 * Copy a piece of map and instantly paste at given location.
 * @param tile Tile where to paste (northern).
 * @param flags Command flags.
 * @param p1 Various bits:
 *    \li bits  0..27 [28] - northern tile of the source area
 *    \li bits 28..31  [4] - rail type (RailType) to convert to, ignored if CPM_CONVERT_RAILTYPE mode is off
 * @param p2 Various bits:
 *    \li bits  0..5   [6] - source area width
 *    \li bits  6..11  [6] - source area height
 *    \li bits 12..15  [4] - additional amount of tile heights to add to each tile (-8..7)
 *    \li bits 16..18  [3] - transformation to perform (DirTransformation)
 *    \li bits 19..27  [9] - mode (CopyPasteMode)
 *    \li bits 28..31  [4] - [ unused ]
 * @param text Unused.
 * @return The cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdInstantCopyPaste(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	CopyPasteParams copy_paste;

	/* extract and validate source area */
	copy_paste.src_area.tile = GenericTileIndex(TileIndex(GB(p1, 0, 28)));
	copy_paste.src_area.w = GB(p2, 0, 6);
	copy_paste.src_area.h = GB(p2, 6, 6);
	CommandCost ret = ValParamCopyPasteArea(copy_paste.src_area);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* calculate and validate destination area */
	copy_paste.dst_area = TransformTileArea(copy_paste.src_area, GenericTileIndex(tile), copy_paste.transformation);
	ret = ValParamCopyPasteArea(copy_paste.dst_area);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* extract and validate copy/paste mode */
	copy_paste.mode = (CopyPasteMode)GB(p2, 19, 9);
	if (!ValParamCopyPasteMode(copy_paste.mode)) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* extract and validate rail type */
	copy_paste.railtype = (RailType)GB(p1, 28,  4);
	if (!ValParamRailtype(copy_paste.railtype)) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* extract transformation */
	copy_paste.transformation = (DirTransformation)GB(p2, 16,  3);

	/* extract the additional number of height units */
	int additional_height_delta = GB(p2, 12, 4); // this is a 4-bit SIGNED integer (-8..7)
	additional_height_delta |= -(additional_height_delta & (1 << 3)); // propagate the sign bit

	/* calculate the height */
	copy_paste.height_delta = CalcCopyPasteHeightDelta(copy_paste.src_area, copy_paste.dst_area, copy_paste.transformation, additional_height_delta);

	/* when copy and paste areas are too close each other, firstly
	 * copy to the clipboard and then from the clipboard to the map */
	if (CopyPasteAreasMayColide(copy_paste)) {
		Map *clipboard = GetClipboardBuffer(INSTANT_COPY_PASTE_BUFFER);
		/* Copy to a buffer, but only in the first stage of the command.
		 * In a single player game and also while we are a server, the first one is non-DC_EXEC
		 * stage (which is fallowed then by a DC_EXEC stage). When we are a client, there is only
		 * one stage which is either a single non-DC_EXEC stage (shift pressed), or a single DC_EXEC
		 * stage (command comming from the network). */
		if ((_networking && !_network_server) || !(flags & DC_EXEC)) {
			CopyToClipboard(clipboard, copy_paste.src_area);
		/* paste from the clipboard */
		ret = PasteFromClipboard(clipboard, tile, flags, copy_paste.mode, copy_paste.transformation, copy_paste.railtype, additional_height_delta);
	} else {
		/* copy/paste directly */
		InitializePasting(flags, copy_paste);
		ret = FinalizePasting();
	return ret;
文件: tileindex.cpp 项目: KDE/digikam
TileIndex TileIndex::fromCoordinates(const GeoIface::GeoCoordinates& coordinate, const int getLevel)

    if (!coordinate.hasCoordinates())
        return TileIndex();

    qreal tileLatBL     = -90.0;
    qreal tileLonBL     = -180.0;
    qreal tileLatHeight = 180.0;
    qreal tileLonWidth  = 360.0;

    TileIndex resultIndex;

    for (int l = 0; l <= getLevel; ++l)
        // how many tiles at this level?
        const qreal latDivisor = TileIndex::Tiling;
        const qreal lonDivisor = TileIndex::Tiling;

        const qreal dLat       = tileLatHeight / latDivisor;
        const qreal dLon       = tileLonWidth / lonDivisor;

        int latIndex           = int( (coordinate.lat() - tileLatBL ) / dLat );
        int lonIndex           = int( (coordinate.lon() - tileLonBL ) / dLon );

        // protect against invalid indices due to rounding errors
        bool haveRoundingErrors = false;

        if (latIndex < 0)
            haveRoundingErrors = true;
            latIndex           = 0;

        if (lonIndex < 0)
            haveRoundingErrors = true;
            lonIndex           = 0;

        if (latIndex >= latDivisor)
            haveRoundingErrors = true;
            latIndex           = latDivisor-1;

        if (lonIndex >= lonDivisor)
            haveRoundingErrors = true;
            lonIndex           = lonDivisor-1;

        if (haveRoundingErrors)
//             qCDebug(DIGIKAM_GEOIFACE_LOG) << QString::fromLatin1("Rounding errors at level %1!").arg(l);

        resultIndex.appendLatLonIndex(latIndex, lonIndex);

        // update the start position for the next tile:
        // TODO: rounding errors
        tileLatBL     += latIndex*dLat;
        tileLonBL     += lonIndex*dLon;
        tileLatHeight /= latDivisor;
        tileLonWidth  /= lonDivisor;

    return resultIndex;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  long long begin_time = millitime();
  char **argptr = argv+1;
  if (!*argptr) usage();
  std::string storename = *argptr++;
  if (!*argptr) usage();
  int uid = atoi(*argptr++);

  set_log_prefix(string_printf("%d %d ", getpid(), uid));
  if (!*argptr) usage();
  std::string full_channel_name = *argptr++;
  bool writing_fft = false;
  size_t fftpos = full_channel_name.rfind(".DFT");
  if (fftpos != std::string::npos) {
    full_channel_name = full_channel_name.substr(0, fftpos);
    writing_fft = true;
#endif /* FFT_SUPPORT */

  if (!*argptr) usage();
  int tile_level = atoi(*argptr++);

  if (!*argptr) usage();
  long long tile_offset = atoll(*argptr++);

  if (*argptr) usage();

  // Desired level and offset
  // Translation between tile request and tilestore:
  // tile: level 0 is 512 samples in 512 seconds
  // store: level 0 is 65536 samples in 1 second
  // for tile level 0, we want to get store level 14, which is 65536 samples in 16384 seconds

  // Levels differ by 9 between client and server
  TileIndex client_tile_index = TileIndex(tile_level+9, tile_offset);

    std::string arglist;
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
      if (i) arglist += " ";
      arglist += std::string("'")+argv[i]+"'";
    log_f("gettile START: %s (time %.9f-%.9f)",
	  arglist.c_str(), client_tile_index.start_time(), client_tile_index.end_time());
  FilesystemKVS store(storename.c_str());

  // 5th ancestor
  TileIndex requested_index = client_tile_index.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();

  std::vector<DataSample<double> > double_samples;
  std::vector<DataSample<std::string> > string_samples;
  std::vector<DataSample<std::string> > comments;

  bool doubles_binned, strings_binned, comments_binned;
  // TODO: If writing FFT, ***get more data***
  // TODO: Use min_time_required and max_time_required, get max-res data
  read_tile_samples(store, uid, full_channel_name, requested_index, client_tile_index, double_samples, doubles_binned);
  if (writing_fft) {
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > fft, shifted;
    int num_values;

    windowed_fft(double_samples, requested_index, fft);
    present_fft(fft, shifted, num_values);

    // JSON tile to send back to the client includes some of the same
    // information as a non-DFT tile
    Json::Value tile(Json::objectValue);
    tile["level"] = Json::Value(tile_level);
    // See discussion below for reason to cast tile_offset
    // from long long to double
    tile["offset"] = Json::Value((double)tile_offset);
    tile["num_values"] = Json::Value(num_values);
    tile["dft"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for (unsigned window_id = 0; window_id < shifted.size(); window_id++) {
      Json::Value window(Json::arrayValue);
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < shifted[window_id].size(); i++)

    std::cout << Json::FastWriter().write(tile) << std::endl;
    return 0;
#endif /* FFT_SUPPORT */
  read_tile_samples(store, uid, full_channel_name, requested_index, client_tile_index, string_samples, strings_binned);
  read_tile_samples(store, uid, full_channel_name+"._comment", requested_index, client_tile_index, comments, comments_binned);
  string_samples.insert(string_samples.end(), comments.begin(), comments.end());
  std::sort(string_samples.begin(), string_samples.end(), DataSample<std::string>::time_lessthan);
  std::map<double, DataSample<double> > double_sample_map;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < double_samples.size(); i++) {
    double_sample_map[double_samples[i].time] = double_samples[i]; // TODO: combine if two samples at same time?
  std::set<double> has_string;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < string_samples.size(); i++) {

  std::vector<GraphSample> graph_samples;

  bool has_fifth_col = string_samples.size()>0;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < string_samples.size(); i++) {
    if (double_sample_map.find(string_samples[i].time) != double_sample_map.end()) {
      GraphSample gs(double_sample_map[string_samples[i].time]);
      gs.has_comment = true;
      gs.comment = string_samples[i].value;
    } else {

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < double_samples.size(); i++) {
    if (has_string.find(double_samples[i].time) == has_string.end()) {

  std::sort(graph_samples.begin(), graph_samples.end());

  double bin_width = client_tile_index.duration() / 512.0;
  double line_break_threshold = bin_width * 4.0;
  if (!doubles_binned && double_samples.size() > 1) {
    // Find the median distance between samples
    std::vector<double> spacing(double_samples.size()-1);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < double_samples.size()-1; i++) {
      spacing[i] = double_samples[i+1].time - double_samples[i].time;
    std::sort(spacing.begin(), spacing.end());
    double median_spacing = spacing[spacing.size()/2];
    // Set line_break_threshold to larger of 4*median_spacing and 4*bin_width
    line_break_threshold = std::max(line_break_threshold, median_spacing * 4);

  if (graph_samples.size()) {
    log_f("gettile: outputting %zd samples", graph_samples.size());
    Json::Value tile(Json::objectValue);
    tile["level"] = Json::Value(tile_level);
    // An aside about offset type and precision:
    // JSONCPP doesn't have a long long type;  to preserve full resolution we need to convert to double here.  As Javascript itself
    // will read this as a double-precision value, we're not introducing a problem.
    // For a detailed discussion, see https://sites.google.com/a/bodytrack.org/wiki/website/tile-coordinates-and-numeric-precision
    // Irritatingly, JSONCPP wants to add ".0" to the end of floating-point numbers that don't need it.  This is inconsistent
    // with Javascript itself and simply introduces extra bytes to the representation
    tile["offset"] = Json::Value((double)tile_offset);
    tile["fields"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    if (has_fifth_col) tile["fields"].append(Json::Value("comment"));
    Json::Value data(Json::arrayValue);

    double previous_sample_time = client_tile_index.start_time();
    bool previous_had_value = true;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < graph_samples.size(); i++) {
      // TODO: improve linebreak calculations:
      // 1) observe channel specs line break size from database (expressed in time;  some observations have long time periods and others short)
      // 2) insert breaks at beginning or end of tile if needed
      // 3) should client be the one to decide where line breaks are (if we give it the threshold?)
      if (graph_samples[i].time - previous_sample_time > line_break_threshold ||
	  !graph_samples[i].has_value || !previous_had_value) {
	// Insert line break, which has value -1e+308
	Json::Value sample = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
	if (has_fifth_col) sample.append(Json::Value()); // NULL
      previous_sample_time = graph_samples[i].time;
      previous_had_value = graph_samples[i].has_value;
	Json::Value sample = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
	sample.append(Json::Value(graph_samples[i].has_value ? graph_samples[i].value : 0.0));
	// TODO: fix datastore so we never see NAN crop up here!
	sample.append(Json::Value(isnan(graph_samples[i].stddev) ? 0 : graph_samples[i].stddev));
	if (has_fifth_col) {
	  sample.append(graph_samples[i].has_comment ? Json::Value(graph_samples[i].comment) : Json::Value());

    if (client_tile_index.end_time() - previous_sample_time > line_break_threshold ||
	!previous_had_value) {
      // Insert line break, which has value -1e+308
      Json::Value sample = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
      sample.append(Json::Value(0.5*(previous_sample_time + client_tile_index.end_time())));
      if (has_fifth_col) sample.append(Json::Value()); // NULL
    tile["data"] = data;
    // only include the sample_width field if we actually binned
    if (doubles_binned) {
      tile["sample_width"] = bin_width;
    printf("%s\n", rtrim(Json::FastWriter().write(tile)).c_str());
  } else {
    log_f("gettile: no samples");
  log_f("gettile: finished in %lld msec", millitime() - begin_time);

  return 0;
TileIndex operator +(const TileOffset& inTileOffset, const TileIndex& inTileIndex) {
    return TileIndex(TileIndex::pod(inTileOffset) + TileIndex::pod(inTileIndex));