// this is a modified version of Texture_ForName
qtexture_t* WINAPI QERApp_TryTextureForName( const char* name )
	qtexture_t* q;
	char filename[1024];
	for ( q = g_qeglobals.d_qtextures ; q ; q = q->next )
		if ( !strcmp( name,  q->filename ) )
			return q;
	// try loading from file .. this is a copy of the worst part of Texture_ForName
	char cWork[1024];
	sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.tga", ValueForKey( g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "texturepath" ), name );
	QE_ConvertDOSToUnixName( cWork, filename );
	strcpy( filename, cWork );
	unsigned char* pPixels = NULL;
	int nWidth;
	int nHeight;
	LoadImage( filename, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );
	if ( pPixels == NULL )
		// try jpg
		// blatant assumption of .tga should be fine since we sprintf'd it above
		int nLen = strlen( filename );
		filename[nLen - 3] = 'j';
		filename[nLen - 2] = 'p';
		filename[nLen - 1] = 'g';
		LoadImage( filename, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );;
		if ( pPixels == NULL )
			// try png
			// blatant assumption of .tga should be fine since we sprintf'd it above
			int nLen = strlen( filename );
			filename[nLen - 3] = 'p';
			filename[nLen - 2] = 'n';
			filename[nLen - 1] = 'g';
			LoadImage( filename, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );
	if ( pPixels )
		q = Texture_LoadTGATexture( pPixels, nWidth, nHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0 );
		//++timo storing the filename .. will be removed by shader code cleanup
		// this is dirty, and we sure miss some places were we should fill the filename info
		strcpy( q->filename, name );
		SetNameShaderInfo( q, filename, name );
		Sys_Printf( "done.\n", name );
		free( pPixels );
		return q;
	return NULL;
qtexture_t* WINAPI QERApp_Try_Texture_ForName(const char* name)
	qtexture_t *q;
	char f1[1024],f2[1024];
	unsigned char *pPixels = NULL;
	int nWidth,nHeight;

  // convert the texture name to the standard format we use in qtexture_t
  char *stdName = CleanTextureName(name);

  // use the hash table
  q = NULL;
  g_qeglobals.d_qtexmap->Lookup( stdName, (void *&)q );
  if (q)
    return q;
  for (q=g_qeglobals.d_qtextures ; q ; q=q->next)
		if (!strcmp(stdName,  q->name))
      Sys_Printf("ERROR: %s is not in texture map, but was found in texture list\n");
			return q;
#if 0
  for (q=g_qeglobals.d_qtextures ; q ; q=q->next)
		if (!strcmp(stdName,  q->name))
				return q;
	//++timo TODO: say something about loading the file?
	// try loading the texture
	//++timo FIXME: "texturepath" is no use now?
	sprintf(f1, "%s/%s", ValueForKey (g_qeglobals.d_project_entity, "basepath"), name);
	QE_ConvertDOSToUnixName( f2, f1 );
	// NOTE: we may need a global strategy to support default extensions etc.
	// check wether a filename extension was provided
	// NOTE: only works for 3 letters extensions ( .tga .jpg ... )
	if (f1[strlen(f1)-4] == '.')
		// try straight loading
		LoadImage( f1, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );
	if (!pPixels)
		// try adding extensions, .tga first
		LoadImage( f2, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );
		if (!pPixels)
			// .jpg
			LoadImage( f2, &pPixels, &nWidth, &nHeight );
	if (!pPixels)
		// we failed
		return NULL;
		// TODO: display .pk3 file name if loaded from .pk3 (needs to write a VFS .. sort of)
		Sys_Printf("LOADED: %s\n", f2 );
	// instanciate a new qtexture_t
	// NOTE: when called by a plugin we must make sure we have set Radiant's GL context before binding the texture

	// we'll be binding the GL texture now
	// need to check we are using a right GL context
	// with GL plugins that have their own window, the GL context may be the plugin's, in which case loading textures will bug
	HDC currentHDC = qwglGetCurrentDC();
	HGLRC currentHGLRC = qwglGetCurrentContext();
	//++timo FIXME: this may duplicate with qtexture_t* WINAPI QERApp_Texture_ForName (const char *name)
	//++timo FIXME: we need a list of lawfull GL contexts or something?
	// I'd rather always use the same GL context for binding...
	if (currentHDC != g_qeglobals.d_hdcBase || currentHGLRC != g_qeglobals.d_hglrcBase)
#ifdef _DEBUG
		Sys_Printf("Switching context!\n");
		qwglMakeCurrent( g_qeglobals.d_hdcBase, g_qeglobals.d_hglrcBase );

	//++timo TODO: remove that and use our own implementation?
	q = Texture_LoadTGATexture( pPixels, nWidth, nHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
	// fill qtexture_t information
	//++timo FIXME: filename will be removed .. name for qtexture_t is actually the filename now
  // NOTE: see qtexture_s::name for naming conventions, must remove filename extension
	strcpy( q->filename, name );
	strcpy( q->name, name );
	// only strip extension if extension there is!
	if (q->name[strlen(q->name)-4] == '.')
	// hook into the main qtexture_t list
	q->next = g_qeglobals.d_qtextures;
	g_qeglobals.d_qtextures = q;
  // push it in the map
  g_qeglobals.d_qtexmap->SetAt( q->name, q );

	return q;