void RunOperation(char operation, const std::vector<std::string>& arguments, MinHeap<T>& heap, std::ostream& file) { if(operation == 'I') { auto value = ToInt(arguments[1]); heap.Insert(value); } else if(operation == 'D') { auto value = ToInt(arguments[1]); heap.Delete(value); } else if(operation == 'C') { auto oldValue = ToInt(arguments[1]); auto newValue = ToInt(arguments[2]); heap.Change(oldValue, newValue); } else if(operation == 'P') { heap.PrintPostOrder(file); file << std::endl; } }
void GD_EXTENSION_API CreateSFMLTexture( RuntimeScene & scene, const std::string & imageName, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const std::string & colorStr ) { //Get or create the texture in memory std::shared_ptr<SFMLTextureWrapper> newTexture; if ( !scene.GetImageManager()->HasLoadedSFMLTexture(imageName) ) newTexture = std::shared_ptr<SFMLTextureWrapper>(new SFMLTextureWrapper); else newTexture = scene.GetImageManager()->GetSFMLTexture(imageName); //Get the color sf::Color color; bool colorIsOk = false; std::vector < std::string > colors = SplitString<std::string>(colorStr, ';'); if ( colors.size() == 3 ) { colorIsOk = true; color = sf::Color(ToInt(colors[0]), ToInt(colors[1]), ToInt(colors[2])); } //Create the SFML image and the SFML texture if ( width != 0 && height != 0 && colorIsOk ) newTexture->image.create(width, height, color); newTexture->texture.loadFromImage(newTexture->image); //Do not forget to update the associated texture scene.GetImageManager()->SetSFMLTextureAsPermanentlyLoaded(imageName, newTexture); //Otherwise }
void SemanticVersion::Parse(const string_t& version) { std::vector<string_t> identifiers; std::wstring last_one; Split(version, L".", identifiers); if (identifiers.empty()) return; last_one = identifiers.back(); identifiers.pop_back(); Split(last_one, L"-", identifiers); last_one = identifiers.back(); identifiers.pop_back(); Split(last_one, L"+", identifiers); if (identifiers.size() > 0) major = ToInt(identifiers.at(0)); if (identifiers.size() > 1) minor = ToInt(identifiers.at(1)); if (identifiers.size() > 2) patch = ToInt(identifiers.at(2)); if (identifiers.size() > 3) prerelease_identifiers = identifiers.at(3); if (identifiers.size() > 4) build_metadata = identifiers.at(4); }
int SortAsEpisodeRange(const std::wstring& str1, const std::wstring& str2) { auto is_volume = [](const std::wstring& str) { return !str.empty() && !IsNumericChar(str.front()); }; auto get_last_number_in_range = [](const std::wstring& str) { auto pos = InStr(str, L"-"); return pos > -1 ? ToInt(str.substr(pos + 1)) : ToInt(str); }; auto get_volume = [&](const std::wstring& str) { auto pos = InStr(str, L" "); return pos > -1 ? get_last_number_in_range(str.substr(pos + 1)) : 0; }; bool is_volume1 = is_volume(str1); bool is_volume2 = is_volume(str2); if (is_volume1 && is_volume2) { return CompareValues<int>(get_volume(str1), get_volume(str2)); } else if (!is_volume1 && !is_volume2) { return CompareValues<int>(get_last_number_in_range(str1), get_last_number_in_range(str2)); } else { return is_volume1 ? base::kLessThan : base::kGreaterThan; } }
void CCEMPatientStatistic::OnSetWindowEvents(){ CHMSMainFrame *pMF = (CHMSMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd(); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnYearChangeFnc); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnYearSetfocusFnc); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnYearKillfocusFnc); m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnYearCheckValueFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SELENDOK, _OnReportPeriodSelendokFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnReportPeriodSetfocusFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnReportPeriodKillfocusFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SELCHANGE, _OnReportPeriodSelectChangeFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_LOADDATA, _OnReportPeriodLoadDataFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_ADDNEW, _OnReportPeriodAddNewFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnFromDateChangeFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnFromDateSetfocusFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnFromDateKillfocusFnc); m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnFromDateCheckValueFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnToDateChangeFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnToDateSetfocusFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnToDateKillfocusFnc); m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnToDateCheckValueFnc); m_wndPrintPreview.SetEvent(WE_CLICK, _OnPrintPreviewSelectFnc); m_wndExport.SetEvent(WE_CLICK, _OnExportSelectFnc); CString szSysDate = pMF->GetSysDate(); m_nYear = ToInt(szSysDate.Left(4)); m_szReportPeriodKey.Format(_T("%d"), ToInt(szSysDate.Mid(5, 2))); m_szFromDate = m_szToDate = pMF->GetSysDate(); m_szFromDate += _T("00:00"); m_szToDate += _T("23:59"); UpdateData(false); }
void GD_API ChangeSceneBackground( RuntimeScene & scene, std::string newColor ) { vector < string > colors = SplitString <string> (newColor, ';'); if ( colors.size() > 2 ) scene.SetBackgroundColor( ToInt(colors[0]), ToInt(colors[1]), ToInt(colors[2]) ); return; }
// * ================================================================================ * // @ _appserver_initial // * ================================================================================ * t_int _appserver_initial() { nsocket_env_init(); g_appserver.m_iport_shortmsg = ToInt(myconfig["SMSSERVER_PORT"][1]); g_appserver.m_sip_shortmsg = myconfig["SMSSERVER_IP"][1]; g_appserver.m_iresendtimes_shortmsg = ToInt(myconfig["SMSSERVER_RESEND_TIMES"][1]); g_appserver.m_iresendtmout_shortmsg = ToInt(myconfig["SMSSERVER_RESEND_INTERVAL"][1]); g_appserver.m_imaxsendpersec_shortmsg = ToInt(myconfig["SMSSERVER_MAX_SEND_PER_SECOND"][1]); g_appserver.m_sdb_ip = myconfig["DATABASE_IP"][1]; g_appserver.m_sdb_name = myconfig["DATABASE_NAME"][1]; g_appserver.m_sdb_uname = myconfig["DATABASE_USER_NAME"][1]; g_appserver.m_sdb_upwd = myconfig["DATABASE_PASSWD"][1]; g_appserver.m_suser_shortmsg = myconfig["SMSSERVER_USER"][1]; g_appserver.m_spwd_shortmsg = myconfig["SMSSERVER_PASS"][1]; //MD5 g_appserver.p_index_terminal.Initial(MAXNUM_REALTEST); g_appserver.p_buf_smsg_snd = CBasicBuffer::CreateInstance(64*1024); g_appserver.p_buf_smsg_rcv = CBasicBuffer::CreateInstance(64*1024); appserver_opendb(g_appserver.m_sdb_name.c_str(), g_appserver.m_sdb_ip.c_str(), g_appserver.m_sdb_uname.c_str(), g_appserver.m_sdb_upwd.c_str()); create_db_tables(); insert_db_default_data(); //appserver_execute("UPDATE BUSSOP SET STATUS='Y', RES_CODE=111 WHERE STATUS='B';"); //appserver_execute("UPDATE CONFIG_TERMINAL_ROUTINE_CONTENT_EXTRA_PESQ SET EXEC_DATE='19000101';"); g_appserver.m_runing = 1; return 0; }
bool Params::Load(string FileName){ int BufferSize = 4096; char* theLine = new char[BufferSize]; ifstream theFile(FileName.c_str()); if (theFile.fail()) { mstrErrorMessage = "Failed to open the description file!"; return false; } int nLineCount = 0; while (!theFile.eof()) { theFile.getline(theLine, BufferSize); nLineCount++; string theline(theLine); string Name(""), Value(""); theline = trim(theline); if (theline.length() && (theline.c_str()[0] != '#')) { int pos = 0; if ((pos = theline.find("=")) != -1) { Name = theline.substr(0, pos); Value = theline.substr(pos + 1); } if (Name == "" && Value == "") { } else if (Name == "" || Value == "") { mstrErrorMessage = "Invalid <Name = Value> pair format"; cout << theLine << endl; return false; } else { string name = ToLower(Name); string value = ToLower(Value); if (name == "numberofvariables") { mnNumberOfGenes = ToInt(value); } else if (name == "traindatafile") { mstrTrainDataFile = Value; } else if (name == "trainsamplesize") { mnTrainSampleSize = ToInt(value); } else if (name == "testdatafile") { mstrTestDataFile = Value; } else if (name == "testsamplesize") { mnTestSampleSize = ToInt(value); } else if (name == "maxregressors") { mnMaxRegressors = ToInt(value); } else if (name == "modelsfile") { mstrModelsFile = Value; } else if (name == "chainiterations") { mnChainIterations = ToInt(value); } else { mstrErrorMessage = "Unknown <Name = Value> pair!"; //to be refined later cout << theLine << endl; return false; } //cout << theLine << endl; } } } delete[] theLine; mstrErrorMessage = ""; return true; }
int main() { freopen("1810.in" , "r", stdin ); freopen("1810.out", "w", stdout); scanf("%d %d", &n, &m); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%s", nor[i]); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%s", ill[i]); power[0] = 1; for (int i=1; i<=m; i++) power[i] = (power[i-1] * 4) % PRIME1; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) for (int j=1; j<=m; j++) { sum[i][j] = (sum[i][j-1] * 4 + ToInt(nor[i][j-1])) % PRIME1; kum[i][j] = (kum[i][j-1] * 4 + ToInt(ill[i][j-1])) % PRIME1; } int l=0, r=m+1, mid; while (l + 1 < r) { mid = (l + r) / 2; if (TryLen(mid)) r = mid; else l = mid; } printf("%d\n", r); return 0; }
episode_number_range_t Episode::episode_number_range() const { auto numbers = elements_.get_all(anitomy::kElementEpisodeNumber); episode_number_range_t range{ numbers.empty() ? 0 : ToInt(numbers.front()), numbers.empty() ? 0 : ToInt(numbers.back()) }; return range; }
Date::Date(const std::wstring& date) : year(0), month(0), day(0) { // Convert from YYYY-MM-DD if (date.length() >= 10) { year = ToInt(date.substr(0, 4)); month = ToInt(date.substr(5, 2)); day = ToInt(date.substr(8, 2)); } }
// メモリデバッグメニュー void MemoryDebugMenu() { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; TOKEN_LIST *t; char *cmd; Print("Mayaqua Kernel Memory Debug Tools\n" "Copyright (C) SoftEther Corporation. All Rights Reserved.\n\n"); g_memcheck = false; while (true) { Print("debug>"); GetLine(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); t = ParseToken(tmp, " \t"); if (t->NumTokens == 0) { FreeToken(t); DebugPrintAllObjects(); continue; } cmd = t->Token[0]; if (!StrCmpi(cmd, "?")) { DebugPrintCommandList(); } else if (!StrCmpi(cmd, "a")) { DebugPrintAllObjects(); } else if (!StrCmpi(cmd, "i")) { if (t->NumTokens == 1) { Print("Usage: i <obj_id>\n\n"); } else { DebugPrintObjectInfo(ToInt(t->Token[1])); } } else if (!StrCmpi(cmd, "q")) { break; } else if (ToInt(cmd) != 0) { DebugPrintObjectInfo(ToInt(t->Token[0])); } else { Print("Command Not Found,\n\n"); } FreeToken(t); } FreeToken(t); g_memcheck = true; }
void RuntimeSpriteObject::SetColor(const std::string & colorStr) { std::vector < std::string > colors = SplitString<std::string>(colorStr, ';'); if ( colors.size() < 3 ) return; //La couleur est incorrecte SetColor( ToInt(colors[0]), ToInt(colors[1]), ToInt(colors[2]) ); }
int MaxPathSum(BinTree r, int &res) { if (r == NULL) return 0; int left = MaxPathSum(r->lchild, res); //左子树叶节点到根结点最大路径和 int right = MaxPathSum(r->rchild, res); //右子树叶节点到根结点最大路径和 int sum = max(ToInt(r), ToInt(r) + max(left, right)); // sum记录叶节点到根结点的最大路径和 res = max(res, ToInt(r) + left + right); res = max(res, sum); //最大路径和 return sum; }
BOOL FeedConditionDialog::OnInitDialog() { // Set title if (condition.element != 0 || condition.op != 0 || !condition.value.empty()) { SetText(L"Edit Condition"); } // Initialize element_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_ELEMENT)); operator_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_OPERATOR)); value_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_VALUE)); // Add elements for (int i = 0; i < FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_COUNT; i++) { element_combo_.AddItem(Aggregator.filter_manager.TranslateElement(i).c_str(), i); } // Set element element_combo_.SetCurSel(condition.element); ChooseElement(condition.element); // Set operator operator_combo_.SetCurSel(operator_combo_.FindItemData(condition.op)); // Set value switch (condition.element) { case FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_META_ID: { value_combo_.SetCurSel(0); for (int i = 0; i < value_combo_.GetCount(); i++) { int anime_id = static_cast<int>(value_combo_.GetItemData(i)); if (anime_id == ToInt(condition.value)) { value_combo_.SetCurSel(i); break; } } break; } case FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_USER_STATUS: { int value = ToInt(condition.value); if (value == 6) value--; value_combo_.SetCurSel(value); break; } case FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_META_STATUS: case FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_META_TYPE: value_combo_.SetCurSel(ToInt(condition.value) - 1); break; case FEED_FILTER_ELEMENT_LOCAL_EPISODE_AVAILABLE: value_combo_.SetCurSel(condition.value == L"True" ? 1 : 0); break; default: value_combo_.SetText(condition.value); } return TRUE; }
/** * Apply changes */ void EditLink::OnOkBtClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { editedEvent.SetTarget(ToString(linkedNameEdit->GetValue())); if ( AllEventsCheck->GetValue() == true ) editedEvent.SetIncludeAllEvents(true); else { editedEvent.SetIncludeAllEvents(false); editedEvent.SetIncludeStartAndEnd(ToInt(ToString(StartEdit->GetValue()))-1, ToInt(ToString(EndEdit->GetValue()))-1); } EndModal(1); }
int main(void) { int re; scanf("%d", &re); while(re--) { scanf("%s%s", a, b); printf("%s\n", ToStr(ToInt(a) + ToInt(b))); } return 0; }
BOOL FeedConditionDialog::OnInitDialog() { // Set title if (condition.element != 0 || condition.op != 0 || !condition.value.empty()) SetText(L"Edit Condition"); // Initialize element_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_ELEMENT)); operator_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_OPERATOR)); value_combo_.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_FEED_VALUE)); // Add elements for (int i = 0; i < kFeedFilterElement_Count; i++) element_combo_.AddItem(Aggregator.filter_manager.TranslateElement(i).c_str(), i); // Set element element_combo_.SetCurSel(condition.element); ChooseElement(condition.element); // Set operator operator_combo_.SetCurSel(operator_combo_.FindItemData(condition.op)); // Set value switch (condition.element) { case kFeedFilterElement_Meta_Id: { value_combo_.SetCurSel(0); for (int i = 0; i < value_combo_.GetCount(); i++) { int anime_id = static_cast<int>(value_combo_.GetItemData(i)); if (anime_id == ToInt(condition.value)) { value_combo_.SetCurSel(i); break; } } break; } case kFeedFilterElement_User_Status: { int value = ToInt(condition.value); value_combo_.SetCurSel(value); break; } case kFeedFilterElement_Meta_Status: case kFeedFilterElement_Meta_Type: value_combo_.SetCurSel(ToInt(condition.value) - 1); break; case kFeedFilterElement_Local_EpisodeAvailable: value_combo_.SetCurSel(condition.value == L"True" ? 1 : 0); break; default: value_combo_.SetText(condition.value); } return TRUE; }
bool IndentNode::SetProperty(std::string szProperty, std::string szValue) { if (strcmpi(szProperty.c_str(),"Indent")==0) { m_nIndent=ToInt(szValue); SetChildrenProperty("MinWidth",FromInt(m_nMinWidth-m_nIndent)); return true; } if (strcmpi(szProperty.c_str(),"MinWidth")==0) { m_nMinWidth=ToInt(szValue); SetChildrenProperty(szProperty,FromInt(m_nMinWidth-m_nIndent)); return true; } return SettingNode::SetProperty(szProperty,szValue); }
void CEMQtyAtExam::OnSetWindowEvents(){ CHMSMainFrame *pMF = (CHMSMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd(); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnYearChangeFnc); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnYearSetfocusFnc); //m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnYearKillfocusFnc); m_wndYear.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnYearCheckValueFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SELENDOK, _OnReportPeriodSelendokFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnReportPeriodSetfocusFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnReportPeriodKillfocusFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_SELCHANGE, _OnReportPeriodSelectChangeFnc); m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_LOADDATA, _OnReportPeriodLoadDataFnc); //m_wndReportPeriod.SetEvent(WE_ADDNEW, _OnReportPeriodAddNewFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnFromDateChangeFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnFromDateSetfocusFnc); //m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnFromDateKillfocusFnc); m_wndFromDate.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnFromDateCheckValueFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_CHANGE, _OnToDateChangeFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnToDateSetfocusFnc); //m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnToDateKillfocusFnc); m_wndToDate.SetEvent(WE_CHECKVALUE, _OnToDateCheckValueFnc); m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_SELENDOK, _OnRoomSelendokFnc); //m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnRoomSetfocusFnc); //m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnRoomKillfocusFnc); m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_SELCHANGE, _OnRoomSelectChangeFnc); m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_LOADDATA, _OnRoomLoadDataFnc); //m_wndRoom.SetEvent(WE_ADDNEW, _OnRoomAddNewFnc); m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_SELENDOK, _OnDoctorSelendokFnc); //m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_SETFOCUS, _OnDoctorSetfocusFnc); //m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_KILLFOCUS, _OnDoctorKillfocusFnc); m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_SELCHANGE, _OnDoctorSelectChangeFnc); m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_LOADDATA, _OnDoctorLoadDataFnc); //m_wndDoctor.SetEvent(WE_ADDNEW, _OnDoctorAddNewFnc); m_wndPrint.SetEvent(WE_CLICK, _OnPrintSelectFnc); m_wndExport.SetEvent(WE_CLICK, _OnExportSelectFnc); /*AddEvent(1, _T("Add Ctrl+A"), _OnAddEMQtyAtExamFnc, 0, 'A', VK_CONTROL); AddEvent(2, _T("Edit Ctrl+E"), _OnEditEMQtyAtExamFnc, 0, 'E', VK_CONTROL); AddEvent(3, _T("Delete Ctrl+D"), _OnDeleteEMQtyAtExamFnc, 0, 'D', VK_CONTROL); AddEvent(4, _T("Save Ctrl+S"), _OnSaveEMQtyAtExamFnc, 0, 'S', VK_CONTROL); AddEvent(0, _T("-")); AddEvent(5, _T("Cancel Ctrl+T"), _OnCancelEMQtyAtExamFnc, 0, 'T', VK_CONTROL);*/ // SetMode(VM_NONE); CString szSysDate = pMF->GetSysDate(); m_nYear = ToInt(szSysDate.Left(4)); m_szReportPeriodKey.Format(_T("%d"), ToInt(szSysDate.Mid(5, 2))); m_szFromDate = m_szToDate = pMF->GetSysDate(); m_szFromDate += _T("00:00"); m_szToDate += _T("23:59"); UpdateData(false); SetMode(VM_EDIT); }
time_t ConvertIso8601(const std::wstring& datetime) { // e.g. // "2015-02-20T04:43:50" // "2015-02-20T04:43:50.016Z" // "2015-02-20T06:43:50.016+02:00" static const std::wregex pattern( L"(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})" L"T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?:[.,]\\d+)?" L"(?:(?:([+-])(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}))|Z)?"); std::match_results<std::wstring::const_iterator> m; time_t result = -1; if (std::regex_match(datetime, m, pattern)) { tm t = {0}; t.tm_year = ToInt(m[1].str()) - 1900; t.tm_mon = ToInt(m[2].str()) - 1; t.tm_mday = ToInt(m[3].str()); t.tm_hour = ToInt(m[4].str()); t.tm_min = ToInt(m[5].str()); t.tm_sec = ToInt(m[6].str()); if (m[7].matched) { int sign = m[7].str() == L"+" ? 1 : -1; t.tm_hour += sign * ToInt(m[8].str()); t.tm_min += sign * ToInt(m[9].str()); } NeutralizeTimezone(t); t.tm_isdst = -1; result = std::mktime(&t); } return result; }
void RuntimeSpriteObject::MakeColorTransparent( const std::string & colorStr ) { if ( needUpdateCurrentSprite ) UpdateCurrentSprite(); ptrToCurrentSprite->MakeSpriteOwnsItsImage(); //We want to modify only the image of the object, not all objects which have the same image. boost::shared_ptr<SFMLTextureWrapper> dest = ptrToCurrentSprite->GetSFMLTexture(); std::vector < std::string > colors = SplitString <std::string> (colorStr, ';'); if ( colors.size() < 3 ) return; //La couleur est incorrecte //Update texture and pixel perfect collision mask dest->image.createMaskFromColor( sf::Color( ToInt(colors[0]), ToInt(colors[1]), ToInt(colors[2]))); dest->texture.loadFromImage(dest->image); }
DWriteRenderingParams * DWriteContext::GetRenderingParams( DWriteRenderingParams *params) { if (params != NULL && mRenderingParams != NULL) { params->gamma = mRenderingParams->GetGamma(); params->enhancedContrast = mRenderingParams->GetEnhancedContrast(); params->clearTypeLevel = mRenderingParams->GetClearTypeLevel(); params->pixelGeometry = ToInt(mRenderingParams->GetPixelGeometry()); params->renderingMode = ToInt(mRenderingParams->GetRenderingMode()); params->textAntialiasMode = mTextAntialiasMode; } return params; }
int FColorCVar::ToInt2 (UCVarValue value, ECVarType type) { int ret; if (type == CVAR_String) { FString string; // Only allow named colors after the screen exists (i.e. after // we've got some lumps loaded, so X11R6RGB can be read). Since // the only time this might be called before that is when loading // zdoom.ini, this shouldn't be a problem. if (screen && !(string = V_GetColorStringByName (value.String)).IsEmpty() ) { ret = V_GetColorFromString (NULL, string); } else { ret = V_GetColorFromString (NULL, value.String); } } else { ret = ToInt (value, type); } return ret; }
void FMaskCVar::DoSet (UCVarValue value, ECVarType type) { int val = ToInt(value, type) << BitNum; // Server cvars that get changed by this need to use a special message, because // changes are not processed until the next net update. This is a problem with // exec scripts because all flags will base their changes off of the value of // the "master" cvar at the time the script was run, overriding any changes // another flag might have made to the same cvar earlier in the script. if ((ValueVar.GetFlags() & CVAR_SERVERINFO) && gamestate != GS_STARTUP && !demoplayback) { // [BB] netgame && !players[consoleplayer].settings_controller -> NETWORK_InClientMode( ) if ( NETWORK_InClientMode( ) ) { Printf ("Only setting controllers can change %s\n", Name); return; } // Ugh... for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (BitVal & (1<<i)) { D_SendServerFlagChange (&ValueVar, i, !!(val & (1<<i))); } } } else { int vval = *ValueVar; vval &= ~BitVal; vval |= val; ValueVar = vval; } }
// WinMain function int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, char *CmdLine, int CmdShow) { INSTANCE *instance; is_debug = false; MayaquaMinimalMode(); InitMayaqua(false, is_debug, 0, NULL); InitCedar(); ViSetSkip(); ViLoadStringTables(); InitWinUi(_U(IDS_TITLE+skip), _A(IDS_FONT+skip), ToInt(_A(IDS_FONT_SIZE+skip))); instance = NewSingleInstance(VI_INSTANCE_NAME); if (instance == NULL) { MsgBox(NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION, _U(IDS_INSTANCE_EXISTS+skip)); } else { ViMain(); FreeSingleInstance(instance); if (sleep_before_exit) { SleepThread(60 * 1000); } } FreeWinUi(); ViFreeStringTables(); FreeCedar(); FreeMayaqua(); return 0; }
bool PListFile::LoadValue(PListValue& value, const XMLElement& valueElem) { String valueType = valueElem.GetName(); if (valueType == "string") value.SetString(valueElem.GetValue()); else if (valueType == "real") value.SetFloat(ToFloat(valueElem.GetValue())); else if (valueType == "integer") value.SetInt(ToInt(valueElem.GetValue())); else if (valueType == "true") value.SetBool(true); else if (valueType == "false") value.SetBool(false); else if (valueType == "dict") { if (!LoadDict(value.ConvertToValueMap(), valueElem)) return false; } else if (valueType == "array") { if (!LoadArray(value.ConvertToValueVector(), valueElem)) return false; } else { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Supported value type"); return false; } return true; }
void XXVar::ToIntIf() { if(nType!=XODT_FLOAT) return; int v=(int)fData; if(v==fData) ToInt(); }
// Convert the string to an integer list LIST *StrToIntList(char *str, bool sorted) { LIST *o; TOKEN_LIST *t; o = NewIntList(sorted); t = ParseTokenWithoutNullStr(str, " ,/;\t"); if (t != NULL) { UINT i; for (i = 0;i < t->NumTokens;i++) { char *s = t->Token[i]; if (IsEmptyStr(s) == false) { if (IsNum(s)) { InsertIntDistinct(o, ToInt(s)); } } } FreeToken(t); } return o; }
// Extract the build number from the version string UINT ViVersionStrToBuild(char *str) { TOKEN_LIST *t; UINT ret; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL) { return 0; } t = ParseToken(str, "."); if (t == NULL) { return 0; } ret = 0; if (t->NumTokens == 3) { ret = ToInt(t->Token[2]); } FreeToken(t); return ret; }