// Parse the loop block and ignore its result
int Compiler::ParseOptimizeBlock(int arguments)
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		return 0;

	int nTextStart = ThisTokenRange().m_start;


	// Parse the arguments - note we parse them anyway, regardless of whether they are wanted, 
	// and subsequently complain if there are too many
	int argument = 0;
	while (m_ok && ThisTokenIsSpecial(':') )
		if (NextToken()==NameConst)
			if (argument < arguments)
				RenameTemporary(argument, ThisTokenText(), ThisTokenRange());
				AddTemporary(ThisTokenText(), ThisTokenRange(), true);

	int argBar = -1;
	if (m_ok && argument > 0)
		if (ThisTokenIsBinary(TEMPSDELIMITER))
			argBar = ThisTokenRange().m_stop;
			m_ok = false;

	int nBlockTemps = 0;
	if (m_ok)
		// Temporarily commented out for interim release
		if (m_ok && ThisToken() != CloseSquare)
			CompileError(TEXTRANGE(nTextStart, LastTokenRange().m_stop), CErrBlockNotClosed);
	if (m_ok && argument != arguments)
		CompileError(TEXTRANGE(nTextStart, argBar < 0 ? ThisTokenRange().m_stop : argBar), CErrIncorrectBlockArgCount);

	return nBlockTemps;
bool Compiler::ParseOrCondition(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange)
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("or:", messageRange);

	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;

	// Note "reordering" to allow us to use the smaller
	// jump on false instruction. In the case of #or: this
	// seems to be worth doing, even if it isn't for #ifFalse:. It does
	// result in a small overall size reduction. Which has a speed
	// advantage is difficult to say.
	int branchMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfFalse);
	AddTextMap(branchMark, messageRange);

	int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);

	int ifFalse = m_codePointer;
	if (m_ok)
		SetJumpTarget(branchMark, ifFalse);
		SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());

	return true;
bool Compiler::ParseAndCondition(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange)
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("and:", messageRange);

	// Assume we can reorder blocks to allow us to use the smaller
	// jump on false instruction.
	int popAndJumpInstruction=LongJumpIfFalse;
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;

	// If the receiver is false, then the whole expression is false, so 
	// jump over (shortcut) the block argument
	int branchMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfFalse);
	AddTextMap(branchMark, messageRange);

	int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);
	SetJumpTarget(branchMark, GenInstruction(ShortPushFalse));
	SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());

	return true;
bool Compiler::ParseIfFalse(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange)
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)InternSymbol("ifFalse:"));
		return false;

	int condJumpMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfTrue);
	AddTextMap(condJumpMark, messageRange);


	// Need to jump over the false block at end of true block
	int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);
	int elseMark = m_codePointer;

	if (strcmp(ThisTokenText(), "ifTrue:") == 0)
		// An else block exists

		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifFalse:ifTrue:", messageRange);


		// When ifTrue: branch is missing, value of expression if condition false is nil

		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifFalse:", messageRange);

		// N.B. We used (pre 5.5) to reorder the "blocks" to take advantage of the shorter jump on false
		// instruction (i.e. we put the empty true block first), but it turns out that this
		// apparent optimization is actually a bad idea since it seems to reduce the effectiveness
		// of the peephole optimizer. Here are some stats from an image with 34319 methods:
		//	Methods affected:			1276
		//	Shorter with inversion:		182
		//	Shorter without inversion:	849 (1)
		//	Size of bytecodes with:		60268
		//	Size of bytecodes without:	58564 (2)
		// i.e. more methods are lengthened by the apparent optimization than without it (1), and
		// the overall size of the methods is actually increased in most cases (2).


	SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());

	// Now the jump on condition
	SetJumpTarget(condJumpMark, elseMark);

	return true;
// Return whether we it was suitable to optimize this loop block
bool Compiler::ParseWhileLoopBlock(const bool bIsWhileTrue, const int loopmark, 
								   const TEXTRANGE& tokenRange, const int textStart)
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame(bIsWhileTrue ? "whileTrue:" : "whileFalse:", tokenRange);

	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;

	if (!InlineLoopBlock(loopmark, tokenRange))
		Warning(tokenRange, CWarnExpectNiladicBlockReceiver, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;

	// We've generated (and inlined) the loop condition block already
	// Now we need to insert conditional jump over the loop body block which should
	// be taken if the condition is false if a while true loop, or true if a while
	// false loop (since it is the jump out)

	// To have a breakpoint on the loop condition check uncomment the breakpoint and the text map lines marked with *1*
	//BreakPoint(); // *1*
	const int popAndJumpInstruction = bIsWhileTrue ? LongJumpIfFalse : LongJumpIfTrue;
	int condJumpMark = GenJumpInstruction(popAndJumpInstruction);
	// We need a text map entry for the loop jump in case a mustBeBoolean error gets raised here
	int nLoopTextMap = AddTextMap(condJumpMark, tokenRange);// *1* textStart, LastTokenRange().m_stop);

	// Parse the loop body

		// Parse the loop body ...


		//... and ignore its result

	// Unconditionally jump back to the loop condition
	int jumpPos = GenJump(LongJump, loopmark);

	//if (WantTextMap()) m_textMaps[nLoopTextMap].stop = LastTokenRange().m_stop;	// *1*

	// Return Nil
	int exitMark = GenInstruction(ShortPushNil);

	// We can now set the target of the forward conditional jump
	SetJumpTarget(condJumpMark, exitMark);

	return true;
// produce optimized form of to:do: message
bool Compiler::ParseToDoBlock(int exprStart, int toPointer)
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("to:do:", TEXTRANGE(toPointer, toPointer + 2));

	// Only optimize if a block is next
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectMonadicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;
	ParseToByNumberDo(toPointer, IntegerObjectOf(1), false);
	return true;
// Produce optimized form of to:by:do: message
bool Compiler::ParseToByDoBlock(int exprStart, int toPointer, int byPointer)
	_ASSERTE(toPointer>0 && byPointer>0);
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("to:by:do:", TEXTRANGE(toPointer, toPointer+2));

	// Only optimize if a block is next
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectMonadicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;

	Oop oopStep = LastIsPushNumber();
	if (oopStep != NULL)
		GenPopStack();	// Pop off the "by" argument

		bool bNegativeStep;
		if (IsIntegerObject(oopStep))
			bNegativeStep = IntegerValueOf(oopStep) < 0;
			POTE stepClass = m_piVM->FetchClassOf(oopStep);
			if (stepClass == GetVMPointers().ClassFloat)
				double* pfValue = reinterpret_cast<double*>(FetchBytesOf(reinterpret_cast<POTE>(oopStep)));
				bNegativeStep = *pfValue < 0;
				// Have to call into Smalltalk to find out if it is negative
				Oop oopIsNegative = m_piVM->Perform(oopStep, GetVMPointers().negativeSymbol);
				bNegativeStep = oopIsNegative == reinterpret_cast<Oop>(GetVMPointers().True);

		ParseToByNumberDo(toPointer, oopStep, bNegativeStep);
		return true;
	return false;
bool Compiler::ParseIfTrue(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange)
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)InternSymbol("ifTrue:"));
		return false;

	int condJumpMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfFalse);
	AddTextMap(condJumpMark, messageRange);


	// Need to jump over the false block at end of true block
	int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);
	int elseMark = m_codePointer;

	if (strcmp(ThisTokenText(), "ifFalse:") == 0)
		// An else block exists
		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifTrue:ifFalse:", messageRange);


		// When #ifFalse: branch is missing, value of expression if condition false is nil
		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifTrue:", messageRange);


	SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());

	// Now the jump on condition
	SetJumpTarget(condJumpMark, elseMark);

	return true;
// Produce optimized form of timesRepeat: [...].
// Returns true if optimization performed.
// Note that we perform the conditional jump as a backwards jump at the end for optimal performance
bool Compiler::ParseTimesRepeatLoop(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange)
	POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("timesRepeat:", messageRange);

	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(messageRange, CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)oteSelector);
		return false;
	// Can apply extra optimizations if receiver is known SmallInteger
	int loopTimes=0;
	bool isIntReceiver = LastIsPushSmallInteger(loopTimes);

	int startMark = GenDup();

	int jumpOver = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);
	int loopHead = m_codePointer;
	// Parse the loop block and ignore its result

	if (isIntReceiver && loopTimes <= 0)
		// Blank out all our bytecodes if we have 0 or less loops
		const int loopEnd = m_codePointer;
		for (int p = startMark; p < loopEnd; p++)

		return true;

	// Decrement counter

	// Dup counter for compare
	int testMark = GenDup();

	// Fill in forward unconditional jump before the head of the loop
	// which jumps to the conditional test
	SetJumpTarget(jumpOver, testMark);

	if (isIntReceiver)
		// Using IsZero speeds up empty loop by about 5%.
		_ASSERTE(loopTimes > 0);
		// Test for another run around the wheel - favour use of #<, therefore need to test against 1 rather than 0
		GenInteger(1, TEXTRANGE());

		// No breakpoint wanted here
		//GenMessage("<", 1);

	// Conditional jump back to loop head
	GenJump(LongJumpIfFalse, loopHead);

	// Pop off the loop counter, leaving the integer receiver on the stack
	return true;
bool Compiler::ParseIfNotNil(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange, int exprStartPos)
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectMonadicOrNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)InternSymbol("ifNotNil:"));
		return false;

	int dupMark = GenDup();
	const int sendIsNil = GenInstruction(SpecialSendIsNil);
	AddTextMap(sendIsNil, exprStartPos, LastTokenRange().m_stop);

	// We're going to add a pop and jump on condition instruction here
	// Its a forward jump, so we need to patch up the target later
	const int popAndJumpMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfTrue);
	int argc = ParseIfNotNilBlock();

	// If the ifNotNil: block did not have any arguments, then we do not need the Dup, and we also
	// need to patch out the corresponding pop.
	if (!argc)
		UngenInstruction(popAndJumpMark + lengthOfByteCode(LongJumpIfTrue));

	int ifNilMark;

	// Has an #ifNil: branch?
	if (strcmp(ThisTokenText(), "ifNil:") == 0)
		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifNotNil:ifNil:", messageRange);

		// Generate the jump out instruction (forward jump, so target not yet known)
		int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);

		// Mark first instruction of the "else" branch
		ifNilMark = m_codePointer;

		// ifNotNil:ifNil: form


		SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());
		// No "ifNil:" branch 

		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifNotNil:", messageRange);

		if (!argc)
			// Since we've removed the Dup if the ifNotNil: block had no args, we need to ensure there is nil atop the stack
			// This should normally get optimized away later if the expression value is not used.

			// Generate the jump out instruction
			int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);

			ifNilMark = GenInstruction(ShortPushNil);

			SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());
			ifNilMark = GenNop();
	SetJumpTarget(popAndJumpMark, ifNilMark);
	return true;
bool Compiler::ParseIfNil(const TEXTRANGE& messageRange, int exprStartPos)
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		Warning(CWarnExpectNiladicBlockArg, (Oop)InternSymbol("ifNil:"));
		return false;

	int dupMark = GenDup();

	const int sendIsNil = GenInstruction(SpecialSendIsNil);
	const int mapEntry = AddTextMap(sendIsNil, exprStartPos, LastTokenRange().m_stop);

	// We're going to add a pop and jump on condition instruction here
	// Its a forward jump, so we need to patch up the target later
	const int popAndJumpMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJumpIfFalse);

	int ifNotNilMark;

	if (strcmp(ThisTokenText(), "ifNotNil:") == 0)
		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifNil:ifNotNil:", messageRange);

		// Generate the jump out instruction (forward jump, so target not yet known)
		int jumpOutMark = GenJumpInstruction(LongJump);

		// Mark first instruction of the "else" branch
		ifNotNilMark = m_codePointer;

		// #ifNil:ifNotNil: form

		int argc = ParseIfNotNilBlock();

		// Be careful, may not actually be a literal block there
		if (m_ok)
			// If the ifNotNil: block does not need an argument, we can patch out the Dup
			// and corresponding pop
			if (!argc)
				_ASSERTE(m_bytecodes[popAndJumpMark + lengthOfByteCode(LongJumpIfFalse)].byte == PopStackTop);
				UngenInstruction(popAndJumpMark + lengthOfByteCode(LongJumpIfFalse));
				_ASSERTE(m_bytecodes[ifNotNilMark].byte == PopStackTop);

			// Set unconditional jump at the end of the ifNil to jump over the "else" branch to a Nop
			SetJumpTarget(jumpOutMark, GenNop());
		POTE oteSelector = AddSymbolToFrame("ifNil:", messageRange);

		// No "else" branch, but we still need an instruction to jump to
		ifNotNilMark = GenNop();

	if (m_ok)
		// Conditional jump to the "else" branch (or the Nop if no else branch)
		SetJumpTarget(popAndJumpMark, ifNotNilMark);

		if (mapEntry >= 0)
			m_textMaps[mapEntry].stop = LastTokenRange().m_stop;

	return true;
int Compiler::ParseIfNotNilBlock()
	if (!ThisTokenIsBinary('['))
		return 0;


	// We now allow either zero or one arguments to the ifNotNil: block

	int nTextStart = ThisTokenRange().m_start;


	// Generate the body code for an optimized block
	int argc = 0;
	while (m_ok && ThisTokenIsSpecial(':'))
		if (NextToken() == NameConst)
			CheckTemporaryName(ThisTokenText(), ThisTokenRange(), true);
			if (m_ok)
				TempVarRef* pValueTempRef = AddOptimizedTemp(ThisTokenText(), ThisTokenRange());

	switch (argc)
	case 0:
		// Zero arg block, we don't need the implicit arg so just discard it

	case 1:
		m_ok = m_ok && ThisTokenIsBinary(TEMPSDELIMITER);

		CompileError(TEXTRANGE(nTextStart, ThisTokenRange().m_stop), CErrTooManyIfNotNilBlockArgs);
	int nBlockTemps = 0;
	if (m_ok)
		// Temporarily commented out for interim release
		if (m_ok && ThisToken() != CloseSquare)
			CompileError(TEXTRANGE(nTextStart, LastTokenRange().m_stop), CErrBlockNotClosed);


	return argc;