imageset* textureImageset;

	if (CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingleton().isDefined(imageSetName)) {
		textureImageset = &CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingleton().get(imageSetName);
	} else {
		//create a CEGUI texture from our Ogre texture
		S_LOG_VERBOSE("Creating new CEGUI texture from Ogre texture.");
		CEGUI::Texture* ogreCEGUITexture = &GUIManager::getSingleton().getGuiRenderer()->createTexture(texturePtr);

		//we need a imageset in order to create GUI elements from the ceguiTexture
		S_LOG_VERBOSE("Creating new CEGUI imageset with name " << imageSetName);
		textureImageset = &CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingleton().create(imageSetName, *ogreCEGUITexture);

		//we only want one element: the whole texture
		textureImageset->defineImage("full_image", CEGUI::Rect(0, 0, texturePtr->getWidth(), texturePtr->getHeight()), CEGUI::Point(0, 0));
	//assign our image element to the StaticImage widget
	const CEGUI::Image* textureImage = &textureImageset->getImage("full_image");

	return TexturePair(texturePtr, textureImage, textureImageset);

void ResourceManager::AddTexture( const std::string& path, const sf::Texture& texture, bool managed ) {
	TextureMap::iterator texture_iter( m_textures.find( path ) );

	if( texture_iter != m_textures.end() && texture_iter->second.second ) {
		delete texture_iter->second.first;

	m_textures[path] = TexturePair( &texture, managed );
const sf::Texture* ResourceManager::GetTexture( const std::string& path ) {
	TextureMap::const_iterator texture_iter( m_textures.find( path ) );

	if( texture_iter != m_textures.end() ) {
		return texture_iter->second.first;

	// Try to load.
	ResourceLoader* loader( GetMatchingLoader( path ) );
	if( !loader ) {
		return NULL;

	const sf::Texture* texture( loader->LoadTexture( GetFilename( path, *loader ) ) );

	if( !texture ) {
		return NULL;

	// Cache.
	m_textures[path] = TexturePair( texture, true );
	return texture;
TexturePair AssetsManager::createTextureImage(Ogre::TexturePtr texturePtr, const std::string& imageName)
	// 	if (mOgreCEGUITexture) {
	// 		GUIManager::getSingleton().getGuiRenderer()->destroyTexture(mOgreCEGUITexture);
	// 		mOgreCEGUITexture = 0;
	// 	}

	auto renderer = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getRenderer();

	CEGUI::Texture* ogreCEGUITexture;
	if (renderer->isTextureDefined(texturePtr->getName())) {
		ogreCEGUITexture = &renderer->getTexture(texturePtr->getName());
	} else {
		//create a CEGUI texture from our Ogre texture
		S_LOG_VERBOSE("Creating new CEGUI texture from Ogre texture.");
		ogreCEGUITexture = &GUIManager::getSingleton().createTexture(texturePtr);

	//assign our image element to the StaticImage widget
	CEGUI::Image* textureImage;
	if (CEGUI::ImageManager::getSingleton().isDefined(imageName)) {
		textureImage = &CEGUI::ImageManager::getSingleton().get(imageName);
	} else {
		textureImage = &CEGUI::ImageManager::getSingleton().create("BasicImage", imageName);

	CEGUI::BasicImage* basicImage = static_cast<CEGUI::BasicImage*>(textureImage);
	auto area = CEGUI::Rectf(0, 0, ogreCEGUITexture->getSize().d_width, ogreCEGUITexture->getSize().d_height);

	return TexturePair(texturePtr, textureImage);

bool CL_SpritePacker::pack(int max_width, int max_height, int min_width, int min_height, int max_textures)
	// Fetch all frames from SpriteDescription.
	std::list<CL_SpriteDescription::FramePair>::const_iterator it_frames;
	const std::list<CL_SpriteDescription::FramePair> &frames = impl->description.get_frames();

	std::list<TexturePair>::iterator it_packed_frames;

	// Make a new list with just as many elements as spritedescription.
	// A texture index of -1 means the texture hasn't been packed yet.
	for(int i = frames.size(); i > 0; i--)
		impl->packed_frames.push_back(TexturePair(-1, CL_Rect()));

	// Initial values for texture-size
	int width = min_width;
	int height = min_height;
	impl->texture_sizes.push_back(CL_Size(width, height));

	CL_SpritePacker_Generic::Node root;
	int current_texture = 0;
	bool all_fit;
		root.rect = CL_Rect(0, 0, width, height);
		all_fit = true;
		// Pack all frames!
		for(it_frames = frames.begin(), it_packed_frames = impl->packed_frames.begin();
			it_frames != frames.end();
			++it_frames, ++it_packed_frames)
			if((*it_frames).second.get_width() > max_width || (*it_frames).second.get_height() > max_height)
#ifdef _DEBUG
				CL_Log::log("debug", "Error: Trying to pack sprite larger than the maximum");
				CL_Log::log("debug", "Width: %1, Max Width %2", (*it_frames).second.get_width(), max_width);
				CL_Log::log("debug", "Height: %1, Max Height %2", (*it_frames).second.get_height(), max_height);
				return false;
			if((*it_packed_frames).first == -1)	// Frame not yet been packed.
				CL_SpritePacker_Generic::Node *node = root.insert(*it_frames);

				if(node)	// Frame was packed ok.
					(*it_packed_frames).first = current_texture;
					(*it_packed_frames).second = node->rect;
				else	// Frame couldn't fit into current texture.
					all_fit = false;
		if(all_fit == false)	// All textures didnt fit.
			// A maximum texture-size ?
			if((width == height && (width * 2) <= max_width) || (height * 2) <= max_height)
				if(width == height && (width * 2) <= max_width)
					width *= 2;
					height *= 2;

				// Clear current texture.
				for(it_packed_frames = impl->packed_frames.begin();
					it_packed_frames != impl->packed_frames.end();
					if((*it_packed_frames).first == current_texture)
						(*it_packed_frames).first = -1;
				impl->texture_sizes[current_texture] = CL_Size(width, height);

				// Check if we still have textures available.
				if(current_texture >= max_textures && max_textures != -1)
					return false;

				// Start a minimum size for next texture.
				width = min_width;
				height = min_height;

				impl->texture_sizes.push_back(CL_Size(width, height));
	} while(all_fit == false);

	return true;
        Texture* TextureManager::addTexture( const std::string& filename )
            Texture* ret = nullptr;

            FIBITMAP* dib = nullptr; // TODO This name is nonsense, change it

            // Find format from file signature
            fif = FreeImage_GetFileType( filename.c_str(), 0 );

            if ( FIF_UNKNOWN == fif )
                // Find format from file extension
                fif = FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename( filename.c_str() );

            if ( FIF_UNKNOWN == fif )
                // Still unknown
                std::string error = "Cannot determine " + filename + " image format.";
                LOG( logERROR ) << error;
                CORE_ASSERT( 0, error.c_str() );

                return nullptr;

            if ( FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading( fif ) )
                dib = FreeImage_Load( fif, filename.c_str() );

            std::string error = "Something went wrong while trying to load " + filename + ".";
            //CORE_ASSERT(dib, error.c_str());

            if ( nullptr == dib )
                LOG( logERROR ) << error;
                return nullptr;

            ret = new Texture( filename, GL_TEXTURE_2D );
            unsigned char* data = FreeImage_GetBits( dib );

            int bpp = FreeImage_GetBPP( dib );
            int format = ( bpp == 24 ? GL_BGR : 0 ); // TODO Handle other formats
            int internal = ( bpp == 24 ? GL_RGB : 0 ); // TODO Handle other formats
            int w = FreeImage_GetWidth( dib );
            int h = FreeImage_GetHeight( dib );

            // FIXME(Charly): Use VLOG instead of the check
            if ( m_verbose )
                LOG( logINFO ) << "Image stats (" << filename << ") :\n"
                               << "\tBPP    : 0x" << std::hex << bpp << std::dec << std::endl
                               << "\tFormat : 0x" << std::hex << format << std::dec << std::endl
                               << "\tSize   : " << w << ", " << h;

            CORE_ASSERT( data, "Data is null" );

            ret->initGL( internal, w, h, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data );
            ret->genMipmap( GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR );

            m_textures.insert( TexturePair( filename, ret ) );

            FreeImage_Unload( dib );

            return ret;