 * FUNCTION:    SetTimeTriggers
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine sets the text label of the start time and
 *              end time triggers.
 * PARAMETERS:  startTime	    - pointer to TimeType
 *              endTime        - pointer to TimeType
 *              startTimeText  - buffer that holds start time string
 *              emdTimeText    - buffer that holds end time string
 *              timeFormat     - time format
 *              untimed  	    - true if there isn't a time.
 * RETURNED:	 nothing
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			art	4/4/96	Initial Revision
static void SetTimeTriggers (TimeType startTime, TimeType endTime,
		Char * startTimeText, Char * endTimeText, 
		TimeFormatType timeFormat, Boolean untimed)

	FormType *		frm;
	ControlPtr 	startTimeCtl, endTimeCtl;

	frm = FrmGetActiveForm ();
	startTimeCtl = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorStartTimeButton));
	endTimeCtl = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorEndTimeButton));

	if (! untimed)
		TimeToAscii (startTime.hours, startTime.minutes, timeFormat, startTimeText);
		TimeToAscii (endTime.hours, endTime.minutes, timeFormat, endTimeText);
		// copy two spaces into these fields instead of just a null
		// because controls with empty strings (or one space) cause old-style
		// graphic control behavior, which uses the wrong colors!
		StrCopy(startTimeText, "  ");
		StrCopy(endTimeText, "  ");
	CtlSetLabel (startTimeCtl, startTimeText);
	CtlSetLabel(endTimeCtl, endTimeText);
文件: exams.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
static void
  MemHandle mex, m;
  ExamDBRecord *ex;
  UInt16 index=0, pressedButton=0;
  Char *courseName, timeTemp[timeStringLength], dateTemp[longDateStrLength];

  DmFindRecordByID(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), gExamsLastSelRowUID, &index);
  mex = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index);
  ex = (ExamDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mex);

  CourseGetName(ex->course, &m, true);
  courseName = MemHandleLock(m);

  DateToAscii(ex->date.month, ex->date.day, ex->date.year+MAC_SHIT_YEAR_CONSTANT, PrefGetPreference(prefLongDateFormat), dateTemp);
  TimeToAscii(ex->begin.hours, ex->begin.minutes, PrefGetPreference(prefTimeFormat), timeTemp);

  pressedButton = FrmCustomAlert(ALERT_ex_dodel, courseName, dateTemp, timeTemp);


  if (pressedButton == 0) {
    // OK, the user really wants us to delete the record
    DmRemoveRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index);
    FrmUpdateForm(FORM_exams, frmRedrawUpdateCode);
 * FUNCTION:    PrvSetTimeField
 * DESCRIPTION: Set the given field's text to show a time and day of week.
 * PARAMETERS:  frm - a pointer to the form containing the field to set
 *					 timeFieldID - the ID of the field to set
 *					 timeHandle - the handle used for storing the text for this field
 *					 time - a pointer to the date and time to show in the field
 *					 drawField - whether to draw field after setting its text
 * RETURNED:	 nothing
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			peter	3/7/00	Initial Revision
static void PrvSetTimeField(FormType * frm, UInt16 timeFieldID, MemHandle timeHandle,
	DateTimeType *time, Boolean drawField)
	FieldType * timeFieldP;
	Char * timeString, * timeZoneDOWFormatString, * currentDOWString;
	MemHandle resHandle;
	TimeFormatType timeFormat;			// Format to display time in

	timeFormat = (TimeFormatType)PrefGetPreference(prefTimeFormat);
	timeString = MemHandleLock(timeHandle);
	TimeToAscii(time->hour, time->minute, timeFormat, timeString);
	currentDOWString = timeString + StrLen(timeString);
	currentDOWString[0] = ' ';

	resHandle = DmGetResource(strRsc, DOWformatString);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(resHandle == NULL, "Missing string resource");
	timeZoneDOWFormatString = MemHandleLock(resHandle);
	DateTemplateToAscii(timeZoneDOWFormatString, time->month, time->day, time->year,
		currentDOWString, dowLongDateStrLength);
	timeFieldP = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, timeFieldID));
	FldSetTextHandle(timeFieldP, timeHandle);
	if (drawField)
文件: exams.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
static void
TableDrawData(void *table, Int16 row, Int16 column, RectangleType *bounds)
  UInt16 index=TblGetRowID(table, row);
  ExamDBRecord *ex;
  MemHandle mex;
  RGBColorType fore={0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, back={0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};

  if (! TblRowUsable(table, row)) return;
  TNSetBackColorRGB(&back, NULL);
  TNSetForeColorRGB(&back, NULL);
  WinDrawRectangle(bounds, 0);

  mex = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRefN(DB_MAIN), index);
  ex = (ExamDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mex);

  if (column == EXCOL_COURSE) {
    Char *temp;
    MemHandle m=MemHandleNew(1);
    CourseGetName(ex->course, &m, true);
    temp = MemHandleLock(m);

    TNSetForeColorRGB(&fore, NULL);
    TNDrawCharsToFitWidth(temp, bounds);

  } else if (column == EXCOL_NOTE) {
    if (ex->note) {
      Char noteSymb[2] = { GADGET_NOTESYMBOL, 0 };
      FontID oldFont = FntSetFont(symbolFont);

      TNDrawCharsToFitWidth(noteSymb, bounds);
  } else if (column == EXCOL_DATE) {
    Char dateTemp[dateStringLength];
    DateToAscii(ex->date.month, ex->date.day, ex->date.year+MAC_SHIT_YEAR_CONSTANT, PrefGetPreference(prefDateFormat), dateTemp);
    TNDrawCharsToFitWidth(dateTemp, bounds);
  } else if (column == EXCOL_TIME) {
    Char timeTemp[timeStringLength];
    TimeToAscii(ex->begin.hours, ex->begin.minutes, PrefGetPreference(prefTimeFormat), timeTemp);
    TNDrawCharsToFitWidth(timeTemp, bounds);

  if (ex->flags & EX_FLAG_DONE) {
    RGBColorType red = {0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}, old;
    Int16 yCoord=bounds->topLeft.y+(bounds->extent.y / 2);
    TNSetForeColorRGB(&red, &old);
    WinDrawLine(bounds->topLeft.x, yCoord, bounds->topLeft.x+bounds->extent.x, yCoord);
    TNSetForeColorRGB(&old, NULL);

 * FUNCTION:    SelectTime
 * DESCRIPTION: Display a form showing a start and end time.
 *					 Allow the user to change the time and then
 *              return them.
 *					 pTimeDiff.
 * PARAMETERS:  pStartTime	- pointer to TimeType
 *              pEndTime   - pointer to TimeType
 *              untimed  	- true if there isn't a time.
 *              title	   - string containing the title
 *              startOfDay - used when "All Day" button selected.
 *					 endOfDay	- our used when "All Day" button selected.
 *              startOfDisplay - first hour initially visible
 * RETURNED:	 True if the time was changed by the user.
 * 				 The first three parameters may change.
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			roger	12/2/94	Initial Revision
 *			trev	08/12/97	made non modified passed variables constant
 *			css	06/08/99	added new parameter & "All Day" button for gromit change.
Boolean SelectTime (TimeType * startTimeP, TimeType * endTimeP, 
	Boolean untimed, const Char * titleP, Int16 startOfDay, Int16 endOfDay, 
	Int16 startOfDisplay)
	Int16							firstHour;
	Char 							startTimeText [timeStringLength];
	Char 							endTimeText [timeStringLength];
	Char							timeChars [timeStringLength];
	TimePtr						timeP;
	FormType 					*originalForm, *frm;
	ListPtr 						hoursLst, minutesLst;
	ControlPtr 					startTimeCtl, endTimeCtl;
	EventType 					event;
	Boolean 						confirmed = false;
	MemHandle 						hoursItems;
	TimeType 					startTime, endTime, timeDiff;
	TimeFormatType 			timeFormat;
	ChangingTimeType			changingTime;

	// Get the time format from the system preerances;
	timeFormat = (TimeFormatType)PrefGetPreference(prefTimeFormat);

	// Because this routine only deals with minutes in five minute
	// intervals we convert the proposed times from those passed.
	startTime.hours = startTimeP->hours;
	startTime.minutes = startTimeP->minutes;
	endTime.hours = endTimeP->hours;
	endTime.minutes = endTimeP->minutes;
	TimeDifference (&endTime, &startTime, &timeDiff);
	// Make sure the end time is displayable (clips at 11:55 pm)
	AdjustTimes (&startTime, &endTime, &timeDiff, changingStartTime);
	// Clear the buffer that holds written characters.
	*timeChars = 0;

	startOfDisplay = min (startOfDisplay, 12);

	originalForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
	frm = (FormType *) FrmInitForm (TimeSelectorForm);
	FrmSetActiveForm (frm);

	hoursLst = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorHourList));
	minutesLst = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorMinuteList));
	startTimeCtl = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorStartTimeButton));
	endTimeCtl = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorEndTimeButton));

	// Set list to use either 12 or 24 hour time
	hoursItems = SysFormPointerArrayToStrings (
		((timeFormat == tfColon24h) || (timeFormat == tfDot24h)) ? 
			(Char *) Hours24Array() : (Char *) Hours12Array(), 24);
 	LstSetListChoices (hoursLst, MemHandleLock(hoursItems), 24);
	LstSetTopItem (hoursLst, startOfDisplay);
	//	Used to do LstMakeItemVisible (hoursLst, startTime.hours); no longer.

	if (! untimed)
		LstSetSelection (hoursLst, startTime.hours);
		LstSetSelection (minutesLst, startTime.minutes / 5);

		CtlSetValue (startTimeCtl, true);
		changingTime = changingStartTime;
		// The hour list is dynamically created and doesn't have a selection
		LstSetSelection (minutesLst, noListSelection);

		changingTime = changingNoTime;

	// Set the start and end time buttons to the current times or blank them
	// if No Time is selected.
	SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, endTimeText, 
		timeFormat, untimed);

	// This needs to be taken out when SelectTimeV33 goes away.  It allows for backward 
	// compatibility for this change of adding the end of day variable as a parameter.
	if (endOfDay != noDisplayOfAllDay)
	  FrmShowObject (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, TimeSelectorAllDayButton));
	FrmSetTitle (frm, (Char *) titleP);
	FrmDrawForm (frm);
	while (true)
		EvtGetEvent (&event, evtWaitForever);

		if (SysHandleEvent ((EventType *)&event))
		if (event.eType == appStopEvent)
			// Cancel the dialog and repost this event for the app
			confirmed = false;
		// Handle these before the form does to overide the default behavior
		if (changingTime == changingNoTime &&
			event.eType == lstEnterEvent && 
			event.data.lstEnter.listID == TimeSelectorMinuteList)

		FrmHandleEvent (frm, &event);

		// If the start or end time buttons are pressed then change
		// the time displayed in the lists.
		if (event.eType == ctlSelectEvent)
			// "Ok" button pressed?
			if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorOKButton)
				confirmed = true;

			// "Cancel" button pressed?
			else if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorCancelButton)

			// Start time button pressed?
			else if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorStartTimeButton)
				if (changingTime != changingStartTime)
					if (changingTime == changingNoTime)
						SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
							endTimeText, timeFormat, false);

					CtlSetValue (endTimeCtl, false);
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, startTime.hours);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, startTime.minutes / 5);
					changingTime = changingStartTime;
					CtlSetValue(startTimeCtl, true);

			// End time button pressed?
			else if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorEndTimeButton)
				if (changingTime != changingEndTime)
					if (changingTime == changingNoTime)
						SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
							endTimeText, timeFormat, false);

					CtlSetValue(startTimeCtl, false);
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, endTime.hours);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, endTime.minutes / 5);
					changingTime = changingEndTime;
					CtlSetValue(endTimeCtl, true);

			// No time button pressed?
			else if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorNoTimeButton)
				if (changingTime != changingNoTime)
					if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
						CtlSetValue(startTimeCtl, false);
						CtlSetValue(endTimeCtl, false);
					SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
						endTimeText, timeFormat, true);
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, noListSelection);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, noListSelection);
					changingTime = changingNoTime;
					// Get us out of this form display now.
					confirmed = true;

			// All day button pressed?
			else if (event.data.ctlSelect.controlID == TimeSelectorAllDayButton)
				if (changingTime != changingNoTime)
					if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
						CtlSetValue(startTimeCtl, false);
						CtlSetValue(endTimeCtl, false);
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, noListSelection);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, noListSelection);
					changingTime = changingNoTime;
					// No matter what, the minutes are 0 for both because only the hour is registered for start/end
					// times.
					startTime.minutes = 0;
					endTime.minutes 	= 0;
					startTime.hours 	= startOfDay;
					endTime.hours 		= endOfDay;
					// Set the times to the new times.
					SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
						endTimeText, timeFormat, true);
					// Get us out of this form display now.  First set the changing time to anything but the changingNoTime value
					// so that the pointers at the end of this function get set correctly.
					changingTime = changingStartTime;
					confirmed = true;

			// Clear the buffer that holds written characters.
			*timeChars = 0;

		// If either list is changed then get the new time.  If the
		// start time is changed then change the end time so that the
		// the time difference remains the same.  If the end time is
		// changed then make sure the end time isn't before the start
		// time.  Also calculate a new time difference.
		else if (event.eType == lstSelectEvent)
         // First, get the info from the list which has changed.
			if (event.data.lstSelect.listID == TimeSelectorHourList)
				if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
               startTime.hours = (UInt8) LstGetSelection (hoursLst);
           	else if (changingTime == changingEndTime)
               endTime.hours = (UInt8) LstGetSelection (hoursLst);
           	else if (changingTime == changingNoTime)
               startTime.hours = (UInt8) LstGetSelection (hoursLst);
					SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
						endTimeText, timeFormat, false);
					CtlSetValue (endTimeCtl, false);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, startTime.minutes / 5);
					changingTime = changingStartTime;
         else if (event.data.lstSelect.listID == TimeSelectorMinuteList)
				if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
               startTime.minutes = (UInt8) LstGetSelection (minutesLst) * 5;
           	else if (changingTime == changingEndTime)
					endTime.minutes = (UInt8) LstGetSelection (minutesLst) * 5;
           	else if (changingTime == changingNoTime)
               ErrNonFatalDisplay("lstEnterEvent not being filtered.");

			if (AdjustTimes (&startTime, &endTime, &timeDiff, changingTime))
				if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
					TimeToAscii (startTime.hours, startTime.minutes, timeFormat, 
					CtlSetLabel (startTimeCtl, startTimeText);
				else if (changingTime == changingEndTime)
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, startTime.hours);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, startTime.minutes / 5);
			TimeToAscii(endTime.hours, endTime.minutes, timeFormat, endTimeText);
			CtlSetLabel(endTimeCtl, endTimeText);

			// Clear the buffer that holds written characters.
			*timeChars = 0;

		// Handle character written in the time picker.
		else if (event.eType == keyDownEvent)
			if (changingTime == changingEndTime)
				timeP = &endTime;
				firstHour = startTime.hours;
				timeP = &startTime;
				firstHour = startOfDisplay;
			// If a backspace character was written, change the time picker's
			// current setting to "no-time".
			if (event.data.keyDown.chr == backspaceChr)
				*timeChars = 0;
				if (changingTime != changingNoTime)
					if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
						CtlSetValue (startTimeCtl, false);
						CtlSetValue (endTimeCtl, false);
					SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
						endTimeText, timeFormat, true);
					LstSetSelection (hoursLst, noListSelection);
					LstSetSelection (minutesLst, noListSelection);
					changingTime = changingNoTime;

			// A linefeed character confirms the dialog box.
			else if (event.data.keyDown.chr == linefeedChr)
				confirmed = true;

			// If next-field character toggle between start time in end
			// time.
			else if (event.data.keyDown.chr == nextFieldChr)
				*timeChars = 0;
				if (changingTime == changingStartTime)
					CtlSetValue (startTimeCtl, false);
					CtlSetValue (endTimeCtl, true);
					changingTime = changingEndTime;
					CtlSetValue (endTimeCtl, false);
					CtlSetValue (startTimeCtl, true);
					changingTime = changingStartTime;

			// If a valid time character was written, translate the written 
			// character into a time and update the time picker's UI.
			else if (TranslateTime (timeFormat, event.data.keyDown.chr, 
				firstHour, timeChars, timeP))
				if (changingTime == changingNoTime)
					changingTime = changingStartTime;
					CtlSetValue (startTimeCtl, true);

				AdjustTimes (&startTime, &endTime, &timeDiff, changingTime);
				SetTimeTriggers (startTime, endTime, startTimeText, 
					endTimeText, timeFormat, false);

				LstSetSelection (hoursLst, timeP->hours);
				LstSetSelection (minutesLst, timeP->minutes / 5);

		// Has the dialog been confirmed.
		if (confirmed)
			if (changingTime != changingNoTime)
				*startTimeP = startTime;
				*endTimeP = endTime;
				TimeToInt(*startTimeP) = noTime;
				TimeToInt(*endTimeP) = noTime;


	FrmEraseForm (frm);
	FrmDeleteForm (frm);
	MemHandleFree (hoursItems);
	return (confirmed);
文件: SMSTable.cpp 项目: oldhu/smstw
void PrivDrawCell(void* table, Int16 row, Int16 column, RectanglePtr bounds)
	char string[50];
	FontID font = stdFont;

	if (g_CurrentRow != row) {
		if (g_CurrentMemHandle) {
			g_CurrentMemHandle = NULL;
	if (g_CurrentMemHandle == NULL) {
		Err err = GetSMSRecord(g_SmsDb, g_SelectedCategory, row + g_CurrentPage * TABLE_PAGE_SIZE, 
			g_CurrentRecord, g_CurrentMemHandle, true);
		if (err) return;
		g_CurrentRow = row;
	switch(column) {
		case 0:
			StrCopy(string, "");
			if (g_SelectedCategory == CAT_INBOX) {
				if (IsRecordRead(&g_CurrentRecord)) {
					StrCopy(string, "");
				} else {
					font = symbolFont;
					StrCopy(string, "\020");
			} else if (g_SelectedCategory == CAT_SENT) {
				if (IsRecordRequestReport(&g_CurrentRecord)) {
					font = symbolFont;
					if (IsRecordDelivered(&g_CurrentRecord)) {
						StrCopy(string, "\026");
					} else {
						StrCopy(string, "\024");
		case 1:
			StrNCopy(string, g_CurrentRecord.personName, 48);
			if (StrLen(string) == 0) {
				StrNCopy(string, g_CurrentRecord.phoneNumber, 48);
		case 2:
			StrNCopy(string, g_CurrentRecord.content, 48);
		case 3:
				DateTimeType smsDatetime;
				TimSecondsToDateTime(g_CurrentRecord.time, &smsDatetime);

				UInt32 nowSeconds = TimGetSeconds();
				DateTimeType nowDatetime;
				TimSecondsToDateTime(nowSeconds, &nowDatetime);
				if ((nowDatetime.year == smsDatetime.year) && 
					(nowDatetime.month == smsDatetime.month) &&
					(nowDatetime.day == smsDatetime.day)) {
					TimeToAscii(smsDatetime.hour, smsDatetime.minute, tfColon24h, string);
				} else {
					StrCopy(string, DayOfWeekInChinese[DayOfWeek(smsDatetime.month, smsDatetime.day, smsDatetime.year)]);
					DateTemplateToAscii(" ^3z-^0z", smsDatetime.month, smsDatetime.day, smsDatetime.year, string + 2, 47);
				g_CurrentMemHandle = NULL;
			StrCopy(string, "");

	RGBColorType foreColor, backColor;

	foreColor.index = 0;
	backColor.index = 0;
	if ((row == g_CurrentSelection) && (column != 0)) {
		foreColor.r = 255;
		foreColor.g = 255;
		foreColor.b = 255;
		backColor.r = 10;
		backColor.g = 36;
		backColor.b = 106;
	} else if (row % 2 == 0) {
		backColor.r = 255;
		backColor.g = 255;
		backColor.b = 255;
		foreColor.r = 0;
		foreColor.g = 0;
		foreColor.b = 0;
	} else {
		backColor.r = 220;
		backColor.g = 220;
		backColor.b = 220;
		foreColor.r = 0;
		foreColor.g = 0;
		foreColor.b = 0;
	WinSetForeColorRGB(&foreColor, NULL);
	WinSetTextColorRGB(&foreColor, NULL);
	WinSetBackColorRGB(&backColor, NULL);

	Int16 width = bounds->extent.x - 2;
	Int16 len = StrLen(string);
	Boolean noFit = false;
	FntCharsInWidth(string, &width, &len, &noFit);
	UInt16 x = bounds->topLeft.x;
	UInt16 y = bounds->topLeft.y;
	bounds->topLeft.x += - 1;
	bounds->topLeft.y += 0;
	bounds->extent.x += 2;
	bounds->extent.y += 0;
	WinEraseRectangle(bounds, 0);
		bounds->topLeft.x + bounds->extent.x - 2, 
		bounds->topLeft.x + bounds->extent.x - 2, 
		bounds->topLeft.y + bounds->extent.y);// - 2);
	WinDrawChars(string, len, x, y);
文件: gadget.c 项目: timn/unimatrix
* Function: GadgetDrawHintCurrent
* Description: Draw hint for current gTimeIndex if needed (may be forced NOT
*              to draw with GadgetSetNeedsRedraw(false));
  Char *tmp, *bot, begin[timeStringLength], end[timeStringLength], *day;
  MemHandle mc, mt, mh, type;
  CourseDBRecord c;
  TimeDBRecord *tc;
  RectangleType rect, bounds;
  UInt16 gadgetIndex = FrmGetObjectIndex(gForm, gGadgetID);
  RGBColorType color, prevColor;
  UInt16 attr;

  // Need to check that due to damn f*** DmRecordInfo which will show a
  // fatal alert when called on non-existing record (this happens for example
  // right after creating the new database...
  if ((gTimeIndex >= DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) ||
      (gCourseIndex >= DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) )  return;

  if (gHintDrawn) {
    // Delete border around previous entry
    if ( (gTimeDrawnIndex < DmNumRecords(DatabaseGetRef())) &&
       (DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeDrawnIndex, &attr, NULL, NULL) == errNone) ) {
      attr &= dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
      if (attr == DatabaseGetCat()) {
        mt = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeDrawnIndex);
        if (mt) {
          // mt may be null, for example if next is drawn after delete!
          tc = (TimeDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mt);
          if ((tc->type == TYPE_TIME) && GadgetEventIsVisible(tc) ) {

	    TNlist *tmpl = gGadgetTimeList;
	    GadgetTimeListType *gtl = NULL;
	    while (tmpl != NULL) {
	      gtl = tmpl->data;
	      if (gtl->index == gTimeDrawnIndex) {
	      tmpl = tmpl->next;
            if (gPrefs.showTimeline)  GadgetDrawTimeline(gtErase);

	    if (gtl != NULL) {
	      GadgetDrawTime(tc->begin, tc->end, tc->day, &color, tc->course, gtl->num, gtl->pos);
            if (gPrefs.showTimeline)  GadgetDrawTimeline(gtDraw);


  if (DmRecordInfo(DatabaseGetRef(), gCourseIndex, &attr, NULL, NULL) == errNone) {
    attr &= dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
    if (attr == DatabaseGetCat()) {
      // Record is in currently displayed category

      mc = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gCourseIndex);
      if (! mc)  return;

      mt = DmQueryRecord(DatabaseGetRef(), gTimeIndex);
      if (! mt) return;

      UnpackCourse(&c, MemHandleLock(mc));
      tc = (TimeDBRecord *)MemHandleLock(mt);

      if ( GadgetEventIsVisible(tc) ) {

	TNlist *tmpl = gGadgetTimeList;
	GadgetTimeListType *gtl = NULL;
	while (tmpl != NULL) {
	  gtl = tmpl->data;
	  if (gtl->index == gTimeDrawnIndex) {
	  tmpl = tmpl->next;

        mh = DmGetResource(strRsc, GADGET_STRINGS_WDAYSTART+tc->day);
        day = (Char *)MemHandleLock(mh);

        // Lecture Name (Teacher) [Typ]
        tmp=(Char *)MemPtrNew(StrLen(c.name)+StrLen(c.teacherName)+4+3+CTYPE_SHORT_MAXLENGTH);
        MemSet(tmp, MemPtrSize(tmp), 0);
        type = MemHandleNew(1);
        CourseTypeGetShort(&type, c.ctype);
        StrPrintF(tmp, "%s (%s) [%s]", c.name, c.teacherName, (Char *)MemHandleLock(type));

        // Fr 08:00 - 09:30 (Room)          <-- Example
        // 3    5   3   5   3+StrLen(room)  <-- Num Chars for MemPtrNew
        bot=(Char *)MemPtrNew(20+sizeof(tc->room)+MemPtrSize(day));
        MemSet(bot, MemPtrSize(bot), 0);

        TimeToAscii(tc->begin.hours, tc->begin.minutes, GadgetGetTimeFormat(), begin);
        TimeToAscii(tc->end.hours, tc->end.minutes, GadgetGetTimeFormat(), end);

        mh = DmGetResource(strRsc, GADGET_STRINGS_WDAYSTART+tc->day);

        StrPrintF(bot, "%s %s - %s (%s)", day, begin, end, tc->room);

        FrmGetObjectBounds(gForm, gadgetIndex, &bounds);

	if (gtl != NULL) {
	  GadgetTimeSetRect(&rect, tc->begin, tc->end, tc->day, gtl->num, gtl->pos);
			  //             + inset (two boxes, one black, one white)
			  rect.topLeft.x + 2,
			  rect.topLeft.y + 2,
			  // width      - 2 * inset
			  rect.extent.x - 4,
			  // height     - 2 * inset
			  rect.extent.y - 4

	  /* Invert color, looks not so nice aka bad
	     color.r=255- tc->color[0];
	     color.g=255- tc->color[1];
	     color.b=255- tc->color[2];
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&color, &prevColor);
	  WinDrawRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
	  RctSetRectangle(&rect, rect.topLeft.x-1, rect.topLeft.y-1, rect.extent.x+2, rect.extent.y+2);
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&color, NULL);
	  WinDrawRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
	  TNSetForeColorRGB(&prevColor, NULL);

       // WinInvertRectangleFrame(simpleFrame, &rect);
        GadgetDrawHint(tmp, bot, tc->note);

        MemPtrFree((MemPtr) tmp);
        MemPtrFree((MemPtr) bot);
      } else {
    } // End attr == current category